Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 6 Lucheng

The path where the robbers ambush naturally cannot be deserted. The scent of human beings is everywhere on the road, and it becomes stronger and stronger as they continue to move forward. ∽♦Top∽♦Point∽♦Small∽♦ said,

Along the way, Zhu Yingcai was extremely respectful to the senior Li Qingshan and kept talking to him. If Li Qingshan gives him a good look, he will immediately kneel down and worship him as his teacher.

Li Qingshan asked back: "Aren't you going to join the Wanxiang Sect? How can you worship me as your teacher?"

"This... Wanxiang Sect is so big, shouldn't it care about these little details?"

Zhu Yingcai's words flickered, and he obviously didn't know much about the rules of the Wanxiang Sect, but he wanted to get close to Li Qingshan in front of him more than the distant Wanxiang Sect. Otherwise, if you encounter bandits on the way, you may never reach Wanxiang Sect. But it is absolutely impossible for him to give up entering the Wanxiang Sect and practice with a person of unknown origin.

"Haha, it turns out I'm just Xiaojie."

Li Qingshan was a little disappointed. Zhu Yingcai knew very little about the Wanxiang Sect. They were basically legends and conjectures, with no useful information. After all, he is just a Qi Refiner, and this is still the way of the world. A Qi Refiner is no better than a mortal. If he hadn't been lucky enough to meet him, he would have almost become a meal for the bandits.

"No, no, no, once I am a master, I am always a father. No matter what happens in the future, you will always be my master!" Zhu Yingcai vowed, but it seemed unconvincing.

"Let's talk about it in the future!"

At this moment, the field of vision suddenly became wider, and before he knew it, he had walked out of the forest. There is a small village at the end of the road. It is getting late, but there is no smoke rising from the village, let alone the crowing of chickens and the barking of dogs.

When I got closer, I saw that it was a deserted village that looked abandoned not long ago. Several hungry wild dogs with craggy ribs were fighting over a hungry corpse with the same craggy ribs. They bared their teeth and growled when people approached.

Li Qingshan glanced at it and saw that the wild dog was whimpering and lying on the ground, wagging its tail desperately, as if the domestic dog had seen its owner, maybe it was really a domestic dog not long ago.

Zhu Yingcai looked surprised. He picked up the knife from the robber's den and stepped forward bravely: "How about I kill these vicious dogs as a tooth sacrifice for my seniors!"

Li Qingshan said calmly: "I'm afraid they have a lot of human flesh in their stomachs."

"Human flesh!" Zhu Yingcai's expression changed, he glanced at the mutilated and hungry corpse on the ground, and quickly covered his mouth.

"where is this place?"

Li Qingshan smelled a lot of messy smells in the air.

In addition to blood, there were also weapons. Many people who did not belong to this village broke in and took everyone away, while those who could not leave were left here to starve to death.

This human world is too unreliable. After all, there are immortals and even real immortals, but it turns out to be a scene of troubled times. Why don't you just choose Qilin Rendao and see such a scene?

Zhu Yingcai took out a sheepskin map from the bamboo basket behind him and studied it carefully: "Ah, this is the border of the White Deer Kingdom!"

"Is it famous?"

"Of course, it is very famous. Although it is only a thousand miles away, the capital of the White Deer Kingdom is famous for being a prosperous place. There must be something to eat when you get there!"

Li Qingshan felt increasingly hungry. Glancing at the sheepskin map: "Then let's go!"

He casually grabbed Zhu Yingcai and flew away, amidst his ear-piercing screams. Disappeared into the falling night.

Li Qingshan restrained all the changes in "Nine Transformations of Gods and Demons" and only used "Huangji World Destruction Record". He was also restrained by the laws of the human world. His speed was not much faster than that of a flying bird, but it only took a few hundred miles. When the two landed outside Bailu City. Zhu Yingcai lay on the ground and vomited loudly, while looking at Li Qingshan with extremely admiring eyes:

"Senior... you can... fly... are you... a Nascent Soul cultivator?"

Li Qingshan said with disgust: "Can you finish vomiting before talking to me, but this is the prosperous place you said?"

Not far away is a city gate tower with the word "Lucheng" engraved on it. However, there are large and small shacks built outside the city gate. The entire city was surrounded, and there were people making noises, moaning, and even wailing. Even from such a long distance, Li Qingshan could smell the stench.

Alarmed by Zhu Yingcai's exclamation, a group of farmers in ragged clothes, disheveled faces, and armed with broken knives, broken guns, and even hoes and bamboo poles surrounded them.

"You...who are you and where do you come from?"

"Bold! How dare you be rude to your senior! Fire Dragon Technique!"

With Li Qingshan at his side, Zhu Yingcai was particularly courageous. He cut off the bamboo pole in front of him with one knife, then waved his hand and released a stream of flames, which illuminated the frightened faces and scorched some hair and eyebrows.

Li Qingshan could see clearly that it was not that this guy was merciful, but that he could only cast a spell of this level despite all his efforts, which was no better than a magic trick. However, the true energy in his Dantian is extremely pure and condensed. Even the foundation-building monks in Kyushu may not have it. At the same time, the amount is very small. Just using this "trick" consumes 7788. No wonder it is not the robbers. opponent.

"Ah, it's the Hunjun's warlock. He must be here to spy on the military situation. Go and report it to the general!"

