Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 9 Lord of the Kingdom


"Is it Xie Aiqing?" The Lord of the White Deer Kingdom heard the voice and looked around: "How did you fall from the sky and make such a big noise?"

"Your Majesty, I brought a senior to the banquet!"

Under the pavilion, Xie Maoshi's face was pale, and his stomach was churning. Only then did he understand why Zhu Yingcai had to cover his mouth just now, and it took a lot of patience to prevent him from spitting out. In fact, as a foundation-building monk, he can already ride the wind, but his height is only three to five feet, and he can only travel seven or eight miles. He has never felt such a whistling and flying feeling.

Looking at Li Qingshan next to him, standing firmly on the rough water, there is no doubt about his cultivation. If he is not a Yuanying monk, how can he have such power?

"Oh! Senior, what kind of senior is this?" The Lord of the White Deer Kingdom knew very well about Xie Maoshi's cultivation. When he heard the word "senior", he immediately became interested. He quickly adjusted his clothes and sat firmly on the throne, showing the majesty of a king.

"It's a Nascent Soul monk!"

"Is this true?"

The Lord of the White Deer Kingdom's eyes lit up, and he hurried to the pavilion without caring about the mess in the banquet. He leaned on the railing and looked down. He was facing Li Qingshan's green eyes, as if he was frightened by an invisible force. I was immediately speechless.

Li Qingshan originally despised the fatuous and incompetent Lord of the White Deer Kingdom. As the king of a country, he managed the country like this and deliberately gave him a blow. At this moment, his eyes were full of scrutiny, and he naturally had a feeling of intimidation. The power.

However, unexpectedly, the leader of the White Deer Kingdom did not look like the "foolish king" he had imagined. Instead, he had a slender figure, clear eyes, a crown on his head, and extraordinary appearance. He actually had the cultivation of a foundation-building monk, and he was not even the slightest bit faint. the meaning of.

If you are really a fool. How is it possible to practice? Even a Qi Refiner requires a lot of effort and wisdom, let alone a Foundation Establishment monk.

"Senior, I'm here to greet you. If you're far away from me, please come up and talk to me!"

The Lord of the White Deer Kingdom looked eager. He was not angry at all because of Li Qingshan's show of intimidation. Instead, he became more and more courteous and courteous. He did not look like the master of a country, but he was just a junior who met his senior masters.

Li Qingshan has experienced the world and can naturally see that his attitude is definitely not a pretense, sincere and there is nothing wrong with it. Carrying Zhu Yingcai and Xie Maoshi, they jumped lightly and came to the pavilion.

Look around. As expected, the guests were all Qi practitioners. It was a gathering of practitioners, but it was a little too low-end.

The guests also got up one after another, most of them were covered in water stains.

They looked very embarrassed, but no one dared to be rude to Li Qingshan, and even showed a trace of anger. They all followed the Lord of the White Deer Kingdom and saluted, shouting "Senior!"

Li Qingshan nodded reservedly, and the leader of the White Deer Kingdom asked: "I wonder how Xie Aiqing met this senior?"

Xie Maoshi told everything that happened in Huaxiang Tower. After telling the story from beginning to end, the Lord of the White Deer Kingdom became more and more amazed as he listened: "To think that such a spell is just a trivial skill for the seniors, but it has opened the eyes of those mortals. It is really a blessing that has been cultivated for three lives! Come on, let's get rid of the old. Feast, let’s make a new feast! The musicians will play well for me, and I’d like to welcome you, senior!”

Then he invited Li Qingshan to take the seat, and he sat beside him, and the sound of silk and bamboo sounded again.

Li Qingshan only saw those delicacies that were almost untouched, being swept into wooden barrels by the palace people. He felt more and more sighing in his heart, what is "the bones of Zhumen are frozen to death on the smelly road of wine and meat". I couldn't help but sarcastically said: "Fellow Taoist is really open-minded and carefree!"

Listen to this "fellow Taoist". The Lord of the White Deer Kingdom became even more joyful: "Senior, why did you say this? How can I be so virtuous and capable as to deserve such an evaluation?"

"Rebellious soldiers are sieging the city. Do you still have the intention to hold a banquet?"

The Lord of the White Deer Kingdom waved his hands nonchalantly: "Senior, don't bother, they are just some untouchables. They were incited by thieves to dare to be so rebellious. Wait for them to starve for a few days and then besiege the city and relieve themselves!"

"If you starve everyone to death, the dead people will naturally stop causing trouble, right?"

Li Qingshan raised his eyebrows and said, and just by looking at the extremely lax defenders on the city wall and the hungry beggars in the city, he knew that the city could not be defended for long.

The Lord of the White Deer Kingdom held up his palms and said with a smile: "Senior has clearly learned that this is exactly the truth."

