Volume II Incarnation of a Demon] Chapter 61 Stop the Children Crying at Night


Chapter 61 Stop the Children Crying at Night

Li Qingshan smiled on the side, and his heart was content with peace. Although I don't know what name to use to describe their relationship, the conclusion is very clear that she is his family, the one who brings him warmth.

As a lonely traveler, both parents died when he was a child, and he was oppressed by his only blood relative. But her arrival changed everything. For him, she was originally just a poor life who needed to be taken care of, but she was often cared for and helped by her.

It was she who found Lingshen and let him open up the path of cultivation. At that time, he still thought that he would repay her twice in the future, but today, he has long forgotten this idea. Now, even if she took out a hundred spirit ginseng, he would eat it unceremoniously, because there is no need to calculate these among the family.

Sometimes he wondered if Qingniu had reached this point long ago, if it wasn't for her existence, he would be ten times more vicious now. With the ability of "Spiritual Turtle Zhenhai Jue", it is not impossible to attack and kill Qi Refiners everywhere and seize the Spirit Pill. Even unrestrainedly satisfy his various ** and become a downright demon.

He has no confidence in his own moral bottom line, no one is born a hero, an absolute good person. He believed that circumstances change people, and absolute power and loneliness inevitably lead to absolute freedom and indulgence. And now, if he wants to take care of her safety, he can't take too much risk. To set an example for her, you can't do whatever you want.

It is because of her existence that he can still survive in a human way, not just fighting for sex. As the head of the family, he needs to take on a responsibility and seriously consider the present and the future.

There are only a few ordinary Qi Condensing Pills left, and in order to break through the fifth stage of the "Innate Qi Refining Technique", a bottle of Baicao Pills is also used, so I have to hurry to find new medicinal pills to maintain the speed of cultivation and deal with **door this potentially big threat.

The easiest and most direct way is, of course, to get it from the Eagle and Wolf Guards. Although there are still a few people who did not come to the twenty-seven missions this time, only twenty-one have been completed, and the merits of each mission are very few, but Add up to more than 300 points of merit. And five points of merit can be exchanged for one condensing pill, plus the original 250 points of merit, more than one hundred condensing pills can be exchanged.

However, Zhuo Zhiboka was here, which made Li Qingshan very uncomfortable. No matter how many tasks he completed, he could not get what he deserved.

Originally, he was intent on helping Xiao An recover his body, but had no intention of responding to Zhuo Zhibo's provocation. Now this goal has been accomplished.

It's time to step on this roadblock.

Thinking of this, the murderous urge has grown in my heart: Zhuo Zhibo, just die obediently for me! I can't take care of the ninth level of Qi refining, can't I take care of you?

Xiao An immediately noticed Li Qingshan's change and turned around.

Li Qingshan said with a smile: "Let's take a walk outside first, so as not to be blocked by the old thief, and after a while, we will go back and kill Zhuo Zhibo."

Xiao An nodded happily.


The next day, the rain had no intention of stopping,

Li Qingshan set out with Xiao An, because there was no special place to go, and when he encountered a delicious and fun place, he stopped to rest for a while. Stop and go, like a vacation trip.

One day, when he was resting in a tea shop beside a boulevard, he suddenly heard someone at the next table talking about his name, and he couldn't help but pricked up his ears.

"That 'Hu Tu' Li Qingshan is the reincarnation of the killing star. He began to kill at birth, and he began to kill at the age of nine. Since joining the Eagle and Wolf Guard, he has been out of control. There are thousands of people up and down, men and women, young and old, they all killed one or two cleanly, and laughed while killing, and there were so many corpses that they couldn’t even fit in the Tiankeng…”

It turned out that a few Jianghu tourists were sheltering here from the rain, and a yellow-faced thin man was drinking some bad wine and said:

Li Qingshan's expression is weird, and his nickname seems to have changed again. Hutu is much more pleasing than Xiashanhu and Heihu, but when did he kill Qian's family, he only killed three, the others were Qian Rongzhi prankster. He also laughed while killing, how could he speak like a murderer. However, it was quite an interesting experience to be the protagonist of the rumors of the rivers and lakes, so he perked up his ears and listened.

"If you cowards see so many corpses, you'll be scared to pee, but Li Qingshan is not an ordinary person. He killed thousands of people, and he still feels unfinished, so he set up a big conspiracy of Xihua Island. Xihua Island. The island owner Shen Xihua, the flying god mouse Zhao Ruyong, the iron palm Kaishan Tanaka Hao... You have all heard of these people!"

After getting the affirmative answer from everyone, the yellow-faced thin man continued: "He tricked them all to Xihua Island and cooked them all in one pot, still laughing while killing them."

But at this time someone raised an objection: "I heard that Xihua Island was flattened by cannons."

"What do you know, he was killed first and then smashed to the ground. The master of my uncle's friend was on the boat at the time." The yellow-faced thin man showed a proud look and said, "Do you know? Outside the ancient wind city. The Tiankeng was later opened, and there was not a single corpse in it, and the same is true on Xihua Island, do you know why?"


