Legend of the Great Sage

The road is at your feet, not far away in 9 days

"The tiger moves as if it is sick, the eagle stands as if it is sleeping, advances as if retreating, and stays low for a long time as if it is flying high!"

This was my answer when I was asked whether I should change my style and write the book "The Legend of the Great Sage". △The top novel, at this moment, I believe the answer is self-evident.

This book has a collection of 160,000 at the starting point, just for these 160,000 readers, it is all worth it. Not to mention there are many readers who are not reading the book at the starting point. Regardless of whether I have spent a penny on this book, I am grateful. Moreover, I hope that every reader who reads my book will not be criticized for reading piracy. I am asking you to read it, and it is fair and just.

And to those readers who have insisted on subscribing and deducting money from their own living expenses to support "The Legend of the Great Sage", I would like to thank you. You can do it without spending a penny, all because of your love. , who have given me the greatest and most powerful support, and other readers should also express their gratitude to you.

To be honest, I have always felt ashamed of your support. Is "The Legend of the Great Sage" well written? Not good, at least not good enough! Do you write quickly? Not to mention, there are probably not many slower than me.

Just because I'm not good enough, I desperately want to write better, but I obviously don't have such a high level, so of course I can't get better. I received a lot of scolding for this, and many of them are my most loyal readers. It is normal to scold me for not working hard enough. There are also many people who gave up their subscription because of this. The feeling in my heart is really uncomfortable.

Really, I'm not that good. I just keep pretending to be good and show my best side. How can I not expose my flaws and avoid being embarrassed?

But I would rather that, I would rather you not subscribe, I would rather you read the pirated version or even not read the pirated version at all. I just hope that when you think of this book again one day in the future, you can find a website and download the document, and read it in one go. It's enough to have one more smile, one more touch, and forgive me for my initial slowness.

I never consider the market, no matter whether the current mainstream is losers or divorced people, novices or young people, I just try my best to give all readers the best things that I say dreamers can come up with. But I will consider the readers' feelings after reading each sentence. If what I write is destined to be difficult to sell, then I am willing to accept the fate.

This road is really difficult, arrogantly wanting to be close to perfection and pretending to be a genius.

Faced with the temptation of money, the shame of being criticized, the jealousy of falling behind others, the anger of self-hatred and incompetence... there are many evil thoughts that follow me like a shadow, and there is also the loneliness that even family and friends cannot understand when facing the computer alone.

"The eagle stands as if it is sleeping, and the tiger moves as if it is sick." Who would believe it if there had not been an eagle striking the sky and a tiger roaring in the forest?

Now, I can proudly tell you that I will write better and faster next time!

I have just finished writing the 30,000-word first subplot.

And it has never been updated again, and I have this vague confidence. Let the world know that the guy you have been supporting until now is not a weakling!

This is the battle cry of our dreamers, asking for recommendations, monthly tickets, and everything!

Finally, I would like to recommend a good place to everyone, and that is the Mahatma. If you feel that the comment section is not enough, you can go there. My ID there is "The Great Dream Talker". If Aite can summon me, he might be able to summon me!

Some readers may be wondering, isn’t Tieba a base for piracy? But it is different from other novel forums. It is understood and supported by many readers. There is no pirated poster there. It is not to fight against piracy, but to establish an equal communication platform so that I can hang out there openly and communicate with others. Many readers communicate directly, and readers do not have to be labeled as pirates.

The QQ group is a bit too closed, and it has to distinguish ordinary readers from genuine readers. Many interesting things cannot be preserved, so that people can comment on their character. Compared with ** and Weibo, which are based on authors, As a platform, I always feel that the work should be the center.

It is a vain idea for an author to try to establish influence beyond his work. Everyone knows that Sun Wukong is famous, and the author's name may be confused by many people. If every reader can keep Li Qingshan's name in mind, what's the harm in forgetting the dreamer?

The road is at your feet, not far away in nine days! (To be continued...)

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