Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 48 Killing the Dawn

Qian Rongzhi not only did not remind Zhuo Zhibo that Li Qingshan might hide his strength, but instead deliberately misled him, as if Li Qingshan was extremely lucky to win. Even if there is no benefit factor for Qi Wu's pop-up window, she is tired of the old thing in front of her, and hopes that he can die like the old thing Qian Yannian. And this kind of subtle and silent means of moisturizing things is often more terrifying than straight-forward conspiracies and tricks, Zhuo Zhibo really relied on his consistent thinking and sneered: "It's good to survive, so that I don't have to run again, but also I killed him with my own hands to relieve the hatred in my heart."

"Will he kill him when he comes back?" Qian Rongzhi hid her smile in the depths of her dark eyes, preparing to watch a good show that was about to be performed.

Instead, Zhuo Zhibo said: "This matter has to be discussed in the long run." Although he was the commander, he did not dare to blatantly kill the Eagle and Wolf Guards. Then he sneered: "But if he is under my command, can he still get a good deal? I want him to see this Eagle Wolf Guard, is it Zhuo or Li?"

Qian Rongzhi said: "This mountain, this Jiaping City, what else is not yours? Even entering a home is the same."

Zhuo Zhibo laughed heartily, he will continue to sit in this Jiaping City, like an eagle made of iron, overlooking everything until the day of his death.

When he saw the Qinghe River turning into a mountain again, Li Qingshan jumped off the dragon boat directly, and climbed along the cliff amid the exclamations of the boat passengers.

First go back to his building, put Xiao An properly, and then go to see Zhuo Zhibo. He really wants to see what the current attitude of this commander Zhuo will be.

Li Qingshan cupped his hands and said, "My subordinate, Li Qingshan, see the commander of the table." Although he said so, he held his head high, like a javelin, without a trace of respect.

Zhuo Zhibo no longer pretended to be friendly, and asked coldly, "Why don't you come back immediately after completing the task?"

Li Qingshan said neither humble nor arrogant: "Of course there is something to do."

Zhuo Zhibo was even more displeased in his heart. He was about to die, but he still dared to be so arrogant: "Deduct half of your merits, go down!"

Half of the hard-earned merits were casually deducted, which was equivalent to dozens of Qi condensing pills, who would not be upset.

Li Qingshan pressed his anger without arguing, turned around and left, he also couldn't kill a Xuanying commander on this mountain.

At this time, "the tiger has the intention of hurting, and it is harmful to the heart of the tiger", but for the same reason, it cannot be easily shot, but it has already been sharpened.

Li Qingshan just went out and bumped into Ge Jian head-on.

Ge Jian was waiting for a long time,

With a mocking expression on his face, he said, "Li Qingshan, who killed an old man who was about to fall into the ground, did he really consider himself a thing? Jing dared to say this to the commander, and now he is suffering!"

Li Qingshan said: "It really is a good dog raised by Zhuo Zhibo."

His words were full of anger, of course, there is no need to be afraid that Zhuo Zhibo in the building would not hear, and his face became more and more gloomy.

"What did you say!" Ge Jian, who was scolded in person, was even more furious. It was not the first time that Li Qingshan had humiliated him like this. At the beginning, he endured him because he was worried about his background.

Li Qingshan sneered: "You dare to bark at me here!"

Ge Jian was choked and speechless. He wanted to anger Li Qingshan. As long as Li Qingshan shot first, Zhuo Zhibo would have reason to intervene. But it is true that without Zhuo Zhibo, how could he dare to provoke Li Qingshan, that is the monster that killed the fifth-floor qi cultivator.

Li Qingshan beckoned: "Come, come to the front and tell me clearly, I will let your conspiracy succeed once, and see if Zhuo Zhibo can save you."

How dare Ge Jian follow him. At that time, Zhuo Zhibo's plan was a success, and he also became a dead man. He said sternly: "You...don't be mad, I think what will happen to you?"

Li Qingshan stopped looking at him, turned to the Tibetan building, and was about to step forward, but was stopped by the old man who guarded the Tibetan building: "Who told you to go!"

Li Qingshan said: "I have merit, of course I can go!"

"Go, go, now the Tibetan building is under maintenance, and you can't enter if you are busy."

Li Qingshan's pupils shrank, and his eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

The old man only felt an invisible force pressing on his chest, and he couldn't breathe because of the pressure.

