Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 403 Countermeasures


Not all of them are greedy for life and afraid of death. They practice for longevity rather than loyalty to the emperor and patriotism. What's more, they have never seen Silong not long ago, and they have no loyalty at all.

After escaping from the battlefield this time, they might have to bear the wrath of Si Long's thunder, but he might not kill them, and if he continued to fight with Li Qingshan, he would be dead. After weighing the pros and cons, it is natural to escape as far away as possible.

Silong said coldly: "Trash is trash after all!"

There was an eagle cry, and the sharp eagle claws grabbed Li Qingshan's face, as fast as thunder and as sharp as lightning.

However, Li Qingshan didn't seem to notice his presence, and had no intention of evading. He just stared at Silong with his head raised, the drooping right hand spread like a claw, and murderous intent condensed. Although he didn't want to kill Gu Yanying's father with his own hands, he would never show mercy in a life-and-death fight.

"Okay, step back!" Silong ordered.

The eagle flew into the sky at the critical moment, and its sharp claws flew past Li Qingshan's eyes. One more point would be a matter of life and death.

Silong smiled slightly and sighed again: "I know you don't want to go to the human world. From now on, you are free!"

The eagle turned into a human form again, knelt down on one knee, looked at him deeply, spread its wings and flew away. In an instant, it turned into a black spot, embedded in the depths of the blue sky.

In the past, a young man came out of the mountains, accompanied by eagles and wolves, and achieved world domination. Now that the wolf is dead and the eagle is flying, even though he is a human emperor, he still feels a little lonely in his heart, but that is the way to practice.

The "Emperor Dragon King" was still falling rapidly, with fragments of sawdust flying all over the sky. Silong returned to the dragon chair and sat down, still condescending: "Li Qingshan, I really underestimate you. But even if you destroy this broken ship, what can you do? What can I do?"

At the same time, the broken True Dragon Jade Seal was used to suppress the madness. Under the influence of God's will. The inner demons are slowly calming down, and the extraordinary cultivation of character is reflected. And this is real power for practitioners.

"You'll know right away."

Li Qingshan smiled. Turn the small world around and restore the evil spirit.

On this rapidly falling lone boat. There was a moment of strange calm.

At the next moment, Silong's eyes flashed and he looked to the east with a look of surprise.

Under the scorching sun, I have traveled thousands of miles and spread my wings.

Silong did not expect that with Su Mirao's charm technique,

Unexpectedly, Gu Yanying could not be left behind. What's more, he didn't expect that Gu Yanying would be willing to join in this fight that cost his life.

"I don't know how you do it."

"If I had to choose between her and that fox, I would definitely choose her. This is the power of true love. I ask you, are you afraid?"

When Gu Yanying heard this from a distance, he couldn't help rolling his eyes, and recalled the scene he saw when he flew over Longshou Mountain: under the continuous climbing vines, heroes gathered around the Temple of Heaven, and under the auspices of the previous emperor, Let’s worship Silong’s body together.

Then he showed a meaningful smile again.

Silong smiled faintly, not panicking: "Do you think that a fake Kunpeng can threaten the real dragon? You probably don't know yet. The sacrifice to heaven has been completed."

"What?" Li Qingshan's heart tightened.

"The sacrifice to heaven has already begun when I set out. When I return to Longshou Mountain, the overall situation will be decided."

Silong holds his right hand empty and spreads his five fingers. It seems like everything is under control.

"Do you still want to go back?" Li Qingshan stepped across the broken deck and walked towards Silong step by step.

Silong shook his head, with a slight sarcasm on his face: "Want to stop me? You don't think I will give you a chance to win, do you? I will tell you my plan so that you have a chance to destroy it, unless you can make time flow back. .”

"Maybe I really can?" Li Qingshan glanced at Gu Yanying from the corner of his eye. No matter how fast Si Longyang Shen flew away, he couldn't fly faster than Kunpeng. If he could reach Longshou Mountain first...

Silong glanced at Li Qingshan's eyes: "Let's make it clearer. I recast the Shuangzhou Cauldron three days ago. The date of this wedding was carefully calculated. Although it is just a substitute , but it’s enough to make up for the shortcomings of Jiuding. Do you know the effect of Jiuding’s unity? Even if you fall from the sky a hundred times, you won’t be able to break through the Jiuzhou barrier in Longshou Mountain, let alone her.”

He simply stood up from the dragon chair, almost face to face with Li Qingshan, his golden dragon eyes turned, as if observing the expression of the "loser", but to his disappointment, he did not see anything similar to frustration or discouragement. look.

"Admit it, no matter how many tricks you played in Qiongyu Palace, it was all in vain. From the beginning to the end, the only thing that threatened me was Confusion, and you personally saved me at the most dangerous moment. Do you think it’s ironic that you killed me?”

"Stop talking nonsense and punch me!"

Li Qingshan punched through Silong's chest, but he didn't show any joy.

It was Silong who took the initiative to change the form of Yang Shen, opening a big hole in his chest. Completely transcending the constraints and limits of the body, even in close combat, there are ever-changing methods.

Kunpeng's shadow fell, and the broken "Emperor Dragon King" also fell to the ground.

"Try to stop me!"

boom! Silong said.

The core furnace of the "Emperor Dragon King" exploded, instantly releasing destructive pure energy that devoured everything around it.

Li Qingshan had to spread his wings and fly high to avoid its sharp edges, and lost all traces of Si Long.

"The profound light shines!"

Pieces of mysterious armor shone thousands of miles away, and they immediately discovered that Silong had dived deep into the ground and fled towards Longshou Mountain at an extremely fast speed.

Li Qingshan relied on this move to escape more than once, and he was helpless at this time. He couldn't keep up with Silong's speed, and Gu Yanying couldn't break through hundreds of millions of tons of earth and rocks to pull out Silong. It is difficult for practitioners to distinguish between life and death. Who can stop Yang Shen from escaping?

"What should I do?" Luohu Xiaoming let go of the slingshot and did not force himself to shoot.

Li Qingshan was speechless for a moment, since even Luo Hu Xiaoming asked this question, it already explained his attitude and judgment.

Leaving at this time is the best choice. Let's fight with each other, no matter the outcome, or even gain a slight upper hand. Once Silong completes his sacrifice to the sky, the strength gap between the two sides will be so large that it cannot be bridged. No matter how hard they try, it will be in vain, and they may risk their lives. But if he chooses to retreat, he is really unwilling to do so. This battle is not only about him.

Gu Yanying suddenly said: "Let's go to Longshou Mountain. Xiaoan and I have already made plans for the sacrifice to heaven."

"You?" Li Qingshan was surprised and looked at each other with Luo Hu Xiaoming. When did they become so close?

Xiao An nodded slightly and hummed.

Gu Yanying said with a smile: "These are some conspiracies that cannot be put on the table, and there is no guarantee of success. In order to prevent Silong from being affected, the people who know are getting better and better. But now it seems that it is quite effective, can you still Remember my eldest disciple?"

"Qian Rongzhi!" (To be continued)

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