Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 418 Faint old friend

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Under the vast starry sky, the dark blue sky-devouring beast jumped out of the sea like a giant whale, opened its abyss-like mouth, and swallowed the entire Longshou Mountain from bottom to top, including Li Qingshan and the Sky-Climbing Vine on the top of the mountain.

Li Qingshan stepped on the sky-climbing vine, causing it to stretch out in the dark void and continue to penetrate deep into the void-devouring beast.

After a moment, he opened his eyes and said excitedly: "It's done!"

In a star billions of miles away, the mirror clone of Li Qingshan, the God of the World, clearly observed the sky-climbing vine piercing the void and inserting into this world. Everything was as he expected.

His plan is actually very simple, that is to use the climbing vine to connect the Kyushu world and the small world and open up a life channel.

Originally, it was not sure that it would succeed, because the climbing vine can connect the Kyushu world and the human world. That is because the Six Paths of Reincarnation and the Three Thousand Worlds have a natural connection. And two stars thousands of miles apart in the vast void, no matter how strong the sky-climbing vine is, it is impossible to connect them.

The reason for its success is also due to the "Dark Blue Fatty". In a sense, it is the clone of the small world. The connection between the two is even closer than the three thousand worlds and the six reincarnations. After all, under normal circumstances, the two are isolated from each other.

Everything that Dark Blue Fatty swallows will be transmitted to the small world through a special "organ" in the body. In fact, it is still a whole, but it is not like ordinary creatures.

However, this kind of teleportation requires a "digestion" process. Even Li Qingshan, the God of the World, cannot even think of teleporting himself back, let alone other life forms. Once they enter its mouth, they will all die. Even great monks cannot withstand this kind of digestion.

Now that Li Qingshan has deeply implanted the climbing vine into Fatty Deep Blue's "organ" for teleportation and successfully achieved communication, he can finally let go of all worries and let Fatty Deep Blue devour the world of Kyushu. This is the only way to save the world.

Li Qingshan flew out of Dark Blue Little Fatty's body, high-spirited and not even a little bit disappointed: "Haha, I'm really a genius!"

"Great genius, what do you want to do? You need our help!"

Gu Yanying was also infected by his emotions, and she felt inexplicably happy, thinking of the big monkey in the small world.

Li Qingshan ordered unceremoniously: "Yanying, go and notify the practitioners who have suffered three or more heavenly tribulations and ask them to gather in the South China Sea. When I swallow all the nine states in the world, I will send them to another world!"

The cultivation levels of the great monks and demon kings are too high and cannot be accommodated by the current small world.

However, when Fatty Dark Blue swallows almost all of the Kyushu World, and the small world is further upgraded and enlarged, it will definitely be able to accommodate it.

Gu Yanying had a strange look on his face, his words sounded so sinister, but seeing that he was in high spirits, he didn't say much and immediately left in the air.

Luohu Xiaoming smiled and said, "What about me?"

Li Qingshan said: "You go to Nanhai to help me see the scene. There are many conflicts between these great monks, demon kings, and alien kings. The great monks are divided into righteous ways, demonic ways, and different sects. The demon kings are almost not of the same species. The aliens Not to mention. Before I even arrived, they started fighting each other, and many of them died. All my good intentions were in vain.

He muttered: "Well, when we get to the small world, we can find a way to separate them all. The human ones belong to humans, and the monsters belong to monsters! If aliens want to be gods, then they can do it."

Luo Hu Xiaoming said: "Okay, I will kill whoever takes action!"

Li Qingshan sighed: "Now that I hear you say that, I really can't bear it! I am now the Most Benevolent Qilin. Have you heard of Qilin?" He smiled again: "It's just a good idea!"

After Luo Hu Xiaoming left, Li Qingshan shouted: "Big! Big! Big!"

The dark blue fat thing inflated like an inflated stick until it reached a height of tens of thousands of feet, stretching across the sky and the earth. White clouds floated beneath it and could be seen clearly from thousands of miles away.

It opened its big mouth to the extreme, as if its body was about to be torn apart, and swallowed everything, the earth, magma, air, rivers, and even the entire space.

It reminded Li Qingshan of a game called "Pac-Man" in his previous life, and he couldn't help laughing: "Eat, eat! Foodies save the world!"

In one breath, Dark Blue Fatty will eat up all the land a thousand miles around, including Longshou Mountain, including all the magma in the ground. Then he will go straight south to the border between Longzhou and Wuzhou, where he will fight with the hungry ghosts. Snatching food from the tiger's mouth.

Although the Hungry Ghost Dao has the instinct to devour the world, it is not as simple and crude as the Sky Devouring Beast. Time flies by. In just over a month, most of Kyushu has been swallowed up by Dark Blue Fatty, including billions of living creatures.

With a benevolent heart, Li Qingshan ran the "Qilin Immortality Strategy", stimulating the trace of Qilin blood to the extreme. His eyes were filled with green waves, and he could identify all living creatures, even the tiniest mayflies in the water. All were sent to the small world through the climbing vines.

The Sky Devouring Beast selectively digested the things it swallowed according to its will, and Li Qingshan discovered that the small world welcomed these creatures.

For the small world, as long as it is contained within it, it is a part of it, and living things seem to be very precious resources. Sometimes sending a group of humans over is stronger than swallowing a mountain and getting a stronger response from the will of the world.

If one can become the "Son of Destiny" by gaining the favor of God, then Li Qingshan can now be called the "Father of Destiny" in the small world.

The small world was originally thin in spiritual energy and narrow in area, and could not accommodate even the practitioners of a single heavenly tribulation. Since Li Qingshan became the God of the World, the level of the world can be said to have increased crazily. Now he is about to break through to the level of three heavenly tribulations, faster than an ordinary person can become a great monk.

It can be said that he has the gift of recreating the small world. The ever-strengthening will of the world makes him love him like a biological father. It is completely: "You can do whatever you want, and you can do whatever you want!" He controls the clone of the small world " "Dark Blue Fatty" can move the fingers like an arm, extremely smoothly. This behemoth that fills the world seems to be more obedient than a pet dog.

In the process, I also met many familiar faces.

In the desert east of Chizhou, a man and a city were swallowed into the body of the Sky Devouring Beast.

Li Qingshan felt vaguely familiar, and a sickly face appeared in his mind, and a name blurted out: "Huang Sick Tiger!"

Now he has lost his sick appearance and looks much better. However, his hair is gray and his face is full of wrinkles. He is already a bit old. He actually broke through a catastrophe and became a foundation-building monk. I don't know what kind of opportunity he got.

I couldn't help but think of the life-and-death fight with the ginseng pickers many years ago. The hunters in Lemazhuang were raining down arrows. The yellow sick tiger stood high on the stone and hit every target.

At that time, life and death were on the line, and I didn't care about anything else. But now I can clearly recall the dense and lush forests around me, the bright sunshine above my head, and an old cow with a broken horn pulling the cart, squeaking and squeaking forward.

"Ha, Brother Niu even gored a man to death with his horn at that time! That guy must have felt that he was extremely unlucky to die under the horns of an old cow, but he didn't know that this was an honor!"

The memory gradually revives, even more vivid than before... R1152

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