Li Qingshan slowly raised his right hand, the old man's throat twitched, his muscles were tense, eroded by the years, and the little remaining true energy was running wildly. He felt that as long as Li Qingshan shot, it would be like a landslide. The terrifying attack, under the pressure of the huge momentum, he didn't even have the confidence to connect to the next move.

Li Qingshan just patted the old man on the shoulder: "It's good to do it yourself!" Then he turned around and walked out of the Tibetan building.

The old man broke out in a cold sweat and gasped for breath while leaning on his knees. His many years of experience were frightened by a half-aged descendant. His face was so unbearable that he shouted at Li Qingshan's back, "You should do it yourself!"

Then the experience is similar, there is no spiritual tool, no medicine pill, the extremely rare merit has become a meaningless number.

Li Qingshan wanted to change to a new Liaofeng Knife, but was rejected. Originally, during the execution of the mission, the damaged weapons could be replaced free of charge. These people don't say anything, they just find various reasons to shirk, but unless they beat them, there is no other way to make them obey.

These important places in charge of property are of course controlled by Zhuo Zhibo's cronies, and he doesn't even need to say anything, just a gesture can make Li Qingshan unable to move an inch in the Eagle Wolf Guard.

In the end, Li Qingshan came to a very ancient pavilion on the 1st day, with the three characters "Eagle Hunting Tower" written on the pavilion. This is the place where the Eagle and Wolf Guards are tasked. This is probably the only place in the mountain that is not controlled by Zhuo Zhibo.

It's not that he can't control it, but because he can't get spiritual tools and elixir from here, he can only get a bunch of troublesome tasks, and if he wants to replace the merits obtained by completing the tasks with real things, Zhuo Zhibo has to nod his head. .

Li Qingshan smiled, as long as the place was still open to him. For him now, whether it is a spiritual tool or a spiritual pill, it is not the most urgent need. What he needs most now is in this Eagle Hunting Building.

In the hall, several mysterious wolf guards are handing over tasks here. When they saw Li Qingshan coming in, they immediately fell silent, opened and closed their mouths silently, transmitted their voices with infuriating energy, and talked quietly.

Li Qingshan walked to the front of the stage, and the Tsing Yi waiter behind the stage hurriedly stood up and said politely: "Is it about to go hunting again after Dajin just came back?" In such a hill, there are no secrets, but although he heard about Li Qingshan Contradicting with Zhuo Zhibo, he did not dare to be disrespectful to Li Qingshan.

Li Qingshan said: "Let me see what tasks are there?"

The Tsing Yi waiter immediately took out a thick book: "Please take a look."

This whole body is dark, like it has been stained with countless layers of greasy, and it looks like the color of blood coagulation. At a glance, it feels ancient, but it reveals a faint aura. When you hold it in your hand, there is a warm feeling.

Li Qingshan said: "This book is probably old!"

The waiter in Tsing Yi explained in a proper manner: "It has been around since the establishment of the guardhouse in Jiaping City, about a thousand years!"

Li Qingshan said: "That's really not a short time. Does this book have a name?"

The waiter in Tsing Yi said: "This is just a low-grade spiritual tool used to record tasks, and it doesn't have an official name, but it is in the rivers and lakes, and this book is called the black list!" Although he is just a waiter, he is the guardian of the black list. , and his face naturally showed a proud and proud look.

Li Qingshan said: "Black List? Why is it called that, what's the point of it?"

The Tsing Yi waiter said: "Because of the name of the black list, they are all sure to die."

Li Qingshan smiled and said: "Birth, old age, sickness and death are inevitable. If you don't have this book, you will surely die."

As far as he knew, the Virgin of the White Lotus, who sacrificed 200,000 yuan in blood, was supposed to be famous on the list, and Gu Yanying, the dignified white eagle, had to be the leader, and the Jindan cultivator personally took action. But it seems that Gu Yanying has not been arrested and brought to justice. In this world, strength is still respected, and there is nothing inevitable.

However, for a group of Jianghu people, the names written by the Qi refiners are almost like a real death list. Then he thought about it, what he was going to do was somewhat similar to that of the Lady of the White Lotus, except that he was on the side of the law, a law enforcer with a license to enter.

