Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 54 Pengfei


A black dragon rolls in the vast thunder pool, covered in thousands of thunder lights, which is so dazzling that it is impossible to look directly at it. Small,

"How could the four heavenly tribulations be so powerful?"

The Golden-Eyed Black Dragon was also frightened. With his help, the Tribulation Thunder became more and more violent. From time to time, one or two lashes hit the dragon's scales. He actually felt some pain, so he gradually withdrew from the center of the thunder pool.

"Hmph, you ignorant bastards dare to go through the tribulation in front of me. They really don't know whether to live or die. It's a pity that they will turn into ashes in the thunder of the tribulation. I can't tell what happened below."

Xiaoan was wearing three burial robes, dancing fiercely in the thunder, and gradually became broken. He clasped his hands together, wrapped the skull rosary around it, and recited scriptures. His flesh and blood were torn apart by thunder, revealing the dense white bones.

Gu Yanying spread her wings and hugged herself, like a bird in winter, silently enduring the severe cold.

Only Luohu Xiaoming was the most calm. He opened his chest and let the lightning strike. With the immortality of Asura and the blood and body of the Luohu family, he stood upright in the rolling thunder and said with a smile: "It's so happy!"

They are all extraordinary demon kings or Nascent Soul monks. They have deep accumulation and powerful strength, and are not afraid of the thunder bombardment.

Suddenly, a thunder sword emerged from the void, dragging a series of electric lights, and slashed at Gu Yanying, the weakest of the three.

Gu Yanying's heart trembled, and he felt that the power contained in this thunder sword was more powerful than thousands of tribulation thunders. But I have never heard of such a situation during the four heavenly tribulations. Is it really exciting to go through the tribulation with these two monsters? !

The Heavenly Tribulation is the supreme law. The Heavenly Secret is locked and cannot be evaded. The only way is to be prepared to resist.

A white shadow flashed in front of him, and Xiao An stood in front of him, holding the Buddha-killing sword tightly with a pair of bone hands. Fight the thunder sword.


The thunder sword flew back, and the three burial robes almost turned into ashes. Xiao An took a step back and half-knelt on the ground. There were no cracks on the Buddha-killing sword, and his white bones were shaking. Even the samadhi white bone fire in his eye sockets has dimmed a lot.

"Why?" Gu Yanying was surprised, never expecting that Xiao An would help her block this blow.

Xiao An said: "Save your strength."

Gu Yanying nodded solemnly, they had to face not only this thunder disaster, but also a real dragon that was eyeing them eagerly. And when they just passed through the catastrophe, although they had made great progress in cultivation, it was also the moment when they were at their weakest, and they must not fight with it.

Luo Huan Xiaoming also had a hint of solemnity on his face: "Jie Lei Ning Bing,

What a great honor! "

Tribulation Thunder Condensing Soldiers - usually appear only after six heavenly tribulations, specifically preventing people from becoming immortals. Condensate thousands of calamity thunders into a heavenly weapon to kill all those who defy heaven. Now there are only four catastrophes, but it will appear, even if there is only one, it is too scary.

The thunder sword was blocked by Xiao An, and the light dimmed slightly. When it returned to the rolling thunder pool, it immediately regained its original light. Even more intense.

Luohu Xiaoming said: "Let me do it!"

Xiao An said: "You also preserve your strength."

Luohu Xiaoming immediately understood what she meant and said with a smile: "As expected of the descendant of the White Bones. He can still be so calm at such a time, not bothered by any emotions! But, can you stop me?"

"If you can't stop it, you will die."

The chaotic soul bell rang rapidly, and the sound of the bells was like substance, swaying with roaring thunder. She rose up with her sword and faced the Heavenly Tribulation Thunder Sword.


Thousands of thunder lights shot out from the mountain peaks, reflecting into a pair of golden dragon eyes, flashing a look of surprise.