The farmers first screamed and retreated, then dropped their "weapons" and turned around to run away.

"Military situation!"

Only then did Li Qingshan realize that the shacks were a military camp, and it seemed that the city was still under siege. Most of these people were rebels composed of refugees, and everything in the deserted village was explained.

He didn't want to fly directly into the city, maybe he would fall into the eyes of someone who was interested, but now that the city gate is closed, there is no way to think about it. He could only restrain his breath as much as possible, grab Zhu Yingcai and jump to the city wall.

The guards on the city wall were very lax. The officers and soldiers were staggering around, even drinking and gambling. They didn't pay attention to the rebels outside the city, and no one noticed the sudden appearance on the city wall.

Only one Taoist suddenly opened his eyes wide, but in the blink of an eye, the figure had disappeared. He couldn't help but rub his eyes and cursed: "Unlucky! Everyone else is drinking in Lumingyuan, but I am caught up in such a bad job! "

Walking on the streets of the city, Li Qingshan realized that what Zhu Yingcai said was true. This "Deer City" was indeed a prosperous place. It was already night, and there were still people everywhere. It was a scene of prosperity, and it was only separated from the outside of the city. A city wall. But it's like two worlds.

And it lives up to the name of "Deer City". There are male and female deer, big deer and small deer everywhere, walking leisurely on the streets. Not only are they not afraid of people, but they also ask pedestrians to give way to them, creating a wonderful scene of people and nature coexisting in harmony.

However, there are also many beggars in ragged clothes and numb expressions on the street, whining and begging. Being driven back and forth on one side, a city wall cannot separate the two worlds after all.

He also found that passers-by fed deer more than they gave alms, and the beggars with green-eyed hunger salivated at the fat deer passing by, but none of them dared to take action.

It’s really weird that people are inferior to deer. Is this still the way of the world? If I catch one and eat it, I don’t know what will happen.

Shaking his head, he threw the thought of asking for trouble away from his mind. He raised his head and took a deep breath. All kinds of smells in the city entered his nostrils. He chose the most alluring smell among them and walked through the crowd.

Zhu Yingcai followed closely behind, his eyes rolling around, thinking about how to trick Li Qingshan into going to Wanxiang Sect. Even if he failed to become a disciple, he would still have a big bodyguard. With his ability to fly into the sky and escape from the earth, I'm afraid I can get there in a day. Wouldn't that save a lot of trouble?

Li Qingshan boarded a stone bridge. The river was gurgling under the bridge, and the river was full of painted boats. The place where the fragrance came was a brightly lit building, with the singing of orioles and strings of silk and bamboo. It lingers, and the strong smell of powder has overshadowed the aroma of the food. You don't have to guess where it is.

It is indeed one of the oldest professions of mankind, and there are poems like "Business girls don't know the hatred of their country's subjugation, and they still sing the flowers in the backyard across the river." Even a rough guy like Li Qingshan is familiar with it.

She couldn't help but think of Qiu Haitang. Although she met a few times later, they were together less and separated more, and breaking the red thread of lovesickness also made her a lot sad, but she got better after having sex.

"Senior, senior, wait for me!"

Zhu Yingcai rushed up panting, and finally kept up with Li Qingshan. He saw a faint smile on his handsome and handsome face, showing a nostalgic look. There was a kind of gentleness and peace that could not be described in words, as if he was glowing with a faint smile. The halo made him freeze on the spot, and he couldn't help but think: "Senior has saved my life. If I want to use him again, will I still be considered a human being?"

Several women passing by the bridge forgot to look at the road and almost fell into the water.

But the ones who reacted most keenly were not him and them, but a group of little beggars whose genders could not be distinguished. With the desire to survive, as if they saw real "life" coming, they rushed up one after another, holding broken bowls one by one. :

"Uncle, let's eat the delicious food! I'm starving to death." "Me too, me too, I haven't eaten in three days!" "Wow wow wow wow!" Or just cry loudly with snot all over your face tears.

In an instant, Li Qingshan was surrounded tightly. He saw that they were all skinny and pitiful, with thin hands and feet. He waved his hand: "Let's go, I'll treat you to a big meal!"

The little beggars were quiet, and they forgot to make trouble and cry. They wanted to beg for a few coins, but they didn't expect that it would turn into a feast. After reacting, he cheered and followed Li Qingshan towards the brightly lit building. No matter where it was, if Li Qingshan wanted to eat, of course he would eat the best.

Only then did Zhu Yingcai come back to his senses and hurriedly followed him. He was very impressed in his heart: "I took a group of beggars to visit the kiln. Senior is truly a master of his generation. No one else would have thought of it! However, senior is so kind. I beg him." If you give me a ride, he probably won’t refuse!”

Li Qingshan strode forward, separated from the crowd, and headed towards the largest gold selling cave and romantic venue in Bailu City. The beggars in the whole street followed him.

He looked like a child king and the leader of the Beggar Clan at the same time, but he forgot one thing. He didn't even have a copper plate on his body. How could there be such yellow and white things in the Sumeru Ring? Even if I think about it, I might just snort in my heart, I don’t even pay for eating people, why should I pay for food?

Suddenly, something moved in his heart, and he felt a pair of eyes watching him, and heard a strange deer roar. Suddenly, when he looked back, he saw only a bright moon, and deer roars all over the city, as if it was just an illusion. (To be continued...)

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