Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 295 16 years later, the assassin comes south

At Peach Blossom Ferry, the west wind is strong. Ding-dian-novel ..

The peach blossoms have long since fallen, leaving only a piece of dead wood.

A lonely middle-aged man stood in the wind and looked north, with deep hatred flashing in his eyes.

He is actually still very young, but the sad wrinkles on his face and the aged white hair on his temples make him look very bleak.

He could never forget fifteen years ago, which was the happiest and saddest moment in his life.

On his wedding day, his beloved was taken away.

"Li Qingshan!"

He couldn't help but whisper the name. Hatred made him tremble all over, and perhaps there was deep fear. This was not considered cowardice, that devil! Demon star! It can frighten any brave and fearless person in the world, and it can also stop the crying of ignorant children.

Thinking of this, he touched a broken bone in his arms. It was one of his ribs, and it was now covered with incantations. He rubbed his fingers on the bone. He clearly remembered the pattern of each rune on it, because he It took seven ribs to be sacrificed to make it, and it could only be used once.

This murderous bone is a secret that is not passed down in the clan. The refiner needs to cut open his own skin and flesh with his own hands, carve runes on the bones, and then cultivate them in the body for seven years. After they are taken out from the body, they still need to be sacrificed for seven years. , it is considered finished.

Condensing a malice in it, killing people invisible, you can curse the enemy to death with just a finger from a distance, even if the enemy has peerless martial arts, he will not be spared.

But few people refine the murderous bones. If there is no deep hatred, who can be so cruel and wait for fourteen years, and if he concentrates on practicing martial arts. Maybe I can get my revenge in ten years.

But his current opponent, the big devil, cannot be defeated with any martial arts. Only with this murderous bone can he have a glimmer of hope.

That beautiful face reappeared in my heart, and my hatred overtook my fear, and I muttered silently:

"It's been fifteen years, it's been a full fifteen years. I, Wuhuan, will definitely avenge me for taking away my wife!"

"Hey, that one over there. Are you leaving?"

A boatman wearing a raincoat stood on the bow. He yelled at Wuhuan.

"Go, go!"

Wuhuan was startled,

This roar contained innate true energy and was as loud as thunder. The other party was actually an innate master. Could it be that he met a stranger who was hiding in the world. Push down all the hatred and fear. He stepped forward and cupped his hands.

"Is it congenital?" The boatman stroked his beard and looked Wuhuan up and down.


"What are you going to do when you go north?"

"If you want to join the Tianxiahui, how much does it cost to cross the river?"

"Haha. Come on up, no money required."

Wuhuan boarded the ferry and asked, "Brother, is he also a member of the Tianxiahui?"

"of course?"

The boatman said proudly, he put the pole on the river bank, and the ferry flew towards the center of the river. It was just after the autumn flood, and the river was very fast. A bamboo pole fell into the river, and it was like a mainstay, showing off his extraordinary martial arts.

"Brother, with such martial arts skills, why do you work as a boatman here?"

"Of course it's to make money to support the family."

"Making money to support the family?" Wu Huan found it unbelievable how a talented person could be short of money.

"The prince and the guild leader said that getting something for nothing is the most shameful thing. Don't think that knowing a little martial arts means you are something great and can be supported by others. We members of the guild in the world must come from the masses to the masses and use our own strength. Martial arts serve the people!"

Several cheers of applause suddenly sounded in the cabin, "You are worthy of being a member of the world, and worthy of being the Prince of Xia!"

"Haha, you're welcome. My dad used to row a boat, but he rowed at most a dozen times a day. I can only row a hundred times a day, which is considered practice!"

Wu Huan lowered his eyes: "This devil is really good at winning people's hearts. You stupid fool deserves to be forced to do such a despicable job!"

The boatman looked at Wu Huan again: "Of course, if anyone with evil intentions wants to sneak into the northern border, they have to get through me first! Look at your appearance, brother. You are from the southern border. I heard that the reactionary forces there are particularly stubborn. .”

Wu Huan's heart skipped a beat: "I am by no means a reactionary force, but I come here to serve you because I admire your prince's reputation as a hero!"

"That's good, but you're not afraid of me. The prince said that all reactionaries are paper tigers. If the leader hadn't been kind and didn't want to kill indiscriminately, he would have crushed all the bullshit families and sects!"

"Yes Yes Yes."

Wuhuan nodded repeatedly, and as soon as he reached the other side, he jumped out of the boat and hurried northward. He could no longer listen to the flattery of the villains on the boat to the devil.

The boatman stood on the bow of the boat, looking coldly at his back.

A businessman whispered: "Boss Zhao, there is something wrong with that guy! Whenever we talk about the prince, he looks unnatural."

"They're probably spies from the south. I've seen this kind of people a lot. I'll report them to him later. Humph, let's see how big a wave he can make!"

Wuhuan walked in a hurry, thinking that he was in enemy territory, he regretted his mistake just now. But he quickly calmed down and realized that he never thought he could go back alive.

So I became even more vigilant. I only needed to see the devil once, and that was enough!

Although this is my first time in the North, I don’t have to worry about getting lost. A thoroughfare leads directly to the foot of Peking City, which was the Pegasus City back then.

