Chapter 44 Zimo Red Dust

Looking down from here, the ancient mountain city looks like a set of stairs, and the houses and buildings are built on these stairs. At this time, they are all plated with a layer of red light. !dank an win call)

In the staggered alleys and streets, many people flowed, merchants, breakfast sellers, grocery buyers, and merchants who got up early to travel, a scene of red dust.

Looking down from here, the vision is extremely wide, and the heart is also magnified.

"The scenery here is so good?" Li Qingshan was slightly amazed, took a deep breath, punched, and moved his hands and feet.

Sensing the flow of true qi in his body, he took nine qi condensing pills last night, and it grew a little bit stronger.

He was not in a hurry to cultivate the demon body, and swallowed a large amount of condensing gas pills all at once.

Because I have a premonition that I will stay here for a while, the next Qi Condensation Pill will be obtained from Jiaping City. If a large number of medicinal pills are taken, causing the green and yellow to fail, it is better to take it slowly, and the demon body will naturally absorb some of the medicinal power.

From the room, he found the old clothes of the original owner, changed the black wolf clothes on him, then opened the door, walked down the stairs, and had a meal in a shop with the word "tea" hanging on it. special snack.

He felt that his great dream of eating delicious food all over the world had come true a little bit, and then he was satisfied and continued walking. He walked slowly on purpose, admiring the scene along the street.

I don't know how long it has been, he hasn't calmed down so much and did such a thing. Since the beginning of the practice, the whole day has become tense and urgent. Even if he returns to the world and arrives at the ancient city of Jiaping, he will be dealing with a steady stream of changes.

To punish the traitor and eliminate the evil, to assassinate the strong enemy, to guard against the enemy, even if you have some spare time, you must seize the time to practice, and dare not be slack.

I almost forgot what it was like to be leisurely, thinking back to the days when I was herding cattle on the Wo Niugang, looking at the mountains, playing a flute, avoiding the oppression of my brother and sister-in-law, and before I knew it, an afternoon passed.

It seems to be two diametrically opposite lives, each with a certain interest. But he still prefers the current life, and he will not miss the old things without making a fuss.

Now looking at the noisy crowd in the street market, unconsciously, there is already a kind of estrangement. Although he is still the weakest and weakest cultivator at the qi refining level, he has also had irreversible differences with mortals.

Mortals are like walking on the ground,

Getting married and having children, oil, salt, sauce and vinegar, from life to death. On the other hand, practitioners are climbing a peak that can never reach the top. Every time you move forward, you can see new scenery, prolong your life, and not be trapped by life and death.

In front of the county government, a notice has been posted, and a literate clerk has been specially dispatched to read it aloud, informing that all the fields and properties of the Qian family will be auctioned in seven days.

Hundreds of people slammed the water blocked in front of the county government office, pointing and talking.

Li Qingshan stood in the crowd and looked up for a while, the magistrate's reaction speed was fairly fast.

Then he walked out of the crowd and folded into a small bookstore, where he spent twenty taels of silver to buy more than a dozen idle books, including poetry, history, and miscellaneous talk. Then I found an instrumental music store and spent thirty-five taels of silver to buy back two music scores and a jade flute.

When he got home, he lay down on the rattan chair under the grape trellis, opened a book and read it carefully. The sun had risen three poles, and turned red and white, and through the dense grape leaves, the fine sunlight fell on the yellowed pages, and also on his face.

At this time, he was extraordinarily like a teenager, not a brave and fearless practitioner, a decisive mysterious wolf guard. Like a stone carved face, the edges and corners on it seem to be a little blunt, and the eyes that have always been sharp like swords are also back in their sheaths, becoming deep and bright.

The spirit tortoise demon pill, in his body, slowly revolved, with a clarity and agility that had never been seen before, and the water vapor came naturally and wet his clothes.

His mind was immersed in a battle in the history books, unaware.

A mood, a practice.

When the bow is not in use, the string must be unwound, and he relaxes himself from the tension, recuperating his body and mind, only for the future, perhaps in the near future, to shoot a more powerful arrow.

Not everyone has this kind of leisure. In a small town dozens of miles away from Ancient Wind City, the town name is Shangguan Town, because most of the people in the town are named Shangguan.

Although it has a rare surname, it is not a martial arts family here, and the people are just the most ordinary people.

There is a family in the town, but because of the birth of a daughter surnamed Qian, from an ordinary family, it has become the number one wealthy family in Shangguan Town. Object.

On the official road from Ancient Wind City to Shangguan Town, a black knight, riding a white horse, walked slowly forward.

Qian Rongzhi looked at Shangguan Town, which appeared on the horizon, from a distance. Her heart, which was like a still water, suddenly became confused. She couldn't help clenching the water thorn at her waist. The cold weapon brought her a touch of warmth.

