Chapter 41: The harvest is fruitful

Li Qingshan continued: "Well, if you are a good person, you will be beaten on the left cheek and stretched out on the right cheek. If you can't stand being a bad person, you will kill six relatives and deny it if you see someone. If you can't save the common people, you will kill the common people. What is not a mental illness? Supernatural powers, you should be enlightened, and you should cultivate, but don’t take it too seriously.”

As a result, a certain power above the nine heavens was downgraded to the level of mental illness.

If Qingniu was here, he would definitely praise him, but it wasn't because what Li Qingshan said was amazing, and what a superb wisdom he showed. On the contrary, what he said was a bit mind-numbing, but thinking about the philosophy of life and the avenues of heaven and earth was never what he was good at.

He is not wise, without great wisdom and wisdom. Those who are not benevolent, do not have great mercy and compassion.

He is a brave man, with an arrogant and domineering spirit on his body.

This kind of words is simple, but even a great cultivator who is thousands of times stronger than Li Qingshan can only carefully comprehend and understand the spiritual powers created by the immortals and Buddhas in the misty nine heavens. It is absolutely impossible to say like Li Qingshan, "Don't take it too seriously."

One cannot be without fear, but the brave are fearless. You are saying that the sky is broken, and the magical power is just a tool in my hand, and it exists to speed my mind. Never let any idea be against the customer and occupy your own thoughts.

Li Qingshan's earnest teaching, Xiao An is of course regarded as a good idea, and he should pay more attention to the essence of "Zhu Yan Bai Gu Dao". Although I always felt that there was something wrong with what Li Qingshan said, it was definitely not Li Qingshan's fault, but that he had not yet figured it out, or that the eminent monk also had a problem. However, he was freed from the troubled and mysterious thoughts, so that he would not be too deeply affected by the supernatural power.

No one would have imagined such a miraculous effect when a teacher with half a bucket of water meets an obsessed student.

Li Qingshan is quite complacent, no matter how talented and intelligent, Xiao An is still a child, and he still needs his own guidance like a beacon.

While speaking, Li Qingshan's stomach growled again. After the war, he was always hungry, so he went out to eat a big meal and closed the door when he came back.

Li Qingshan suppressed the excitement in his heart and took out Qian Yannian's treasure bag, "Let's see now, what's the harvest of this trip!"

As soon as he injected his True Qi into it, he couldn't help but exclaimed in amazement. The space inside was the size of a utility room. It was the largest treasure bag he had obtained so far, and it was bigger than Zhao Liangqing's one.

Zhao Liangqing's treasure bag,

Li Qingshan was afraid that there would be a mark on it, so he didn't dare to carry it on his body. This one can be replaced by the one from Yinglangwei.

In the treasure bag, there are all kinds of things, which are dazzling.

The first thing Li Qingshan wanted to collect was medicinal pills.

Qian Rongzhi finally didn't lie about one thing. He took out the small porcelain jars and put them on the table. After a while, the table was filled. Although the Qian family's medicine refining skills did not seem to be very good. The gas condensing pills are at least the size of longan, and a bottle can only hold three.

But even so, there are more than 400 pieces. This book, Qian Yannian's biggest weapon to control the Qian family, is now cheaper than Li Qingshan. With these medicinal pills, it is enough to make him go to the next level on the Demon Dao.

"Bull Demon Strong Boxing" can probably be practiced to the second level! Then you can start practicing "Tiger Demon Refining Bone Fist". As for the "Ling Turtle Zhenhai Jue", Li Qingshan practiced every day, basically when he was refining qi, no exception, most of the power of the condensing pill was swallowed by it. Although Li Du's first catastrophe and turned into a demon general, there is still a long way to go, but he is walking fast on this road.

Hundreds of bottles of condensing gas pills were crowded together. Li Qingshan looked at it with a sense of relief. The poor man smiled like a rich man. He took out one and threw it into the air, but instead of swallowing it directly, it was like eating candy. contain. Dozens of herbs were made into Qi condensing pills, which were extremely bitter and irritated the mouth. But Li Qingshan tasted a sweet taste like tea.

Seeing Li Qingshan frowning, the corners of his mouth curled up, Xiao An counted the qi pills on the table again, inexplicably remembered the scene of Qian Rongzhi talking to the corpse.

And the medicinal pill is not just one kind of condensing pills, there are also several bottles of medicinal pills that are similar to Zhulu pills and are more cherished, called Baicao pills. It is an enhanced version of Qi Condensation Pills, because it requires more precious herbs and higher requirements for alchemy skills, so the number is very small, only a dozen in total. Li Qingshan is going to reserve it for critical moments and use it when breaking through the realm.

In addition, there are also pills such as Huoxue Pills, which are used to strengthen qi and blood. Obviously, the old ghost Qian Yannian knows that his life is not long and wants to live a few more years.

Twenty-seven spiritual talismans, more than all the spiritual talismans Li Qingshan had obtained since he practiced. Looking at the twists and turns of the dragon and snake's handwriting, Li Qingshan could only recognize a small part of them, and five of them were medium-grade talismans. Thunder talisman, this talisman is extremely powerful. If it is in an open field in thunderstorm weather, it can even lead down thunder from the sky, and its lethality is amazing.

