Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 65 Mohist Disciple

Chapter 65 Mohist disciples

Everyone turned their heads and was taken aback. Seeing Tomorrow's appearance, they hurriedly saluted and said, "Commander Lao, you have come out of retreat!" "You...you have broken through the sixth level of Qi refining!"

The person who came was Lao Xishan, the Xuanlang commander of the Eagle Wolf Guard in Jiaping City. He looked about forty years old, with a square Chinese character face. Practice, retreat for many days, for the sake of the present, asked in a low voice: "Who do you think is more dangerous than good?"

No one dared to answer him, and Lao Xishan actually didn't need these people to answer. As the deputy commander, he also had his own cronies in the Eagle Wolf Guard, and he already knew the whole story.

"I'm going to help Commander Zhuo." Flying in the direction where Bo Zhibo Zhuo left, like a big black bird gliding down the mountain, it quickly disappeared into the early morning mist.

The remaining eagle wolf guards all looked at each other in blank dismay. Li Qingshan, who had just entered the Eagle Wolf Guard for less than three months, actually made such a big commotion. However, Commander Zhuo and Commander Lao have never dealt with each other, and now they have also advanced to the sixth level of Qi Refining, and Jiaping City has been troubled since then.


Li Qingshan threw away his shield and swung his saber, a shining wind blade slashed at the nearest attacker.

That person didn't seem to expect that Li Qingshan could swing a knife in such a situation, and it was such a sharp knife, he hurriedly summoned a puppet soldier to stand in front of him.

With a muffled bang, the puppet soldier was disembowelled, and the parts were scattered all over the floor.

The man was taken aback and shouted: "This guy can still move, everyone be careful!"

Li Qingshan had already seen the appearance of the attackers, they were all young people in their twenties, wearing uniform dark blue uniforms, each holding a hand crossbow with flashing spiritual lights and strange styles. The tiny arrows like a rainstorm are shot from these five crossbows, and they are many times stronger than the legendary Zhuge Liannu.

Li Qingshan took a step forward, under the huge gravity, the floor was like a quagmire, his feet sank deeply, reaching his knees, and those shiny runes were originally painted on the ground, but once activated, they were vain In the air, it is not destroyed by the change of the ground.

"Let me come!" With a loud shout, a strong man with a beard crashed through a wall and appeared in the hall, holding an extremely thick brass gun barrel in his arms. The pattern, with the spiritual light flowing on it, is actually a middle-grade spiritual weapon. The muzzle, cast in the shape of a ferocious dragon's head, began to gather bits and pieces of aura.

Li Qingshan felt a strong crisis for the first time,

Even on Xihua Island, under fire from warships, there was no such sense of crisis. The most important thing is that the aura emanating from the strong man holding the gun barrel is impressively at the sixth level of Qi Refining.

"Who are you? Why did you sneak attack on me?" Li Qingshan originally thought it was a trap set by a zombie Taoist after getting news from Zhuo Zhibo, but this guy doesn't look like a zombie Taoist at all, and the methods used seem to be It has nothing to do with zombies, so I held back my plan to transform, and asked one more question, if these people still don't stop, then only the incarnation of monsters will start killing.

"Hey, why is this zombie Taoist so young?" Those young people in navy blue clothes also saw Li Qingshan's face clearly, and one of them asked strangely.

"Brother, stop, this is the servant of the Eagle Wolf Guard!" Someone even recognized the black wolf suit on Li Qingshan's body, and hurriedly stopped him.

The aura had already gathered to the extreme, a dazzling beam of incandescent light shot out from the muzzle, obliquely penetrated the roof and shot towards the sky, leaving a trail of light in the night sky.

Xiao An let go of the skeleton rosary in his palm, and the red light in Li Qingshan's eyes also faded. He looked at the big hole above his head, showing a look of amazement. Even if he is an incarnation of a monster, it will not be easy if he is hit by this cannon!

He lowered his head and asked, "Who are you?" He put the Lingfeng knife back into its sheath.

This action greatly reduced the hostility of those young people, and put down the crossbow in their hands. The young man who saw Li Qingshan's eagle and wolf guards said: "We are disciples of the Mohist family. We are here to perform tasks. Your Excellency is the eagle wolf guard Bar!"

"Exactly! I'm also on official duty."

"Please show us your token!"

Disciple of Mohism! Li Qingshan understood a little bit, and threw the black iron wolf card to the young man. The young man looked at it, heaved a sigh of relief, and said loudly: "Okay, okay, it's okay, it's all a misunderstanding to withdraw the formation!"

"Oh, what the hell is going on!" "Didn't you say that the zombie Taoist will come? Why is it a black wolf guard!" Several Mohist disciples complained, one of them put away a scroll, which was full of runes, It is exactly the same as the runes on the ground, not bad at all.

Li Qingshan suddenly felt his body lighten, picked up the shield on the ground, and saw that the shield was scorched black by the blast, he had only blocked Zhuo Zhibo's fire dragon a few days ago, and today he was bombarded wildly again, his aura has weakened a lot .

Unexpectedly, there was a gust of wind, and the bearded man put away the brass barrel and rushed straight up. Xiao An raised his Hidden Sword, but Li Qingshan stopped him with his eyes. Although the visitor was hostile, he did not intend to kill.