Although the waiter in Tsing Yi was dissatisfied with Li Qingshan's joke about the black list, he did not dare to argue, and pointed Li Qingshan how to use it.

Then Li Qingshan understood why it was called the black list, and when he opened the page, he saw a list of names, including normal names and weird Taoist names. The way it is used is somewhat similar to the square-inch chart. As long as one's mind moves, the list will be arranged according to different standards.

These standards include the size of meritorious deeds, the degree of danger, the strength of the enemy's entry, and even the estimated profit, etc. When you hit a certain name with your mind, you will get a set of extremely detailed information, including the magic tricks of the enemy's cultivation, the methods used Spirit tools, activity areas... Li Qingshan sighed, as expected of a large organization that has existed for thousands of years. It is well-organized and well-equipped. And these materials have almost completely simplified the steps of investigation and interrogation, and handed over all the work that ordinary people can do on their behalf. Then determine the crime, compile a list, and the Eagle and Wolf Guards are responsible for killing them one by one.

Every qi cultivator is a master of all abilities. He regards longevity as the supreme goal, and takes cultivation and qi cultivation as the first priority. It is impossible for any qi cultivator to put too much energy on these chores. , was driven as a miscellaneous soldier. Otherwise, no matter how good the benefits of the Eagle and Wolf Guards are, it is impossible for them to be so attractive to Qi refiners.

"After the team is selected for a good task, there will be a document file for the team to refer to at any time. The information on this side is already the most detailed information we can get, but it cannot be guaranteed to be absolutely accurate. Be adaptable." The Tsing Yi waiter carried out a routine reminder, "Of course!" Li Qingshan responded, his mind changed, the list of the black list was arranged according to the level of strength, he glanced at the top name: Zombie Dao Entry, the sixth level of Qi Refining, is famous for capturing raw materials and refining them into zombies, and is rated as extremely dangerous. The number of meritorious feats for completing the task is as high as 5,000.

But obviously, apart from Zhuo Zhibo and the mysterious wolf commander who never showed up, this is not something that other people can accomplish. Of course, Li Qingshan also has this ability, but he just stopped for a while, and then turned directly to the back until the last few pages.

On the last few pages of the black list, most of them are not names, but the names of gang sects. Similar to places like Heifengzhai, a single name is no longer enough to be listed as the target of killing by the Eagle Wolf Guard.

Immediately, Li Qingshan selected the task.

The Tsing Yi waiter said in astonishment: "Da Cheng, do you really want to receive these tasks?"

Li Qingshan nodded without hesitation: "Go get the archives, I'll go now!"

The waiter in Tsing Yi hurriedly ordered to go down, and after a while, other waiters brought out a pile of archives, many of which seemed extremely old, with a dusty smell, obviously they had just been cleaned up.

Li Qingshan put all the archives in the treasure bag, turned around and left. He had just walked out the door when the few mysterious wolf guards hurriedly gathered, "What task did he lead?"

Then they looked at each other, dumbfounded.

"What is that kid thinking?"

"Chivalrous and righteous? Stop joking."

"No matter how many tasks are done, if Commander Zhuo doesn't nod his head, he won't even think about getting anything in return."

...In the main building, Zhuo Zhibo drank tea leisurely: "How is that kid?"

Ge Jian smiled and said, "That kid bumped around and touched his nose." He finally got rid of the hatred in his heart.

Zhuo Zhibo put down the tea cup: "It's not bad to play like this before killing him. I'll see how long he can endure it."

Ge Jian said: "I think he has to endure it if he can't bear it."

At this time, a mysterious wolf guard hurried in: "Commander, that kid Li Qingshan, led the mission down the mountain!"

Zhuo Zhibo said: "Oh, do you want to use this to avoid me? Which mission did he lead?"

That mysterious wolf guard said: "More than one."

"how many?"

The mysterious wolf guard had a strange look on his face: "He has received twenty-seven tasks."

"What! Let me see it." Zhuo Zhibo took over the task text and listed the tasks that Li Qingshan received in a dense face, but the content of the task surprised him, not because it was too difficult, but too simple. .

The water bandits of the Water Snake Gang, the horse thieves in Julu Valley, etc., are all tasks that Yinglangwei have accumulated over the years and are disdainful to complete.

