Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 43 Bone-quenching Cang Yan

Chapter 43

However, Qian Yannian felt that the whole thing was quite strange. [very literary].

What kind of person Li Qingshan is, she has already figured out a thing or two, maybe brave and strong, but by no means lacking in brains. With the second level of qi refining against the sixth level of qi refining, everyone knew that it was the man's arm, but he was not afraid.

And she deliberately tested it just now, and it proved once again that he really had no background to rely on, so what did he rely on?

When he came, that night on the boat, Qian Rongming went to trouble with Li Qingshan. He didn't die in Diao Fei's hands, but died in his hands because he used a special method to hide his own strength.

Could it be that his real strength is not only the second level of Qi refining?

Qian Rongzhi's heart moved, Zhao Liangqing and Furong disappeared inexplicably, perhaps by accident. But she understands Qian Yannian's strength very well. Even if she can avoid the two Gengjin Qi swords, and there are many powerful magic talismans in the treasure bag, how can it be useless?

She closed her eyes and began to try hard to recall, washing away the blood and madness, and the scene of that night reappeared in front of her eyes.

Qian Yannian glared at her, but never said a word, why? His jaw was shattered. There were many scars on his body, but the most fatal one was on his chest, so he could easily be penetrated by her water sting.

When Qian Yannian came out, he was almost a breath away. Li Qingshan seemed to be very embarrassed when he was beaten out, but he didn't have any decent injuries at all, and he defeated Qian Yannian head-on.

Li Qingshan must have a very strong killer to dare to be so arrogant.

Considering the scars on Qian Yannian's body, Li Qingshan's body refining technique is likely to be much stronger than what he showed. Strong enough to take Qian Yannian's treasure bag in an instant, smash his jaw, penetrate his chest, and then pretend to be knocked off by him. In this way, everything made sense, and all Li Qingshan's words and deeds became reasonable.

As the saying goes, "A thief is a villain, more intelligent than a gentleman." Li Qingshan never imagined that his actions would be described in such detail.

Qian Rongzhi saw another scene, the tiger crouching in the jungle, waiting for the vulture to descend from the sky. Who is the hunter and who is the prey is unknown!

Zhuo Zhibo, that idiot, falsely claimed the word "wisdom", but he couldn't see the hidden crisis in it. As expected, like Qian Yannian, he seemed shrewd and old-fashioned, but he was actually rotten and stupid. But it's not their fault, they have been able to suppress everyone with their strength for too long, and naturally they are too lazy to use their brains.

Of course she wouldn't kindly remind Zhuo Zhibo, or that sentence, she was happy who died, and it was best to die together.

For the first time, she felt that Li Qingshan had a better chance of winning, because he was in the dark, and the people in the dark were terrible, and she had a deep understanding of this. ^/Very literary/^ If you use this matter to threaten Li Qingshan, he will definitely die. If you go back and report to Zhuo Zhibo, I am afraid it will not do any good, and if you lose the bet, you will be buried with Zhuo Zhibo. Li Qingshan's warning is no joke.

Then, if you bet on Li Qingshan, can you get a share of Zhuo Zhibo's body?

She seriously thought about all possibilities, and being a cunning villain was indeed much more difficult than being a prudent gentleman.

At this time, she is absolutely calm and rational, even more broad-minded than a gentleman, completely putting aside personal honor and disgrace, everything is mercenary.

In the Tiankeng, a gloomy wind suddenly hit Qian Rongzhi, making her vest feel cold, and before she knew it, the night was already sinking.

She turned her head and saw a cloud of green ghosts floating above the Tiankeng.

Even ordinary people are shocked, let alone her, the culprit, but she just laughed and scolded: "Dead ghost!" Then she temporarily put aside Li Qingshan, and more important things, waiting for her to do it. !

Now, it's time for a real trip home.

She raised her head and smiled slightly towards the starry sky. Father, mother, brothers and sisters, you all wait!

After Qian Rongzhi left, in the Tiankeng, under the thick soil, amazing changes are taking place [Dzi Bead Transformation].

The cobweb-like cracks on the porcelain altar smashed into pieces, and the corpse was burned with blood flames.

The dark bottom of the pit turned into a bright sea of ​​fire, and the foul-smelling corpse turned into a bright and clean rising flame.

On the top of the tiankeng, that little bit of ghost fire disappeared.

Whoops, thousands of bones were scattered at the bottom of the pit.

Xiao An sat cross-legged in the center of the raging blood inflammation, while manipulating the blood inflammation, while absorbing the energy in the blood inflammation.

At the bottom of the pit, a skull headed forward, with his dark eye sockets open, and stared at him silently.

Xiao An pointed down the phalanx, and the blood inflammation differentiated into a thousand flaming snakes, which penetrated into the skull.

The dark eye sockets also lit up with the same blood inflammation as his, all the skeletons were shaking violently, colliding with each other constantly, making a bang bang bang bang, and then they flew up, and the bones were spliced ​​together. .

Thousands of large and small skeletons jumped at the bottom of the pit and danced in the flames. The sound of the bones hitting music was like music, and the sound of the jaws colliding was like singing. Around the center, Xiao An, seems to be a grand memorial ceremony.

