Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 49 Auspicious Casino

Volume II Incarnation Demon] Chapter 49 Auspicious Casino


Chapter 49 Lucky Casino

Li Qingshan said: "Is this hundred scholastic institutes really so good? Let the adults remember them so fondly?"

Zhou Wenbin said: "The foundation of Daxia is there. It gathers three thousand kilometers of Qinghe Prefecture. All the young talents are of course a good place. What do you think of my talent and cultivation?"

Li Qingshan praised: "At your age, you have cultivated to the sixth level of Qi Refining, and you are still the highest in a county, with more than a million people, and of course you are a dragon and a phoenix among people." The size of the country is no more than that, and it is so imposing to gather talents from this vast land to practice and study together.

Zhou Wenbin smiled wryly and shook his head: "I'm not considered a dragon and a phoenix, I'm barely a middle-class person. And the honor of this county, a real genius, how can I use foreign objects to waste time in this county governing the state, just meditate Cultivation and cultivation can far surpass me."

Sixth layer of Qi refining, mixed in the middle stream?

Li Qingshan was slightly shocked: "There are so many talented people in the world, and adults don't have to belittle themselves." He is not surprised that some people are much better than himself in qi refining, because he is very aware that his qi refining aptitude is only average, and he has only recently started qi refining. There is no one to guide, and the medicinal pills that have been used are only common goods such as condensing qi pills.

Those who really came from a family of qi refiners may have started to practice at a very young age. From time to time, strong teachers would answer questions and ask questions, and they would eat rare elixir that he had never heard of before. If the cultivation aptitude was a little more decent, he would be a cultivation wizard. .

Whether it is time, resources, talent, there are many people who surpass him. The cultivation base is stronger than him, and there is nothing to be unbalanced. The so-called winning at the starting line is just like this. In any world and any era, it will not change. Instead of complaining, it's better to work hard, princes and generals, I would rather be kind.

Zhou Wenbin said: "Your Hua Chengzan, Hua Commander, although he was born in a famous family, he has been studying in a hundred scholastic academies, and he has never completely separated from it until now. I have to call him a brother! , they are all out of a hundred schools, you should think about it!"

"Then I must go to see it in the future, and then I will ask the adults to help me."

Li Qingshan had heard Gu Yanying say that Hua Chengzan was a qi-refining 10th-level practitioner, so he was taught a few words by Gu Yanying to make him drink less flower wine. At that time, he didn't have a very good idea of ​​the tenth level of qi refining, but now he understands what kind of realm it is. He has opened up the meridians and acupuncture points of his body, and he is only one step away from crossing the heavens.

Even if he is an incarnation of a demon, I am afraid there is no certainty of victory.

Zhou Wenbin said: "This is also my duty, not to mention help. I am in Jiaping City, and I am basically free from any constraints, and I have nothing to do. Every year, we have to select hundreds of men and women who have the qualifications for spiritual practice to study in the hundreds of scholastic schools.”

This condition is really loose and unexpected, Li Qingshan said: "It's that simple? It's enough to have the aptitude for cultivation?"

Zhou Wenbin said: "It's easy to get in, but it's not easy to stay there. How long you can stay depends on your ability."

Li Qingshan pondered for a moment: "By the way, are you still short of money?"

Zhou Wenbin said: "Since you became this county magistrate, you have never been short of money. It seems that you have gained a lot from this trip!"

Li Qingshan took out all the millions of silver notes on his body, saying that they were obtained from the Qian family, and exchanged more than 50 condensing qi pills from Zhou Wenbin. The qi condensing pills on his body once again exceeded 300 The number is barely enough for this period of time.

Ordinary qi refiners still have restrictions on taking outer pills, but for him, as a demon, there are not too many pills, so he can only plan carefully.

Moreover, the condensing qi pills obtained from Zhou Wenbin are of good quality and appearance. Each pill is small. Although the medicinal properties are equal, the impurities are much less than that of Qian Yannian's condensing qi pills.

"Are these Qi condensing pills made by adults?"

Zhou Wenbin said: "I was in a hundred scholastic academies, and I used to worship famous doctors and masters, specializing in the art of alchemy and pharmacy. Of course, the condensing qi pills are not a problem." The materials for condensing qi pills are also relatively easy to obtain. Under the order, countless people collected herbs for him.

Li Qingshan thought to himself that if he had the opportunity, it would be good to see and see in these hundreds of scholastic academies. It is impossible for him to ask people for advice on alchemy, talisman making, and formation methods. It is best to study them systematically. Wealth companion law land, this companion word, is also indispensable.

But now is not the time. There are many powerhouses in the foundation-building period in Qinghe Mansion. If Xiao An hides in the porcelain altar like this, it will be easy to be discovered. He needs to help him recover his body first.

Li Qingshan got up to leave and left the county office, not in the direction of Qinghe, but in the west of the city, leaving the city along the land road.


Seventy miles away from Jiaping City, Yinshan Town is a lucky casino.

