Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 400 Yanying Fox Heart

? “Li Qingshan, actually I want to thank you.”

Having said this, Silong bowed slightly. His anger had long since disappeared without a trace, but it did not damage his royal dignity at all. Instead, he regained his demeanor of having everything under control.

"Without you, I will always be immersed in the charm of confusion. Maybe I have never known her. After all, she is the fox with Su! But if not, she is not qualified to be my queen."

"Silong, I remember she said she wanted to marry me!"

Li Qingshan uttered the last word, and suddenly launched the tiger demon's roar, sending fierce winds into the sky.

Si Long pointed like a sword, cutting through the fierce wind with one sword, without even raising his sleeves: "The world is beautiful, only the strong live there."

"Well said!" Li Qingshan's right arm surged, and a single arm stretched across the sky, with five fingers bluffing, covering Silong: "Photo!"

Silong's fluttering clothes and hair suddenly froze, as if sealed in invisible amber.

Silong's body split and collapsed, turning into balls of dense golden dragon energy.

"A very powerful innate magical power, but it's a pity that it is useless. The transformation of Yang Shen is both the most soft and the most strong."

The dragon energy condenses and returns to its original appearance, without changing its smile.

Li Qingshan took action one after another, displaying various innate magical powers, but none of them could really hurt Silong.

Luohu Xiaoming silently held the slingshot tightly, Xiaoan pressed the sword and did not make a move, watching Li Qingshan deal with it alone.

Very different from the fierceness when he transformed into a golden dragon, Silong allowed Li Qingshan to launch his offensive, but never fought back, as if an adult was playing with a child.

Li Qingshan finally stopped and panted slightly. The constraints of the laws of heaven and earth make it difficult for him to absorb spiritual energy, and the recovery speed of demonic energy is very slow.

Moreover, the only innate magical power of Phoenix Transformation, Phoenix Nirvana, has not been completely restored. He can be reborn at most once in this battle, and he will turn into an egg again.

"Very good, you finally realized the gap between us. Why glare at me? As a thank you, I have given you many tricks. I know that the identity inheritance of the three of you is not trivial. If any of you Your cultivation level is the same as mine. I will definitely stay away. So I actually don’t want to be your enemy, why not try to turn your enemies into friends?”

When Silong gained the upper hand, he showed a desire to reconcile. He seemed to be worried about the identity of Li Qingshan and others and did not want to get into trouble.


Li Qingshan glanced at Luo Hu, Xiao Ming and Xiao An,

It seems that there is really a reconciliation.

Silong smiled slightly, there is nothing easier to deal with than an enemy who has lost the will to fight.

Yes, he never wanted reconciliation. If he was afraid of the identities and backgrounds of Li Qingshan and the others, he would have found a way to reconcile. However, the main road contends. How can we tolerate any weakness? Anyone who has reached this point in cultivation has experienced countless dangers.

Wealth and wealth can be found in danger. The Asura clan's divine blood, Xiao An's bone inheritance, and Li Qingshan's skills are treasures that are difficult to find in the human world and are worth risking one's life for. If you let them go today, based on their bloodline inheritance, their cultivation speed will definitely be much faster than your own, and there is no guarantee that they will not retaliate in the future. That’s when you really can’t live or die.

Xiao An said: "His injury has not fully recovered, so he wants to delay it."

Silong was shocked. Unexpectedly, she saw through it.

The Yang God is both soft and strong, as fast as lightning, and invincible, but he is most afraid of inner demons. Although the physical body is a skin that must be discarded eventually, it is also a ship that sails through the sea of ​​suffering. In the out-of-body state, one must exercise self-control with strong xinxing cultivation. Once it goes too far, the consequences will be disastrous.

Luo Hu Xiaoming said: "We can fight, but we have to wait for Yan Ying to come back and restrain his Yang Shen's speed. Humph, a small human emperor dares to pretend in front of me."

