Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 34 Gao Sheng

? "I'm coming!"

It was the first time that Li Qingshan realized that recording on the jade slips was such a hard task. He had to maintain his concentration all the time and not let his mind relax at all. Purchasing essential books is like holding something that is not very heavy. It doesn’t feel like it’s heavy at first, but after a while, your hands and feet will feel sore and numb. It’s all thanks to the transformation of the turtle to support it.

What's more important is the flashing light of the badge on the chest and the bookmarks. Although the number was not large, it was just some mysterious wooden picks, brass picks, and not a single silver pick was seen, let alone a sapphire pick.

But Guihai Lingzun couldn't bear it and looked quickly enough. He accumulated a lot in a moment, and his contribution also increased steadily.

Later, Guihai Lingzun found it troublesome and asked, "How many more are there?"

Li Qingshan replied: "As many as you want!"

Guihai Lingzun directly gave him a large sum of merit and ten sapphire lots, and said: "If it is enough, I will give you another reward. If it is not enough, you are deceiving the senior. Not only will the full amount be returned, but you will also be punished heavily. !”

"Don't worry, there are plenty!" Li Qingshan agreed, but after thinking about it, he felt a little uneasy: "I salute you, senior, but don't try to trick me!"

Because the value of each book is different, it all depends on Guihai Lingzun's thoughts. If he should have given a brass sign but only a black wood sign, then there is nothing Li Qingshan can do.

Guihai Lingzun said displeased: "You brat is arrogant, but he underestimates others! I am a person who loves books. Even for the sake of the authors of these books, I will not do it for some petty tips. Small profits will arbitrarily devalue them. I want as much as you have, just take it!


In the blink of an eye, the sky brightened and the night passed.

The roaring sea holds the Wanxiang Sect, and the billowing red clouds surround the Tianshu Tower.

And just below the Tianshu Tower, on the east pedestal, is a stone wall more than ten feet high, with a large square in front of it.

The stone wall is smooth and bright, with only the three characters "Wanxiangbang" engraved on the top. As the red sun rises above the East China Sea, the sunlight gradually shines on the stone wall from top to bottom, reflecting each name.

These names are arranged line by line, and the name at the top is Ning Zi. It gradually became lighter, and after about twenty names were listed, it turned to azure, and then gradually became lighter, and hundreds more names were listed. The bottom is golden yellow, and there are thousands of them.

Pyramids are generally divided into three levels. They represent respectively the true disciples, the disciples who entered the family, and the disciples who ascended the hall of the Wanxiang Sect.

The word "Lotte" is as purple as the clouds, and it is ranked eighth at the top, representing his extremely high status in the Wanxiang Sect.

Seniority ranking in the Wanxiang Sect doesn't depend on your level of cultivation or how early you started, it's all on this list.

Li Qingshan has just started his career for less than a day. Even though he contributed a lot of money in the entrance examination and is said to be not far from being a "disciple", he is still ranked at the bottom of this list with light yellow characters. The name almost melts into the sunlight, and there are still thousands of names separated from the cyan middle class.

Proving once again that the words of the casino owner cannot be trusted. If it were so easy to become a disciple, how could there be thousands of people struggling here, let alone a handful of true disciples.

However, his name only stayed at the bottom of the list for a short time, just a moment to be precise, and immediately jumped up to hundreds of places. The scene was quite eye-catching, as hundreds of names moved down one place at the same time.

The square was busy with people coming and going, and many people stood under the stone wall to watch. This scene immediately attracted the attention of many people, who all exclaimed in surprise. Suddenly the whole square was shocked. Not knowing what happened, he looked towards the stone wall and noticed a light yellow name.

"Li Qingshan, who is that?"

"I've never heard of him. I've never heard of such a person among the 'companion readers' generation. He's probably a newcomer. The entrance exam wasn't just recently."

"The assessment has just been completed, and the pick-up boat has just arrived. Look at the group of people in front of the stone wall. They are still following the pick-up people around. How can they get so many contributions at once? It must be a certain companion. You got some kind of opportunity to read the disciples. There are tens of thousands of fellow readers in the sect, how come you remember them all."

