Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 412 Blood Oath Demon Seed

Luo Hu Xiaoming didn't know whether to admire his courage or lament that "the ignorant are fearless". He is now only a person who has experienced three heavenly tribulations, which is vastly different from the real demon Qiongqi who has experienced seven heavenly tribulations. When an ant fights with a person, there is always a chance to bite him hard, even if he turns around and is crushed to death. Even if Li Qingshan risked his life to bite Qiongqi, it would be impossible. However, it is not surprising at all that Qiongqi favors Li Qingshan, because if you look at it from a spiritual perspective, this guy is really weird, and his words and deeds are all different from others. "Do you have a way to break the Styx Blood Oath?" This is the only explanation, because even if he immediately returns to the Asura Path to practice hard, he will never be able to defeat Qiongqi in such a short period of time. However, there is no way to break the Styx blood oath, but it is definitely not something she can do. Su Mirao sneered: "If I had a way to change the Styx Blood Oath, why would I be grinding my teeth with you here?" He played with his black hair with his fingertips: "But I do have a way. Although it may not guarantee success, it is still easier. It's a dead end, and there's a big secret involved. Li Qingshan, with your virtues, you won't even be able to reach Qingqi Mountain in the Demon Realm, let alone defeat Qiongqi. Let me ask you again, you kneel down Or not kneeling?" Li Qingshan lowered his head, closed his eyelids slightly, and stood there motionless, seeming to be deep in thought. Su Mirao stood with an umbrella in hand, her clothes floating in the air, and seemed to be a radiant goddess in this billowing demonic aura, while Li Qingshan was the humble apostle waiting for redemption. Time passed bit by bit, and Su Mirao became a little impatient and turned his neck slightly: "Hey, have you thought about it? I don't have time to spend time with you here!" Xiao An said: "Don't disturb him, he Asleep." "What!?" Su Mirao looked carefully and saw that Li Qingshan had his eyes closed and his breath was long. Sure enough, he fell into sleep. In this battle, Li Qingshan almost crossed two great realms, which is simply unbelievable in the spiritual world. No matter how fast Gu Yanying is. No matter how powerful Luohu Xiaoming's bloodline is, no matter how many magic weapons Xiaoan has. No matter how insidious and cunning Qian Rongzhi is, if Li Qingshan doesn't live in front of him, he won't be able to play any role. In the face of absolute power, any strategy is in vain. Li Qingshan was like a big mountain, silently shouldering most of the pressure and maintaining his strategic offensive against Silong. Of course, as he practices the "Nine Transformations of Gods and Demons", his strength is not limited to that of the Demon King. Silong is bound by the laws of heaven and earth. He couldn't bring out the power of the Human Emperor. It was during this period of decline that such a miracle was created. Even so, this battle is extremely difficult and dangerous: the charm of the nine-tailed demon fox, the invincible powerful enemy, and the threat of God's will all require him to concentrate his energy and fight to the end. It's like walking on a tightrope on a cliff. One careless step can result in your body being shattered to pieces. The energy has already been exhausted, and once the winner is determined, sleepiness immediately surges up like a tide. The body is supported by the "divine power of the earth" and can still stand here steadily. It can be said that he "stands until the last moment." As for the conditions Su Mirao offered, he didn't even take a second to consider them. Because someone said to him: "Don't bow to anyone." But he believed it so deeply that he was unwilling to bow his head, let alone kneel down. Perhaps the battle at Qingqishan was indeed doomed. But people can be killed, but not scared to death. They should eat and sleep when they should! "Miluo, you miscalculated again." Gu Yanying opened the folding fan and smiled slightly. Luo Hu Xiaoming said proudly: "It's just another formidable enemy that is difficult to defeat. It won't make Li Qingshan so scared that he can't sleep!" A trace of anger flashed in Su Mirao's beautiful eyes, and she felt that her performance just now was like a fool. The hand holding the umbrella tightened its handle, wishing to kill Li Qingshan right now. She didn't really intend to make Li Qingshan kneel down. He just couldn't help but regain his position, as long as Li Qingshan gave in a little and let him go. Then she could fulfill her oath smoothly and then help him. I didn't expect him to be so disrespectful. However, if Li Qingshan really relents, I'm afraid she will go one step further. The way to charm is to push beyond the limits, and she has a temperament that doesn't take enough advantage. She was about to leave when she suddenly saw a long, silent river.