The burning corpse blood inflammation can be differentiated, reside in other skeletons, and have a feeling with Xiao An, driven by the mind, he has long known that, but this is meaningless, fragile bones, I am afraid that even low-level warriors can't beat.

A skull flew up and landed in Xiao An's hands.

Eye socket and eye socket look at each other, and blood inflammation and blood inflammation burn together.

Burning corpse and blood inflammation, the bright red color gradually revealed a trace of paleness.

Xiao An's eye sockets shone with joy, and "The Way of Zhu Yan and White Bone" went into a second level of flame - Bone-quenching Cang Yan.

Fire, as its name suggests, can quench bones.

If it was an ordinary flame, no matter how hot it was, it could only turn the bones into coke, but under the licking of the bone-quenching Cang Yan, the skulls melted like sugar. This process was extremely slow and unbelievable.

After a long time, the skull was completely dissolved, turning into a drop of pale liquid and dripping into his forehead.

Then he raised his hand, and a bone arm fell into his hand, continuing to quench.

While quenching the bones, the quenching Cangyan also became more and more grand, and at the same time quenching Xiao An's body of the bones,

This process is a hundred times more painful than when practicing with blood, like countless steel needles and bone saws grinding stones, cutting and sharpening his body.

Ordinary people will go crazy with pain in an instant, or even die in pain. Not to mention persevering, but in his eyes, the flames were burning, and there was no fear at all.

Whenever he felt that he was about to be unbearable, a blizzard filled his eyes, and he returned to the ice sword cliff again, that blizzard night.

Li Qingshan waved him aside, told him to go away, then disappeared into the wind and snow, and went to climb the ice cliff by himself, reaching a dead end.

He stood alone in the wind and snow for a long time, he didn't listen to his words and hide, but his body was stiff, bone-chilling, and he wondered, is he going to die? Then he fell to his knees, his whole body split in pain.

In the end, he caught up, and at a critical moment, he helped Li Qingshan, because he didn't know at all, where else could he go?

When everything was over, he looked at Li Qingshan and roared in the sky. He was speechless, but he gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.

That night, the impact on his soul was no less than Li Qingshan's.

Compared with the pain at that time, what is this moment?

The raging bone-quenching flames enveloped him, quenching a trace of impurities, and at the same time incorporating more bone fluid, the cycle went on and on.

Before reshaping his physical body, he has to reshape his bones, become stronger, and follow in his footsteps.


Li Qingshan came to the county government office and handed over a pile of land deeds to the county magistrate, and let him sell it at auction on his behalf.

The magistrate was flattered, "Sir, I'm afraid this won't be sold out in no time."

Li Qingshan said: "I know the time is urgent, even if I discount the price, it will be a benefit to the people of Ancient Wind City." With a huge sum of hundreds of Qi Condensation Pills in hand, he doesn't really care about the money, and he also thinks about it. Burn it after a while, but it will definitely bring a big turmoil to the ancient wind city, so Fang took this method.

The magistrate said: "My lord, my merits are immeasurable. For the people of Ancient Wind City, I would like to thank you for your kindness."

Merit? Li Qingshan smiled, he didn't believe this, "within a month, just do this." No warning, he didn't believe that the magistrate dared to pit him, at most it was a bit of oil and water, that's natural.

The magistrate said, "Sir, what else is there?"

Li Qingshan turned around and walked out the door: "I will live in the city for a while, just don't bother me."

As the biggest landowner in the city, Li Qingshan certainly would not stay in an inn, but chose a small house on the mountainside. It is not far from Qianfu, the surroundings are very quiet, and most importantly, you can see Tiankeng here. .

He stood in the yard, there was a grape trellis in the courtyard, a rocking chair under the grape trellis, and a large water tank with fire beside it, a few carp were raised in the tank, swimming freely, the dark water rippled with a Curved moon.

Although Xiao An didn't say it, he vaguely sensed that "Zhu Yan Bai Bone Dao" was an extremely powerful supernatural power, it didn't need panacea and elixir, the speed of cultivation was extremely fast, and its power was astonishing.

However, everything is equal, you need to have talents that ordinary people can't reach, and you need to endure pain that ordinary people can't bear.

Although Xiao An is only a child, he is a very smart and strong child. He doesn't need to worry too much. The only thing he worries about is the future, their future.

After so many years, Xiao An's family is probably long gone! Maybe just go back to remember a few tombs, and then let me adopt him.

Li Qingshan scratched his head for a while: "Haha, it's really a demon."

In the end, I decided that I didn't want so much, so I just sat on the ground, threw a gas condensing pill into my mouth, chewed it and smashed it, the strong bitter taste spread, but my mind was clear, and then I began to practice.

A ray of sunlight fell on his eyelids, his eyelashes fluttered a few times, and he opened his eyes.

On the eastern horizon, ten thousand clouds are burning, a red sun slowly but firmly rushes into the sky, spreading endless light and heat, dispelling the mist, and the endless golden wheat fields, causing waves in the morning breeze.


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