Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 62 Undercurrent

Chapter 62 Undercurrent Surges

"Grandma, don't worry, even if you wait here, I don't believe that kid will never come back to Jiaping! If he doesn't come back, he is a fugitive who betrayed the Eagle and Wolf Guard. I have cooperated with the **** for so many years. I always have to give your door an explanation. There is also the ** building that was confiscated by Zhou Wenbin. I have already asked for it back. As long as you send someone to come, it will be open soon. "

Zhuo Zhibo said eagerly, not only for dealing with Li Qingshan, but also for the many benefits of the sect.

Grandma Ximen said indifferently: "Thank you for the commander's kindness, the **men will send someone soon, but please take care of the commander, but the old man has to leave Jiaping City soon." It was necessary for Zhuo Zhibo, but his tone was extremely arrogant.

Zhuo Zhibo said in surprise, "Why is this?"

Grandma Ximen said, "This is the order of the sect master, and the old man can't go against it."

"Why is your sect master... Could it be?"

A stern look flashed in Ximen's grandmother's eyes: "That's right, it's that girl from the Hua family, and we cannot ignore the pressure from your vice-commander Hua."

"So it is!" Zhuo Zhibo was extremely regretful, so he couldn't use a knife to kill people, but he didn't dare to complain about Hua Chengzan.

Grandma Ximen said: "However, that kid is only on the second floor of Qi Refining, you don't need to be old-fashioned, you can deal with it, Commander Zhuo! Our sect master has promised that as long as the commander can hand over the girl beside that kid to the ** sect,* *The door will give the commander a bottle of Spring Breeze Huayu Pills in return."

Zhuo Zhibo's heart moved, the spring breeze of the **** sect turned rain pills, but the elixir of ** sect requires extremely rare spiritual grass and a special secret method to refine, although it can't enhance the infuriating energy, it can dissolve the infuriating energy. Impurities, greatly saving the time of purifying infuriating. Its value, just one, is worth hundreds of Qi Condensation Pills. I don't know what is so peculiar about that girl that makes the **men attach so much importance.

With a calm expression on his face: "What did grandma say, how can I deal with my subordinates? You said that girl, I will pay attention to it, and I will not disappoint your sect master."

Grandma Ximen said: "There is one more thing, that is to take my disciple back to Qinghe Mansion."

" Disciple

Zhuo Zhibo's face suddenly darkened: "Rong Zhi, what's going on?"

Grandma Ximen lingered in Jiaping for several days,

Qian Rongzhi had always been entertaining her. Unexpectedly, after just a few days, she had a relationship and asked the eccentric grandma Ximen to accept her as a disciple. However, he only got the news until now, as if she had become her springboard.

Qian Rongzhi said with a smile: "Grandma knows that I have never entered the sect, and has promised to accept me as a disciple. She wants me to practice in the sect for a period of time, and I hope that the commander will approve it."

She has passed the level of cultivation aptitude, and she is quite beautiful. She has an ordinary hue. Although it is far from the hue of Tianxiang, she also has the capital that is seen by Grandma Ximen. And she is very good at figuring out people's hearts, all her words and deeds can cater to Grandma Ximen's eccentric taste, and it is no accident that she is valued by Grandma Ximen and accepted as a disciple.

Like a poison ivy, she seizes every opportunity, at all costs, to climb up to grab more sunshine and rain. In her eyes, Qian Yannian was nothing, Zhuo Zhibo was nothing, and even Grandma Ximen was nothing, they were just tools that she could use.

And grandma Ximen is the ninth level of Qi refining, but Zhuo Zhibo is only the sixth level of Qi refining, which tool is better to use, there is no need to compare. changed his face.

Eagle and Wolf Guard is just a profession, and it cannot restrict members from joining the sect, but if Diao Fei is from a sect. Of course, if Zhuo Zhibo deliberately interfered, there are still many ways to make Qian Rongzhi difficult, but sitting next to a gloomy grandma Ximen, how dare he do this. Grandma Ximen just told him that she wanted to take Qian Rongzhi away, not asking for his opinion at all.

Qian Rongzhi smiled, knowing that he was confident. The reason why he told Zhuo Zhibo the news now was to not give him a chance to obstruct him. If there is a chance, Zhuo Zhibo will definitely do it. No man will be willing to let go of a woman who is obedient and plays with himself.

Zhuo Zhibo squinted and said: "Rong Zhi, you climbed the high branch, I am the commander, and of course I am happy for you. Only by learning the skills in the sect can you better complete the task of the Eagle and Wolf Guard. How many times do I allow you? Monthly vacation, but there is no magic pill, just after a while, I will bring you three newcomers to meet the two commanders in Qinghe Mansion, so you should go ahead."

He finally made a quick decision and insisted on stopping this matter, which was of no benefit. He only agreed unwillingly. Although he knew that most of Qian Rongzhi's sweet words were not from his heart, being abandoned so bluntly still hurt his dignity as a man. She felt hatred for Qian Rongzhi, and she was indeed an extremely shameless woman.

Before Qian Rongzhi boarded the carriage, Yingying gave a gift: "Thank you, Commander. When the day comes, Rongzhi will serve the Commander again in return for his great kindness." He added another sentence in his heart, if you are not dead yet.