Although Yinshan Town is only a town, it is more prosperous than many cities, because it really relies on a silver mountain, and there are unknown silver mines buried under the mountain, making unknown how many people become rich overnight and die suddenly.

Although Lucky Casino is a casino in the town, it does not need any first-class casinos, and it is inclusive of all rivers, regardless of whether it is high or low. As long as you have money in your hand, you can gamble here and try your luck.

Whether it is the rich mine owners or the precarious miners, they will come here to try their luck.

Under the brilliant lights, scolding, laughter, roar, the sound of the ear. Sweat, smoke, fat powder, mixed flavors.

Everyone's eyes are fixed on the gaming table, their hands are clenched, their eyes are wide open, and their expressions change and twist with the number of points in the sieve, with joy, anger and sorrow.

But the gambler's expression inevitably ended in grief. Only Shi Jixiang can be happy all the time. He is the owner of this lucky casino. He holds two big golden balls in both hands and turns them endlessly. His fat face is like a Maitreya Buddha. Going down, there is compassion in his eyes: "What a bunch of idiots!"

The two big men came up with a man as if they were catching chickens: "Boss, the people have been caught."

The man knelt on the ground and burst into tears: "Boss Shi, Daxia Shi, Grandpa Shi, please, my mine and my family business are all given to you, please be merciful, and let my family live!"

"I let you go, who let me go!"

"Then, please give me some more time, and I will definitely raise the money."

Shi Jixiang said, "It's only natural to pay off debts, even your wife and daughter are working hard in the kiln. You are a big man, how can you be idle and work hard in the mine!"

"You...you actually..."

Shi Jixiang sighed helplessly: "If you die, you won't die. What can I do?"

"Shi Jixiang, you son of a bitch, you're an old man... You lie to me... I won't let you go if I'm a ghost!" The man suddenly lost control of his emotions. What he owed was a donkey-rolling usury, and he would never be able to turn around in this life. Come, you can only die under the dark mine.

But before he could finish speaking, he was knocked unconscious by the big man beside him.

But Shi Jixiang got angry at the big man: "Who told you to hit him so hard, what if you beat him so hard, what should you do if you beat him to death? Are you mining for me? Tsk tsk, look, what a pitiful person, I saw this The poor man can't sleep, don't let me see him again."

Big Hannono should be, carrying the man out.

Shi Jixiang regained his smile. He likes gambling very much, and he is very good at gambling. With his gambling skills, he has destroyed several mine owners. He is now the largest mine owner in Yinshan Town. The mine owner who gambled also had a lot of options, because not only did he know how to gamble, but he also possessed first-class martial arts, slashed gold like dirt, and gathered a group of heroes who could fight and resist.

With these two things, he will become the only mine owner in Yinshan Town, and he will keep laughing.

"That's it!"

At the gate of the Lucky Casino, a teenager took a piece of paper and seriously confirmed the words "Lucky Casino" with the plaque on his head, and then strode in.

The two guards looked him up and down, greeted him with a smile, and didn't stop him in the slightest. After the young man walked in, he smiled and communicated, "It's a good body." "Hey, I can dig for two more years below."

Li Qingshan likes to eat and drink, and he has had one or two unsuccessful experiences of drinking flowers and wine. He is barely a prostitute, but this is the first time he has been gambling. He feels novel everywhere he looks, and he looks around for a while. Before the table, it is extremely simple to buy the size. Then he casually cast a one thousand tael silver bill and pressed it on the big one.

The gamblers were taken aback, but they had seen even bigger handwriting, so they just thought of the ignorant son who ran out.

"Buy and leave, let's go!" Then it really opened a big one.

Li Qingshan accepted the money with a smile, and then put it all on the big one.

After a while, the noise gradually quieted down, and the mouths of the gamblers could not be closed. With a complicated expression, they looked at the pile of silver bills and silver ingots piled up like a hill in front of Li Qingshan. He had won 16 games in a row. The croupier has also changed two, but he was completely unable to stop his winning momentum, and each time it was all-in.

At the beginning, there were gamblers who followed him and made a few bucks, but now no one has the guts to grow hair and dare to follow him.

A servant came to Li Qingshan: "This little brother, our boss invites you to talk upstairs."

Li Qingshan glanced upstairs and said loudly: "If you want to talk about it, let's talk about it, why, are you afraid of people winning when you open a casino?" He patted the table and left a faint handprint on the thick marble table.

Shi Jixiang finally couldn't laugh, and then gave an order in a low voice to clear the field and convene the people. This time, it's a tough guy, at least he's a second-rate expert, and he's looking for trouble, not money.

Li Qingshan lowered his head, the corner of his mouth slightly hooked. Clearing the field is the best, and of course, the more manpower, the better. If I can summon a thousand, I will put incense on your grave, if you have one.

ps: There is another update in the evening. I have to work hard tonight. I have to code it out tomorrow morning and adjust the update time back.


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