Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 387 The Mystery of the Nine Tails

? Luo Hu Xiaoming and Gu Yanying both looked at Xiao An and saw that she looked calm, with no trace of ferocity on her face, and no trace of murderous intent on her body. She seemed to be talking about ordinary things like eating and drinking, and only Li Qingshan existed in their eyes.

Li Qingshan was also stunned for a moment, somewhat unexpectedly. To a certain extent, this is similar to his destruction of the world.

However, he ordered the Sky Devouring Beast to devour Kyushu just to force Silong to reveal his flaws. Although a lot of damage was caused, it was basically a deserted land with almost no living creatures.

If Silong can be defeated here, then everything will end here. Even if he has the decision to kill, he is trying to avoid unnecessary killing.

"I don't agree, this is too much!"

Li Fengyuan ignored his fear of Xiao An and stood up suddenly. The phoenix was a human bird after all.

Li Qingshan ignored him and asked with a smile: "What do you think?"

Luohu Xiaoming took a sip of wine and glanced at Li Qingshan without answering.

Gu Yanying played with the wine cup with her slender fingers: "Even if we support you, will you retreat today? You might as well wait until today. If you fail to capture Silong and survive, let's discuss it again!"

"The one who knows me is Yan Ying!"

Li Qingshan laughed loudly, and the sound shook the mountains.

The chess game has reached this point. If you retreat again, your momentum will decline. It is better to leave Kyushu altogether, why bother dragging all living beings to be buried with you.

Xiao An lowered his head, a little disappointed.

"I know that you care about my safety and don't want me to take risks. So even though you know my decision, you still want to speak out."

Li Qingshan stretched out his arms to hold her in his arms and kissed her delicate little face heavily.

Xiao An smiled, slightly red. Like icebergs melting, spring flowers bloom.

"So... I'm the only one who's stupid?" Li Fengyuan pointed at his nose and asked in disbelief.

"My foolish son. Just cook your meat!"

Li Fengyuan sat down dejectedly, feeling once again that his reputation as the "King of Cooked Meat" was a bit unworthy of his name.

Li Qingshan waved his hand, used the spirit turtle black armor to hold up a barrier, and said seriously:

"Today is indeed a good opportunity,

When the Phantom King ascended, he left behind a clone. Just to deal with Silong, I went to Longzhou many years ago. I thought she was going to turn the Great Xia Imperial Court upside down, but no news has been received. I am afraid that she is just waiting for the arrival of the Si Long. A few days ago, she entrusted me with a dream, specifically reminding me that I must come today..."

He carefully described everything in the dream, especially the last scene of the dream.

"No wonder you are so determined. But I have some doubts. After all, the Qiongyu Palace is the territory of the Nine-tailed Fox Queen. How can a mere clone of the Mirage King really set up a powerful ambush there? Even if he really wants to deal with Silong . It’s not a powerful help, but the Sky Frost Wolf King can’t even take one of your moves. So, could this be a trap specifically to lure you here?

Gu Yanying's eagle eyes were slightly focused, looking at the Qiongyu Palace in the distance, and then said:

"The last person you saw holding an umbrella in your dream was probably the Nine-tailed Fox Queen. It is said that she has been holding an umbrella like that for many years."

Li Qingshan shrugged his shoulders, with a relaxed look on his face: "Maybe she convinced the Nine-tailed Fox Queen. I hope we can help." He licked his lips: "Have you ever seen the Nine-tailed Fox Queen? I heard that she is the most beautiful woman in the world. .I don’t know if it’s true or not?”

Gu Yanying said angrily: "When Silong met the Nine-tailed Fox Queen, your eighty-generation ancestors were not even born yet! Although she did not hold a wedding ceremony with Silong, she was already the de facto Queen of Daxia. I have been enjoying the worship of the Great Xia Dynasty for these five thousand years, so why would I turn around and come to help you? If King Mirage really has a plan, why doesn't he make it clear so that we can cooperate."

Li Qingshan said: "Perhaps I am afraid that Silong will be affected by it, so I can't say it clearly, so as not to reveal the secret. By the way, why are you so excited?"

"Maybe it's because I'm afraid that you might feel something. You're not being charmed, are you?" Gu Yanying looked at Li Qingshan with eagle eyes like lightning: "How can I be excited?"

"Xiao An, tell me. Is she excited?"

"Yeah." Xiao An nodded seriously.

"Look, you still don't admit it." Li Qingshan smiled proudly.

"Hey, is this the time to discuss my emotions? Li Qingshan, now I am very suspicious of your mental state."

