Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 38 Enlightenment

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However, although this idea is wonderful, how it will work specifically requires careful consideration. You can’t just send an oracle down from the sky and call on everyone to write novels! There must always be someone responsible for organizing people, disseminating information, establishing a complete system, and ensuring its normal operation.

As soon as his mind changed, he already had a suitable candidate, and he immediately landed in a courtyard.

Under the big apricot tree, the moonlight is like water, and the shadows of the trees are dancing.

Qian Lingzhi, the former king of South Vietnam, was playing chess with others. The country of South Vietnam no longer existed. He was now the "human king" of the New World.

Opposite the chessboard is a potted banyan tree. Its roots are knotted and vigorous. The aerial roots form the shape of a palm. It twists a black chess piece and lands it on the chessboard.

Qian Lingzhi sighed: "I didn't expect that after experiencing this catastrophe, Taoist friend's chess skills not only did not deteriorate, but actually improved."

The Big Banyan Tree King said unceremoniously: "It's you who have been causing the poison so much!"

Qian Lingzhi smiled and sighed: "You never talked like this before."

The king of the big banyan tree said: "The past was before, the present is now, let's play again!"

Qian Lingzhi suddenly turned his head and saw a figure in the watery moonlight that turned from light to thick, condensing into the appearance of Li Qingshan. He cupped his hands and said, "Two fellow Taoists, we haven't seen each other for a long time."

Qian Lingzhi quickly stood up to greet him, brushed the chessboard away, and joked: "God is here, I don't know, what advice do you have?"

"I have something important to ask of you, please allow me to explain it slowly..."

Li Qingshan then told the story about Gui Hailingzun from Wanxiang Sect, and even made no secret of the bet with Lotte.

Qian Ling said: "I didn't expect that the human world can be so dangerous. Don't worry, fellow Taoist, this matter will be taken care of by me. I won't make Na Lo Tian proud."

The king of the big banyan tree said: "I have nothing to do, and I am just looking for something to do, so I would like to help you!" "This will put my mind at ease."

Li Qingshan smiled. One of these two people was from a royal family, and the other was the king of demons. They were both the best at organizing work. It would be easy to leave this matter to them.

"Thank you very much. When the work is completed, I will definitely reward you two for your merits so that your hard work will not be in vain!"

"Why bother saying thank you for such a trivial matter? But I have one more thing to ask. When will this world of Five Continents become bigger again?"

Qian Lingzhi also approached four heavenly tribulations.

This is undoubtedly his biggest concern.

Li Qingshan closed his eyes for a moment and saw a star that was getting bigger in the vast void. The sky-devouring beast had gone very far, and he opened his eyes again: "Almost."

This means that he must pull the climbing vine away from the human world before Fatty Dark Blue reaches the new world, but in that case, Xiao An and the others will fall into a dangerous environment and be cut off from their escape route. So before that, he had to find a new cave and take them over.

Qian Lingzhi said: "Then I'm relieved. There are novelists in Kyushu, so there is some reason for this, but it still takes some time to plan."

"Well, time passes very quickly in this world, I can wait. I was originally a disciple of a novelist, otherwise I wouldn't have thought of this. If you need any help, just ask!"

"Don't worry, I won't disappoint you."

Li Qingshan talked with them again about how to operate this matter, and then left.

While Qian Lingzhi was pondering, the Big Banyan Tree King had already restored the messed up chessboard and said, "It's your turn."

Qian Lingzhi showed a helpless expression and shook his head: "Master Shu, Prince Shu, you were not like this before. It's as if you have changed a tree."

"Hurry up. When I win over you, I'll start working on this matter."

Li Qingshan slowly woke up from under the gold-leaf bodhi tree and stretched out. The breeze blew slowly, the gold leaves rustled, and Ruan Yaozhu was nowhere to be seen. He did not get up, but rested his arms on his head, crossed his legs, placed the jade slip recording the "Zi Zi Tian Shu" between his eyebrows, and began to meditate.

Perhaps the mind and nature are really in harmony, and the process of enlightenment is very smooth. This skill is extensive, profound, and exquisite, but it cannot stop him from having the foundation of "Nine Transformations of Gods and Demons", the deduction ability of the turtle transformation, and the ability to do whatever he wants with the ape-demon transformation, all of which are invisible and powerful aids.

Two spiritual lights lit up on him at the same time, first suppressing each other's conquests, and then gradually merging into one, condensing into an unpredictable mysterious light, shrouding Li Qingshan in it, reflecting his face, sometimes as ferocious and terrifying as a ferocious demon, and sometimes She was as gentle and kind as a woman, and then these two expressions gradually merged into one, and the mysterious light gradually converged to the Dantian in her body.

After only comprehending twenty-three of ten, he harmonized the "Huangji Jingshi Lu" and "Huangji Destruction of the World" into one, gathering the thoughts of life, death, decline and prosperity, and then transformed them into the "Zi Zi Tian Shu".

Li Qingshan suddenly opened his eyes, looked up at the broken sunlight shining in the golden canopy, and said to himself: "Only the savior is qualified to destroy the world, and only the destroyer is capable of saving the world."

With a bang, the mysterious light solidified.

In Li Qingshan's Dantian, a translucent baby appeared, which looked very similar to Li Qingshan. It was the "Nascent Soul" that all great monks had.

I thought that after stepping into the devil's path, it would be impossible to refine the Nascent Soul. I didn't expect that this "Book of Freedom" was so great that it could turn the devil's heart and train the Nascent Soul again. He was indeed worthy of being the Great Lord of Freedom.

The way of great freedom is not a simple magic way. It goes far beyond the ordinary concepts of good and evil, and opens up a road that everyone yearns for.

Buddha said: "Everyone can become a Buddha", which also means: "Everyone can become a demon."

What everyone wants is to be at ease, to pursue their desires and do whatever they want. People are probably much closer to demons than Buddhas. Can it be said that the demon Lord Mahavatar understands people's hearts better than Buddha?

All kinds of demonic thoughts arise from the heart, and a single thought can turn into a demonic obstacle.

If ordinary people want to succeed, they still need to be careful, self-reflective and self-restrained. Once you make the wrong move, your life will be wasted, and you may even lose your life.

What's more, for such a major event as cultivation, there is terrible power hidden in the body, and the mind changes rapidly. Who dares to be free, do as he pleases, and let all kinds of thoughts run wildly? If he is not careful, he will become obsessed, his soul will be scattered, and he will not even be able to enter reincarnation. Therefore, although this path is what people aspire to and what everyone yearns for, it is actually more difficult than the Buddhist practice with heavy precepts, and few people can walk it.

Li Qingshan touched his belly: "It almost seems like I'm pregnant, haha!" He not only laughed proudly at this "exquisite" metaphor.

"You have understood the "Book of Freedom"!"

Ruan Yaozhu felt some movement and came over to take a look, with a surprised look on his face.

The "Book of All Things" could not be very mysterious. It took her several years to understand the "Book of Nature", which was considered very fast. He just slept under a tree, and when he got up, he only needed a cup of tea to transform his entire body into a heavenly book. Could it be that he was truly an unparalleled spiritual genius?

This is not just because Li Qingshan has the foundation of "Huangji World Destruction Record" and "Huangji Jingshi Lu", as well as the powerful help of "Nine Transformations of Gods and Demons", and it is not just a matter of compatibility of mind.

Although "Zi Zi Tian Shu" is difficult and dangerous, it also has one advantage, and that is "fast". It is so fast that the practitioner himself feels scared, and it is so fast that he can lose control and go crazy at any time.

Li Qingshan stood up: "Sister, I can start work." R1152

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