Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 63 The First Battle of Zhuo Zhibo

But how exactly?

Li Qingshan thought about it seriously. Now killing him up the mountain and attacking Zhuo Zhibo was a good choice, but he had to change his demon body in order to exert enough power.

But with a body close to 30 feet tall, standing there a little higher than the second-story building, I am afraid that it can even be seen from the bottom of the mountain. It is too easy to be violent, and if Zhuo Zhibo cannot be killed with one blow, Zhuo Zhibo will With a shout, his identity will be known to everyone, and he has to find a way to lead Zhuo Zhibo out of Jiaping City, but how to lead him out?

"Xiao An, is there any plan?"

Xiao An wrote in the air, flames flowed from his fingertips, and the last word "wait" was left.

Li Qingshan's heart moved, yes, Zhuo Zhibo really wants to kill himself now, but most of them won't do it in Jiaping City, and most likely will find a way to spend himself out of the city, and then it will be the best time to take action.

Li Qingshan mōmō Xiao An's head: "It's really smart." But he was not willing to wait so hard, and he had to do something: "But in order to make this guy make up his mind quickly, let's go back and stab him!" His face floated. With a malicious smile on her face, if I don't show you any favors, I really think I'm easy to bully.

"Commander Zhuo, I'm back!" On the pitch-black mountain, a thunderous roar ripped apart the tranquility.

All the Eagle and Wolf Guards were disturbed, woke up from training or sleep, and drove them out.

I saw Li Qingshan standing in front of the main building where Zhuo Zhibo was, shouting loudly: "I have completed twenty-one tasks, but needless to say, the merits still have to be halved, and after the halving, nothing can be changed. , then I'll just give it all to you, I don't care."

"By the way, when I went out this time, I happened to meet the sister of Vice Commander Hua. I have a big mouth and couldn't help but tell all your actions in Jiaping City. I think Vice Commander Hua would not take it to heart. , don't take offense."

"Shut up!" A figure flashed out of the main building and suddenly appeared in front of Li Qingshan. It was Zhuo Zhibo. He shot in a rage, the cuff of his right arm was filled with infuriating energy, and he swung towards Li Qingshan like a hammer.

"What is Commander Zhuo doing, do you want to kill your subordinates?" Li Qingshan said while he raised his shield to block it hard. He was only afraid of Zhuo Zhibo's flying sword, and he didn't care about this kind of head-to-head method. , Hammer sleeves clashed, making a dull sound, the sound spread out, and the surrounding leaves were rustling.

Li Qingshan felt a strong force coming, he took four steps back, each step was on the solid marble floor, leaving a deep pit, and sighed that the six-layer Qi cultivator was really good, but his body was unscathed. ,

Looking at the shield, the same is true. Although it is only a low-grade spiritual weapon, it is a purely defensive spiritual weapon, and it is not so easy to be damaged.

Of course, that strength alone is enough to break the tendons of any second-tier qi cultivator, vomit blood and die, but Li Qingshan's body is so fragile.

Zhuo Zhibo was even more angry, his hands clenched his fists, his eyes flashed, his infuriating energy burned like hydrogen, and the small square in front of the building was illuminated.

Li Qingshan remotely sensed a heat wave coming towards his face, and he stepped back, only to see a fire dragon surrounding Zhuo Zhibo, illuminating his brows and eyes, his clothes flying, and plated with a layer of crimson light, as if the god of fire had descended, under his feet. All the marbles began to show signs of melting, showing how terrible the temperature of the flame was.

Sixth-tier Qi Refiners are not only powerful, but also spells.

"Disease!" Zhuo Zhibo pointed like a sword and pointed at Li Qingshan. The fire dragon roared and rushed towards Li Qingshan. It was as fast as a flash of lightning. Ordinary people could only see a flash of light flashing, but they couldn't see the shape of the fire dragon at all.

"Drink!" Li Qingshan shouted violently, tǐng the shield forward, the shield was in his hand, and it was extremely large, and he violently slammed into the fire dragon's head, but at the same time his body was tightly shrinking behind the shield.

Boom, the fire was shining, and the fire dragon directly turned into a sea of ​​fire.

This time, Li Qingshan simply flew out and collided with a big tree more than ten feet behind him. Only then did he stop, and the leaves above his head fell, but he exclaimed loudly: "Commander Zhuo is a good way!" The arm was a little sore, but it was still unscathed.

This also shows how important it is to choose a suitable spiritual weapon. After taunting, a shield is indispensable to absorb damage.

However, it seems that this provocation is a bit ruthless. Zhuo Zhibo looks like he is about to kill him and then quickly, but he doesn't seem to care about the occasion anymore, which is really unreasonable.

Zhuo Zhibo has led Jiaping City's Eagle and Wolf Guards for many years. How could he have been so contradicted and provoked by others? In addition, he was just put up by Qian Rongzhi, and he was so humiliated by Li Qingshan. .

Seeing that the fire dragon couldn't kill Li Qingshan, Zhuo Zhibo stretched out his hand, a seven-inch long knife, which was held in the palm of his hand. Resistant yù wants to kill people and drink blood.

Li Qingshan's hair stood up all over his body, and he felt a strong crisis. The flying knife was several meters away, but it seemed that someone was holding a knife across his neck, ready to cut it at any time.