The yellow-faced thin man suddenly lowered his voice and spit out two words, "Eating people!"

eat human! Li Qingshan twitched the corners of his eyes, Xiao An hooked the corners of his mouth, his eyes full of smiles.

Li Qingshan pinched her cheek: "Eating is what you eat!" Although there are many absurdities in this rumor, in some places, it is surprisingly true.

Xiao An stuck her tongue out.

Someone at the adjacent table questioned: "There are thousands of mouths, how can they be eaten?"

The yellow-faced thin man also hesitated, unable to answer.

Li Qingshan shrugged his shoulders, as expected, the rumors stop at the wise!

Soon after, Li Qingshan was in a restaurant and understood what wishful thinking was.

"I heard that the tiger slaughter is 20 feet tall and has a waist circumference of 20 feet. He has a green face, fangs, a copper head and an iron forehead. He walks like the wind and roars like thunder. He likes to eat raw human flesh the most.

"You said it was a monster!"

In the corner of the restaurant, Li Qingshan held his forehead, feeling that if they let them pass on, his true body would be revealed.

Xiao An can already show a very natural smile.

In the dead of night, in a certain dwelling, the children cried and cried, clamoring for candy, otherwise they would not sleep.

Mother said: "Eating sugar at night will ruin your teeth!"

The child just doesn't depend on it.

The mother finally got angry: "Cry again, cry again and let Hutu eat you up!"

The child immediately stopped crying and said nothing. After a long time, Fang whispered: "Mother, I don't want to eat candy anymore, don't let Hutu eat me."

The mother gave a satisfied smile.

On the street outside the residence, Li Qingshan finally understood what it means to be demonized! His name now seems to have the function of stopping children from crying at night. It has deeply rooted in the hearts of the majority of the people, helped countless families, and better disciplined their children.

Although there are many strong men in the Eagle and Wolf Guards, they are mainly aimed at Qi cultivators, which are far from the lives of ordinary people, and at most one mission can only kill a few people.

And Li Qingshan shot twice, but it caused the death of thousands of people, and there were countless witnesses.

Qingyang City, Iron Fist Sect, the eldest disciple Wang Lei said: "Is this all true?"

Liu Hongdao: "Eating people doesn't count, I'm afraid the others are not groundless. I have long seen that this kid is not a good stubble and wants to disturb the rivers and lakes, but I didn't expect him to be so ruthless and directly destroy half of the rivers and lakes. Don't be jealous of your junior brother, Jianghu is not so easy to mix."

"Master is wise, I almost shot him." Wang Lei said with lingering fears, who would have thought that the wild boy in the village would become such a terrible person. From now on, I will no longer be jealous of Li Long going out. The rivers and lakes are too dangerous, so I should honestly stay in Qingyang City and wait for the master's class!

"What's the matter, I've punched him a hundred times!" Liu Hong said with a self-satisfied expression, something that made him feel ashamed at first has become a great honor.

Many masters passed by Qingyang City, and heard that he had punched Li Qingshan a hundred punches from the tiger slaughter, and he could still stand here well without dying. They were very impressed. Even if the martial arts is higher than him, he must give birth to three points of respect.

Later, before he died, he specially instructed his disciples to engrave a line of characters on the epitaph, "Zeng Hu Tu Bai Quan". For posterity to look up to.

Soon after, at the entrance of Woniu Village, a tall statue was erected. The statue was a young man, strong and burly, with a long knife on his head, fierce eyes, and a divine shape, just like Li Qingshan.

But it was Liu Bancun, Liu Steward who spent a lot of money and hired the most famous sculptor from Shiliba Village to sculpt it. On the day when the statue was erected, gongs and drums were loud and firecrackers were blaring. Village Chief Li organized the whole village to come to worship.

Years later, Qingyang was once again plagued by bandits and bandits, and all the villages were robbed. Only Woniu Village had a statue because of this, and bandits did not dare to approach and survived safely. The villagers are grateful, build steles and build temples, and organize worship before winter every year.

In Jiaping City, Eagle Wolf Guard Station, Zhuo Zhibo frowned. Li Qingshan had caused him too much trouble recently. He wanted to kill Li Qingshan with a knife, but when Grandma Ximen came to investigate Jiaping, he insisted on it. He has a lot to do with Li Qingshan, and even provided portraits and mission information, but he still failed.

I didn't expect that the boy was so lucky. He met the daughter of the Hua family. Even Simon's grandmother couldn't do anything about the boy, but instead he made him a big name.

But he was not particularly worried. At this moment, the person sitting opposite him was Grandma Ximen. As expected by Li Qingshan, Grandma Ximen searched for Li Qingshan all over the place and couldn't find it.

ps: Everyone is so powerful. I have been hovering in the forty-something range for the last month. The original goal this month was to reach the thirty-something level. The one you gave me is twenty-three. I will work harder to write, the foreshadowing is coming to an end, and what I really want to write will gradually unfold. I want to bring you not only blood and refreshment, but also warmth, smiles, and touches. Say today in the living room After going around a few hundred laps, thinking about a plot that will be written soon, and then making myself amused, I want to say to you guys, wait and see a good show!


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