Li Qingshan smiled and said: "Don't say that, they are still very strong, and we need the four of us to join forces to fight. But I'm just pretending to use mind-attacking techniques, and don't look at the target. Silong, your fate is up to me. Got it!"


Silong showed an angry look and could no longer maintain his royal demeanor. His expression became solemn, he must not let anyone go in today's battle.

"The East China Sea has arrived."

Gu Yanying carried Su Mirao down from the sky and landed on a cliff on the east coast.

Surrounded by white clouds, the cliffs are thousands of feet high, rugged and steep, as if they were cut with knives and axes, overlooking thousands of miles of sea.

The moist sea breeze blows in your face, the water is rippling, and the sand gulls gather, creating a magnificent and peaceful scene.

"Yunya Mountain, I haven't been here for a long time."

Su Mirao showed a look of nostalgia. This was a famous resort in Yunzhou and even in the world. Over a long period of time, she lingered here many times until she finally got tired of it.

When there is too much time to squander, it becomes a huge burden.

"Yan Ying, you are a disciple of Legalism. It is said that the deepest part of the hell realm, the 'Infinite Hell', does not have any punishment, but only lengthens every inch of time thousands of times. I don't know if it is true."

"I don't know, no one has ever been able to communicate with the Infernal Hell."

They were holding hands, one was a beauty and a disaster, and the other was charming and charming, and the other was outstanding. At first glance, it looks like a pair of beautiful people visiting the scenery of Yunya.

"Must you go back?" Su Mirao squeezed Gu Yanying's hand that he wanted to pull away.

"Definitely!" Gu Yanying said firmly. She could use the Feather of Huntian to transform into Kunpeng and quickly rush back to Longzhou and return to the battlefield. This was something she had considered before bringing Su Mirao to the East China Sea.

Su Mirao said angrily: "You said you wanted to listen to me talk about the Qingqiu Kingdom, but it turns out you lied to me."

"I'm sorry, maybe next time!" Gu Yanying apologized seriously.

"What if I insist on not letting go?" Su Mirao wrinkled her nose, more like acting coquettishly.

"If you like it, I'll give this hand to you."

She had been prepared for this from the moment she held Su Mirao's hand. Only a strong man dared to cut off his wrist.

"Hmph, who cares? I don't know how much it hurts to hold this hand." Su Mirao was irritated, and suddenly she caressed her gently with concern: "Does it hurt?"

Gu Yanying closed her eyes and smiled bitterly. If she continued like this, she might also sink. If he had not had the experience of crossing the void, he would probably have announced his surrender by now.

With a thought in his mind, he opened his eagle eyes. A strong wind passed by, and her right hand was severed at the wrist, and drops of blood fell on Yunya.

Immediately afterwards, a strong wind blew up, and the Kunpeng spread its wings, hitting the water for thousands of miles and sweeping away the clouds.

"I will leave this to you as a souvenir. If I can come back, tell me about the Great Sage Hun Tian!"

Su Mirao looked at the big roc with wings like hanging clouds, and felt a little frustrated in her heart. Is it me who knows how to charm, or Li Qingshan who knows how to charm? Everyone stood on his side as if they were possessed, and they hated each other. The severed hand was thrown back to her: "I told you I don't care!"

Gu Yanying smiled and thanked her, then fluttered her wings and flew away.

Su Mirao sat down on the edge of the cliff with her feet dangling in the air, and said sadly: "Is it true that I can't escape? I obviously just want to...be a good person."

Anyone who knows something about the Su family will be stunned when they hear these words.

"That's all. I didn't want to get involved in this massacre, but the fate of a beautiful woman is unlucky and God's will plays a trick on people."

After self-pity and self-sorrow, violent malice arose:

"Li Qingshan, if you can really escape this disaster, I will help you turn these three thousand worlds and six realms of reincarnation upside down, and spread my name, Su Mirao, to the nine heavens. Even if you are doomed and your soul is gone, this life will not be in vain. Because there is Su Zhihu!" (To be continued...)

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