Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 4 Human Face

? A burst of wild laughter suddenly sounded, Li Qingshan patted his thigh: "I knew you were so tasteless, so I deliberately tested you and started in the Cave Mansion... Hahahaha..."

Luo Hu Xiaoming's eyes twitched: "I really want to beat him!" Gu Yanying rolled his eyes: "It's a pity that you can't beat him!"

Xiao An lowered his head: "Not happy. www/"

Li Qingshan touched her head: "My Xiao'an is naturally an exception, but Longtan Cave is Longtan Cave! This is indeed not a place to stay for a long time. There is no guarantee when 'guests' will come to visit. I will find a new cave as ours as soon as possible. Wherever you stay, you should practice well here first! But don’t try to overcome the tribulation recently, I’m afraid it will attract some thoughtful people’s ideas. "

Xiao An said: "Idiot Qingshan, you still need to say it in such a long way."

Li Qingshan's smile froze, and Xiao An laughed.

Gu Yanying smiled and said: "Don't let the new cave abode be too bad!"

"Don't worry, it will be better than this."

Li Qingshan rubbed Xiao An's cheek fiercely, waved and walked towards the cave gate.

With a bang, the stone door opened, and bright sunlight poured in, engulfing his figure.

The sun was scorching like fire, it was midsummer, and the rolling mountains and forests were green and thick, as if they were about to drip down from the mountains. When the mountain breeze blows, the breath of vegetation blows towards your face, mixed with the chirping of birds, creating a vibrant scene.

However, there is nothing special about all this. If it weren't for the unusually strong spiritual energy, it would be doubtful that he has returned to Jiuzhou, standing on Woniugang and looking at the vast mountains.

Officially stepping into the six realms of reincarnation is like experiencing reincarnation. However, looking back, there are no small villages, only solitary peaks standing like dragons.

Li Qingshan picked up a stone and crushed it into pieces, feeling the change in power.

"It's almost like falling into a big realm. Maybe more than that. If you turn into the body of gods and demons, you may not even be able to reach a hundred feet. This is a great good thing for practice. It's really interesting!"

"As expected, the laws of heaven and earth have a restraining effect. Otherwise, in such a rich aura environment, even if birds and beasts cannot become spirits, their lifespans will be greatly extended. Once they have a longer lifespan, the possibility of becoming spirits will increase." It will increase greatly. As the spirit of all things, human beings are probably all innate spiritual bodies. They have the qualifications to become practitioners. Then I am afraid that this place cannot be called the human world."

Except for the Longtan Cave behind him, there is no trace of anyone in the surrounding area.

This is also expected. Even mortals will look for places with beautiful scenery to build villas after they get rich. The cave of a practitioner must choose a blessed place where spiritual veins gather, let alone gather together, otherwise he would not dare to be so careless. Come out of the front door.

However, this does not mean that it is safe. This Longtan Cave must be within the sphere of influence of the Wanxiang Sect. With the practitioner's flight speed, someone will come looking for Silong at any time. If anything strange is discovered. Will definitely knock on the door.

With their strength, they can't even defeat a human emperor now, let alone the strongest person of Wanxiang Sect. It's definitely not just the Human Emperor, even if none of this happens. Cultivation requires calmness and concentration, how can you be uneasy all the time, and you have to be cautious even when crossing the tribulation, so you must find a new cave as a base.

However, when I first arrived in the human world, I was unfamiliar with the place, and I didn’t know where to go to get information. I was about to look in a random direction when I suddenly sniffed. He reached out and grabbed a wisp of mountain breeze, put it to the tip of his nose and sniffed it vigorously.

"Huh? Human flavor!"

He smiled. Like a demon ready to devour someone, it leapt forward. Falling straight down a cliff.

The mountain wind whistled past my ears; a blue wave rushed towards my face.

With a pop, the blue waves broke and fell into the deep pool. It sank more than ten feet and was still bottomless. Perhaps this is the origin of the name "Longtan".

The sun was shining through the water, and the waves were rippling. He raised his head and stared at the scene, thought for a moment, and swam up.

When he walked out of the pool, the water droplets rolled down, and the red hair and red eyes had turned into black hair and black eyes, blending the appearance of the demon and the human body. He was still unusually handsome, but he was no longer a naked monster. .

In the human world, he naturally has to act like a human being. However, even though he has restrained his demonic aura, he still cannot conceal the wild and violent aura of the demon king. Even if he is a human being, he still practices brutal and domineering techniques such as "Huang Ji World Destruction Record". He just has the word "bad guy" carved on his forehead, which is really not suitable for prying out information.

He flicked his hand, and the deep pool was quiet, and the blue waves were like mirrors. He knelt down and took a photo, and couldn't help but frown. He suddenly looked murderous, like a tiger crouching, which was terrifying.

"The tiger demon is too fierce! The phoenix is ​​too arrogant, the turtle is too cold, and the ape demon is just a joke. I'm afraid he can't help but have some fun, or trouble. The cow demon is good, relatively honest, but unfortunately a bit arrogant... …”

While talking to himself, he made various expressions, either reserved or indifferent, just like changing his face. Each expression was very different, almost like two people. It was the characteristic of all kinds of changes in gods and demons. This was not only It will affect his demeanor and temperament, and even affect his behavior from the inside out, and even his subsequent practice.