The scorching sun scorched her eyes, but there was a hint of gloom in her eyes, and she laughed at herself: "Qian Rongzhi, Qian Rongzhi, you really overestimate yourself."

She was taken away from that home, and after she succeeded in her practice, she was allowed to go back to visit relatives by Qian Yannian. Later, she would go back from time to time and treat everyone in the family very gently. She wanted Qian Yannian to believe that she was nostalgic. In terms of affection, the Qian family must be convinced that with these people, they can control themselves.

But now, she has broken free, those illusions have no meaning of existence, and her heart is gradually cold, it is time to make a break.

No one should be happy from her misfortune, no one!

In the Shangguan Mansion, the scarlet door was open, and blood flowed out from behind the shadow wall.

Behind the shadow wall, Qian Rongzhi was holding the water thorn, frowning and thinking. There were dozens of corpses lying around, guards, servants, maids, and old mothers...

She could call each of them by name, but now, they were all dead.

She continued to walk into the house and saw more and more corpses. She came to the inner courtyard and saw a noble lady lying dead. This former village woman now neglected the expensive beads on her head and was wearing The precious Ayara brought from the south on the road, but it has been mistaken for blood.

She could hardly remember the lady's name, because she had called her "mother" for so long.

She felt inexplicable in her heart, took a deep look, and stepped over the corpse.

Then there are more familiar people, brothers and sisters.

Even at noon, the ancestral hall is still very dark, and in the thick darkness, there are many memorial tablets for the ancestors of the Shangguan family.

An old man with gray hair and green face was holding a rich middle-aged man hostage. He cast his cold and hateful eyes on Qian Rongzhi who walked in and shouted, "Shangguan Rongzhi, I knew you would come back!"

Qian Rongzhi said with a complicated expression, "Three Uncles!"

The old man was Qian Yannian's nephew. He practiced martial arts for many years, and finally broke through the innate realm, reached the second level of qi refining, and became one of the masters of the Qian family. That night, he escaped from the main hall of the Qian family, and Diao Fei did not choose to chase him. , only escaped with a life.

Qian Rongzhi said, "You did all this?!"

The third uncle said: "Exactly, Shangguan Rongzhi, you traitor, you dare to mention the word money, you killed everyone in the Qian family, you destroyed the Qian family, and everything I have. I won't share the sky with you, and I will kill you all over the place."

"Rong Zhi, save me!" The rich middle-aged man shuddered, snot and tears streaming down his face, whether it was fear or sadness.

It was the man named father, Qian Rongzhi said angrily and anxiously: "Father, I will definitely save you, Qian Haode, you let my father go!"

Qian Haode said, "Do you know what you're afraid of now? You bitch! Throw down your weapon and kneel down!" Qian Rongzhi just hesitated, he squeezed the rich man's shoulder with all his strength, and the man screamed, He shouted, "Don't kneel down yet!"

With a clatter, Qian Rongzhi dropped the water thorn, knelt down, walked forward step by step on his knees, and said sadly, "Please let my father go!"

A madly proud smile appeared on Qian Haode's face. He was not willing to kill her with one knife. Not only would he kill her whole family, but he would also torture his closest relatives in front of her.

Qian Rongzhi took another step forward, grabbed his right hand back, and stabbed Qian Haode with all his strength.

Qian Haode pulled the rich man in front of him as a meat shield, blocked him tightly, and grabbed the other shoulder of the man. This bitch regrets everything she did.

However, he suddenly felt a chill in his chest, Qian Rongzhi had no intention of holding back, the water thorn pierced deeply into the meat shield, and the tip was introduced into Qian Haode's chest, and the real qi turned into blue light and passed through the body.

"You..." Qian Haode and the wealthy man both looked at Qian Rongzhi with incredible eyes, only to see that the sad expression on her face had disappeared without a trace, becoming cold and self-satisfied.

Qian Rongzhi smiled and said, "It was a bit difficult to kill you originally!"

Qian Haode said: "Shangguan Rongzhi, poisonous woman, you don't even spare your relatives!"

Qian Rongzhi corrected: "I don't call Shangguan Rongzhi, my name is Qian Rongzhi! My relatives are almost dead, and you are the only one left. From today, I will have no relatives at all." Pull out the spunlace.

Qian Haode and the rich man fell to the ground at the same time, Qian Rongzhi didn't even look at the rich man, took a treasure bag from Qian Haode, and said sweetly, "Thank you third uncle." That nice girl.

Qian Haode reluctantly raised his hand, gathered his true energy, and pierced his head without hesitation: "Don't be polite to Zhi'er."

"Rong Zhi, save... save me!" The rich man stretched out his hand with difficulty and grabbed the hem of Qian Rongzhi's clothes.

"who are you!"


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