Meandering in the void, beyond time and space, and unable to be judged by concepts such as length and width, it is the legendary River Styx. She gritted her teeth and had to stand still. Now that they had met each other, the oath officially began. She must take on the role of "leader" and give Li Qingshan correct guidance, otherwise she will break her oath and fall into the River Styx forever. In a trance, I seemed to see a gentle smile and a pair of green eyes that saw all the opportunities, looking at her from above: "Miluo, you should just accept your fate!" "Can I kneel down and beg you?" Xiao An asked , there was no expression on his face, his eyes were ethereal and deep, as if he had penetrated Su Mirao's inner struggle. Stare... Su Mirao felt that the way she looked at him was no different than looking at a piece of wood. What good would it do for her to kneel down to him other than to annoy Li Qingshan? Even if she doesn't feel humiliated, Li Qingshan will definitely become furious, become even less likely to be charmed, and even affect the progress of the oath. This must be her damn conspiracy. He said word by word: "No!" "Oh." Su Mirao took a deep breath before suppressing the anger in her heart: "Let this bastard wake up and come to me!" He turned around and disappeared. . "It seems she really knows something?" Luo Hu Xiaoming's eyes sparkled. What would be the way to defeat a god? If you side with this guy, you never have to worry about not fighting. "Hey, wake up!" Gu Yanying put a folding fan on Li Qingshan's forehead. Li Qingshan fell to the ground. Looking at his sleeping face, he smiled and shook his head: "Let's wait until he wakes up!" When Kunpeng once again Spreading his wings and flying high, Xiao An looked back towards the depths of the Demon Cave. I hope that one day, you can tell me that the way of the bones is wrong. Even those who endure the suffering in the fire house and would rather not exist still have the value and reason for their existence. Demonic realm. Under the shining of a black sun, on a black plain, camps stretched for thousands of miles, and the noise filled the sky. They were full of evil and twisted demons and huge and ferocious monsters. From the surface, there was often no difference between the two. . There are densely packed devil caves in the sky, like empty eye sockets, each leading to the same world - Kyushu. However, this goal has been abandoned, and the army is withdrawing from this area, preparing to rush to a new battlefield to invade another world. "What is that?" Suddenly some demons looked up and saw a figure as small as a mustard seed falling from the largest demon cave in the sky. If you zoom in closer, you will find that the figure is pulling and twisting itself. The black sun seemed to light up, and the color of the sky and the earth changed in an instant, and the demonic energy roared and surged, forming a rolling demonic cloud, surging and spinning into a large whirlpool, and the center of the vortex was the twisted figure. There was silence for thousands of miles, and all the demonic people held their breath, looking up at the vision in the sky, and the same word emerged in their hearts: "Demon Seed!" This is what the demonic people said about the "son of destiny" favored by the demonic realm. The title symbolizes unparalleled talent and strength. The fanatical atmosphere was like a violent wind sweeping thousands of miles away, making all the demonic people's eyes ignite with greed. Even the chaotic and stupid demonic beasts began to breathe quickly, instinctively wanting to devour the demon seed that was about to be formed. In any world, becoming a "son of destiny" means being blessed by heaven. Anyone who dares to kill the son of destiny will suffer strong backlash. In a world with a strong world will, such backlash can even be fatal. It's equivalent to his beloved son being killed. Of course he will be angry and want revenge! However, this is not the case in the Demon Realm. Killing the Demon Seed will not only avoid backlash, but can instead seize the destiny and gain huge benefits. Not to mention that the demon seed itself is the best panacea in the demon world. Devouring the most ordinary and weak demon seed is enough to cause a qualitative change in the demon's heart. Therefore, every time a "devil species" is born, it will trigger tragic killings and struggles. Many demon species die just after they are born. It's like a vicious stepmother who deliberately gives the funniest toys to the child she hates the most, triggering competition among other children. This is the Demon Realm, even the will of God is full of distortion and evil. (To be continued)R1052

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