Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 10 Bastard

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"I have Her Majesty the Princess to protect me. If you dare to hurt me even a hair, she will not let you go! I have sent a message to her in the Ancestral Temple for help. She will be here soon... Oops!"

The leader of the White Deer Kingdom threatened loudly, and Li Qingshan became even more angry. He slapped him hard, causing his crown to fall off and his hair to be disheveled. "Humph, I'll hurt you even a hair? What a good idea!"

The Lord of the White Deer Kingdom seemed to have his bones broken by this slap, his whole body softened, and he quickly begged:

"Senior, senior! We are the same people. Why do you have to get angry with me for those untouchables? When the Supreme Princess comes, I will help you say a few good words in front of her and ask her to give you a jade sign. So that you can also join the Wanxiang Sect, and we will be brothers in the same sect from now on."

"Who is the same as you? Do you have a jade sign?"

Li Qingshan raised his eyebrows. Zhu Yingcai's was a blackwood sign, and the Lord of the White Deer Kingdom's was a brass sign. So based on his cultivation level, he would need a jade sign to use it as the "Order of Ascension to Immortality".

"The Jade Lot is so precious. How can I, a mere Foundation-Building Monk, have it? If my senior has cultivated three times during the Heavenly Tribulation, if he wants to join the Wanxiang Sect, he must have a Jade Lot before he can participate in the assessment! If my senior is willing to help defeat the defeated city Her Majesty the Princess will certainly not hesitate to reward those traitors outside! This White Deer Country is named after her, and it is her motherland!"

The Lord of the White Deer Kingdom finally couldn't help but reveal his original purpose. The mob outside the city was like a fire. The siege had been going on for nearly a month. Beggars were everywhere in the city. Chaos could occur at any time. Once the city was breached, the consequences would be disastrous.

And he had already sent a message to the Supreme Princess of Wanxiang Sect for help, but there was no reply. This time, all the warlocks were summoned to hold a feast, and they were already preparing to escape from the city and go directly to Wanxiang Sect. I was also afraid that it would be difficult to explain when I saw the Supreme Princess.

As he said, the White Deer Country is the mother country of his Supreme Princess. Now that he has governed her with such virtue, who knows what punishment she will receive.

Deliberately pretending not to care, he continued to hold a feast, partly because he was confident that he could escape from the city with his own cultivation. The second is to deceive people and stabilize people's hearts.

When I saw Li Qingshan, the great monk of Nascent Soul, I had an idea in my mind. I was going to treat him to a good banquet first. When I was too drunk to refuse, I would then ask Li Qingshan to take action and defeat the rebels outside the city. Then he You can get away easily.

Who knew that Li Qingshan's temper was so violent, completely different from what he seemed on the surface. Hearing the name of Wanxiang Sect, he dared to attack himself and sat proudly in his seat.

"You fool, you originally wanted me to help you out! Humph,

You think so! "

Li Qingshan felt murderous in his heart, and his eyes were about to glow red. Suddenly he remembered something and quietly turned away. Sitting the Lord of the White Deer Kingdom down.

At this time, new food and wine were brought to the palace. When the people in the palace saw that the king was being held in someone's hands, they were so frightened that they turned pale and did not dare to come near.

Li Qingshan felt very hungry and shouted: "Bring me some meat, or I will rip out your heart and drink it!"

The leader of the White Deer Kingdom shouted from under his butt: "What are you doing standing there in a daze? Why don't you send the food and wine to senior!"

Li Qingshan drinks wine as soon as it comes and eats vegetables as soon as he comes. There was no one around, but he was deep in thought.

I want to practice the Qilin way and convince people with virtue, but no matter what I do, I have become murderous. "Qilin Immortality Strategy" has made no progress at all, and is even more difficult to deal with than the original "Phoenix Nirvana Sutra". Could it be that I am not a kind person by nature and cannot achieve any good results, so I can only kill people and set fires?

After eating and drinking enough, I have made up my mind that I must go to the Wanxiang Sect. Only by contacting more and stronger practitioners can I truly understand the full picture of the human world, find the road to return to the ruins, and prepare for further practice. Accumulate resources.

The only problem is that although he has the green jade sign from Longtan Cave in his hand, it is difficult to take it out. After all, it is much more precious than the black wood sign. If the Wanxiang Sect asks about its origin, it is really difficult to answer. There might be a flaw, and that would be a trap!

Zhu Yingcai suddenly said: "Senior, I have something to ask of you!"

"What's up?"

