Legend of the Great Sage

Asking for a monthly ticket!

Chapter 59: Forced to retreat from Ximen (please vote for me)

Grandma Ximen waved her hand and said, "Miss Hua, I'm going to give your Hua family some face. Don't be ungrateful. This matter is an important matter for my family. You'd better not get involved and take these people and leave quickly!"

Hua Chenglu said: "Since he is the Eagle Wolf Guard and is under my brother's command, I will never ignore him. If you have the ability, you can kill me as well so that no one will sue you. Otherwise You are the one who kidnapped children and killed the Eagle Wolf Guard."

Grandma Ximen's face turned even colder. This thought had been running through her mind many times. If he were an ordinary member of the Hua family, she would have killed him long ago. As long as he didn't leave any evidence, it would be fine.

But Hua Chenglu is the little princess of the Hua family. Even if there is no direct evidence, as long as she is found to have been to Linhu City, the Hua family will fight her to the death, and they will not even be able to protect her.

Grandma Ximen had no choice but to change her face and said to Li Qingshan seriously: "Children really don't understand anything. A girl with a beautiful country and a beautiful face is a huge disaster to a weakling like you. You hand her over." Give it to me, and you can turn enemies into friends with the ** sect. Whatever you want, whether it’s a magic elixir or a spiritual weapon, grandma has it all here, you can choose it.”

Xiao An grabbed the hem of Li Qingshan's clothes, and Li Qingshan only said one word to Grandma Ximen: "Get out!"

Grandma Ximen was completely irritated. She raised her hands like chicken claws, and her true energy surged out, stabbing Li Qingshan's face painfully from a few feet away.

Hua Chenglu jumped to her feet and shouted, "You dare?"

Grandma Ximen hesitated for a long time and then stopped her hand. As expected, she didn't dare: "This little girl is bound to win the throne. Let me see if you can hide behind this little girl." After saying that, he stepped onto the carriage and broke into the carriage. The fog goes away.

Hua Chenglu let out a sigh of relief, and Li Qingshan also felt relieved. He turned around and said, "Thank you, girl, for your help." If it weren't for Hua Chenglu, although he was confident that he would not be easily captured by Grandma Ximen, but the demon incarnation and Xiao An His magical power would have to be exposed, causing endless troubles. As for killing Grandma Ximen, it was almost impossible for him now.

Hua Chenglu nodded grandly and said, "It's easy to talk." Then she waved her hand and said, "Let's talk about it on the boat!"

Li Qingshan nodded, took Xiao An, and boarded the Wave Cutter with Hua Chenglu. The group of white masters still reluctantly rummaged through the ruins on the island, but of course found nothing.

Someone asked strangely: "Why is there no body?"

"Is it possible that they were all blown to pieces by cannons?"

"There is no reason for Todoroki to be so broken.


Li Qingshan was alert. This kind of large-scale devouring of flesh and blood will inevitably arouse suspicion. If someone is interested in it, flaws will be exposed sooner or later, so he must be more careful. Fortunately, Xiao An has recovered his physical body, so there is no need to rush to find flesh and blood, and "The Way of the White Bones" can also take a while.

I touched Xiao An's head and thought of him as a child. Since I followed him, I have been doing murder and arson all day long. After finally recovering my body, I should enjoy the happiness of an ordinary child. And it was his responsibility to find a stronger force to protect her.

Xiao An raised his head and looked at Li Qingshan. Li Qingshan smiled slightly. Xiao An also twitched the corners of his mouth and smiled unnaturally in response.

Li Qingshan pinched her cheek and said with a smile: "You still need to practice more. It's better to smile more as a human being."

Xiao An lowered his head in embarrassment, a blush appearing on his cheeks.

Although Li Qingshan didn't know the color of Tianxiang Kingdom, he still felt that it was extremely cute. When he recalled the state of Xiao An's soul, his face was pale and it seemed that he did not have such charming charm.

Unexpectedly, the physical body reshaped by the Sutra "The Way of the White Bones" can be said to be the most perfect body in the world. The White Bone Bodhisattva may not be able to say the four words of heavenly fragrance and national beauty. He only pursues the ultimate color in the world, and among them The real mystery cannot be described in just four words: "Heavenly Fragrance and National Beauty".

Hua Chenglu rushed to the shore and shouted: "If you don't get on the boat, I'll leave!" The group of Baidao masters quickly gave up their search and returned to the boat.

Under the dark sky, rain poured down, and experts stood on both sides.

"Please!" Hua Chenglu waved her hand and invited Li Qingshan into the cabin, walking through the brightly lit corridor and arriving at the extremely luxurious hall.

There was no light in the hall, but the cabin was brightly lit. The walls were inlaid with translucent crystal stones, emitting a gentle white light. The air is pleasant, neither dry nor wet, neither cold nor hot, and the luxury of the Qi Master family is displayed everywhere.

Hua Chenglu and Li Qingshan sat in the upper seats, and the heroes of the White Way sat on both sides, chatting and laughing, in a very good mood. Although they did not find the magic pill, it was still extremely pleasant to know that their enemies were beaten to ashes. .

Hero Yu even shouted loudly: "Bring me some wine and kill these bastards. Let's celebrate!"

The heroes all responded with a roar, and some of them were jealous, thinking that this guy had a sinister face and looked worse than a robber. I don't know how he could have such a handsome daughter, and he was hooked up with Hua's family. His wife must have stolen the man outside.