The shield becomes smaller, and it is taken back into the treasure bag. At this time, the shield that can only block one side is useless. All his energy fell on the flying knife in Zhuo Zhibo's palm.

If Zhuo Zhibo really sent the flying knife, there is only one thing Li Qingshan can do, and that is to escape.

He has already studied the way of the imperial weapon. The distance of a six-layer Qi cultivator's imperial weapon is about 30 steps. This distance is not too far, far from the legendary invincible sword immortal who takes the head of a person thousands of miles away. means.

But if paired with the terrifying speed of the sixth-layer Qi Refiner, this is a real killing machine. If Li Qingshan had such a kung fu, he wouldn't have to waste so many methods if he could kill thousands of people on Xihua Island.

But Li Qingshan didn't take this step into consideration. The Qingfeng Talisman was ready, so he could just run away. He was still very confident in his footsteps.

At this moment, he has retreated a hundred steps away, just to prevent Zhuo Zhibo from becoming angry and desperate, even if he is chased and killed, it does not matter, as long as he is not really killed. If it really gets to that point, he plans to go to Zhou Wenbin's place with Gao Zhuo Zhibo and simply make a big fuss.

The news that Zhuo Zhibo Ke deducted the merits of his subordinates, and even chased and killed the ministers with merit, would spread wildly. Anyway, it was not his Li Qingshan who was embarrassed. At that time, I am afraid that Qinghe House will also be dissatisfied with Zhuo Zhibo, and an incompetent evaluation is indispensable.

Ge Jian hurriedly shouted: "Commander Zhuo, please calm down!" He didn't expect Li Qingshan to be so deep, but he was afraid that Zhuo Zhibo killed Li Qingshan at the Eagle Wolf Guard in a fit of rage, which would cause great trouble. .

The Xuanlang guards gathered around, Zhuo Zhibo forced himself to calm down, put away his flying knife, and stared at Li Qingshan viciously: "Li Qingshan, hello!"

Although he has been operating in Jiaping City for many years, it is impossible to convince everyone and pretend that he has not seen anything. If he kills here, let alone his subordinate Xuanlangwei, he is killing an ordinary person. If there is no suitable The reason for this will be condemned by the Eagle Wolf Guard.

As the endorsement of the Legalist and the guardian of the law, the Eagle Wolf Guard can do whatever he wants in the dark, but on the bright side, he must abide by the Great Summer Law. Once he crosses the Thunder Pond, there will be absolutely no good results.

The sixth-level Qi cultivator, in this Jiaping City, looks like a god, but in the eyes of the people above, it is nothing at all, and it would not be a pity to kill it.

Seeing that Zhuo Zhibo really didn't dare to kill him here, Li Qingshan felt relieved and brushed off the fallen leaves on his shoulders: "I'm fine if you don't care about the commander Luo Zhuo! I drank a few more drinks just now and said a few words. Drunk talk, please don't worry about the commander."

Zhuo Zhibo walked away, feeling extremely depressed. He had never felt like this before, and felt that the identity of this commander would be a shackle.

People hurt the heart of tigers, and tigers hurt people's hearts. If it were two ordinary qi refiners, they would have started a battle long ago, with all the magic weapons and talismans out, and they would fight each other by means of their own means. But precisely because of such an identity, no one can ignore the consequences. Both people need a suitable venue to solve the problem.

Li Qingshan returned to the small building and smiled brightly at Xiao An: "Next, you just have to wait." Then he took out the bottle of Baicao Pills. He originally wanted to save it for use when he broke through the realm, but now in order to maintain the speed of cultivation, he also took care of it. This is too much. I believe that there will be more and better elixir in Zhuo Zhibo's treasure bag, so there is no need to be stingy now.

The next day, Li Qingshan went to the county government to find Zhou Wenbin and wanted to change some medicinal herbs. Zhou Wenbin knew about his crazy behavior last night, but said: "But this is fine. You put the contradiction on the surface, but he doesn't dare to touch you casually."

Li Qingshan was shocked and said, "Why didn't he dare to touch me?" He did this just to get Zhuo Zhibo to move him quickly, the sooner the better, so that he could kill him.

Zhou Wenbin said: "You just turned your face with him, and you died immediately. Don't everyone know that he moved his hand. He must be gritting his teeth and forbearance, looking for a suitable time to attack you."

Li Qingshan felt bitter in his heart, I hope this opportunity will not wait too long. He was suffering here, but he didn't know that Zhuo Zhibo was on the mountain, his gums were bleeding, and he roared, "I must kill him with my own hands! I must kill him with my own hands!"

I don't know when these two people will be able to break free from the eyes of society and the secular, and have a vigorous emotional collision.

Li Qingshan flipped his hand and took out all the spiritual stones from the treasure bag: "I want to change some more medicinal pills." Without Zhuo Zhibo, this day would have passed, and the remaining bottle of Baicao Pills, he also had last night. After eating it all, there is not a single medicinal pill on his body that can be used for cultivation.

Zhou Wenbin said: "You really want to change, the spirit stone is much more rare than the condensing qi pill."

Of course Li Qingshan knew that the Qi Condensing Pills he got were almost a thousand smaller, and he had only got less than ten spirit stones, and they were all low-level miscellaneous spirit stones. ! .

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