Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 37 Thoughts

Ruan Yaozhu was furious. Li Qingshan's words were too frivolous and teasing. No matter how good her temper was, she would never tolerate it. ∈♦Ding Dian Novel, if he hadn’t had pure eyes and no evil thoughts, he would have been kicked out of Baicao Garden immediately.

Li Qingshan laughed and didn't care. He was no longer the Li Qingshan who fell in love at first sight when he saw a beautiful woman. In fact, he didn't have any lust for it. He was just used to joking. He was "good at ridicule and talkative" throughout his life. He was proud at this moment. Yangyang, let alone restraint.

Suddenly, he felt a pain in his chest, soared into the air, and was violently pushed out by the Nine-Colored Deer.

Li Qingshan turned over and stood in the void, rubbed his chest, and asked without getting angry, "What did you hit me for?"

There was no room for dodge. As expected, she had survived five heavenly tribulations.

The Nine-Colored Deer was also surprised. I wanted to teach him a lesson, but he turned out to be unscathed. His body was really strong. He raised his antlers proudly and said, "Huh, a dog can't spit out ivory from its mouth!"

Ruan Yaozhu said: "Junior brother Li, please don't be so speechless again in the future."

Li Qingshan touched his head: "I know."

Ruan Yaozhu couldn't bear to blame him, and thought to himself: "He doesn't have any evil thoughts, but I think too much." He pointed out to him: "Can you see that hill?"

Li Qingshan nodded. The hill was not too high. It reminded him of Woniugang, which was right in the middle of the Herb Garden. There were not so many flowers and plants on it, but only one towering tree, and the leaves were all pale golden. , forming a golden canopy, which is extraordinary at first sight.

I couldn't help but ask: "What kind of tree is that?"

"That's a golden-leaf bodhi tree. It can calm the mind, inspire inspiration, and is most beneficial to practice. It's usually where I take a nap. You can rest under that tree!" Ruan Yaozhu felt a little strange when he said this. weird.

"This...is not good!"

Li Qingshan is not a reckless man after all. It seemed to be a boudoir-like place. It would be fine if there was really a man and a woman alone. However, there were many practitioners working everywhere in this herb garden. When he came in, many eyes fell on him. Ruan Yaozhu was kind to him, but he didn't want to hurt her reputation.

Ruan Yaozhu was angry again: "What's wrong? Whenever brothers and sisters come to visit, I always receive them there." Then he felt as if he was hiding something: "I'm going on inspection, so forget it if you don't go!" Riding on the Nine Colors The deer flew away in the air.

Li Qingshan shook his head, climbed up the hill, and came to the foot of the golden leaf bodhi tree. He saw that the thick tree body was made of many twisted tree trunks.

Quite like a banyan tree.

There was a bamboo mat and a small table spread under the tree, with a tea set on the table. The bamboo mat is as green as new, and the small table is as red as jujube. The pattern of the tea set is like ice cracks, which is extremely simple and elegant.

However, the thin shade of the trees actually glowed with a faint golden color, swaying in the breeze and flashing thousands of golden lights.

When Li Qingshan came under the tree, he suddenly felt that his mind was clear, his head no longer hurt, and even his mind became sharper. Sitting cross-legged carelessly.

I am not in a hurry to practice. I first sort out all my experiences after coming to the human world. Gradually I felt sleepy and yawned loudly. He suddenly smiled, feeling that he hadn't felt like this for a long time, so he simply lay down on the cool bamboo mat and fell into sleep.

Ruan Yaozhu walked around the Baicao Garden and dealt with some trivial matters. Wei Wei feels a little uneasy.

"Oh, he is actually sleeping, it's true." Jiuselu looked back at the golden leaf Bodhi tree: "Wood, wood, you are just inviting the wolf into the house!"

Ruan Yaozhu smiled: "Didn't you say that he has been a good person since he was a child, even reluctant to step on ants?"

"That's what makes it so bad! Don't worry about whether he is a good person or not. But he is a man after all. This boy looks like a seasoned prostitute and a wanderer. You have to be careful about him in the future to avoid being robbed by love!"

Ruan Yaozhu's face turned red: "What are you talking about? I just don't want him to lose to Senior Brother Lotte. That's two thousand green jade lots. How can he afford to lose?"

Jiuselu shouted: "It's terrible. You have known Letian for thousands of years, but you have only known this boy for less than ten days. Are you under the spell? Does this boy have the blood of a nine-tailed fox?"

Ruan Yaozhu was slightly startled. Everything was so logical that she didn't think deeply about the reason. Perhaps she was moved by Qilin's benevolence, or she didn't want to see a good person fall into despair, or perhaps she wanted to make a gamble with Lotte, who had never listened to her advice for thousands of years?

There are various reasons that are difficult to distinguish. There are more or less, but you don’t have to worry about them so much.

"Jiu'er, thank you for your reminder, but I practice wholeheartedly, how can I fall in love? If Junior Brother Li really has other thoughts, please help me expel him from Baicao Garden. If he has nothing else My thoughts, am I so unreserved?"

"Okay, I'll keep an eye on him for you! Hehe, based on my Mu Mu's character and appearance, I don't believe he won't be tempted."

"It's time to hit!"

Li Qingshan was sleeping deeply. He didn't know that he had been targeted. Even if he knew, he wouldn't care. He had just stepped into the six realms of reincarnation and was about to face the Qiongqi Demon. It was a time when he was full of energy and fighting spirit. How could he have any thoughts? Why do children love each other so much? Moreover, when someone is so kind to him, how can he have the nerve to want to fall in love with him? His bad practice is not in line with his principle of "repaying kindness and hatred".

Although he fell asleep, there was still a glimmer of clarity on the spiritual platform, and he plunged into the world of five continents...

Looking down from the perspective of the God of the World, the vast sea, various continents, humans, ghosts and monsters unfold before our eyes like a magnificent scroll. Although it is not as exquisite as the Herb Garden, it is a world that truly belongs to him.

The key to winning this bet is here!

Li Qingshan knew that although he claimed to be a novelist, he had no talent for writing novels. Copying a few books was not a long-term solution.

But books are always written by people. If he doesn't have such a talent, it doesn't mean that others don't either. The population of the Five Continents world exceeds hundreds of millions, and there is a huge time gap between it and the human world.

He can organize tens of thousands of people to write, and there will never be any gain at all. As long as one percent or even one thousandth can succeed, it means a steady stream of contributions and bookmarks.

Even if Lotte had exhausted all his mechanisms, he never imagined that he would have a world where his thoughts could freely enter and leave.

The world itself does not directly provide any cultivation resources, but as long as it is used properly, its value is beyond imagination. This may be what Silong wanted to do but failed to do.

Guihai Lingzun uses the institutional rules of the entire Wanxiang Sect to satisfy his own small hobbies, while Li Qingshan, as the God of the World, can let the entire world assist his practice. This is the power and power of a practitioner.

Winning a small gambling game is just a casual thing, and it is not really a big deal. Thirty years will still be a long time. No matter how bad it is, you can still default on the debt. The top priority now is to win a decent cave.

Ruan Yaozhu can be regarded as a kind owner, but no matter how good the Herb Garden is and how wonderful the Bodhi tree is, it is still under the fence of someone else, not a place for a man to fall in love for a long time. (To be continued...)

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