Hua Chenglu glared at him, and then ordered people to prepare tea for the guests.

Daxia Yu quickly stopped talking and said with a smile: "Drinking tea, drinking tea is the same."

If such actions were performed by an adult, Li Qingshan might feel natural, but looking at her who is only thirteen or fourteen years old, she still has a childish look on her face, as if she is acting like a child acting like an adult, which is a bit funny.

And there was no need to give any orders at all. She waved the flag, and several machine puppets came up from the bottom of the bilge and delivered refreshments, making her behavior more and more like a child's game.

It was the first time for Li Qingshan to see such a puppet. He was very curious and once again marveled at the magic of this world. I saw that these puppets seemed to be made of wood, with carved faces on their heads, clearly articulated hands and feet, and they were extremely flexible, with no stiffness in their movements. It is conceivable that when needed, they could move as fast as the wind.

Xiao An couldn't take his eyes away from it. It wasn't until those puppets walked out that he reluctantly looked away.

Li Qingshan's heart moved. In mind.

Hua Chenglu took a sip of tea and said seriously: "How did you offend this old thief?"

Li Qingshan told the story about the ** building in Jiaping City, but he concealed the fact that Zhuo Zhibo framed him. Hua Chengzan was definitely more familiar with Zhuo Zhibo than he was with him. People who leapfrogged the level to complain never Not welcome, let alone through this little girl.

When Hua Chenglu heard that the brothel forced her to be a prostitute, her face turned red with anger. When she heard that Li Qingshan killed the madam and ransacked the brothel, she praised softly: "Well done, the Eagle Wolf Guard needs someone like you who is not afraid of rape." Good man, I did make a mistake in saving you."

Li Qingshan grinned, suppressed his smile, and said solemnly: "This is what I should do!"

Hua Chenglu asked curiously: "What other tasks have you performed?"

"I just joined the Eagle Wolf Guard not long ago, and I haven't done many missions." Li Qingshan then talked about the mission in Gufeng City and his plan to come to Xihua Island this time.

Hua Chenglu was even more fascinated by what she was listening to, and would interject a few words from time to time. This little girl was well-dressed and well-fed, but she didn't know where she had such murderous intent. She was so excited when she heard the word "annihilate the family" that she insisted that Li Qingshan explain it in detail.

Finally, he said with regret: "It's a pity that my brother won't let me join the Eagle Wolf Guard soon, otherwise I can carry out missions with you Qingshan."

Li Qingshan thought to himself, with the strength of the Hua family, pills are not taken casually, so there is no need to work so hard to complete the task. If I were you, I would definitely take it and become a demon general before leaving the mountain.

But he said: "Commander Hua loves and protects you. Only when you are strong can you perform more tasks. I believe that you will become a better Eagle and Wolf Guard than me in the future."

Hua Chenglu said: "That's right. You are pretty much what my brother said."

Li Qingshan thought to himself, it turns out your brother coaxes you like this!

The entire scene, if expressed in the format of a news report, is that "my country's leader Hua Chenglu cordially received Li Qingshan, had an in-depth conversation, affirmed and supported Li Qingshan's work, and encouraged him to continue working hard and reach new heights."

The White Dao heroes watched this scene as bystanders with rather complicated emotions, because apart from Xiao An, the youngest ones present were Li Qingshan. Most of them were first-rate masters, and they were only one step away from the first level of Qi refining. . And it is this step of innate and acquired threshold that separates the noble from the humble.

But he still didn't dare to refuse. What Li Qingshan did was still shocking no matter how many times he heard it. Thinking again about the group of gangsters who boasted about being on the black list, they cursed a few more idiots, and then made up their minds not to be on the black list in this life. Otherwise, I don’t know when I’m going to a party and I’ll be handed the blame.

After the battle of Xihua Island, righteousness flourished within hundreds of miles of Jiaping City, and the atmosphere in the world became very good. Young heroes and heroes emerged in large numbers. All of them obeyed the law, respected the old and loved the young. Even if they did things like male thieves and female prostitutes, it was Be sneaky, be extremely careful, and never dare to fight in open flames. Li Qingshan can be said to be the greatest contributor.

After a moment, the big ship came to the shore. Everyone got off the boat. Hua Chenglu stretched out her hand and the huge ship quickly became smaller. Finally, she took it into her hand and put it back into the treasure bag. She said with regret. : "This lake is too small for galloping."

Li Qingshan and Xiao An looked at it with bright eyes.

Before setting off, the Baidao masters prepared a celebration banquet at the Guanhu Tower in Linhu City.

Li Qingshan let out a breath, this drama has to go on, this little girl has helped you so much, you have to make people happy.

And although he couldn't see, hear, or smell it, he could clearly feel that Grandma Ximen had not gone far, and that hostile and murderous intention was still vaguely surrounding him, and he was afraid that as soon as he left Huahua If you accept the exposure, you will immediately share life and death with Grandma Ximen.

It's better to act with the little girl than to work hard with the old lady. Although he was determined to kill Grandma Ximen, it was not now. Grandma Ximen is so old that it is impossible for him to improve in cultivation, but he is getting stronger all the time. As long as he buys some time, he can kill him without any harm, so why take risks now.

ps: Strongly calling for guaranteed monthly tickets, new January, new beginning, let’s go!


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