Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 417 Qilin creeps in to pity the common people

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Dragon head antlers, lion eyes tiger back, bear waist snake scales, horses hooves pig tail...

A gorgeous and majestic divine beast crept into the void, slowly coming from the darkness, its footsteps calm and steady, without a trace of ferocity in its body. Its light green eyes looked at Li Qingshan, full of vitality, like the spring breeze in March. The noodles make people feel relaxed and happy.

It bowed its head and licked Li Qingshan's face. Li Qingshan's frown relaxed and he murmured: "This is the "Nine Transformations of Gods and Demons"... a new change!"

The feeling brought to him by the transformation of other gods and demons was completely different. Needless to say, the three transformations of the devil were also very different from the two transformations of the gods.

It is noble, but does not have the reserve and pride of Phoenix. It is wise, but does not have the depth and indifference of the turtle.

Even the weakest creature will not feel any threat standing in front of it. My heart was filled with peace and tranquility, and I couldn't help but want to get close.

This strange charm cannot be described in words, making him feel the beating of his heart, the flow of his blood, the temperature of his skin, the taste of his mouth...these complex and detailed feelings, the combination of which is called "life" .

Nothing is more precious than life. Even if you are as small as an ant, you still have the instinct to survive. That is the source of power that transcends everything and is engraved in the souls of all living beings.

Even if one is as powerful as a practitioner, what he pursues is nothing more than the word "immortality", and he is no different from an ant. If you can compare your heart to your heart, you will be able to understand; examine the intentions of all living beings and sympathize with the hardships of life.

"Instead of being a hypocrite, it is better to be a hero who says, 'I would rather teach the world to betray me than teach the world to betray me'. Instead, I will live a simple and happy life. Unfortunately, I am not that kind of hero after all, even if I have committed so many crimes. I still want to be a chivalrous and righteous 'King of Chivalrous people'!"

Li Qingshan sighed and closed his eyes, and a sentence of magic slowly emerged in his heart: "The unicorn quietly steps to pity the common people."

Legend has it that Qilin originated from the creation of heaven and earth. It is the supreme beast. He spends his whole life quietly walking in the void and never sets foot on the earth. It’s not that I pride myself on being reserved or afraid of being stained by dust, but I don’t want to step on any plants or trees. Having great power but not abusing it, instead being more cautious, is a most benevolent beast.

If there is no Qilin in the world, people will doubt the truth of "God has the virtue of good life". I firmly believe that "Heaven and Earth are not benevolent and treat all things as stupid dogs" is the so-called "Way of Heaven".

This is the third divine transformation in "Nine Transformations of Gods and Demons" - the Qilin Transformation.

The Qilin raised its head and neighed, leaped into his chest, and turned it into a "Qilin Longevity Strategy".

Watching Li Qingshan enter the climbing vine,

Gu Yanying and Luo Huan Xiaoming waited at the foot of the mountain until the sun set and the sky was filled with stars, but there was still no sign of him.

"Why hasn't he come out yet? He's hiding in there crying, right?"

Ever since Gu Yanying received the Kunpeng inheritance, she felt that she couldn't stay still anymore and wished she could spread her wings to the sky immediately.

Luohu Xiaoming glanced at her and ignored her.

Gu Yanying felt bored and rubbed his nose: "Okay, you guys share the same feelings and suffer from the same disease. A good person like me can't understand your feelings."

"No, he might still have a way!" Luo Hu Xiaoming's eyes flashed. He said to Gu Yanying in a serious tone: "You are lucky to get the inheritance from that person, but don't forget who you are. If your original intention is wiped out, you won't be able to go very far after all."

Gu Yanying said seriously: "Thank you for reminding me, I will always remember these words."

She inexplicably thought of her big disciple. If she had accepted her proposal and chosen the more comfortable path, she would still be a small foundation-building monk now, and she might have died in some accident. Even if he survives, he is just drifting with the tide, and there is absolutely no way he can control his own destiny.

The sun rises and the moon sets, time flies by, and the mouth of the hungry ghost tears faster and faster, constantly devouring living things.

Luohu Xiaoming suddenly opened his eyes. Looking towards the top of the mountain.

At some point, Li Qingshan came to the edge of the cliff, nodded slightly to Luohu Xiaoming, and looked far into the distance, overlooking the mountains.

Countless vines wrapped around him, but this time, he did not activate the power of shock and allowed the vines to pierce into his body.

Gu Yanying was surprised: "What does he want to do?"

Luohu Xiaoming smiled slightly: "Probably to save the world!"

In the blink of an eye, Li Qingshan was overwhelmed by vines. Thousands of vines twisted and twisted into a sepak takraw ball, wrapping him tightly in it.

Even with Li Qingshan's cultivation at the moment, he couldn't withstand this kind of extraction. All the energy in his body quickly drained away, and his strong body shrank. His eyes were always quiet and peaceful, glowing with a faint green color, and he silently ran the "Kilin Immortality Strategy".

In the small world inside the body, a small green grass suddenly grew on the vast land. It was so fragile and small, but it changed the entire small world at once, as if a puppet had come to life.

"Earth, fire, wind, water, and space" are the basic elements that make up a world, but if there is no existence of life, even the six reincarnations, the three thousand worlds, and even the nine heavens, what is the meaning of existence.

It is precisely because of the existence of these many lives, like clusters of sparks, lighting up this long night.

The new "Qilin Transformation" not only did not affect the balance of the small world at all, but was perfectly integrated into it, giving Li Qingshan new power.

With a gentle wave of his right hand, the vines spread out.

Luohu Xiaoming beamed with joy: "He succeeded!"

In fact, in such a short period of time, Li Qingshan did not complete the first level of "Qilin Immortality Strategy", but he only had a trace of Qilin bloodline, which allowed him to communicate with all living creatures and exert influence on them. No change in the past had such an effect. When the Bull Demon Transformation reached the first level, it only became stronger and stronger.

The essence of this power is not as simple as controlling plants and trees, but a power close to its origin, the way to sustain all things.

It was with this power that he communicated with the Sky-Climbing Vine. With a change of mind, the end of the Sky-Climbing Vine was pulled away from the human world and coiled into a coil on the mountain top, looking extremely docile.

Li Qingshan was glad in his heart. If he lost his benevolence, indulged in fighting, and only wanted to challenge the strong, while ignoring all living beings who were weaker than himself, then he would never be able to understand the true meaning of the "Qilin Transformation".

Now that I have just glimpsed it, I am amazed by the magical power of the Qilin Transformation. It is by no means weaker than any previous transformation, and in some aspects is even much stronger.

However, the Qilin Transformation also has its unique restrictions, that is, "it can only live, not kill." It cannot be malicious to the creatures it communicates with, and it cannot be used to destroy or kill.

For example, if he wanted to kill the Sky-Climbing Vine or use the Sky-Climbing Vine to destroy the enemy, he would never succeed.

He still needs to slowly discover the various mysteries in this. What he has to do now is just to save the common people.

The sky-devouring beast came from a distance, and Li Qingshan gave an order:

"Swallow the world, Dark Blue Fatty!" (To be continued...)

ps: New changes, the most benevolent beast, please vote again! R1292

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