Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 385 The Big Devil and the Four Heavenly Kings

? Time goes by, white clouds and gray dogs. October 15th is coming in a blink of an eye.

"It's snowing so much!"

Amid the admiration, a man climbed to the top of the mountain. The cold wind swept up the goose feather snow and hit his exposed chest. It was like falling into a ball of fire and evaporating immediately, shrouding him in a hazy mist and making his face blurry. Qing, his tall and straight figure is as clear as a red flag planted on the top of the mountains, his clothes are hunting, and his red hair is flying.

He looked around and saw that the world between heaven and earth turned into a world of ice and snow. Everything was white, except for the vastness, and his mind was not open.

It was not yet dawn, but it was already bright and clear. However, if a mortal were here, he would probably not be able to see ten steps away and would be frozen into an ice sculpture within a quarter of an hour.

With his red eyes focused, he penetrated the heavy snow in the sky and saw a white palace standing among the mountains.

That was not because it was covered with heavy snow. There was not a single snowflake on the palace palace. The white is not snow white, but a gentle and soft white, as if it were carved entirely from white jade.


On the archway in front of the palace, there are three large characters "Qiongyu Palace" engraved on it, with extremely graceful and gentle brushwork.

When people see this word, they cannot help but imagine the kind of person who wrote it.

There is no doubt that she is a woman, but what kind of woman she is requires a lot of thinking and is difficult to determine.

I couldn't help but think of the woman holding the umbrella in the dream, and that faint smile.

Still not sure, is that an illusion created by the Phantom King Shen Mengdie, or is it the Nine-tailed Fox Queen, the owner of the Qiongyu Palace?

Thinking of this, he took out a large cauldron from the Sumeru ring, filled it with water, threw a skinned dog into the water, and then put in various onions, ginger, cinnamon, fragrant leaves and other large cauldrons. material.

Of course, some people may say that it is a wolf, and it is also the king of the Frost State - the Sky Frost Wolf King.

But in his cauldron. Just a dog.

Even though the demon pill was taken out, the bones and flesh were still full of spiritual energy, so there was no need to deal with it, not even to drain the blood.

The soup used to cook the meat was the water returned to the ruins, specially requested from Gongyuan, and the dog meat fell into it. First put a layer of ice on it. Fortunately, this dog meat has an extraordinary origin, otherwise even pig iron would freeze to pieces if it fell into it.

The tripod is a magic weapon for making alchemy, otherwise it would not be cooked at all.

This kind of alchemy magic weapon is extremely valuable, better than ten ordinary magic weapons, and it is a trophy obtained from Zuo Guoshi.

Even the various ingredients are spiritual herbs cultivated by farmers, combined with various precious elixirs. I can’t remember where they came from. It seems that they were obtained from the Xumi ring of the great master of the farmer during the battle at Dafo Mountain.

After the man completes all preparations. He looked up at the sky and said, "Get off here!"

In a flash of light, a young man descended from the sky, dressed in colorful mysterious clothes and an exquisite crown. His hair was meticulously combed back, making him look even more handsome and regal.

He bowed gracefully to the man and said, "Big daddy."

Li Qingshan smiled and asked: "Didn't your subordinates stop you?"

Li Fengyuan's face turned red. He was blocked by the feathers that day. He felt a little guilty towards Li Qingshan for not fully rescuing Xiao An. He patted his chest and said: "No matter what others say, I will definitely help you, dad! Even if you want to destroy the world, I will accompany you to the end!"

The Yu people definitely don't want to participate in the war. Even if they have to choose a side, they definitely won't choose Li Qingshan. After all, the world is destroyed, and floating in the sky is useless.

At this moment, Li Qingshan really felt like he was a bit like the big devil in the essay. At first, I thought it was incomprehensible when I saw that the devil in various stories was all cruel and cruel, but he had a group of smart and powerful supporters, but now I understand a little bit.