The weather is already cold, and the first snow is about to arrive, but the roads are still very lively with cars and horses coming and going. There are villages from time to time along the road, and there are also several small cities connected to it, which are actually much more prosperous than the middle territory he has walked through.

The number of masters is far greater than anywhere else, but most of these masters are not wearing bright clothes and angry horses, holding knives and swords. Some of them are rushing to harvest with sickles. The cold light flashes, and the wheat falls in pieces. . Some took a hammer and smashed a huge boulder into pieces with a bang, and then used stones to pave the road.

The sickle and hammer are not only made of the finest fine iron, but also possess spirituality, even if they are not inferior to those legendary famous swords.

A group of people rushed up to tie the wheat. The young man put down his sickle and said to the old man squatting on the edge of the field: "Okay, uncle, we've finished cutting!"

"After cutting, go back to the village and have a drink."

"Drinking is drinking, and you can't have too little money."

"You are a big man. It's really good to practice martial arts. You can cut it faster than all the people in our village put together!"

"Hmph, of course. I am known as the 'wheat-cutting expert' in the martial arts world. When I was a model worker, the wind sickle in my hand was given to me by Gu Guizhu himself. I cut all the wheat within a hundred miles."

"Oh, you are really promising. Your father deserves to send you to the Youth Hall to learn martial arts."

"It has nothing to do with that old drunkard. I was clearly chosen by Hall Master Lei himself. Hall Master Lei also used a knife back then."

"That is the grace of Prince Xia."

"Yeah. This sounds like a human saying."

"You little brat, if I don't beat you up today, I won't be your uncle!"

The strong man put the hammer on his shoulder and wiped his sweat. Waving his hand: "Okay. Call it a day! Let's continue tomorrow!" He took a look at today's progress. There was a burst of joy in my heart. When this road is built, the town will be able to pass large vehicles.

He didn't start practicing martial arts only after the world meeting came. A hammering technique has been passed down in the family, and it is somewhat famous in the North. But since you are famous, it is inevitable that some people will challenge you and try to step on you to become famous. So he practiced martial arts hard every day to avoid losing his family's prestige.

However, in recent years, the World Council has issued laws that not only prohibit private fights, but challenge a duel is a serious crime. Prince Xia said: "Everyone is destined to die. It may be heavier than mountains and rivers, or it may be as light as a feather. To benefit the people and fight against evil forces. Death is more important than mountains and rivers. Fighting for fame and wealth, being brave and fighting to death is as light as a feather, not even as good as a pig. Killing a pig can still eat its meat, and a person has to pay for a coffin when he dies. "

So he was finally freed from the practice field and no longer had to stay at home waiting for others to challenge him. Rather than smashing people's brains out with a hammer, he preferred to smash rocks to build roads.

Wuhuan suddenly heard the sound of strong wind behind him and looked back, feeling horrified!

Several young men chased after them, wearing the same black outfit and embroidered cloud boots. They had the power of Lingxu to control the wind, and they used the ultimate lightness skill of the Kamikaze sect.

"Oops, I must have exposed myself at the dock, and the world will send people to hunt me down!"

Wu Huan believed that his martial arts skills were superior to those of these young men, but their light skills also made him afraid. Once he was entangled here, they would inevitably attract more masters. So I mobilized my true energy and accelerated my speed.

"The old boy in front seems to want to compete with our brothers."

"Compete, let's compete, who is afraid of whom!"

The few young men looked at each other and sped up to catch up.

Wuhuan was not good at Qinggong. After running for hundreds of miles, he felt a little weak, but he was still able to get away from those young people. He thought to himself: "If I keep running like this, my true energy will be exhausted!" "

When I came to a remote place, I felt a sudden change in my heart. I went into the woods beside the road, stood still, breathed evenly, and prepared to fight and cut off these tails completely!

"Come on, Li Qingshan's hunting dogs!"

The young men stopped on the road, holding their knees and panting.

"This old boy runs really fast!"

"Brothers, are you still chasing me?"

"Fuck you, if you don't deliver the goods tonight, do you want to have your wages deducted?"

"Are you delivering goods?"

Wu Huan walked out of the woods, his eyes widened. Only then did I understand why the business travelers on the road seemed so unfazed.

"Hey, man, your qinggonggong is pretty good! Not many people can beat our brothers on this road, but at first glance, you are not a local. We are not delivery people, we are couriers, express with the wind!"

Wuhuan was speechless. He had heard too many new words today. In the past, there were people with such light skills in the martial arts world. Many of them were one-legged thieves and flower-picking thieves. I had never heard of anyone who was dedicated to giving gifts to others. Goods.

He watched helplessly as several young people disappeared under the sunset. It was not that his Qinggong was not good, but that his heart was too tired.

"Hmph, even if you are a big thief and a prostitute, you can travel freely and freely. It's better than being a slave running errands for others!"

Wuhuan walked slowly, and when the sun was setting, he passed by a small village. He felt his mouth was dry, so he walked over quickly.


He was about to find a place to get something to eat and drink when a shout of death suddenly sounded from behind the wall in front of him, and his relaxed nerves suddenly became tense.

"There's an ambush!" (To be continued...)

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