Li Qingshan was also angry: "What a foolish king!"

The Lord of the White Deer Kingdom was not angry: "Young Lord, Mingjun, I will be nothing more than a handful of loess in a hundred years. Only by cultivating immortality and seeking enlightenment can you live a long life and enjoy boundless freedom. Otherwise, you will all be ants in the world. I no longer care about all the things in the world. Even the position of the leader of the country has long been regarded as a shackles and burden, but fortunately, I will be able to take it off my shoulders soon and go to the Wanxiang Sect to continue practicing!"

‘It’s Wanxiang Sect again! ’

Li Qingshan became vigilant and asked: "You must have obtained the Ascension Order?"

"The order to ascend to immortality is just a rumor spread by ignorant people. In fact, it is just a bookmark. The Wanxiang Sect has cast and engraved it many times. If one could ascend to immortality after getting one, then the world would already be full of immortals. "

The Lord of the White Deer Kingdom smiled and took out a brass bookmark from his sleeve. It was exactly the same as the bookmark Li Qingshan got in Silongdong Mansion, and its number was second only to the black wood sign.

"But you can't underestimate this bookmark. When you come to Wanxiang Sect, you will use it a lot! To use a less respectful analogy, it is like real gold and silver in the hands of mortals. You can take this bookmark for whatever you want. Things in exchange!”

Li Qingshan immediately understood the function of the box of bookmarks. It was similar to currency in the Wanxiang Sect, that is, the money Silong saved. If divided according to the aura attached to it and the number, it is exactly: Sapphire is the best, Silver comes next, brass comes third, black wood comes last.

While Zhu Yingcai held a blackwood sign, the leader of the White Deer Kingdom took out a brass sign. It probably had something to do with their level of cultivation.

"It sounds like fellow Taoist disciples know the Wanxiang Sect very well."

The Lord of the White Deer Kingdom said proudly: "Of course, our Highness the Supreme Princess is practicing in the Wanxiang Sect!"

"The Supreme Princess?"

Li Qingshan was slightly surprised. He had only heard of the Supreme Emperor. What the hell was the Supreme Princess? No wonder this man, although respectful to me, is not as frightened as Xie Maoshi. He originally thought he was a king, but now it seems that there is someone above him.

"The fate of an ordinary mortal country only lasts a hundred or two hundred years. If it weren't for Her Royal Highness the Supreme Princess, how could we have preserved the White Deer Kingdom for thousands of years!"

Li Qingshan thought to himself that he and the Wanxiang Sect were really at odds with each other, but this was the territory of the Wanxiang Sect. Anyone who was practicing was afraid that they would be connected to the Wanxiang Sect, but they needed to deal with it carefully, so he asked

"What kind of cultivation is that Her Majesty the Supreme Princess?"

The Lord of the White Deer Kingdom raised his hands to the sky: "Your Royal Highness the Princess, a true disciple of the Wanxiang Sect, five heavenly tribulations, the realm of the human emperor!"

Li Qingshan was shocked, not only because of the cultivation of this "Supreme Princess", but also because she was still a disciple in the Wanxiang Sect, so the sect leader and elders above were in the realm of human immortals who had experienced six heavenly tribulations at least. .

Moreover, according to Luohu Xiaoming's speculation, there is likely to be a true immortal in Wanxiang Sect.

This is definitely a behemoth that he cannot afford to offend now. Even if he only faces this "Supreme Princess", he is probably far from his opponent. He has personally experienced the power of Si Long, and it is still suppressed by the laws of Kyushu. In addition, he does not bring the real "True Dragon Emperor Sword". If he fights again in the human world, there is almost no chance of winning. .

But how could he be intimidated by a name and shout sternly: "So you are confident and not afraid of your own death and the destruction of your country!?"

In an instant, the momentum was released, the lights on the pavilions flickered, and the palace lanterns were extinguished one after another.

"What...what do you want to do?"

The Lord of the White Deer Kingdom was shaking all over. As a cultivator, he knew very well how terrifying powerful cultivators were. A higher realm would make a world of difference. The opponent's cultivation level is two realms higher than his own, and killing him is like crushing a bug.

"Senior, senior, please calm down!" Xie Maoshi hurriedly advised.

All the guests were trembling and just wanted to leave first.

On the contrary, the surrounding guards drew their swords one after another and shouted: "Bold, let go of your majesty!"

Li Qingshan waved his hand, and the guards flew down from the pavilion and fell into the water. He grabbed the leader of the White Deer Kingdom who was about to run away and said, "Stay in your position and seek your own government! As the leader of a country, you are a foolish king who only cares about your own cultivation and enjoyment, regardless of the sufferings of the people, and yet you dare to make excuses!? You are like a pig and a dog, How dare you say that all living beings are like ants?" (To be continued)

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