"Maybe! Look, he is still going up! Alas, seniority grows so fast. I was just a senior brother, and now I have become his junior brother! What kind of opportunity did he get to be able to get such things continuously? So many contributions!”

After exhausting all the contributions he had made all night, the name of "Li Qingshan" was no longer rising so fast, but it was still climbing up slowly and firmly at a speed visible to the naked eye, surpassing one senior brother after another, and gaining one more One junior brother after another made everyone look dumbfounded.

Brothers Nie Xiuwen and Nie Xiuwu were standing side by side in front of the stone wall. The younger brother Nie Xiuwu's face was pale and the scars left by Li Qingshan's beating had not completely disappeared, while the older brother Nie Xiuwen's face was dark, so it was hard to tell.

After fighting openly and secretly, they did not break up. After half a day and a night of sailing, they reconciled as before. We are still good friends.

According to the usual practice, the disciples responsible for the reception took everyone to watch and tour in the Vientiane City. This square was the first stop, mainly to view the "Ventiect List", so that they could understand their status in the sect, and Get some motivation going.

Because of their high cultivation level, these two brothers were held at the forefront of the crowd. They looked up at the name and couldn't help but open their mouths. As the name continued to climb, their heads were raised higher and higher, and their mouths opened wider and wider.

"Brother, is that Li Qingshan?"

"Who else but him! Alas, it would not be an injustice to lose at his hands."

"You are in the same batch, but do you know the origin of Junior Brother Li?"

The disciple responsible for guiding him was the one Li Qingshan saw last night, and he was extremely surprised: "Where did he go last night? How could he accumulate so many contributions overnight? If this continues, it won't take long for me. When you see him, you have to call him 'senior brother'."

The two brothers looked at each other. They had also heard the big bet. After all, the Yuanying monks, Lotte and Li Qingshan did not deliberately lower their voices. But they decided that it would be better to say less. Leaving aside Lotte, it was not easy to offend Li Qingshan alone.

"Report to Senior Brother, we don't know either."

"If you don't want to say it, forget it. Don't use these words to frustrate me, senior brother!"

There is some dissatisfaction in accepting disciples, but it is not difficult to force them. Although one of these two is a waiter and the other is a servant, with their cultivation, it is only a matter of time before they become disciples.

Su Tong has special powers in this area, and she heard it clearly yesterday, and she suspected that Senior Sister Ruan Yaozhu, Ruan, had helped them: "Oh, it's really easy to enjoy the shade under the big tree, I have to find it quickly." There’s a big tree next to it!”

Among the crowd at the back, a "monk" with Zhang Xinxian's face flashed with resentment in his eyes. He had a bare head but was wearing a Taoist robe. He was the old Taoist whose muscles were burnt and blackened.

Because of Li Qingshan's benevolence, he barely managed to save his life. He almost climbed out of Yuanci Mountain without even a piece of Yuanci Mountain in his hand. He managed to pass the entrance examination by relying on Lotte's promise to Ruan Yaozhu.

He was physically strong and full of energy, and his physical recovery was faster than that of the two brothers. However, his hair and eyebrows could not grow back at once, and his internal injuries were very serious. Not only was his moral conduct greatly damaged, but his life span was also affected. He hated Li Qingshan so much in his heart. Because he was afraid that the two brothers would deal with him secretly, he hid in the crowd and was looked at frequently, making him extremely embarrassed and angry!

Seeing that his enemy was getting promoted step by step, but he had to start as a servant, he felt more and more hatred in his heart. His internal organs were like knives cutting and burning like fire, causing injuries in his body, and his face was turning blue and red.

If the two brothers were aware of it, they looked back and saw a bald head gradually retreating towards the crowd. A sneer appeared on the corners of their mouths: "How can it be so easy for our brothers to withstand the combined blows of wind and fire? Now the wind is blowing to the bones and the fire is poisonous." You dare to attack your inner demon in vain, this old boy will never survive another four tribulations in his life!"

The muscular old man quietly withdrew from the crowd, grabbed one person and asked, "Where can I meet Senior Brother Lotte?"

"You're new here! Why are you asking?"

"I have something important to report to Senior Brother Lotte."

"At this time, I'm probably in Luanmingfang!" (To be continued.)

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