Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 402 Heaven descends

When Silong responded to Li Qingshan's attack, his mind was divided into three parts. At the same time, he was paying attention to the whereabouts of Luo Hu, Xiaoming and Xiaoan. If they took the risk to make a surprise attack, then he would be confident to kill them here. No matter how powerful the inherited bloodline is, it is only three heavenly tribulations.

However, what disappointed him was that the two men always kept a safe distance and did not give him a chance to take action.

Luohu Xiaoming has been fighting in the Shura Dao for countless years, and his grasp of the entire battle situation is unparalleled. He has just survived three heavenly tribulations and has not yet reached his peak. After all, his power is limited, and he is also bound by the will of God. It must be ensured that every projectile plays a decisive role and will never be shot easily.

Xiao An is wise and clear, and few people can match her. She has the same judgment. Her Buddha-killing Sword is the sword of death, and other bone magic weapons must be used to protect her body to prevent Silong from attacking. To win this battle, it was far from time for her to take action.

Fellow Taoists, don’t take action yet!

All the ministers looked at each other in shock. Just now, Li Qingshan used the earth force field, and they were also affected. They felt that all the bones in their bodies were almost broken by their own weight, and they were all still in pain. If he faced Li Qingshan head-on, he would probably die in vain.

"Don't worry, this Imperial Dragon Formation is extremely strong and can allow you to cast spells calmly without having to face the enemy head-on. If Li Qingshan breaks through the formation and enters, it will be a tiger among the sheep, and there will be an immediate disaster of overthrowing!"

Silong showed a hint of displeasure, and there was a hint of threat in his tone.


The ministers did not dare to disobey the order, and they cast spells and magic weapons one after another, preparing to give Li Qingshan a head-on blow, but it felt like provoking an angry tiger through a paper cage. It was really frightening.

"Hey, Li Qingshan is missing."

At this time, Emperor Dragon King had already flown high into the sky, but Li Qingshan was nowhere to be seen up and down.

The Guardian Eagle Divine Eagle's eyes focused: "It's up there!"

Li Qingshan missed the target, immediately let go, and flew into the Gangfeng layer, still rising upwards. No matter how the strong wind roared, it could not hurt him at all. My practice has reached this point. The so-called Gang Feng Yuan Magnetic can no longer stop him from going to heaven or earth.

Silong stood with his hands behind his back and looked up at the sky: "How are you going to break this situation?"

The strong wind suddenly calmed down a lot, and through the scorching light of the sun, the stars shone in the dark void.

Li Qingshan looked directly at the rays of the sun. It was not the real fireball in his memory of his previous life.

And like a shadow, I suddenly felt that this world is a mystery!

When he turned around, in an instant. You have a panoramic view of the entire Kyushu.

The green Wuzhou, the snow-white Shuangzhou, the yellow sand in Chizhou, the sea of ​​clouds in Yunzhou...

The four seas and waves surround this continent of Kyushu. This is the world I have been fighting for!

The huge "Emperor Dragon King" turned into a golden float and slowly swam towards the central part of Longzhou. And a green "little bird" is coming through the sky from the east.

Li Qingshan took a deep breath, and the demonic energy in his body began to boil and burn. Push the small world inside the body to the extreme, earth, fire, wind, water and space. Ox, tiger, turtle, phoenix, and ape form a whole, breaking through the constraints of the laws of heaven and earth, absorbing all tangible and intangible power, and bursting out with dazzling light.

At this moment, all sentient beings in Kyushu only need to raise their heads. You can see a shining star competing with the sun!

Kunpeng flew across the ground. Gu Yanying smiled slightly and increased his speed.

Su Mirao looked up at the sky, suddenly looking forward to his victory. That figure overlooking everything. It really exudes a strange charm.

Luohu Xiaoming smiled: "That's it!"

Stars are falling from the sky!

Li Qingshan closed his eyes, opened his arms, and plunged into the violent wind again in a free fall posture.

The wings of the God of Wind continued to stretch, ten feet, one hundred feet, one thousand feet, as if they were going to weave all the strong wind in the sky into the wings.

The force field of the earth was fully opened, exerting tens of millions of tons of gravity on himself. Even with his powerful body, he had the illusion that he was about to be crushed.

The speed of his fall continued to accelerate, and the air rubbed violently, leaving a long flame tail, like a meteor falling from the sky.

The earth rushed towards us, the blue sea disappeared, the four states of cloud, fog, frost and thunder quickly receded from all directions, and finally only Longzhou was left, and the golden floating water turned into golden swimming fish.

Li Qingshan suddenly opened his eyes and locked onto the "Emperor Dragon King". The thunderous sound became louder and louder, and in a blink of an eye it resounded throughout the world, shaking the void, like ghosts crying and gods howling.

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty! It's too fast, the 'Emperor Dragon King' can't avoid the impact!"

A hint of panic appeared on Lu Sikong's dull face. He was not dull by nature, but had cast a unique Mohist spell on himself - a heart of stone - which could make the mind unaffected by emotions. However, at this moment, the spell almost collapsed. .

"Then don't hide, just fire at me!"

Silong said angrily, he didn't expect that Li Qingshan would be so arrogant and wanted to break through the formation from top to bottom. His mind was also shaken, and he urged the golden compass in his hand to mobilize the power of the entire formation to form a solid line above. Golden light barrier.

However, this would actually affect the salvo attack of the "Emperor Dragon King". Such a defense that concentrated all its strength could never be one-way. As for the remaining cannons, it is not a simple matter to lock on the "meteor" that is accelerating to the extreme. At most, it can only block it. There are only a few beams that can really touch the "meteor". It is violently driven even crazier before it gets close. shred.

Although the ministers are all great monks, their attack methods are more flexible, but the attack range of magic weapons is limited, and their minds are in panic. By the time Li Qingshan entered the attack range, it was already too late.

So much so that they watched the "meteor" fall from the sky. It was obviously a living target, but no one on the ship had any means to counterattack. The seemingly stupid frontal breakthrough was the best way to break the situation.

At this moment, no one can stop it.

In an instant, the "Meteor" hit the "Emperor Dragon King" in the air.

Click! The golden compass in Silong's hand shattered.

The golden barrier suddenly shattered, with a loud bang, Li Qingshan fell heavily on the deck, and a big hole immediately collapsed under his feet.

In an instant, shock waves spread throughout every corner of the "Emperor Dragon King", each cabin collapsed, and billions of pieces of wood flew into the air. The keel was twisted and broken, and the huge "Emperor Dragon King" was almost broken into two pieces.

The wings of the God of Wind suddenly folded in, and the violent wind was like an invisible sword, destroying everything it encountered.

The great monks of the ministers were the first to bear the brunt. The magic weapons used to protect their bodies were torn apart by the violent wind, and their fragile bodies were chopped into pieces in an instant. Nascent Soul wanted to fly away, but was also caught in the wind and turned into ashes. , only seven or eight people survived.

In an instant, the glorious and luxurious "Emperor Dragon King" was almost turned into ruins and was falling rapidly.

Li Qingshan stood among the ruins, raised his head and raised his eyebrows, stared at Silong, and uttered one word: "Get out!"

The great monks who survived the disaster fled at all costs. (To be continued...)

PS: The final battle in Kyushu is coming, please vote for me!

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