Because the goals of these quests are ordinary people, they can get some money from them at most, don't even think about the elixir, and because it is too simple, the merits given are extremely low, and it is just the mysterious wolf who has just started. Wei, he would use it to practice his hands, and then he would not waste such time, preferring to practice qi in the mountains.

As the lowest level of the Eagle and Wolf Guards, the first level of Xuantie is still composed of qi cultivators, mainly targeting qi cultivators like them.

As a result, a small vacuum zone was created. This zone was called Jianghu Ge Jiandao: "In this way, he found an excuse to leave Jiaping City again."

Zhuo Zhibo snorted: "If he is willing to do hard work, he will do it."

At this moment, Li Qingshan has already descended the mountain, silently estimating in his heart that after completing these tasks, there will probably be a thousand entries!

This is his biggest purpose - to help Xiao An recover his body. For this purpose, all other matters can be postponed for the time being.

He now feels more and more that joining the Eagle Wolf Guard is a very correct choice, otherwise he can still ask around where there are bad players? Moreover, a Qi refiner who kills mortals on a large scale, even if the killings are all evil, will attract a lot of attention, and even be listed on this black list, standing on the opposite side of the state apparatus.

It's simple now, the information provided by the Eagle Wolf Guards is very detailed, and by cultivating martial arts, you can get on the Black List of the Eagle Wolf Guards. And they are all entrenched in a certain place for many years, and it is easy to find. What he has to do now is to take the entry license, go to the door one by one, and then kill all the way to the dawn.

Li Qingshan put his hand on the porcelain altar around his waist, and said silently: Don't worry, Xiao An, soon, you will be able to breathe the air, taste the food, feel the temperature, and smile like other children.

Li Qingshan did not go out of the city directly, but went to the county government office first to exchange the millions of taels he had for some condensing pills. He had a hunch that the journey would take some time. And his opponent will not carry the treasure bag with him to provide him with medicinal pills for cultivation, and he understands more and more why, no Eagle Wolf Guard is willing to pinch these bugs.

Zhou Wenbin's eyes lit up when he saw Li Qingshan: "You are already on the second level of Qi refining, much faster than I thought."

Li Qingshan said: "Thank you for your concern, the strong enemy is on the side, of course I don't dare to slack off."

Zhou Wenbin said: "It's good if you know, I heard that you killed Qian Yannian one-on-one?"

Li Qingshan said: "It's just a fluke!"

Zhou Wenbin said: "Even if it is a fluke, it is an incredible achievement to be able to defeat the fifth level of Qi refining with the cultivation of the second level. I have to remind you again that the sixth level of Qi refining and the fifth level of Qi refining are completely different. "

Li Qingshan nodded, and then remembered Xiao An's various methods. According to the standard of Qi refiners, he would at least go to the sixth level of Qi refining, and it was as fast as a thunderbolt, and his strength was infinite. The slightest injury was much more powerful than an ordinary sixth-level Qi cultivator. If you really fight against the enemy, you don't need to manipulate the skull rosary at all, and you don't need to play the duel of qi refiners. Just rush to grab the body protection infuriating, and take out your heart to win.

"Zhu Yan Bai Bone Dao", this is a powerful supernatural power that completely surpasses this world. The more you cultivate, the more terrifying power it shows.

Zhou Wenbin said: "Although Zhao Liangqing was fired from the door, they also sent in to investigate. Most of you have already been watched by them. Most of the people in the sect have no scruples, and you have to be careful."

Li Qingshan said: "Thank you for the reminder, I will be careful." The door lost his property in Jiaping City, and he lost a master who was about to break through the sixth level of Qi Refining. This kind of reaction is also expected.

Zhou Wenbin said: "It's always useless to fight for a moment of loyalty. Why don't you listen to me and go to the Baijia scholastic academy for a period of time to avoid his sharp edge. When you are full of wings, you will not be afraid of him as Zhuo Zhibo."

: My stomach kept screaming, I was dizzy after taking the cold medicine, but I finally got the update. I kept my promise and didn't break the update. Five thousand words counted me as better or not. It's really not easy! Thank you for your concern, I will not let you down. I will probably get better tomorrow if I get sick. I will continue to work hard and work harder. The dawn of Xiao An is coming, but I still have a long night to wait, or that sentence In other words, this book has not really entered the part I want to write the most, so I don't want to force it. But I also need your support to make this long night a little shorter and let the dawn come sooner.

To be continued

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