"How is that possible? It's not like I've never seen women before."

Li Qingshan couldn't help but think of the golden wheat field in the golden wheat field. She looked back and smiled under the umbrella. He obviously didn't see her complete figure, but the scene was so clear. Could it be that I was really under the spell? I shook my head and shook this thought out of my mind:

"Besides, why does King Mirage help Silong deal with me?"

Luo Hu Xiaoming said: "Wait a minute, I have a question. Is the Nine-tailed Fox Queen you are talking about an ordinary demon fox bragging about, or is it really a Nine-tailed Fox from the Kingdom of Qingqiu?"

Li Qingshan said: "Is there any difference? After all, they are just vixens!"

"The difference is huge, just like a snake and a dragon. If it is a real nine-tailed fox, then it is not surprising at all that you are charmed. Even the Phantom King you call is probably also charmed."

Li Qingshan raised his eyebrows: "So powerful?"

"Nine-tailed foxes are a rarer species than dragons and phoenixes. They are born to love the splendor of heaven and earth, and are attracted by the beauty of all things. Their charm is unstoppable, and can even affect sentient beings. Legend has it that the nine-tailed foxes rely on their charm to cast spells. And not by force.”

"Tushan, the wife of King Yu, is a nine-tailed fox. That Silong claims to be a descendant of Yu the Great. She may be attached to this story, and she must be fascinated by it. No wonder they want to divide this world into nine states and establish what kind of Great Xia. I think I came here just to please her."

Gu Yanying said: "This is what I'm worried about. How can an ordinary fox demon make Silong obsessed with it so much? I don't think anyone can resist it if they join forces. Otherwise, we'd better kill all sentient beings!"

Luo Hu Xiaoming said: "However, if it is really a nine-tailed fox, it would be too strange. This clan is different from dragons and phoenixes. Most of them are concentrated in the country of Qingqiu and rarely live outside. And according to what you said, she was born five thousand years ago. You have survived three heavenly tribulations, how is it possible that you haven't ascended yet?"

There are many mythical beasts in this world, and they have even been ruled by the Dragon Clan for a long time. However, these extremely talented races practice extremely fast. Whether they are ascended or buried in thunder, such a world cannot accommodate them. , the same is true for the nine-tailed fox.

Gu Yanying said: "I think I don't want to ascend to the realm of monsters. I have been waiting for Silong to return."

"Although the nine-tailed fox will take the initiative to choose a mate, it is not known for its loyalty. Will it waste five thousand years in a place like this for a mere dragon?"

Is it a trap or an opportunity? All doubts are focused on the nine-tailed fox queen, which determines the outcome of this battle. Even with Gu Yanying's vision and Luo Hu Xiaoming's knowledge, it was difficult to make a judgment for a while.

Li Qingshan's eyes flashed: "Very good, the Nine-tailed Fox Queen is mine!"

Gu Yanying held her forehead and sighed: "Hey, Qingshan brother, are you listening to us?"

"Of course I did. It seems that the nine-tailed fox queen is really the most beautiful woman in Kyushu! Huh, little Silong, if you dare to provoke me, watch me eat your dog, kill your whole family, and sleep with your wife!"

Li Qingshan looked malicious and had already begun to imagine the taste of the fruits of victory.

"Xiao An, this bastard must be charmed, he must be charmed!"

"Yeah!" Xiao An nodded seriously.

As dawn dawned in the east, Li Qingshan stood up and looked out: "Thanks to everyone for their wonderful analysis, I have a new understanding of the situation, but in the end I still have to make a choice. Either retreat in fear and slaughter the people, or fight with all your strength to kill them." Silong, I choose the latter one. It doesn’t matter if it’s a charm, or it’s a trap. Silong won’t just wash his neck and wait for death. Anyway, I think I can fight!”

Luohu Xiaoming picked up the big cauldron and drank the soup in one gulp: "Then let's fight!"

"Well, I really don't know how you got through this."

Gu Yanying looked helpless. She was very thoughtful in everything, but she was impulsive just for Kunpeng Zhiyu. She was really not used to his mindless charge.

"Xiao An has always been there to help me with advice, and of course, my keen intuition - here it comes!"

Li Qingshan's eyes flashed, the sun rose in the east, a giant dragon flew across the horizon, and the golden dragon head split the sea of ​​clouds.

Looking carefully, it was not a real dragon, but a fleet. The flagship headed by it was huge as never before.

Silong stood at the bow of the ship with his hands behind his back, clad in a brilliant glow.

"It's Daxia's 'Emperor Dragon King'!" (To be continued...)

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