Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 111 Group fight


This shout overshadowed all the noise on the campus and was full of pride.

Everyone was stunned for a moment. Now it has become a consensus in the military to oppose "General Climbing the Earth" Li Qingshan. Where did this little soldier come from and dare to risk the disapproval of the world?

Li Qingshan wore a half-faced iron helmet, which was the standard equipment of the lowest-level soldiers. And who would have thought that a dignified general would pretend to be a soldier and go on stage in person to wave the flag and shout for him.

This place is not far from Xuanwu Hall. Chao Tianjiao heard this clearly. He came to the window and looked at it. He recognized Li Qingshan at a glance. He raised his forehead and sighed: "This kid is too outrageous!"

Just now I thought he was broad-minded and unusual, but now he is going to call the battle in person, which is simply being petty. But for some reason, I feel like this is his style. A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he looked down with interest.

A burst of yelling broke out from under the ring: "Get off! Get off!"

Li Qingshan glanced around arrogantly, gave a thumbs up, and pointed down: "Scumbag!"

This made all the sergeants angry. Some picked up the stones and threw them. Others did not throw them because they could not find the stones under their feet.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Suddenly, the sky was filled with flying stones, like an arena. Li Qingshan dodged here and there, looking very slow, but he managed to avoid all the flying stones.

This was a school field after all, and soon the sergeants could no longer find stones to throw, but the arena was covered with gravel.

Li Qingshan picked up a pile and shouted: "Give it back to you!"

He smashed them down one by one, even though he didn't use much force, but the people in the ring were crowded together, and there was no way he could dodge. There were constant cries of pain for a while.

"Be careful!" "Get out of my way! Ouch! My head!" "Who the hell is stepping on my toes!"

There were thousands of people under the ring, but only a few were actually hit. However, they crowded around each other in order to dodge, causing even greater chaos. The person who was fucked fell on his back.

"You fell down before I even exerted any force!"

Li Qingshan stood on the stage and laughed loudly. Everyone stared angrily and shouted curses. The sergeants below the stage were eager to come up and beat him, but they all looked at the tower next to the school field.

The school captain responsible for supervising the competition stood up. Pointing at Li Qingshan, he said sternly: "Which brigade and team are you from? What is your name? How dare you disrupt the school grounds?

It turns out that he has committed a capital crime! "

In Black Cloud City, the two army commanders and below are called "generals", all of whom are disciples of the Wanxiang Sect. Take command of all major camps. Then there are the "captains" who command each regiment, all of whom are disciples. They are considered to be the upper echelons of the army and form the core of a legion.

Further down are the positions of school captain, brigade commander, team leader, chief, and corps leader.

The captain is the head of the middle-level generals, infinitely close to the top, and only the golden elixir monks who have survived the second catastrophe can take on the role. Therefore, from the general to the captain, they are collectively referred to as "military lieutenant generals". Noble status.

Naturally, this school captain was no exception. He was a Jindan monk and was only a "companion" in the Wanxiang Sect. Not really a formal disciple. But in the army, he is also a ruthless character who sticks to his word. A glare in his eyes can make even the most ferocious sergeant tremble in fear and bow his head obediently. With him here, no matter how angry the soldiers were, they would not dare to enter the ring casually.

However, Li Qingshan ignored this and kept his head high. He asked instead: "Which brigade and team are you from? What is your name? How dare you speak to me like this? You know you have committed a capital crime!"

Once again, the "Great Taunting Technique" was successfully performed. Outstanding effect.

The captain was furious: "Get him!"

A burly sergeant immediately jumped onto the ring. He was wearing armor and holding a weapon. It looked like he was here to compete in martial arts. To reach this point is already considered a warrior in the army: "I am Zhang Yanying of the Liehuo Army..."

"Go down!" Li Qingshan kicked him down.

This provoked a burst of curses from the audience, such as "despicable villain", "hiding one's head and showing one's tail", and "sneak attack".

"Listen up, you scumbags!" Li Qingshan cupped his fists and raised his hands in a gesture of infinite admiration: "General Li Qingshan, he is mighty and domineering, unparalleled in benevolence and righteousness, handsome and unrestrained, and he convinces others with his virtue..."

He boasted that he was unparalleled in the sky and unparalleled on earth, with no blind spots at 360 degrees.

Chao Tianjiao frowned, grinned, gritted his teeth... and finally couldn't help laughing.

The sergeants were all furious after hearing this. They originally thought Li Qingshan was not that bad, but now they are convinced.

After Li Qingshan praised himself, he waved his fist: "Whoever is unconvinced, stand up for me! I will beat him until he is convinced!"

The inspector's forehead veins were exposed and he couldn't bear it anymore: "Fuck him, beat him to death!"

At this order, everyone responded, and the crowd was furious, and the black pressure surged towards Li Qingshan like a tide.

"Haha, good time!"

Li Qingshan punched and kicked him, one at a time, or two at a time.

As soon as the sergeants got within five steps of him, they were all beaten away, flying over everyone's heads and falling back into the crowd.

Even if Li Qingshan is in a weak state, these sergeants cannot touch him. In his eyes, they are just standing up for him to beat. At first, I was thinking about the moves, how to hit this punch, and where to kick this, but later I just settled on the bastard punch.

With his innate supernatural powers and the power of the earth, he also deliberately retained his power. He was here to vent his anger, not to kill people, so there was no need to worry about running out of power and enjoying himself as much as he wanted.

The captain gradually felt that something was wrong. The strength of this soldier was too strong. In just a short time, he had already beaten hundreds of people away. He was still as strong as a dragon and a tiger, and showed no signs of weakness. Moreover, none of the people he knocked away were killed or seriously injured, and some were able to get up and rush towards the ring again, which was obviously a sign of mercy.

Even if he, a golden elixir cultivator, faced the siege of so many sergeants with his bare hands, he would not be able to soar or kill, and he would definitely not be able to sustain it, let alone be able to do so with ease.

These sergeants are not ordinary bandits. They are veterans who have experienced hundreds of battles and are much stronger than ordinary Qi Refiners. Moreover, they are organized and disciplined, and know how to cooperate with each other and advance and retreat together. Many of them have already used weapons, but they have not formed a military formation. Otherwise, even if a golden elixir monk is trapped in the formation, he will be cut into pieces and run away. Don't fall off.

A brigade commander whispered: "Colonel, he can't be Li..."

"Hush, go and report it to the commander of the regiment!" The captain thought in his heart. If it was really that guy, then he, a little captain, was not something he could deal with. If he just beat him up, there would be no explanation.

"Who should I report to?"

"Both of you report."

What is clear to the crowd on the school field is that the sergeants are just low in strength and not stupid in their brains. Many people soon guessed Li Qingshan's identity. The commotion here was so great that it had already alarmed the whole city. Everyone rushed to tell each other:

"The general crawling on the ground is beating someone!" (To be continued)

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