Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 5 The Immortal Ascension Order

"Where did you come from..." The bandit leader suddenly felt a sharp pain in his chest. ∈♦Capstone novel,

"King!" A robber pointed at his chest in horror. When he lowered his head, he saw a bloody stain spreading, his vision went dark, and he fell to the ground.

A dark cloud crossed the scorching sun, and the forest suddenly became dark.

A few shrill screams quickly calmed down, mixed with a few murmurs: "Oh, you use your virtue to convince others, you use your virtue to convince others!"

However, things in this world are always like "violent beasts are easy to surrender, but people's hearts are hard to be subdued."

A tiger roar resounded through the mountains. After a moment, the treetops shook their heads, and a fishy wind came. The tiger that they had just encountered jumped out of the forest. They saw a pair of red eyes in the dark forest, lying on the ground, covered with hair. Trembling, even if he already possessed some spiritual wisdom, he could not connect it with the human with the strange aura he had just seen.

"Big Cat, make way for me and I'll treat you to a meal. We don't owe each other anything! Hahaha, in ancient times, Buddha sacrificed his life to feed tigers. Today, Li Qingshan kills thieves and feeds tigers. Isn't he better than Buddha!"

Gurgling, gurgling, strong liquor entering the throat, the madman is like a tiger.

A moment later, a man as handsome and delicate as a young man walked out of the dense forest. The clouds opened and the sun rose brightly. He licked the blood from the corner of his mouth and smiled peacefully.

My stomach growled a few times, and a strange feeling arose in my heart. I was just aroused to anger: "If you want to drink with my heart, I will try your taste!"

However, after eating it, the taste was surprisingly good. The rich spiritual energy blended into every inch of flesh and blood, and it was still beating in the mouth. When you bite it, it feels like bursting beef balls. Then I couldn't resist the urge and ate it to my heart's content. If I didn't still have some humanity, I might not have been able to wait for the tiger to come.

Is it because of spiritual energy? No. When I first ate the Sky Frost Wolf King, the spiritual energy was more intense and I didn't feel this way.

It's hunger! The laws of heaven and earth of the human world returned this long-lost feeling to him, allowing him to once again possess the instinct of a living being. As the spirit of all things, humans may be really delicious to monsters.

He couldn't help but laugh. This seemingly ordinary world actually contains many wonders!

He opened his hand, and inside was an exquisite wood-carved bookmark, exactly the same as the bookmark he found in Longtan Cave, which he had found from the bandit leader.

He lowered his head and took a quick sniff. In addition to the unpleasant sweat smell of the bandit leader, there was also a stronger smell, with a faint hint of something refreshing.

That is definitely not something ordinary people can have. Although the efficacy of this item is unknown, it is definitely not something that a robber can possess.

Recalling what the robbers said, "Practitioners? No way!"

When he followed the scent to the robbers' lair, he found a young man with a bruised nose and swollen face, naked, and tied up like a pig or sheep.

"All right!"

Li Qingshan breathed out. Judging from the smell on this guy's body, he was really a Qi practitioner, and the smell on his body was exactly the same as the one on the wood carving bookmark.

Um. A Qi practitioner who was caught by robbers, look like this. It's for drinking.

The young man said with shame and urgency: "Save me! Save me!" There was a taste of pepper and aniseed in his mouth.

Li Qingshan took out the wood carving bookmark: "Is this yours?"

The young man's eyes suddenly lit up: "It's mine, you...where did you get it? Did you kill those bandits?"

"Those bandits were eaten by tigers, and I picked them up."

The young man breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately forgot about the dilemma at the moment, and said reluctantly: "Can you... give it back to me?"

Li Qingshan said: "Okay!"

"Great. It's true that auspicious people have their own destiny, and auspicious people have their own destiny. Can you help me untie the rope?"

"Tell me first, what is the use of this thing?" Li Qingshan twisted the wooden bookmark and waved it in front of him.

"This... this is my family heirloom. It's of no use at all. It's just a souvenir." The young man's expression changed slightly, his eyes twinkling.

Li Qingshan laughed. The box of bookmarks he found contained the largest number of wood carvings of this kind. There were hundreds of them. Could it be that they were all heirlooms of this "**Lamb"! Could it be that Silong is your ancestor?

"It's true. It's useless if you take it. You have saved my life, and I will definitely repay you in the future. I am a Qi Refiner!"

Li Qingshan asked: "How could you, a dignified Qi practitioner, be captured by a group of robbers?"

In Kyushu, the weakest Qi Master can easily kill hundreds of bandits, let alone the original Five Continents world. Those are called innate masters, and each of them is at the top of the world.

"Well, it's hard for two fists to beat four hands. Especially the bandit leader's sword skills are very powerful. Although I know a few spells, I can't match his sword speed. But when I successfully build the foundation, there will be hundreds or even thousands of them. The robbers are not afraid anymore!”

The young man tried his best to hold his head high and look proud, but he looked more and more embarrassed.

"Okay, let me ask you again, what is the use of this thing?"

"Didn't I say it? It's my family heirloom!"

"It is necessary to be on guard against others, but I am your savior after all. It would be inappropriate for you to lie to me twice." Li Qingshan showed a little bit of the atmosphere of "Huangji Destruction Record".

The young man felt that he suddenly became overbearing and could not look directly at him, as if he would kill him at any time. He shouted loudly: "Senior! This junior has blind eyes and cannot see Mount Tai. I said, I said, this is the order to ascend to immortality!"

"Order of Ascension to Immortality?" Li Qingshan was stunned for a moment and looked at the wooden bookmark in his hand: "Is this the thing?"

Then he can ascend to immortality hundreds of times, and judging from his spiritual energy, this kind of wood carving bookmark is still the worst.

With a wave of his hand, the rope disappeared. The young man got up from the ground. He didn't care about finding clothes to cover his body. He knelt on the ground with his butt sticking out and said excitedly: "Junior Zhu Yingcai, I wonder what kind of cultivation my senior has? Is it possible? Already formed a pill?"

Li Qingshan said: "Am I asking you, or are you asking me? How can I become an immortal with this thing?"

The young man said: "Senior, you must have come from afar, otherwise how could you not recognize this thing! This is a mysterious wooden sign passed down in the Wanxiang Sect. Once every ten years, the Wanxiang Sect recruits disciples, and they can take part in the assessment by holding this thing. If you can pass it, you can enter the mountain gate, and maybe you can become an immortal, so it is commonly known as the 'Order of Ascension to Immortality'."

"Wanxiang Sect, well, I seem to have heard of this name. I wonder what are the benefits of joining this Wanxiang Sect?"

Li Qingshan's head turned. Even if it was just to protect himself, he had to find out the information about the Wanxiang Sect, and he had a lot of "Ascension Orders" in his hand.

Zhu Yingcai said: "This...has endless benefits!"

Suddenly, Li Qingshan's stomach growled, and looking at his fair and clean appearance, his appetite was inexplicably aroused. Licking his lips, at least those robbers were right, the hearts of practitioners should be more delicious!

"Why don't you put on your clothes and let's find a place to talk slowly. You don't have to be afraid. I always convince people with virtue!"

Zhu Yingcai felt a chill running through his body. He looked up and saw a face that was as handsome as a young man's. His eyes were full of peace and kindness, which made his heart feel warm. (To be continued...)

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