Even if she was relying on the ** door, her identity as a hawk and wolf guard has not changed. Before she gained power stronger than Zhuo Zhibo, she should not be so contemptuous of Zhuo Zhibo, she had a faint feeling, Zhuo Zhibo will die under Li Qingshan's hands. This is a woman's intuition, and it is an intuition based on a lot of analysis and speculation. Of course, there is no need to be too polite to a dying person.

Zhuo Zhibo said, "It's easy to say!" As he watched the carriage leave, he felt that the evil fire in his stomach had nowhere to release, and he smashed the stone table in front of him with his palm.


In Qinghe City, Hua Mansion, in a small garden, Hua Chengzan said to Hua Chenglu: "Okay, Grandma Ximen will soon return to Jiaping City for questioning. I don't have time to trouble that kid for now."

Hua Chenglu nodded: "That's good."

Hua Cheng praised: "It's rare that you beg me for meeting other people."

"What other people's business, this is your Eagle Wolf Guard's business, I'm not begging you, I'm helping you. And don't you know him?"

Hua Chengzan said helplessly: "Okay, do me a favor. It's not about acquaintance, it's just a one-sided relationship, but I didn't expect that kid really came out. Under Zhuo Zhibo's hands, I'm afraid it's not a good life! "

Hua Chengzan was thoughtful. After half a year, Hua Chengzan's memory of Li Qingshan was almost forgotten. After Hua Chenglu's mouth, he just remembered it and felt a little emotional in his heart. He didn't expect him to actually walk out of the mountain. He really dared to go to Zhuo Zhibo's command to be the Eagle and Wolf Guard, and he also had a lot of unpleasantness with Zhuo Zhibo.

Hua Chenglu said, "Why is it difficult?"

"You don't understand the matter of your lord."

Hua Chenglu can't hear such words the most: "What is the matter of adults, then Li Qingshan is not a few years older than me, and he is only at the second level of qi refining, and his cultivation base is worse than mine." Her cultivation base has reached qi refining. The peak of the second floor is only one step away from the third floor of Qi refining.

"Are you going to kill a fifth-floor qi refiner to show me?"

"Why am I going to kill the fifth-floor qi cultivator!"

"A month ago, that kid not only refines Qi, but also refines the body. In his first novice mission, he killed a family of Qi refiners and killed a fifth-level Qi refiner. Qi Shi, it is very likely that he was the black hand, and at that time, he only cultivated the first level of Qi."

This is not only the power of cultivators, but also the power of power. Eagle-wolf guards have eyes and ears all over the world, but Hua Chengzan has no intention to pay attention to these on weekdays. There are dozens of eagle-wolves guards under his black iron level. One, who would put his eyes on the small Jiaping City until Hua Chenglu mentioned it, he ordered someone to check it, and soon a detailed information was put on his desk, and the information he got made him a little bit. surprise.

Hua Chenglu was taken aback, no wonder Grandma Ximen went to trouble him, that guy was so powerful, no wonder he was not afraid of Grandma Ximen's imposing oppression, and easily escaped from Grandma Ximen's pursuit outside the restaurant.

"Don't think about it so much, you should prepare well for the admission test in the spring. I have seen the girl you brought back. She has a good character and is stronger than you. This is the Yijing cleansing pill for her. , you should be able to directly refine your qi after taking it." Hua Chengzan handed over an elixir to Hua Chenglu, this is the strength possessed by a real qi refiner family, and it can break the limitation of innate qualifications with external force.

As for Li Qingshan, to Hua Chengzan, he was just an interesting subordinate, not worth paying too much attention to, and as long as Li Qingshan didn't die, I believe he would be able to see him soon.


In a small town not far from Jiaping City, Li Qingshan looked up at the full moon in the crowd and thought: It's Mid-Autumn Festival again! Although he saved and saved, he still ate all the Qi condensing pills on his body. After eating these hundreds of Qi condensing pills, the effect was obvious.

In a place where no one was around, he quietly changed his demon body once, reaching two feet seven feet, and his strength increased a lot.

But once you stop taking the elixir, the speed of cultivation will be horribly slow, and it is almost time to return to Jiaping City. That old woman doesn't have such good patience!

He broke off a piece of moon cake and handed it to Xiao An, then carried her through the crowd, walked out of the heavy downtown lanterns, and walked towards Jiaping City.

Back in Jiaping City, Li Qingshan and Xiao An both restrained their breath and dived back to the mountain. Li Qingshan twitched his nose, and he smelled a familiar smell. It was the unique and strong smell of fragrant powder on Grandma Ximen. As expected, Grandma Ximen wanted to block her here.

There are many ways for cultivators to hide their tracks, but the smell is the most easily overlooked. Li Qingshan followed the path of the freshest smell and traced it all the way to the outside of the city. Finally, it was confirmed that Grandma Ximen had left Jiaping City.

Li Qingshan looked back at the mountain peak, and the big black eagle made of iron showed a smile. Commander Zhuo, the elixir on your body should help me cultivate the second level of "Bull Demon Power Fist"!


Chapter 62 Undercurrent Surges

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