Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 42 Tiger, Viper, Vulture

Chapter 42: Tigers, Vipers, and Vultures

Li Qingshan didn't have any background at all, and even Wang Pushi didn't like him very much, so he simply sent him under his command. Shengtang. If Gu Yanying really cared about this kid, then Wang Pushi could not ignore this kid. Just like Wang Pushi, if he cared about one person, then Zhuo Zhibo had to serve him carefully.

This is the simplest truth, Zhuo Zhibo is really overly cautious, just in case, and the thing that affects him the most is that kid's attitude, which is simply too arrogant, giving him a feeling of having a strong background.

When the cruel truth was revealed, Zhuo Zhibo only felt that he had been played hard, his face turned red at first and then ashen, and his anger at Li Qingshan suddenly erupted.

"Commander Zhuo, calm down!" Ge Jian persuaded with interest.

Zhuo Zhibo said coldly: "I am under the command of Xuan Ying, above a million people, I don't know how many lives I have in my hands, I don't know how many years I have, no one dares to play with me like this, Li Qingshan, Li Qingshan, you are amazing! "

Ge Jian said: "But that kid is in Ancient Wind City, and he must not be able to come back. Why should the commander be angry with a dead man?"

Zhuo Zhibo said: "I just wish I could kill him with my own hands, and that Zhou Wenbin is not a good thing."

Ge Jian said: "He is a county magistrate alone here, and he doesn't even have a Qi refiner. Why should the commander tolerate him so much? We, the Eagle Wolf Guard, have the responsibility of monitoring, so it is better to find some criminal evidence and sue him. "

Zhuo Zhibo said: "Shut up, what criminal evidence does he have for you to search for? He was born in a hundred scholastic academies and has countless classmates. Even the prefect admires him very much. If I turn against him, I will only disappoint Commander Wang."

Ge Jian said: "Yes, my lord, the little one made a blunder."

Zhuo Zhibo said: "Now let's wait for the news that the kid died in the line of duty!" Then he immediately went to Ancient Wind City, killed the Qian family, avenged Li Qingshan, and showed the prestige of the Eagle Wolf Guard. That old man Qian, over the years, should have saved a lot of things, it's time to start a knife. 《》.

This was Qian Rongzhi's original plan, killing two birds with one stone, eliminating the Qian family and Li Qingshan, and giving Zhuo Zhibo a rich trophy.


In the evening, Li Qingshan came to what the magistrate said, in front of the Tiankeng at the foot of Xishan. The pit was not particularly large that day, but it was more than enough to accommodate the corpses of a thousand people.

A strong rancid smell came from the Tiankeng, and Li Qingshan also subconsciously held his breath.

In just one day, the corpse was severely decomposed, and it was even more unbearable than the strong bloody smell last night.

The people who were summoned were carrying the corpse, stripped off the clothes, and threw it into the fire on the side, and then threw Bai huāhuā's body into the tiankeng.

Everyone frowned and ran a damp cloth along their nose and mouth. If the magistrate had not paid a lot of money and threatened with plague, no one would want to come. Not only is the stench unbearable, but it also feels unlucky.

A wisp of black smoke rose from the fire and went straight into the sky. There was no wind in the four fields. The dim yellow sunset that was about to fall still exuded a scorching temperature, causing the foul air to twist slightly.

Hundreds of crows, whistling and circling in the sky, flew down from time to time to peck at the eyes of the corpse.

All of this, compared with last night, is even more deadly.

In the world, there is probably nothing more filthy than this.

The magistrate had been hiding far away, but when he heard that Li Qingshan was also coming, he rushed up and said, "My lord, you can see that this matter has been handled properly by Xiaguan."

Li Qingshan nodded, and before he could reply, the magistrate glanced at Tiankeng, covered his mouth and vomited, and finally left in embarrassment.

When all the corpses were thrown into the sky pit, the villagers filled the excavated soil into the pit. This work was almost completed when the sun set and night fell.

Li Qingshan hesitated for a moment, then put the porcelain altar in his hand into the center of the Tiankeng. ("".) Let the people and husbands bury it together with the corpse.

Li Qingshan stood by the Tiankeng for a long time, and the stench did not dissipate after a long time.

"Did you know? Where there are corpses buried, the grass and trees will grow especially well. When I was a child, I poisoned a dog and buried it in the house. Since then, every year, the flowers have bloomed especially well. Fresh yàn."

Li Qingshan turned back, Diao Fei and Qian Rongzhi were standing not far away.

Qian Rongzhi stepped forward and looked at Tiankeng: "In less than a year, this is the place with the most lush vegetation."

Li Qingshan inadvertently answered her ravings, Diao Fei said: "The task has been completed, it's time for us to go back?"

Li Qingshan said: "I have to stay for a while, and dispose of the property and fields, you go back first!"

Qian Rongzhi said sarcastically, "You don't want to escape, do you? You don't know Gu Yanying at all, do you? With a leopard like you, how could you know such a nv person? Now, Zhuo Zhibo has probably investigated it clearly. Now, going back is your death. But how did you escape? A single charge of betraying the Eagle and Wolf Guards is enough to make you have no place in the world."

