Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 386 Killing all living beings! ?

? Thinking that what he, the king of meat cooking, was cooking was the Sky Frost Wolf King, one of the demon kings in the ten directions, Li Fengyuan felt much calmer and comforted himself: "Well, it's not that my job is too humble, it's the big daddy. He doesn’t know how to give a name at all. This day, the Frost Wolf King is called the ‘Wolf God’, so I am the ‘Cooking God King’ Li Fengyuan!”

Suddenly I felt a lot more domineering, but I never dared to mention this idea to Li Qingshan, I could only flatter myself in my heart.

The aroma is getting stronger and stronger. It's so hot that the gods can't stand still.

"It's almost time!" Luohu Xiaoming couldn't help but said, Asura is very fond of wine and food.

The sky is starting to get brighter, and dawn is coming soon.

"Well, let me try it."

Li Qingshan raised the Thelma and Louise knife. This wild giant blade was obviously not suitable for cutting meat. If it fell like this, it would break the cauldron in half.

"Be good, I'll make you the King of Meat Slicers."

Kuanghua Daohun said angrily, but still shrunk the blade and turned it into a short blade.

"Open the pot!"

Li Qingshan gave an order, and Li Fengyuan opened the cauldron. The steam was filled with strong fragrance, and a spiritual light shot straight into the sky.

"Could this be... a legendary dish!" Li Qingshan couldn't help but tighten his grip on Thelma and Louise's knife.

In fact, many precious elixirs will have spiritual aura when they are released. After all, so many spiritual herbs have been invested and they are full of spiritual energy.

The raw materials put into this pot of old soup are simply extremely luxurious. It is not surprising at all to have such an effect.

Li Qingshan cut off a piece of dog meat with an extremely determined mood. As soon as I thought about it, the dog meat wrapped in broth floated in front of me. I opened my mouth wide and swallowed it in one gulp.

It was as if a spiritual light passed through the temples, and an extremely delicious taste bloomed on the tongue. A stream of heat poured into his belly. The dog meat was so tender and tough that he had to chew it hard several times with his teeth before he could swallow it.

He took out a jar of thousand-year-old spirit wine from somewhere and took a deep sip. The ice and snow seemed to turn into a scorching summer.

"Happy!" Li Qingshan gave Li Fengyuan a thumbs up: "You are indeed my king of cooking meat."

Li Fengyuan bravely said: "You can also call him the Cooking God Heavenly King."

"What the hell name!"

Li Qingshan disagreed.

The four heavenly kings all had their share, and the atmosphere suddenly became lively.

Li Fengyuan didn't care whether he was called the "King of Cooking Meat" or the "King of Cooking God", and he ate without any manners.

Xiao An is mainly responsible for chewing bones. In fact, when he looks at it with his eyes, the bones in his hands turn into Samadhi White Bone Fire, and then he sucks it into his mouth.

Li Qingshan touched her head with pity. She had really lost a lot of joy in life when she practiced "The Way of the White Bones", and then handed her Zuo Guoshi's relic: "Let's use this as a side dish!"

Gu Yanying smiled and said: "Ordinary people have to save their stomachs for a big meal when attending a wedding. On the contrary, we started eating first."

"Hey, dog meat won't go to the banquet. I'm afraid the host won't welcome me as a nasty guest, so I'd better eat and drink enough before coming!"

"Do you have to go?"

Li Qingshan smiled, picked up the wine bottle, and touched it with her: "I have to go!"

"Men want to fight hard, why do women come up with so much nonsense!"

Luohu Xiaoming is full of fighting spirit. From his death to the present, he finally had a decent meal, but he has not experienced a decent battle yet. It was already beyond endurance.

Asuras can live without food, but cannot live without fighting. You can have no friends. But there cannot be no enemies.

"forget it."

Gu Yanying shrugged his shoulders coolly. Only these two guys could regard her as a woman, or make her look more like a woman.

In fact, she had already expected such a result, but in a team, someone always has to raise objections.

Silong sent out millions of messages. Every message can be called a spiritual weapon. Even illiterate people and non-human aliens can read it, and their spirits will be bewitched. Coupled with the influence of God's will, the hearts of all living beings in the world. Already fell to Silong's side.

If this continues, the longer it is delayed, the worse the situation will be.

At present, it is difficult for the propaganda to influence the will of the practitioners. Once today is passed and Silong completes the alliance of the world, it will never be shaken again.

Only by taking advantage of the fact that Silong is far away from Longshou Mountain today and using all his strength to give him a fatal blow can he have a chance to win. However, would Silong not think of such a simple thing?

So this opportunity is simply a clear bait.

However, even though you know it is bait, you still have to swallow it. This is the so-called "conspiracy".

All I can say is that he is worthy of being Emperor Taizu.

Li Fengyuan enjoyed the meal and exclaimed: "It's so delicious! Big daddy, this is not a deprivation meal, is it?"

Li Qingshan was stunned for a moment and looked him up and down: "With your crow's mouth and your sarcastic face... you are indeed worthy of being my son. If I become the emperor, I will definitely make you, this little bastard, the crown prince. Come on, one of us will go!" "

Li Fengyuan's face turned red and he touched his head: "No, no, I'm still far behind Big Daddy!"

Li Qingshan laughed and said: "It's good to know. Even if Silong has all kinds of tricks, he is still forced to this point by Big Daddy and has to risk his life against me." Yan Ying, the enemy is very difficult Dealing with it, but not that scary. A person in my hometown once said that strategically, we should despise the enemy and tactically, we should pay attention to the enemy. Fighting against heaven, earth, and people is endless fun. You have to learn to have fun with it. "

Those millions of spiritual weapon proclamations would consume a lot of resources, and they would have to be distributed all over the world. Even with the accumulation of the Great Xia Dynasty, it would not be easy.

Be it bait or trap, there are risks involved.

Silong didn't have to take risks at all. He could stay in the imperial court and rely on the general trend to crush him. Now he has to worry about whether Kyushu will be able to become a paradise after he completes his big move, and the people he wants to crush at that time will never come to die obediently.

The ultimate reward is a nearly collapsed world and an unpredictable and powerful enemy.

Therefore, if he wants to prevent the destruction of the world and completely deal with Li Qingshan, he must expose his flaws and give Li Qingshan a chance to deliver a fatal blow.

"That's a great thing to say!" Luohu Xiaoming's eyes shone: "If that person reaches the Shura Dao, he must be a powerful Asura!"

"Is it fun to fight? It's enough for you to experience it."

Gu Yanying smiled slightly, knowing of course that the war between the two men had already begun.

Strategy and layout.

Confrontation, testing.

Mobilize all resources and use all means. Step by step, they forced each other and pushed themselves into a desperate situation, without any hesitation on either side. That was the determination to put each other to death from the moment they knew each other existed. All compromises and concessions in the middle were all illusions.

Today, if we fight head-on, we will definitely fight to the death!

Li Fengyuan listened to the side, and felt his blood boiling. He ignored life and death, and suddenly heard Xiao An say: "Qingshan, actually, I can kill all living beings..."

Kill all sentient beings? ! Li Fengyuan's hot blood suddenly froze. (To be continued...)

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