Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 401 Fierce Battle with the Emperor Dragon

"Since you are so stubborn, I have no choice but to accompany you to the end!"

Silong was still in the sky when he said the first half of the sentence, but the second half of the sentence had already sounded in "Emperor Dragon King" and he returned to his dragon chair.

"His Majesty!"

When the Qiongyu Palace completely collapsed, the great monks all hid in the "Emperor Dragon King" and relied on the Coiling Dragon Formation to avoid the aftermath of the war. The mood can be said to be ups and downs, not to mention when the Nine-tailed Fox Queen is here, when the golden dragon's head is shot, it is really like mourning the concubine. When Silong reunited with Yangshen and Li Qingshan was helpless, he was overjoyed again.

But when Silong returned to the "Emperor Dragon King", their emotions were extremely complicated.

Obviously, as Li Qingshan and others said, Silong did not have the strength to sweep everything, otherwise he would have taken action to destroy the enemy, instead of retreating here.

Silong ordered: "Lu Sikong, return to the sea immediately, gather with the princes, and prepare to sacrifice to heaven!"

Lu Sikong is Dongguan Sikong, one of the Nine Qings. He is also the Minister of the Ministry of Industry, the top Mohist grand master, and the builder of the "Emperor Dragon King". He stayed with the "Emperor Dragon King" with his two ministers from the Ministry of Industry and did not participate in the battle in Qiongyu Palace.


Lu Sikong's expression was dull, neither sad nor happy. He didn't seem to notice the expressions of his colleagues. He immediately drove the "Emperor Dragon King" into the air, and at the same time turned the bow and headed towards Longshou Mountain.

Silong leaned back on the golden chair and said calmly: "My dear friends, if your injuries are not serious, prepare to fight!"

When all the ministers heard this, their hearts froze, and for a while no one responded.

No one who can become a great monk is a fool. With the speed of Silong's flight as Yang Shen, Li Qingshan and the others couldn't stop him at all, so he decided to take the "Emperor Dragon King" back. Naturally, it's not for show, it's clearly for the purpose of utilizing waste and consuming the opponent's strength, and I'm afraid they are also among the "waste".

They didn't even directly participate in the battle just now, but they were all injured due to various influences, especially the mental damage was more serious.

The four ministers of the Ministry of Personnel and the Ministry of Household Affairs could not withstand Su Mirao's charm, and they were all killed by the sword of the Buddha's enemy. Although they relied on their character cultivation to survive, they did not lose control of their minds on the spot. But if you want to eliminate the charming influence of the nine-tailed fox queen, ten or eight years may not be enough. You may even become a demon and suffer for life.

Now Silong actually wants them to directly fight against Li Qingshan, which is like "the birthday girl always eats arsenic - he thinks his life is too long." Once the "Emperor Dragon King" is bombed, no one is confident that they can escape.

But now we are in the same boat,

Under the power of Si Long, they did not dare to disobey, and some people felt extremely regretful in their hearts: they thought it was a shortcut to ascending to the human world, but they did not expect it to be a life-threatening talisman. Should have known so. No matter what, we must stop the emperor from offering sacrifices to heaven.

Silong had a clear view of everyone's performance, and could even feel the violent fluctuations in their minds. He sneered slightly in his heart. There is no such thing as a good thing in the world if you want to take shortcuts but are unwilling to take risks.

He didn't care at all whether the "Emperor Dragon King" could successfully return home. As long as Li Qingshan came to stop it, that would be enough. Every time he spent strength, he would gain one more chance of winning. It would be better if Li Qingshan refused to be fooled. He can calmly adjust the Yang Shen and suppress the inner demons. When he returns to the imperial court, the overall situation has been decided. This is a Yang conspiracy.

Fireworks jetted out from the stern of the ship, and the "Emperor Dragon King" began to accelerate. At this moment, a thick shadow suddenly shrouded it.

All the ministers looked up and saw a huge mountain rising from the ground, soaring into the sky, blocking the way to the east.

Under the mountain, two red stars flashed, and it was Li Qingshan's blazing tiger eyes, carrying the entire mountain with the body of a god and demon.

There were exclamations on the deck. Even though they had seen it once on Longshou Mountain, they were still frightened and had an irresistible feeling of weakness when they saw each other again.

Silong sat on the dragon chair, unmoved, with golden light shining in his eyes: "My dear friends, be careful, this thief is coming!"

Li Qingshan roared, threw it hard, and the mountain crashed down on the "Emperor Dragon King"'s head.

Silong waved his hand.


The main gun "Dragon Roar" on the bow of the "Emperor Dragon King" fired, blasting through the mountain with one blow, leaving a large hole with a radius of 100 feet, which stopped it from falling, as if it was frozen in mid-air.

Almost at the same time, densely packed gun muzzles protruded from the deck and the hull of the ship. In an instant, thousands of guns fired together, and the dazzling beam shattered a mountain into pieces.

Smoke and dust hung high in the sky like a yellow cloud, and gravel scattered like hail.

"Emperor Dragon King" broke through the smoke and clouds, passed over Li Qingshan's head, and went straight into the sky.

Silong stood on the bow of the ship, overlooking Li Qingshan below. With a single finger, thousands of spiritual lights shot towards the earth.

Boom boom boom!

The beams of light flew down like rain, and semicircular balls of light rose up from the ground. The hills were flattened, leaving the land riddled with holes.

The thousand-foot-long god and demon disappeared, and Li Qingshan turned into a human form again, unfolded the wind god's wings, carried the storm wind and shuttled through the dense beams of light, and went upstream against the beams, until he reached the bottom of the "Emperor Dragon King" ship, where the firepower was least concentrated, at the blind spot. Hold the Nine Heavens Breathing Soil tightly and exert the force field of the earth!

"Emperor Dragon King" shook violently, as if it suddenly pressed against a big mountain, and its soaring momentum was stopped. The sound of twisting and cracking steel and wood filled their ears, and the great monks on board all had a feeling of impending disaster.

"Break it for me!"

Li Qingshan took advantage of the situation and punched out, the power of shock surged wildly, and black cracks appeared in the void.

There is no formation in the world that can block his punch. Even the power of the bull demon contained in the fist is enough to break through all barriers, not to mention the indestructible power of shock, which is enough to knock out the Emperor Dragon King. Blast into two pieces.

However, at this moment, the golden light quickly gathered towards the bottom of the ship, and all the spiritual power of the formation covering the "Emperor Dragon King" was concentrated on this point, dazzling like a golden sun, resisting this terrifying shock. With great force, Li Qingshan's fist was bounced back.

Li Qingshan frowned, spread his wings and flew away. Why didn't he understand Si Long's plan? He must not spend too much power here. He wanted to concentrate all his strength and defeat the enemy with one blow, but he still underestimated Si Long's methods.

Silong was leaning on the dragon chair, holding an exquisite golden compass in his hand, which was the core of the formation that controlled the formation.

Except for him, no one in the world has such fast reaction speed and control ability, and can operate the formation to such a situation. (To be continued...)

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