Li Qingshan grabbed Qian Rongzhi's neck and said calmly, "Believe it or not, I will kill you now? Bury you with these people."

"Stop, Qingshan!" Diao Fei stepped forward to stop him, Li Qingshan raised his left hand to him, and he stopped.

Qian Rongzhi said with difficulty: "If you want to kill me, you have to kill Diao Fei to silence him. Would you do that?"

Diao Fei's face changed drastically, he involuntarily took a few steps back and became vigilant. After last night, he no longer believed that he would be Li Qingshan's opponent.

Li Qingshan's face was expressionless, his hands gradually tightened, Qian Rongzhi's face was flushed, and there was fear in her eyes, just when she felt that her neck was about to be snapped, she suddenly loosened, and she fell to her knees, gasping for breath. .

Li Qingshan said: "Don't mess with me." To Qian Rongzhi's resentful eyes: "Go back and tell Zhuo Zhibo that I will go back to Jiaping soon. If he can't wait, he can come to Gufeng City to find me and wait for me at any time."

Then he squatted down and said to Qian Rongzhi, "If you want to harm me, then you'd better be prepared. There is only one chance. If you fail, I will spare no effort to kill you. Of course, you'd better die. If you don't have this heart, or I'm in a bad mood one day, maybe I'll kill you, just to make myself happy."

The resentment was gradually replaced by fear. Under the calm words, Qian Rongzhi felt an indescribable oppression. The feeling of suffocation was even deeper than being strangled by the neck just now.

"I...Is it any good for me to harm you?" Qian Rongzhi said with a stiff expression, avoiding Li Qingshan's gaze.

The so-called "wicked people have their own wicked grind", when her poisonous evil met Li Qingshan's strong and cruel "evil", she naturally flinched.

Li Qingshan stood up, left Tiankeng, and went to Ancient Wind City.

Qian Rongzhi stood up, brushed off the dirt on her body, adjusted her clothes, and her face returned to a smile. Looking at Li Qingshan's back, she said to herself, "A... chance?"

Diao Fei felt a chill in his heart and asked, "Are you going back?"

Qian Rongzhi smiled and said, "I finally returned home once, how can I leave so quickly?"

Hearing her answer, Diao Fei breathed a sigh of relief. He was clearly the third-level qi-refining man with the highest realm among the three, and he was also the oldest and had the most experience in walking the rivers and lakes. Even his fame is much louder. His name, Uncle Diao Fei Diao, is also well-known in the arena. It is definitely not comparable to the "Black Tiger" and the like. It is notoriously tricky and difficult to deal with.

But between the two of them, he seemed to live in the midst of poisonous snakes and fierce tigers, and he always had the feeling that he would die at any time.

And this is not an illusion. Whether it is Qian Rongzhi's poisonous scheme or Li Qingshan's tough tactics, Diao Fei's personal safety is very insecure, and the risk factor is extremely high.

Qian Rongzhi asked Qian Yannian to harm Li Qingshan, and Diao Fei would be killed in one piece. When Li Qingshan faced Qian Yannian directly, if Qian Yannian directly made a killing move, summoned the Gengjin sword qi, and even attracted the thunder talisman, he was also likely to kill him. Although Li Qingshan would not sit idly by, but he would never abuse his identity as a demon for him.

I have to say that Diao Feifei did not experience those life-and-death crises in vain, and he felt very keen.

And just now, when the black tiger held down the colorful viper and let out a threatening growl, the innocent Diao Fei naturally became the viper's bargaining chip, and then let the tiger think, is it right? Be ruthless.

Diao Fei left in a hurry, and finally glanced back at Qian Rongzhi from afar, then disappeared into the darkness completely, and decided not to carry out the mission with the two of them again, no, to keep a distance from them.

The fresh poisonous snake stood in front of the thousand corpse pit she created by herself, silently brewing new venom, she even thanked the black tiger for the threat just now, when she showed her fangs, it was her death, even if it was successful , will be torn apart by furious tigers.

But she didn't feel too worried. Forbearance was the best quality of a poisonous snake. She could endure it for more than ten years in the Qian family, and she endured until everyone thought she had been completely tamed and had no resentment towards the Qian family. , and even asked Qian Yannian to let her go to Jiaping City as a hawk and wolf guard.

Because she was on the second floor of Qi refining three years ago, she was able to leave the Qian family. At that time, Qian Yannian had basically trusted her and did not restrict her freedom at all. If she wanted to, she could escape completely and leave the Qian family Qian Yannian couldn't find her.

If it was an ordinary person, it would have been unbearable for a long time, and he would take this opportunity to fly away. But she didn't. She was willing to endure the humiliation for three more years and behaved more tame than ever before winning more trust. Just waiting for this chance, stab the venom into the throat of the enemy.

She will continue to wait silently, waiting for an opportunity that may never appear, but she feels that there is probably no need for her to do anything. The shadow of a vulture in the sky has already covered the tiger. Although the tiger was ferocious and ferocious, it was still too young.

ps: I like these three metaphors very much, um, it's really wonderful! If you like it, vote for a monthly ticket to agree! ^_^

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