Li Qingshan glanced at him sideways, and seeing the troubled look on his face, he could guess what he was thinking. He just wanted to take him to the Wanxiang Sect, but he was also afraid of being hated by the Supreme Princess because of him. It’s only now that I’ve made up my mind, but I’m still very panicked.

"If the senior wants to join the Wanxiang Sect, can you give me a ride? There are too many bandits on this road. If I want to go by myself, I may not be able to make it in my lifetime."

Li Qingshan said: "Okay!"

Zhu Yingcai was overjoyed: "Is it true?" He kowtowed a few more times: "Thank you, senior, for your kindness!"

The Lord of the White Deer Kingdom shouted from under Li Qingshan’s buttocks: “Senior, can you also give me a lift?”

It is very difficult to leave the city now. Although he can fly a certain distance with the wind, it cannot exceed ten miles at most. Once he falls into the rebel army, it will be dangerous. Those thieves hated him so much that they were afraid they would kill him at all costs.

Li Qingshan was stunned by his shamelessness and patted his head: "Thank you for the hospitality, Hunjun, please take care of yourself!"

After grabbing Zhu Yingcai and flying away through the air, the Lord of the White Deer Kingdom got up from under the table and said bitterly: "Just wait for me. When I get to Wanxiang Sect, I will report this matter to Her Royal Highness the Supreme Princess!"

The night wind was howling, and Li Qingshan looked down from a high altitude. The lights in the city were dim, and there were few people on the street. Most of them had taken a rest. Only a few beggars were wandering around like ghosts, rummaging through the garbage.

The deep night highlighted the bonfires in the surrounding refugee camps, like a wildfire surrounding the isolated city, slowly burning, and I don't know when it will burn out.

Zhu Yingcai flew twice and became much bolder. He asked loudly: "Senior, are we going to Wanxiang Sect now?"

"Wait for me here."

Li Qingshan threw Zhu Yingcai on the top of a tall tower and landed silently in front of Huaxiang Tower. The noisy and lively romantic place was quiet at this time. The door was closed and the lights were dimmed, leaving only two rows of red lanterns. , reflecting the dancing shadows of trees.

Li Qingshan came to the peach tree and stroked the tree again. The peach blossoms had fallen away, the green leaves had withered, and the tree was dead.

He stimulated all its vitality at once, but also exhausted all its vitality. He may have provided a group of beggars with a full meal, but is killing still considered a unicorn?

Killing the faint king certainly makes my heart happy, and regardless of the Supreme Princess or the Wanxiang Sect, once the faint king dies, the city will inevitably fall into chaos. What good deeds will the refugees do after they break through the city!

It is inevitable that there will be another burning, killing and looting, turning this Bailu City into a hell on earth. And what are the crimes of the people in the city? It's exactly: "I didn't kill Boren, but Boren died because of me!"

Suddenly, I discovered that the Way of Qilin is not that simple. It is not enough to have a benevolent heart and a little compassion. Many times, I have too many worries and cannot move my heart forward, and even my desire to act chivalrously is restrained.

After such a long time, I have not been able to practice the first level of "Qilin Immortality Strategy". Perhaps I have not understood its essence and want to convince others with virtue. But what have I done since I entered the human world? How about convincing others with virtue?

He sat cross-legged under the peach tree, silently running the "Qilin Immortality Strategy", and all his experiences in the human world flashed before his eyes.

Qilin is the most benevolent beast. Does benevolence mean doing good deeds and accumulating virtue? But what is good? Killing a tree to save people, killing an entire city to kill a faint king, because of that one thought of kindness, created countless murderous karma.

No, this is definitely not the Qilin Way. If I sacrificed the Climbing Sky Vine to save all living beings in Kyushu, I would not be able to succeed.

Killing ants and saving one person, Qilin will not do it. Kill one person and save ten thousand people, Qilin will not do it.

Li Qingshan's mind was clear and he said: "Life, death and prosperity have their own destiny. The same is true for a tree, and the same is true for a country!"

The White Deer Kingdom should have been destroyed a long time ago, but it has lasted for thousands of years because of the power of practitioners. The kings all have the goal of cultivating, so they have no intention to govern the country. They allow the world to be in chaos and the people to live in dire straits. In the end, they have to rush to this White Deer City. But under the protection of a human emperor, even a million-strong army could not break through the city and had to starve to death everywhere.

Most of the remaining people survived by cannibalism and no longer had the strength to resist. They were driven back to the land by the army in the city and were unable to stand up for eternity until the next great chaos.

"That Supreme Princess is such a bastard!"

"Really?" A soft female voice suddenly sounded behind Li Qingshan. (To be continued...) R1292

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