Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 64 Yizhuang Trap

"One hundred and fifty miles to the east, there is a village called Dongkou Town. Recently, many middle-aged men have died mysteriously, and I have seen corpses lining up to walk out of the Yizhuang next to the town. Why, go and investigate." Zhuo Zhibo said coldly, and threw a copy in front of Li Qingshan, there was no pop-up window.

Li Qingshan glanced and raised his head: "Walking corpse? Could it be related to the zombie Taoist?" As long as corpse refining is mentioned, one cannot help but think of the most wanted criminal of the Eagle Wolf Guard in Jiaping City, who can be chased by the Eagle Wolf Guard. It has been rampant for so long, the strength is evident

Zhuo Zhibo said, "Why, do you have an opinion? This is just an investigation..."

Li Qingshan interrupted: "Of course I have no opinion, this is just an investigation, and there is no danger. Don't worry, Commander Zhuo, I will investigate carefully. Even if I encounter the zombie, I will have my own way to escape." How could he refuse the opportunity, but he had to give a full hint to Zhuo Zhibo: Commander Zhuo, you can't kill me if you don't take action yourself

Zhuo Zhibo finally felt a little strange, it seemed that Li Qingshan was not afraid of smothering him at all? He is not unwise, but he has been dazzled by anger. At this time, he feels that something is wrong. Does this guy really have some powerful hidden methods?

"It's inconvenient for the child you brought back to carry out the task with you, so just stay in the Eagle and Wolf Guard." He couldn't forget the bottle of Spring Breeze Huayu Pill. If he exchanged it for real money, it would be of real value. Liancheng, and this kind of elixir can't be bought with real money

"She won't be separated from me. If there is nothing else, I will leave now." Li Qingshan turned serious and walked out.

...One hundred and fifty miles is not a long distance for Li Qingshan. He brought Xiao An and arrived at Dongkou Town at two o'clock.

Li Qingshan walked along the empty street and walked straight to the outside of the town, in front of a gloomy building, looking up, the words "Yi Zhuang" were written on the plaque

There are many foreigners who died in other places due to accidents or serious illnesses, and they have no access to deal with the aftermath. The righteous village is the place to bury their corpses. When one day, they will come to their homes and bring their corpses back to their hometowns for burial.

This is a righteous act, but many corpses are piled up in the village, and they have not been received for many years. Yin Qi gathers, resentment breeds, and it is easy to generate ghouls. Therefore, it is very particular about feng shui, and it is necessary to often ask a master to save the dead.

But this righteous village is overgrown with grass, the walls are half collapsed, and everything is full of decadence. It has obviously been abandoned for a long time. It is probably not so good. If you want to investigate, it is the most appropriate place to start.

In order to get Li Qingshan to agree, Zhuo Zhibo made a lot of merits for this trip. Anyway, no matter how many merits he died, it would be useless, but what Li Qingshan thought was,

When Zhuo Zhibo is defeated, these merits can naturally be exchanged for medicinal pills

Walking to the entrance of Yizhuang, Li Qingshan first took out the Liaofeng Knife, then took out the small shield, and carried it on his left hand. Finally, he put more than 20 magic talismans into a talisman bag and hung it on his waist for easy access at any time. use

Although he is confident in his own strength, he is not a fool. This trip is likely to be related to the entry of the zombie on the sixth level of Qi refining, and Zhuo Zhibo, who is on the sixth level of Qi refining, is likely to come later. Coveted in the dark, how dare he be careless, of course he must be vigilant, lest the boat capsize in the gutter

Make all the preparations, and then cross the threshold and enter the Yizhuang

There are dozens of coffins placed in the village, some are very old, some are brand new, the ground is covered with paper money, the wind blows, the rag curtains swing like ghosts, it is indescribably strange.

If it were an ordinary person, seeing this scene, he would have to be frightened and trembling with fear, but Li Qingshan was also killed in a sea of ​​corpses and blood, with a murderous aura.

Looking at Xiao An next to him, with his eyes open, he didn't mean to be afraid at all, but rather eager and eager. His feelings for the corpse were probably similar to Li Qingshan's feelings for Ningqi Pills.

Li Qingshan walked to a dark coffin, pulled out the Liaofeng knife, inserted it into the gap between the coffin lid and the coffin, turned his wrist, the coffin lid was twisted and flew high, and fell to the ground. The young man entered, his body was blue and purple, and he had already turned into a corpse

Li Qingshan walked away while guessing how he died.

He's not a fake, of course he can't do any tricks to do a post-mortem in the middle of the night. Opening the coffin is just boring, just by the way. He is here to wait for Zhuo Zhibo's appearance.

This righteous village is in the wilderness and far away from the town. It is a good place for a decisive battle with Zhuo Zhibo. He is still thinking about whether to set any traps?

Just as Li Qingshan turned around, the man in the coffin behind him suddenly opened his white eyes, and his mouth protruded with two fangs. He was about to get hurt when he saw a little girl clinging to the side of the coffin and staring at him very seriously. , put an index finger on his forehead

Li Qingshan turned his head: "Don't eat indiscriminately, I don't know how many years it has been."