Could she really survive this catastrophe? But that would be great. Just enough to capture her and question her. If I had known this, I should not have expanded the catastrophe. Alas, I slept for too long this time and haven't come back to my senses yet. My brain is not working well.

Lightning strikes again and again, thunder roars,

Unknowingly, the lightning dimmed and the thunder became smaller, but it still continued.

"I didn't expect that she actually got through it!"

The golden-eyed black dragon meandered through the sky, staring at the Longtan Cave below.

"It's now!"

A strange bird song suddenly sounded in the mountain, like an eagle's call or a phoenix's cry, the sound shook the sky and filled the clouds.

Dapeng spreads out its green wings, like clouds hanging from the sky, and flies thousands of miles into the sky with one strong beat!


Golden Eyes Black Dragon was shocked. If the real dragon had any natural enemy, it would be Kunpeng.

When Kun is swimming in the sea, he can feed on dragons. When he transforms into a roc, he can hunt snakes like an eagle. Once he is targeted, he will almost die. Therefore, the dragon clan has an unwritten agreement that once they encounter a young Kunpeng, they must hunt it down.

But it was precisely because of this agreement that it brought a terrible nightmare to the dragon clan.

There is Kunpeng who has reached the pinnacle of the demon race and has become a great sage. He is named "Huntian" and specializes in patrolling the seas and hunting true dragons. It wasn't until the dragons dived deep into the abyss and no one dared to swim in the sea or soar in the sky that they gave up and said: "If a dragon kills one Kunpeng, it will kill five hundred dragons."

Even if the Dragon Clan is good at reproducing and their numbers are large, their vitality will be severely damaged. Although he had never seen it with his own eyes, it was said that the wings of the Great Sage Huntian were of this blue color.

Seeing this scene, he couldn't help but hesitate for a moment, but then his mind changed, that the Great Sage Huntian was already extremely rampant, and she might be his successor, so he couldn't let her go.

"Want to leave!?"

With a loud roar, the dragon soared thousands of miles away and rushed towards Kunpeng.

Xiao An sat on Kunpeng's back. The third burial robe was in tatters, revealing the same broken white bones. However, on the white bones, there was an unprecedented luster. Even though the Samadhi White Bone Fire in the eye sockets was weak, it became more and more solid. , I saw a huge dragon head coming towards me.

"It's my turn."

Luohu Xiaoming took a step forward, staring at the golden-eyed black dragon with a pair of blood pupils.

If Kunpeng wants to fly high and far away, someone must block the golden-eyed black dragon from behind, otherwise it will not be able to fly for too long and will run out of energy.

And he was the most suitable candidate, so Xiao An asked him to preserve his strength. Although this is the best choice, it is also cruel and ruthless. This is almost a certain death situation. Even if he is the son of Asura, he has absolutely no chance of winning against a Demon King True Dragon in this state.

He had no complaints about this. She was almost shattered into pieces when she blocked the Heavenly Tribulation Thunder Sword. What really made him unhappy was hiding behind the woman. Now it was finally time for him to take action. He couldn't help but be eager to try. As for the consequences, there was no need to do anything more. Consider, as she puts it: "If you can't stop it, you die."

It's that simple.

"If I die, let him kill this smelly earthworm for me."


Luohu Xiaoming followed the strong wind and jumped towards the Golden-Eyed Black Dragon.

"You bitch, you're looking for death!"

The golden-eyed black dragon spurted out a dragon's breath, and the chill penetrated into the bones. The air condensed into ice, and Luohu Xiaoming was frozen into an iceman in mid-air. In the eyes of the Golden-Eyed Xuanlong, he was already a dead man. He didn't even take a second glance and just bumped into him.

"You said...who is the bitch!?"

When the sky and the earth darkened, Luohu Xiaoming shattered the mysterious ice, and a ferocious black giant appeared in the endless darkness, punching the dragon's head.

The Golden Eyed Black Dragon was caught off guard and paused in its momentum. It rolled several times in the air before stopping, and looked at Luohu Xiaoming in disbelief. (To be continued...)

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