Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 33 Book Presentation

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Guihai Lingzun looked at him strangely, because the two sect leaders of Wanxiang Sect have followed the old man of Tianshu to walk on the nine heavens for many years, and he is the only one who guards the sky all the year round. On the one hand, he protects the sect and prevents foreign enemies from invading; It is to perfect the "Book of All Things", accumulate knowledge and use it for practice.

He is very quiet and inactive, so this job is very suitable for him, and his main entertainment is generally reading. Among all kinds of books, only fresh and interesting stories could withstand tens of millions of years and kept him interested. Other types of books, whether they are poems, songs, or exquisite expositions, based on his wisdom and experience, are enough to dwarf most authors in the world, and are simply not worth reading.

And his hobby is known to everyone in the sect, so disciples often collect some stories and contribute them in exchange for some contribution bookmarks to satisfy his little hobby. This large Wanxiang Sect, in essence, serves a few people such as "Old Man Tianshu" and even Guihai Lingzun and the two sect leaders.

Li Qingshan said excitedly: "I am a novelist!"

"Oh, this is strange!"

Guihai Lingzun raised the corners of his mouth slightly. He probably smiled more today than he usually does in a year.

"it is true."

Li Qingshan wanted to say that he had written books, but when he thought about it, he basically copied them and then left them to Xiao An to polish them. He had nothing to do with them. I'm afraid Guihai Lingzun will see through it as soon as I say it, but I'm too embarrassed to tell this lie to my face.

Guihai Lingzun looked at him indifferently, the expression on his face was full of mockery. When Li Qingshan "provoked" him just now, the mockery was not so strong.

"Oh, you are really a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers. Just go ahead and do what you have to do!"

Guihai Lingzun waved his hand like a fly. Li Qingshan said that he could become a true immortal. He really believed it a little bit. As for the novelist. Just save it! I can see a few drops of ink in your stomach even with my eyes closed.

"I said I would contribute to the Wanxiang Sect, and the seniors are right in front of me. Why abandon the near and seek the far. I wonder if I can contribute a bookmark to a novel?" Li Qingshan looked at Guihai Lingzun in the eyes, as if he was looking at a tower. A treasure trove full of bookmarks and, of course, tons of sect contributions.

"If it is interesting and worthy of reading, it will naturally contribute to bookmarks, which is better than ordinary secret books of martial arts." Guihai Lingzun obviously did not think that Li Qingshan had anything worthy of reading.

"Okay. I understand. Senior, please lend me the jade slip again."

"what are you up to?"

Li Qingshan’s eyes flashed: “I want to donate a book.


The jade slip traced a long arc and fell into Li Qingshan's hands. He immediately closed his eyes and concentrated, and began to record a novel in it. After a while, he returned the jade slip to Hai Lingzun.

"The Legend of the White Ape King, was this written by you?"

Guihai Lingzun frowned and was slightly surprised, relying on his quick spiritual knowledge. I have read more than 100,000 words in the blink of an eye.

"Exactly, what do you think, senior?"

This is Li Qingshan's truly and only original novel, and it is quite serious.

"The writing is poor. The characters are dull and mixed with low-level martial arts skills. It's really smelly and long!"

In the blink of an eye, Guihai Lingzun read hundreds of thousands of words, but there was a series of negative comments.

Li Qingshan knew that he was not this material. He originally wrote "The Legend of the White Ape King" to attract readers with those messy low-level martial arts. There were not many people in the original small world who would criticize the content, but after receiving such an evaluation, some people Unhappy.

At this moment. The badge on his chest lit up slightly, and a few pieces of black wood were thrown over. He grabbed it in his hand and looked at Guihai Lingzun in surprise.

Guihai Lingzun said calmly: "But there are some merits. To make the world unified and everyone equal, there is quite a bit of benevolence and courage. At least it has some length, which can be worth a few pieces of black wood and a few contributions, okay , I accepted this book.”

Although it was a bit like sending away a beggar, Li Qingshan was still very happy: "Thank you, senior!"

After all, this is his "blood son". He has put a lot of effort into it, and it is better to be able to sell it than to be worthless. And this is not just a few pieces of black wood and a few contributions, but an open door.

Guihai Spirit Master was about to leave, Li Qingshan said: "Senior, don't leave, I still have it here!"


What Li Qingshan contributed again was no longer a book written by himself.

In the five continents world, the gods descended and searched the world.

Hundreds of novels have been popular in Kyushu since ancient times. Although novelists have not been very prosperous, they have a long history. After a long time of sifting, many classic works have been left behind.

While Li Qingshan was talking to Guihai Lingzun, he searched for these books according to the will of the God of the World and entered them into the jade slips through the deity.

The Wuzhou world and the human world are blocked by the invisible realm. They can only communicate with each other through the climbing vine. Otherwise, even a grain of sand cannot be brought over. However, the knowledge and memory between the original body and the clone are common, and this is enough. .

"Well, this one is quite interesting, and the words are much smoother and more beautiful..."

Guihai Lingzun nodded slightly, showing a look of satisfaction, and even slowed down his reading speed, with a sense of enjoyment, but he finished reading it in an instant.

The badge on Li Qingshan's chest lit up again. This time he harvested a few brass lottery tickets. They were not very rare and precious, but it was a very good start. He could vaguely see the unlucky look of Lotte losing the bet, and he immediately got another Presented a book.

Guihai Lingzun glanced at him and became interested. He simply gave Li Qingshan an extra jade slip and asked him to continue typing so that he could continue reading. In fact, he rarely has such an opportunity to read so many high-quality novels continuously.

Because he has a very high vision, it is difficult for him to discern the novels collected by ordinary disciples, and the rewards are not that high. And those companions, waiters, and servants, although they value this reward more, are not even qualified to enter heaven. Although they can also donate some books through the book collection department, the scope of their activities is very narrow, and they can search for Books are even more limited.

As for the disciples who enter the hall, they often don't take this reward seriously. If you have this free time, you might as well do something else and gain more contribution bookmarks. As for the true disciples, that's not to mention.

For various reasons, and because he reads too quickly, he often only reads old books over and over again.

He knew very well that these books were definitely not written by Li Qingshan, and he could probably guess that Li Qingshan brought them from a certain world. These novels came from the accumulation of one world, so they could have such quantity and quality.

Based on the skills he presented, it can be inferred that the world he lives in may have entered the Age of Ending Dharma, or even been destroyed. Anyway, there are books to read, so I don't care about these trivial matters. I read one book after another with concentration, and urged: "Hurry up, hurry up." (To be continued) R466

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