Xiao An stuck out her tongue, her fingertips had just retracted the fire, and the coffin was empty. She felt a sudden movement in her heart. There seemed to be a living breath here. She closed her eyes, and she really felt that there were living beings hiding in the surrounding coffins. in

Li Qingshan had just wandered into the hall, and suddenly the runes lit up under his feet, and he rushed to a huge gravitational force, which was born from his feet. There were so many heavy burdens on his body, and his infuriating energy immediately failed to function.

At the same time, those brand new coffins, the coffin lids suddenly bounced off, and five figures jumped out of them, raised their hands and aimed at Li Qingshan.

The machine spring rotates, the arrows lasing, continuously

Swish swish swish... Although there are five entrances, it is like an army of ten thousand arrows, countless arrows, from all directions, all angles, salvos, there is no gap to dodge

The shield in Li Qingshan's left hand suddenly became larger, covering his entire body. There was a dull sound, followed by a roaring explosion.

The moment the arrows hit the shield, they burst together, and if they were shot into the body and then exploded, they would definitely die.

Behind Li Qingshan, there was also a roar, but he did not turn his head, Xiao An had already drawn out his hidden sword, transformed into the shadow of the epee, and shot every arrow with incomparable precision.

But under their feet, there were dense runes, and many runes lit up, surrounding Li Qingshan and Xiao An, and the pressure on their bodies became heavier and heavier.

Shield crashed to the ground

"Senior brother, caught it" a surprised voice said

What responded to this voice was a sharp blade

... After Li Qingshan left, Zhuo Zhibo leaned back on the chair and closed his eyes, while Ge Jian rested and didn't dare to ask any more questions.

After a long time, Zhuo Zhibo suddenly opened his eyes: "Ge Jian, go and call in, we are going to support Li Qingshan"

Ge Jian's face flashed with joy, but it was strange: "Commander, do you need such a big battle?" I'm really afraid that Li Qingshan won't die, and Zhuo Zhibo can go there as soon as he enters.

"If you want to call you," Zhuo Zhibo said displeasedly. He felt a little uneasy in his heart, and also began to realize that Li Qingshan might not be as easy to deal with as he imagined.

"Yes, Commander"

After a while, Ge Jian brought six mysterious wolf guards to Zhuo Zhibo. Li Qingshan explained almost all of them. When he wanted to exchange his merits for a spiritual weapon pill, he received them. Obstructing Zhuo Zhibo to let Ge Jian call in, of course, it was not the ordinary Xuanlangwei, but his real cronies.

Looking at these intrusions, the uneasiness in Zhuo Zhibo's heart gradually disappeared, but his hatred for Li Qingshan became stronger and stronger. At this stage, it was impossible for him to reconcile with Li Qingshan, and he had to kill him quickly.

Zhuo Zhibo said, "Do you know why I called you here?"

"But for that Li Qingshan?"

Zhuo Zhibo said: "Exactly, that kid insulted me too much, and it would be hard to get rid of my hatred if I didn't kill him."

"Forgive the old man to be blunt, although Li Qingshan has some means, but it is only the second level of qi refining, and it is not worth our efforts." Xuanlang Wei, a half-bald man who looked to be in his 60s, said

His name is Xie Nande. He is both a veteran of Jiaping Eagle and Wolf Guards, and he is also strong. He dares to question Zhuo Zhibo's orders.

Others have the same look

Zhuo Zhibo knew that he had to give them a plausible reason: "Old Xie, I have already informed Li Qingshan about Zombie Taoism, and said that I would give him a great gift for a practitioner of body refining, but it is a great material for corpse refining. Don't believe him

The dignified eagle wolf Wei Xuanying, the leader of Jinghe, colluded with the most wanted criminal, and sold his subordinates to the enemy.

And none of the mysterious wolf guards present felt strange, Xie Nande said: "Then we don't need to take action, that old-fashioned corpse refining and raising corpses are shocking, and ordinary sixth-level qi cultivators are not his opponents. , Li Qingshan will surely die here.”

Zhuo Zhibo said: "That old Tao has been hiding in the zombie hole and can't come out, and we have been unable to take him out. This time, if we can lead him out to kill, it will be a great achievement, then the old Tao has a lot of hands. Good thing, as for killing Li Qingshan, it’s just a matter of convenience.”

Shenande handed over his hands and said: "The commander is scheming, his subordinates are far behind, and he is willing to follow his tail." The other mysterious wolf guards also agreed with a bang. Less than a thousand merits, can be exchanged for a lot of good things

When Yao Jiang was released, Zhuo Zhibo led a total of eight eagle and wolf guards, left Jiaping, and chased after Li Qingshan.

Several eagle and wolf guards watched this scene in the square under the giant eagle, and got together to discuss

"Tsk tsk, Li Qingshan is more fierce this time." The rosacea-snobbed Eagle Wolf Guard shook his head and sighed.

"Be quiet, don't talk nonsense," a mysterious wolf guard beside him reminded

"What are you afraid of, the guys who can make small reports all follow Commander Zhuo" Rosacea disagreed

"What are you talking about?" A cold voice came from behind them

To be continued

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