Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 416 Sorry

A sky-climbing vine suddenly penetrated the void and stabbed at Kunpeng. ¤The top novel,

Gu Yanying avoided the attack gracefully, but more sky-climbing vines came out of the void, forcing her to restrain her wings and land in front of Longshou Mountain instead.

Luohu Xiaoming was standing on a steep rock at the foot of the mountain.

Li Qingshan jumped down and landed on a rock not far away. Knowing that he had not finished it, he still couldn't help but ask: "How is it?"

Luohu Xiaoming curled his lips and shook his head slightly: "No."

"Hey, you are a god, how can you say no?"

Luohu Xiaoming raised his chest and raised his head: "I am the God of War, not a gardener. This climbing vine is less than a thousand years old. It only grew so big by forcing it to grow. It has not formed any spiritual consciousness at all, let alone turned into a spirit. With our cultivation, we must Destroying it is easy, but controlling it is, unfortunately, almost impossible.”

Li Qingshan knew that plant and plant spirits were famous for their long lifespans, but their growth was extremely slow. The more exotic flowers and plants, the more so, and it was difficult to turn into spirits.

It often takes a long time to acquire spiritual consciousness, but it is only at the level of a beast. It will take a long time to achieve the same wisdom as ordinary humans.

Otherwise, if there are so many thousand-year-old spiritual herbs and towering trees in the world, if they could be turned into spirits so easily, the world would be full of plant elves. In fact, among the seventy-two demon kings, there are only a handful of vegetation types.

If this sky-climbing vine can one day turn into a spirit, then it is not even a juvenile stage now, it is almost in the embryonic stage, and it is still a state of chaos, acting entirely on instinct, unable to communicate, and not subject to any coercion or inducement.

Li Qingshan was a little unwilling: "Then why can Qian Rongzhi control this climbing vine?"

"That must be done by injecting self-awareness into the sky-climbing vine when it is very young. Otherwise, why do you think Silong left such a big hidden danger? No matter how much you trust your fellow disciples, it is better to control this sky-climbing vine yourself. Teng, I’m afraid that Qian Rongzhi has reached this point.”

To a certain extent, Silong's failure has a lot to do with this characteristic of the climbing vine.

Li Qingshan looked up at the dragon-like climbing vines on Longshou Mountain. He said nothing for a long time and looked very disappointed. He just wants to be the savior hero. But if you can't control the sky-climbing vine, everything will be lost.

Am I really not hero material?

Gu Yanying was used to seeing him beaten to death.

No matter how embarrassed and critical he was, he never showed such an expression. He felt a little unbearable for some reason and advised: "Qingshan, forget it!"

Li Qingshan took a deep breath: "Xiao Ming, can I ask you a question?"


Li Qingshan grinned and found that the smile was a little forced. He exhaled and said seriously: "When you found out what you did, how did you feel in your heart?"

Shoot down the stars, destroy the world, and slaughter all living beings.

Such magnificent words. When he first heard these, he was filled with envy and longed to possess such incredible power. Other than that, there isn't much else.

However, at this moment, facing this situation. Even though I was not the direct perpetrator, I still felt extremely heavy.

I remembered that I had just returned to Kyushu. Although Xiao An massacred hundreds of millions of living beings in several states, which shocked him immensely, he could not bear to blame her even half a sentence. Even saying that she would bear this crime was nothing more than empty words.

Now I suddenly realized that I did not understand the weight of this sin. The feeling is completely different.

Luohu Xiaoming closed his eyes with a stern expression: "I don't want to answer."

"You're an amazing guy!"

Li Qingshan admired him from the bottom of his heart. He thought of how he looked like he had lost his fighting spirit when he first met him, and he really disapproved of him. I felt that his courage was not even as good as that of an ordinary Asura, and even worse than myself. However, only now did I understand how powerful he was.

Because it is actually very simple to eliminate this feeling of guilt. Just shout "Heaven and earth are unkind, and treat all living things as stupid dogs" and treat all living beings as ants. Many practitioners do this, and he can do the same. As the saying goes "It's not me that's wrong, it's the world."

He can also blame his mother or even all living beings, "Who made you so weak? This world is about the law of the jungle."

Li Qingshan had heard such remarks too many times in his past and present lives, but he did not choose to bear his sins and sink into depression day by day until he died. Even if he is reborn in the fire of karma and no longer suffers the backlash of karma, this heaviness will not be eliminated.

"Why bother!"

Luohu Xiaoming opened his left eye and glanced at him: "Isn't it the same for you?"

"Yeah, me too."

Since they do not want to distort their hearts, confuse right and wrong, and do not want to shirk responsibility, they have no choice but to bear it themselves. This is their pride. Two people who "treat all things as stupid dogs" cannot stay together for long.

Gu Yanying clapped his hands: "Okay, that's enough of the mutual flattery! Boys, when do we set off? Qingshan, those female friends of yours in the South China Sea can be taken away from this world by Deep Blue Fatty, But there is nothing we can do for others.”

"Let me try again!"

Li Qingshan jumped up and came to Longshou Mountain. The dense climbing vines entangled towards him. As soon as they touched his body, they were shattered by the dark concussive force.

Until you come to the climbing vine, the vine looks like a green wall. Break through the wall and step into it.

The vines are hollow, and a winding passage leads to the sky and disappears into the void.

Li Qingshan sat cross-legged, his heart as calm as water. He first used the spirit turtle to deduce, and then used various methods...

After a long time, Li Qingshan's heart gradually became unstable, and all methods failed. He laughed at himself: "I am really a standard hypocrite!"

Yes, even if he had to choose a hundred times, he would not hesitate at all. Even at this moment, he never felt any regret. In order to realize his wish, even if he has to kill all sentient beings with his own hands, he will do it.

This is the stubbornness of the bull demon, the violence of the tiger demon, and the will of the ape demon.

However, looking back on the past, when he embarked on this path, he wanted to become a "Bull Giant", but in the end he committed tens of millions of times more sins than the bandits in Heifeng Village. Life is really full of ironies! If you want to become a "King of Chivalry", perhaps you can only do it in a place like a small world, where you can crush them with absolute power!

No, even in this small world, countless innocent people will die because of me!

His mood was agitated, his red hair gradually faded, the fire in his red eyes extinguished, and his handsome face returned to its original angular look, with his brows furrowed tightly, unable to let go with a smile.

This unparalleled demon king in the world, like a mortal who has made a mistake, showed a guilty look and murmured: "I'm sorry!"

In an instant, his heart was beating loudly, and a shadow suddenly appeared in the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness. (To be continued...)

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