Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 413 Bewitched

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"This is……"

A middle-aged man in short brown linen clothes and an unshaven beard walked out of the majestic palace-like tent and looked up at the sky with a surprised expression. It was not that he had never seen the birth of a "devil species", but it was unheard of that it could cause such a vast celestial phenomenon.

The Demonic Realm is infinite and vast, far beyond the reach of Kyushu. If Kyushu is compared to a small lake, then the Demonic Realm is a vast ocean. Big fish cannot be raised in small lakes, but the sea can accommodate dragons swimming around.

Its twisted and evil will permeates every particle of dust, and may not be fundamentally different from the will of the world in Kyushu. However, when there is a slight wave in the small lake, there are huge waves and thousands of miles of ocean currents in the sea. Even a real dragon cannot move against the current. If it can move with the current, it will have infinite help. It is "the heaven and the earth borrow the force from time to time".

The "devil species" throughout the ages are like crucian carp crossing the river, and there are differences between them. The purer it is, the stronger the temptation.

At this time, the aura of the "devil seed" born in the sky made this man with a will as pure as a sword ready to move.

He hated this feeling of being out of control, so he didn't rise up with his sword and devour this demonic seed. And he hated the slightest throbbing in the depths of his soul, feeling that the "devil seed" was full of disaster and ominousness.

Ordinary demons cannot resist this temptation, let alone those mindless demon beasts.

A strange bird spread out its blue-black bat wings, whipped up a strong wind, and flew all the demons within a hundred feet away, rising into the sky.


The sharp and piercing howl sounded like a horn of charge, and hundreds of thousands of demons flew towards the "devil species".

In an instant, the sky was blocked and the sky was filled with boiling water.

The man's gaze was like a sword and he stood still. Even if he was the commander of this army, he could not stop the carnival. Looking around, all the demon kings under his command remained on the sidelines. They didn't act rashly, and they were wary of each other at the same time. In the end, they all focused on him. No one could take the demon seed from his hands.

"Lord Demon Emperor, what should I do?"


In the deepest part of the whirlpool, two voices, a man and a woman, were arguing fiercely. Two wills are fighting desperately.

"Bitch, get out of here!" The man roared to defy God's will, using his masculine power to gain the absolute upper hand.

"Hehehehe, waste, loser, cuckold king..." the woman smiled crazily,

She softly uttered words one after another, directly hitting the man's weakness.

"Every woman in the world deserves to die!" The man's inner demons are dancing wildly and he is so angry that he wishes he could die with them.

"Oh, how sad your mother is to hear that!" But the woman never regarded death as a threat. He mocked the man's incompetence more and more wildly.

It seems like the eternal struggle between men and women, reason and emotion, masculinity and femininity. No matter how strong a man is, he can never completely conquer a weak woman, just as reason can never erase emotions, because the "Way of Heaven" is nurtured in a woman's body.

This true dragon body, which was blended with the flesh and blood of many great monks and great demon kings, was floating in the whirlpool, like a child being left aside and ignored. Although the dispute originally originated from it.

As a result, it grew unscrupulously, and billowing demonic energy poured into it. It expanded a hundred times and turned into a golden-scaled snake with a pair of dragon eyes, twisting its body like crazy.

The Demon Emperor's heartstrings tightened. Such a huge body would never be easy to deal with. The demon kings even retreated. Almost gave up the idea of ​​​​devouring the demon species.

The big snake swallowed up all the demonic energy in the sky, and its huge body fell straight to the ground. It first smashed into the mountains and seas of demonic people, and then landed heavily on the ground with a loud bang. Countless demons were smashed into pulp.

However, more demons rushed forward, and the black pressure overwhelmed the big snake. If you look down from a high altitude, it looks like a group of ants trying to eat a dead snake.

With a rumble and rumble, the big snake rolled its body and rolled over the earth.

Click, click, bones shattered. Puff puff, flesh and blood splattered.

These three sounds were mixed together, making people tremble with fear and numbness. In the blink of an eye, a swamp of flesh and blood was created on the ground. It was full of broken meat and limbs, and the smell of blood rose to the sky.

But the crazy atmosphere not only did not subside, but intensified, and the demons rushed towards the big snake one after another.

Most of the people who were crushed into flesh were ordinary demons, while thousands of demon commanders and demon emperors were like winged soldier ants, flying flexibly in the sky, leaving the demons to consume the power of the big snake.

Gradually, the big snake stopped twisting, as if it had exhausted its strength in the struggle, and lay on the ground like a dead snake, letting the ants cover it.

Although the golden scales were indestructible, they could not stop the minions of so many demons, and they were torn and peeled off bit by bit.

The demonic people tasted the luscious real dragon flesh and blood, which contained the mysterious power of the demonic species, making them more energetic and more fanatical.

"that's all?"

The Demon Emperor was stunned. Such methods were inferior to ordinary beasts. It was a waste of such terrifying power.

He had an inexplicable feeling that this big snake was not struggling to resist the demons, but fighting an invisible enemy. What happened in Kyushu!

He couldn't help but glance at the magic cave in the sky, his pupils suddenly shrank, and he saw a weird and twisted long sword floating directly below the black magic cave, and he said in a voice: "Sword of Deviation!"

Originally, he saw that the big snake stopped moving and was about to fight for the demon seed. At this time, he couldn't care about anything else. He immediately made a sword gesture with his hand, and with a bang, the long sword behind him was unsheathed, and then he rose up with the sword, dragging a purple sword light towards the long sword.

Scanning the ground with his peripheral vision, he saw the demon kings rushing towards the big snake from all directions, killing all the demons who blocked the way, and devouring the snake's body. In order to devour it faster, they simply turned into demons.

He snorted coldly in his heart: "It's up to you to eat some blood food. If you dare to swallow the demon seed, you will be asking for death!"

For him, this "Deviated Sword" is more important than the "Devil Seed". It is his biggest purpose to give up his ascetic practice and personally preside over the invasion of Kyushu. As he continued to approach, he cautiously held the other sword at his waist, still having to guard against the deviant sword spirit in it.

But until he grasped the hilt of the sword, there was no movement from the sword.

He couldn't help but laugh: "It's true that 'you can't find anything even if you break through iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get it'. When I go to get the magic seeds again, the harvest will be no less than when I conquered Kyushu!"

At this moment, a shrill scream came from below, and he was shocked to find that the one who screamed was actually the Demon King under his command.

These demon kings are all extremely cruel people. They have gone through countless fights to reach this point, and they are almost numb to pain. If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, it would be almost impossible to believe what kind of pain could make them make such sounds. It was like...like they had fallen into hell.

The big snake was still lying motionless on the mire of flesh and blood. (To be continued...) R1292

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