An expression flashed across his face, and his eyes lit up. He patted the right cheek three times, switched expressions three times, and patted the left cheek lightly. Finally, he captured the flashing expression and showed a satisfied look. smile.

In the water mirror, he has a peaceful face, full of heartfelt love for all life in the world, and cannot bear to hurt even a weed or an ant.

One pair of eyes in particular seemed to be green, as if the willow branches were blown by the spring breeze, gentle and flexible, and like the sea water under the summer sun, full of pleasant vitality. He even looked a little innocent, grinning like a teenager.

This is the kindness that exists deep in the heart, and the Kirin transformation makes it more vivid.

He touched his cheek and said with a smile: "Okay, that's it. It's just this face. Who dares to say that I'm not a good person, I'll twist his head off. He happens to be practicing the "Qilin Immortality Strategy" as well, so it can be said to be the best of both worlds. "

He turned around and walked into the forest, striding towards the direction where the human scent was coming from.

After walking over mountains and ridges for more than a hundred miles, suddenly a fishy wind came, and with a roar, a colorful tiger with a white forehead and an eye-catching eye jumped out of the forest. It was twice as big as an ordinary tiger and was almost full-grown. He looked at Li Qingshan with eager eyes and blocked his way.

Li Qingshan restrained all his aura, and it was useless to look like a mortal. When he saw the tiger blocking the road, he did not move forward in a hurry, stopped and looked at the tiger with a smile.

The tiger looked at him doubtfully, approaching step by step, and suddenly met his eyes, lowered its head, slowly stepped back, and got out of the way, like a loyal general facing a benevolent monarch.

Li Qingshan's smile became more intense: "What a good cat, you are worthy of being mine. From now on, you will eat more vegetarian food and less meat. I wish you will become a spirit and become a monster as soon as possible."

The tiger barked, as if in response, and jumped back into the forest.

"Haha, this move is really good. From now on, we will convince others with virtue!"

Li Qingshan continued to move forward, passing through dense forests. As the human figure got closer and closer, he felt a little excited and couldn't help but slow down his pace - this was a man of the human world.

Suddenly he raised his eyebrows and felt a little strange. There were quite a few people around, but why were they all hiding behind the big tree? There was also a faint smell of blood.

With a swish, the cold light of a knife struck in front of him, and a strong man jumped out from behind the tree, with a fleshy face, a bare upper body, and bulging muscles.

"Hey, boy, I opened this road and planted this tree. I want to cross here and leave the money to buy the road!"

Li Qingshan was stunned, with a weird feeling, and thought in disbelief: "I was actually robbed!?"

Instead, the strong man put down the sword in his hand and said with a smile: "This kid was scared to death. Brothers, come out!"

A dozen bandits walked out of the forest, looking at Li Qingshan like a cow or a sheep, and talking about it:

"This kid is empty-handed. He doesn't look like a businessman or a passerby. I wonder where he came from?"

"Maybe he is also a fool who is seeking immortality."

"Haha, there are so many idiots like this lately. They don't even urinate and take pictures to see if they are worthy of it! If they are true, then they can have a big meal again."

"But he looks like a poor guy, and he looks pretty good. He might be able to sell it for a good price!"

"It's better to eat!"

When Li Qingshan came to his senses, he was about to rebel and kill someone. He also remembered that he had just determined the rules of conduct in the human world, and this was the first group of people he met in the human world. Even if it was just for practice, he would not be able to do it right away. Change course.

‘Forget it, your fortune is good, all because God has the virtue to live a good life. I am now convincing people with virtue, and I am convincing others with virtue. ’

While repeatedly reciting the four words "Conquer people with virtue", he stared deeply at the leading robber and said with a smile: "My friend, please do it for your convenience!"

The bandit leader stood there blankly, as if he was also frightened by those strangely charming eyes.

Li Qingshan smiled slightly and was about to walk around him.

The bandit leader suddenly became furious and put a knife on Li Qingshan's neck: "You are quite courageous. You dare to call me brother and brother. Now kneel down, kowtow three times, and call 'Grandpa' three times, and I will make it easier for you!"

Kirin is the supreme beast. Even a trace of breath can make the tiger give in. Even if humans are infected by the aura of kindness, they will not change their minds easily. After all, Kirin does not have the charm of the nine-tailed fox.

Li Qingshan was silent for a moment and squeezed out a sentence through his teeth: "Damn it, the world is so unfriendly!"

The group of thieves shouted wildly: "You are really an idiot. You don't see what the grandfathers do. Do you think you can get away with just a few gossips?"

"Everyone here is your grandfather. You have to kowtow three times and call me grandpa three times. This person in front of you is the eldest grandpa, and I am your second grandpa..."

The bandit leader said with a ferocious smile: "If you dare to say no, you will immediately rip out your heart and drink it!"

"good idea!"

The bandit leader was in a daze, and saw Li Qingshan take out a wine gourd from nowhere, put a bloody heart on it, and ate it all in a few mouthfuls, sucking the blood on his fingers with relish. (To be continued)

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