Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 55 Villain

? The Tianfu Si gate is vast and the buildings are majestic, but it is not a cave. △♦The top novel,

Li Qingshan stepped onto the high steps, gave his name and declared his intention. The waiter in green glanced at him, his smile faded slightly, and he led him out of a room, "Senior Brother Wang is busy with business, please wait here for a while!"

Li Qingshan waited for most of the day. He was the only one in the empty corridor. There was no busy scene at all, but it seemed very deserted.

However, he was not in a hurry. He straightened out his thoughts on cultivation first, and then took out the black rabbit from his sleeve and played with it. Unfortunately, the other party was not very cooperative. He was annoyed and bit him hard in the hand. .

hiss! Li Qingshan took a breath of air and was shocked when he saw that his fingers were bleeding and the wounds were deep enough to show the bones.

Not to mention how strong he was physically, he also had powerful defensive talents such as "Bull Demon Skin Refining". Finally, he felt that something was a little unusual. What kind of rabbit was this?

Just as he was about to check it out, a man's cold voice sounded from inside the door: "Is there anyone else outside?"

"Yes!" Li Qingshan didn't care about competing with the rabbit. He would let it go when he got outside the city anyway, no matter what kind it was.

"Come in."

Li Qingshan pushed the door open and walked in. The large room was quite elegantly decorated. There was a picture hanging on the wall with the four cursive characters "rarely confused" written in it.

A slightly fat man with a round face was sitting in front of the coffee table, sipping tea, and glanced sideways: "Are you Li Qingshan?"


Li Qingshan was dissatisfied: "Where is this damn fat man so busy? Even if a cultivator's concept of time is different from ordinary people, it would be too long to wait. The service attitude of Tianfu Division is simply not the same as that of Spirit Beast Garden and Lingbao Square Fabi, no wonder the senior brother who took me in at the beginning said he wanted me to keep the bookmark as a bribe here."

"No matter how big or small, I am your senior brother!" Senior Brother Wang's face darkened.

Li Qingshan raised his eyebrows, this damn fat man was just a disciple like him. What are you pulling at?

But thinking about Xiao An and the others who were in Longtan Cave, they were in urgent need of a cave, so they held back their breath and said, "Senior Brother Wang, I'm here to get my cave..."

"Wait a moment! Can't you see I'm busy?"

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the fat white man, who took another slow sip of tea.

Li Qingshan frowned, clearly looking for trouble on purpose. But he didn't offend him! Even if it's just to accept bribes, there's no need to act so disgusting, right?

"Yeah, I saw it. I was too busy eating shit."

Senior Brother Wang spit out the tea and became furious: "What did you say?"

"I'll let you eat shit!" Li Qingshan said to himself, turned around and left, wondering if there was a complaint agency in Vientiane City.

"How dare you insult senior brother in front of him! I will teach you a lesson today!"

A sneer appeared on Senior Brother Wang's face, everything was going according to plan.

Not long ago, Shen Yushu came to plan with him. Let him find a way to make things difficult for Li Qingshan. As long as he is angered and a violent conflict occurs between the two parties, the inspector of the "Law Department" can be attracted.

This is the territory of the Tianfu Division. Shen Yushu is a disciple and the steward of the Baicao Garden. He has a wide network of contacts. As long as he gets Li Qingshan into the Law Department, there are plenty of ways to deal with him.

Senior Brother Wang slapped Li Qingshan hard. Feeling very happy, Shen Yushu promised to do it after the matter was completed. Give him a Ten Thousand Years Ganoderma lucidum as reward.

"Hmph, a new disciple who dares to offend the disciples who entered the house is really reckless. Even if there is no reward, I will teach you the rules of superiority and inferiority. You will suffer the consequences when you enter the Law Department."

Li Qingshan became more and more sure of his judgment, and even vaguely guessed who was causing trouble. His enemy in the Wanxiang Sect. There are only two Lotte and Shen Yushu. The gambling game with Lotte has just begun at this time, and they are not capable of doing such a despicable thing, so it must be the villain Shen Yushu.

Without looking back, he casually grabbed the fat white palm that came towards him, turned around, held his head and pressed it gently.

Bang! Senior Brother Wang has not yet reacted. His head was pressed on the coffee table, and the tea utensils on the table were jumping around, and the tea was spilled all over his head and face. I was shocked, how could this be possible? They are both Nascent Soul cultivators, so why are they so different!

Li Qingshan said: "Tell me, who asked you to disgust me?"

Senior Brother Wang said: "Li Qingshan, how dare you commit such a crime and attack Senior Brother!! I will go to the Law Department to sue you!"

Li Qingshan sneered: "So this was the idea. Let me ask you again, who is it?"

Senior Brother Wang couldn't break free, so he yelled and cursed, trying to alert the people outside.

Li Qingshan was already restless, and at this time, "anger started in his heart, and evil grew in his courage." He sneered and said, "I don't want to say whether it is right or not. Senior Brother Wang, I'll treat you to a cup of tea, so you can calm down!"

He grabbed a teacup and stuffed it into his mouth, then the second, and the third... After stuffing the teacup, there were various tea sets, small cups, wooden tongs and the like. In the end, there was only a small teapot left on the coffee table, which was also crushed and forced into it.

The black rabbit jumped out of his sleeve at some point, looking at this scene with ruby-like eyes, shining slightly red.

A certain senior sister said with a smile on her face: "Hey, it's so fun. But for such a violent guy, what do Yao Zhu like about him?"

Li Qingshan said: "Senior Brother Wang, we're done now! It's time to tell who it is. If you don't tell me, I'll treat you to everything in this room one by one."

Senior Brother Wang's mouth was bleeding and he stared at Li Qingshan with bloodshot eyes. He said vaguely: "Li Qingshan, kill me if you dare. I will definitely kill you!"

"Okay, you are tough enough, I admire you!" Li Qingshan smiled, grabbed his head and came to the difficult calligraphy: "Well, it's rare to be confused, was it you who wrote it? Good calligraphy, I think it tastes good." He licked it Licking his lips: "You seem to taste okay. Although it's a bit greasy, it's suitable for drinking."

After a while, the waiter in green who led Li Qingshan hurriedly came to the door, knocked on the door several times, and called Senior Brother Wang several times, but there was no response, only a strange whine was heard. His heart skipped a beat and he pushed open the door. The scene in front of him shocked him.

Li Qingshan pinched Senior Brother Wang's neck with one hand, held the scroll with the other, and pushed out the messy things in his mouth.

Senior Brother Wang burst into tears, his eyes full of fear, and said: "Save me... call someone here quickly!"

Li Qingshan glanced at it, and the green-clothed waiters stepped back one after another, sat down on the ground, and said tremblingly: "Li...Senior Brother Li, it was Senior Brother Pi who asked me to invite you."

Li Qingshan said in surprise: "Senior Brother Pi...Pi Yangqiu?"

"Yes Yes."

"Okay, I'll be there right away." Li Qingshan let out a bad breath and felt much better. He took Black Rabbit with him and left Senior Brother Wang behind.

The waiter in green looked at Li Qingshan in awe: "Senior Brother Wang, that... Senior Brother Pi asked you to get out of Tianfu Division and don't embarrass yourself here."

Senior Brother Wang was lying on the ground panting, and his face changed drastically when he heard this. Being severely punished by Li Qingshan was just a flesh wound, but he looked miserable and could recover in a moment. Being kicked out of Tianfu Division would be really fatal.

"Shen Yushu, you have caused me great harm!" (To be continued...)

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