The strong man grabbed Li Qingshan's collar and roared angrily: "Boy, you have ruined my good deed!" He was wearing the same navy blue suit as other Mohist disciples, but his upper body was half naked, and the right sleeve was tied around his waist, showing his strong body. His arms and pectoral muscles looked extremely fierce.

Li Qingshan released his true energy, blocked the attack of the oncoming spittle stars, and looked at the strong man calmly. Before he could speak, those Mohist disciples had already stepped forward, pulled the strong man away and persuaded: "Senior brother, calm down!"

The strong man beat his chest and stomped his feet, and roared: "This map of the ground as a prison can only be used three times, but one time is less. Lao Tzu's Yellow Dragon Swallowing Cannon can get a spirit stone with one shot. All of them are Lao Tzu's things. You guys can't use it any more." Don't feel bad!"

"Our Firecrow Arrows did not fall from the sky."

Li Qingshan straightened his clothes: "You should reflect on it, and attack indiscriminately. If I am not strong enough, I will be killed by you."

The strong man glared at Li Qingshan, and was about to pull out the Huanglong Swallowing Cannon again, but was persuaded by several juniors: "It's all a misunderstanding!" The eagle and wolf guards were arrogant, and it was true.

"It's a misunderstanding. Please don't take offense if you offend me. This is Zhang Lanqing. This is our senior brother, Hao Pingyang, and our three senior brothers, He Yishi, Jin Yuan, and Jin Bao." Zhang Lanqing introduced them one by one. He is more than ten years old, but his face is dark, his voice is slow and steady, and he looks very mature and stable. His strength is second only to that strong man Hao Pingyang, and he is at the fifth level of Qi Refining.

For the other three, He Yishi is at the fourth level of Qi training, not short in stature, with a long head and bulging eyes, he casually gave a "hmm", glared at Li Qingshan, forced a "hmm", lowered his head to fix the quilt The puppet that Li Qingshan chopped down.

Jin Yuan and Jinbao are two brothers, the elder brother Jin Yuan is on the fourth level of Qi training, Jin Bao is on the third level of Qi refining, seeing that Li Qingshan is only on the second level of Qi training, and he destroyed their trap, he is not willing to deal with it at all.

Jin Bao said to Hao Pingyang: "Senior brother, is it true that the ground you drew is a prison formation? It can't even trap the second floor of Qi Refining? If it's a real zombie Taoist coming, wouldn't it be broken in an instant?"

"Fart your mother, I paid a lot of money to buy this. This kid is weird." Hao Pingyang calmed down and looked at Li Qingshan strangely. Qi refiners besieged with thousands of machine crossbows, and they were still safe and sound, which is really unusual.

This picture of the ground as a prison is prepared for the six-level qi refiners like the zombie Taoist. Ordinary people enter it, and their internal organs will be crushed to death, and the qi refiners are also unable to move an inch.

What's even more strange is that the beautiful child next to him, who clearly has no trace of Qi refining, can stand safely in the formation diagram. If he hadn't used it once before, he would really doubt that the formation diagram he bought was fake .

Li Qingshan's pride for sweeping Xihua Island was also swept away. There are many powerful means in this world that he doesn't understand. Although the traps set by these Mohist disciples are simple, they are extremely dangerous.

First use paper money to hide the runes on the ground to restrict the enemy's actions, and then shoot a hundred arrows to kill the enemy. If it doesn't work, use cannons to kill them. They are interlocking and murderous at every step. If it is an ordinary sixth-level qi refiner, if he suffers from this trick, he will probably die unexpectedly, and he will not even have the chance to fight back.

"You came here to ambush the zombie Taoist?"

Zhang Lanqing said: "Yes, are you too?" Hao Pingyang stared and said: "Just because he still wants to deal with the zombie Taoist." Pointing to Li Qingshan's nose, he said: "Boy, this matter has nothing to do with you, I advise you to hurry up Get out!"

Li Qingshan raised his thumb and pointed behind him: "I'm just here to investigate, the zombie Taoist has nothing to do with me, but he's just outside the door?" Although the breath is well hidden, the faint smell of corpses on his body Can't hide it from Li Qingshan's nose.

"What!" The six members of the Mo family looked at the door together. Hao Pingyang sensed the vitality of the heavens and the earth with concentration. Only then did he sense a hidden deep breath outside the door peeking out, and shouted violently: "Come out!"

Kacha Kacha, Zhang Lanqing and the others immediately broke off the empty arrow box, and fastened a new arrow box, a rectangular box, to the Thousand Machine Crossbow. Each box contained thirty extremely short Fire Crow Arrows. All shot out in an instant, if there is no spiritual weapon shield like Li Qingshan, which is specially used for defense, even a powerful Qi refiner will easily be caught off guard and die under the random arrows.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie!" There was sharp laughter from outside the door, and a Taoist priest wearing a yellow Taoist robe and a pale mask appeared at the door and said, "How dare you set a trap to harm you Daoist, you little bastards!" Really brave." He looked at Li Qingshan: "You are Li Qingshan, you are indeed a good material for refining corpses, that old boy Zhuo Zhibo, this time he didn't lie to Master Dao."


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