But he didn't feel that Li Fengyuan had anything to do with him regarding Xiao'an. Even though they are father and son, they are still independent individuals with their own judgments and choices. There is no need to act like a mortal and behave like a father and a son, and learn to be grateful.

He patted Li Fengyuan's head gently: "Who asked you to accompany me to destroy the world? Get on the fire!"


"I want to conserve my strength. This meat is not easy to cook. I have to use your Phoenix Fire to prevent it from not tasting good enough." Li Qingshan explained seriously.

Li Fengyuan asked in disbelief: "You summoned me just to help you cook meat? After all, I am also the Phoenix God Bird Feathered King..."

"So much nonsense, do you want to eat it?"

"I want to." Li Fengyuan immediately refined the cauldron, activated the Phoenix Fire, and began to cook the meat.

In a moment, the water boiled, gurgling, and a strange fragrance spread.

"Turn to low heat."

"Yes." The noble phoenix then acted as a dog meat chef and looked at the cauldron with greedy eyes.

Li Qingshan held his chin in deep thought. Li Fengyuan did not dare to disturb him, but he heard him mutter to himself: "As the Great Demon King, how can I not have the Four Heavenly Kings under my command..."

"Yes!" Suddenly he slapped his thigh and pointed at Li Fengyuan and said, "I will make you the King of Cooked Meat!"

Li Fengyuan: "..."

"Do you have any opinion?"

"No no."

"Then what kind of heavenly king am I?" Gu Yanying suddenly appeared on the top of the mountain and walked towards him in a dashing way.

Li Fengyuan was shocked by her. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he couldn't believe that someone could be so fast.

"You are the King of Watchers." Li Qingshan said confidently.

"Oh, am I responsible for the lookout?". Gu Yanying came to the big cauldron and lamented: "Poor uncle wolf of mine. Not only was he killed, but he also had to sacrifice it to the Temple of the Five Internal Organs." He took a deep sniff and said, "Well, it smells so good!"

Li Qingshan smiled and said: "If I die, it is better to let others fry me and cook me into a feast than to rot in the ground and feed the insects and ants."

"Then I must have eaten everything, not even a morsel of soup left!"

A voice came from far away. After saying the last word, the man sat down in front of the cauldron, filled with murderous aura. He licked his lips and looked at Li Qingshan, as if he was trying to decide which piece of meat on his body was more delicious.

Li Fengyuan's heart trembled, and he felt like he was facing a formidable enemy, and he instinctively became on guard.

Li Qingshan smiled: "Isn't this the King of Bird Shooting!"

"Don't give me ugly nicknames!"

Luo Hu Xiaoming glared at Li Qingshan, his murderous aura freezing in the wind and snow. He has survived three catastrophes and has grown taller.

He is worthy of being a born god, and he has actually served as a god. His cultivation speed is like a wild dog that has escaped the reins.

Li Fengyuan felt the blood all over his body condensed, as if he was seeing an endless mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. With this momentum alone, he is no match for this person. When will Kyushu be rid of such a peerless powerhouse!

Li Qingshan seemed unaware, and plucked his ears with his little finger: "It's too late. You guy, don't delay the work of the Meat King. Do you still want to eat?"

The ringing sound was clear and ethereal, penetrating the stagnant murderous aura and stabbing at Luohu Xiaoming.

"Finally something decent to eat."

Luo Hu Xiaoming instantly restrained his murderous intent, as if it had never existed before. Neither the guy in front of him nor the descendant of the Bones could be defeated by his momentum. But otherwise, he wouldn't be sitting here.

Li Qingshan showed a gentle smile: "My last king is here."

Xiao An floated over and landed lightly next to Li Qingshan.

Li Fengyuan looked at these three kings, and suddenly felt that it was an honor for him to be the "King of Boiled Meat", and he still had to go through the back door. If he didn't fight, he wouldn't be qualified at all. (To be continued...)

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