Not to mention other magic talismans, but talking about these five lightning talismans, if Qian Yannian used them together without hesitation, he would be able to kill almost any qi cultivator below the sixth floor, and even the 6th floor qi cultivator would not dare to be careless.

If Li Qingshan hadn't had the incarnation of a monster, he would be dead if he came to trouble Qian Yannian.

However, what made Li Qingshan a little regretful was that there were not a few spiritual weapons among them, and only two were of low quality. Obviously, Qian Yannian was not good at refining weapons, and it was impossible for him to go out and kill Qi refiners like the Eagle Wolf Guard. .

These two low-grade spiritual weapons, one is a patterned Hidden Sword that is more than one foot long, but after injecting infuriating energy, a five-foot sword beam emerges and turns into a super-long sword, which Li Qingshan immediately gave to him. Xiao An.

Another spiritual tool is somewhat special, a wooden round shield the size of a washbasin. When he tried to inject infuriating energy into it, the small round shield suddenly became the size of a grinding disc and became much thicker.

Li Qingshan had long known that some spiritual tools could change their form, such as the iron ruler in Wang Pushi's hand, but this was the first time he had obtained such a spiritual tool, and it was still in a defensive form.

But this spiritual tool is very in line with his heart. With this thing, he can hold a giant shield and run rampant. When he encounters an enemy, he will shoot down with a shield. Who can stop it.

In addition to these, it is some secular things. The first thing to recommend is real gold and silver, 1.5 million taels of silver notes, which is less than expected. Qian Yannian has been entrenched in the ancient wind city for so many years, but the accumulation Not as good as Zhao Liangqing from the ** Building. And think about it, the Qian family has a big business, and there are many people who need to support, and I am afraid that a lot of money is in the hands of the managers below.

However, it is not just banknotes that are money, there are also a large number of real estate deeds. At a glance, the Qian family occupied most of the real estate in Ancient Wind City, as well as 10,000 mu of fertile fields outside the city.

According to the law, all the gains of the Eagle and Wolf Guards in the execution of the mission belong to him. Li Qingshan became a big landlord overnight. Thinking of the days he spent in the cowshed, he couldn't help feeling filled with emotion.

Originally, Li Qingshan wanted to look for Qian Yannianxiu's sword qi technique, but he couldn't find it, but he didn't feel sorry for it. Anyway, he would have meritorious service when he went back. Moreover, before practicing the "Innate Qi Refinement Art" to the ninth level, he did not intend to change the cultivation method, find a new cultivation method, and was not in a hurry.

The celebratory sounds outside the window have not ceased. The gongs and drums are roaring, and firecrackers are blaring. It seems that the noise will last all night.

Li Qingshan smiled slightly, swallowed another qi pill, and began to practice.

Xiao An also sat cross-legged beside him like an old monk.

In the early morning of the next day, a magistrate with a bitter face but a smile on his face knocked on Li Qingshan's door. When he saw Li Qingshan, he was shocked. Lord Wei, who is so young, almost wondered if he was wrong.

Li Qingshan said: "What's the matter with your lord?"

The magistrate was very familiar with this voice that rang through the night sky last night, and he was sure that the person in front of him was correct and that he meant it.

Li Qingshan didn't know whether to laugh or cry. The magistrate wanted to take him to parade the streets, saying that the sedan chairs downstairs were ready, of course he refused.

The magistrate did not dare to persuade him. Who would dare to force such a fierce person.

Li Qingshan said: "Compared to this matter, it is better to let people dispose of the corpses on the mountain. Now the weather is hot, don't let the plague be born."

The county magistrate said: "My lord reminds me that Xiaguan has already sent someone to deal with it. Not far from Qianfu, there is a Tiankeng at the foot of Xishan. Xiaguan summoned the people and transported the corpses there for burial, but the people thought it was dirty. And it is the corpse of the Qian family, so they are unwilling to contribute."

Li Qingshan thought thoughtfully: "There should be a lot of gold and silver utensils left in the Qian Mansion. You can send someone to search them and use them as wages for the people. Be sure to handle this matter properly today without making any mistakes."

The magistrate was overjoyed, and hurriedly responded, thinking that this adult is really sympathetic to the people! If Li Qingshan did not speak, who would dare to touch the things in the Qianfu.

Li Qingshan had another plan in his mind. He sent the magistrate away, returned to his room, and said to Xiao An, "Is it really possible to practice like this?"

Xiao An nodded.

Li Qingshan said: "How long will it take?"

Xiao An shook his head.

Li Qingshan said: "Okay, let's stay for a while, and it's just time to calm down and practice for a while, and then return to Jiaping City, I'm afraid the heart will not be so quiet."

"Hello, Li Qingshan!"

In Jiaping City, Eagle Wolf Guard Station, in a small garden, Zhuo Zhibo was holding a letter, his eyes jumped, his anger was furious, and he smashed the stone table with one palm.

The informant in Qinghe Mansion gave him a reply, and finally knew what happened outside Qingyang City, under the Lone Pine.


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