Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 112 Military Power


Good things don't go out, but bad things spread thousands of miles.

The name of "General Crawling Earth" is known to everyone in Black Cloud City. He is simply the number one person under the Human Emperor.

At this time, competitions and selections were being held at 108 schools inside and outside Heiyun City, and the sergeants' movements were almost unrestricted.

With hundreds of camps around and the black cloud and thunder formation, there was no need to fear a sneak attack from the demon realm. If the Demon Emperor dares to leave the army and come alone, not just one, but ten of them will die here.

So as soon as this news spread, everyone felt that they couldn't help but watch the excitement. Last time, hundreds of thousands of demonic corpses were piled up on the school grounds, and "General Crawling" and Li Liehuo were betting against each other. If you didn't watch this excitement, you would be disappointed. Many people regretted it.

Especially in the nearest school grounds, people on the stage were still competing, and all the spectators below were gone. Looking to the edge of the school field again, the school captain and brigade marshals were gone.

The two men looked at each other and called a truce: "Brother, let's go and take a look! Without the captain's decision, the fight will be in vain."

"Okay, brother, please!"

"Why don't you get off first?"

"Why should I get off first?"

I heard the whistling sound getting louder and louder: "Okay, let's go down together."

"Okay! One, two, three."

On the tower next to the school field, the inspector saw that the incident was getting bigger and bigger. He was so anxious that he waited and waited. Finally, when the brigade commander came to report, he asked urgently:

"What did Senior Brother say?"

"Big Brother said: Let him fight!"

"What about Senior Sister? What does Senior Sister think?"

"Senior Sister, she's leaning against the window and looking." And she seemed to be very happy watching.

"What?" The captain was stunned for a moment before he understood. He looked in the direction of Xuanwu Hall and vaguely saw Chao Tianjiao's figure. He quickly bowed his hands and bowed.

Looking towards the school grounds, the sea of ​​​​people submerged the arena. Li Qingshan stood among thousands of people, like a wall standing thousands of feet, allowing the waves to hit him. Stand firm and calmly defeat all enemies.

Seeing people coming from all directions, shouts of "General Crawling is beating people" echoed in the streets and alleys, I felt angry and funny, so I simply took off my helmet,

Throw it away. He shouted: "General Crawling is here, who dares to fight me?!"

The school grounds fell into silence, and the surging tide also stopped. The soldiers who rushed in front of him stopped in mid-air with their fists and weapons waved, and looked at each other in confusion.

Even if he is a "climbing general", he is still a general. The dignity of status is far beyond the reach of ordinary soldiers.

Li Qingshan laughed and said: "Why, you only dare to bully the soldiers, but you will be scared when you see the general?"

Everyone is angry, with angry eyes and gnashed teeth. Among the rebels, one person shouted: "Kill!"

One stone stirred up a thousand waves, tens of thousands of people shouted in unison, and the force was like a landslide.


Courage is the soul of the army, and glory is the soul of the army. You can let them die. You can't say they are cowardly. They didn't dare to act rashly just now, not because they were afraid of how strong Li Qingshan was, but because they were worried about his identity as a general.

Military law is strict. There is a clear hierarchy and no frivolous offenses are allowed. But at this point, it is unbearable!

The training they received was never how to avoid danger, but how to fight to the death, surround the Demon King and Demon Emperor with their flesh and blood bodies, and create opportunities for their own generals. It’s not like there were no Demon Emperors who died at the hands of soldiers. Although he paid the price for his own death, the Emperor fell. The entire army was almost wiped out.

Don't say that Li Qingshan is just a Yin Shen monk, he is the Human Emperor and the Demon Emperor. They also dare to fight.

Li Qingshan felt a sudden increase in pressure and was slightly moved.

"This kind of cruel and decisive spirit. Is this the war of six reincarnations?"

This is because most of them do not have armor and weapons, nor do they have generals to organize military formations, nor many other things to gather military strength such as military flags and drums.

How powerful they would be if they wore armor and held soldiers, formed a military formation, and gathered military energy. I couldn't help but respect these ordinary soldiers a little more.

Moreover, on the real battlefield, at the junction of the two realms, practitioners will be greatly affected, and it is not surprising that they fall into their hands.

"If I go to the battlefield in the future, I must not be careless!"

Once the army's strength was in full swing, every ordinary sergeant felt fearless and doubled in strength. They rushed towards Li Qingshan desperately, fighting for their lives and fighting for their lives. And there was an endless stream of new troops coming from outside the school grounds, and they gradually invaded within five steps of Li Qingshan.

Originally, each battalion had its own organizational structure, especially the Fire Legion and the Xuanwu Legion, which were clearly differentiated and competing with each other. But now they heard that their opponent was "Climbing General" Li Qingshan, and his words were so irritating that he even broke the organizational structure and joined forces.

Chao Tianjiao chuckled and said, "The unity of Black Cloud City depends entirely on you."

"Captain, you are so brave!"

"Hmph! Does this guy really think there is no one in our army?"

The inspector squatted in a corner of the school ground, and the brigade commanders gathered in a circle and expressed their admiration. It was he who shouted the kill in the first place. To avoid being resented by Li Qingshan, he deliberately moved his strategy here.

He estimated the meaning of the two legion commanders, especially the meaning of senior brother Li Liehuo, because he was from the Liehuo Legion. The legion commander must have hated Li Qingshan, and he must have wanted to teach this guy a lesson, and that would not count as beating up the general.

"I actually want to fight against the army with my own strength. I have never seen a battle before."

"It's a pity that we were not prepared and could not form a military formation, otherwise he would have been unable to eat and walk around."

The Supervising School Lieutenant hammered the ground and stood up: "Damn it! You go contact the corps commander, chief, and team commander, and form a formation to meet the enemy! If you don't give him some clues today, he doesn't know what it means. Military power! I want him to walk in and crawl back again!"

"No!" The brigade commanders took the order.

After a while, the sergeants began to form the most basic military formation, no longer a scattered and chaotic mess.

If you look down from a high altitude, you can clearly see that organizations are formed one by one, with five people in a team, ten people in a team, and then a hundred people in a team. It seems that each cell is forming muscles and bones until it turns into a giant war beast.

Once the military formation was formed, the military spirit began to condense rapidly.

Li Qingshan felt more and more pressure. Although there were originally a large number of sergeants, only a few could really squeeze in front of him. No matter how angry or anxious the people behind him were, they could only watch.

It was different now. There were fewer people crowding in front of him. They kept distance and cooperated with each other. If that's all, that's it, when the billowing military energy gathers on them. They no longer fight alone, the legions are with them.

Looking at Li Qingshan, the air seemed to have become thicker and his movements were sluggish. Although he still hit one by one, the amount of effort required to knock someone away increased by more than ten times, and the tortoise's fist gradually became a little unable to move.

Amidst the deafening sound of killing, the army approached Li Qingshan four steps, three steps, two steps, one step...

"Hold him down!"

The sergeants rushed forward one after another, some hugging his legs, some hugging his waist, and some grabbing his shoulders. In an instant, they piled up into a small mountain, pinning Li Qingshan firmly at the foot of the mountain.

"Victory!" The soldiers cheered loudly, and a burst of laughter came from the hill.

"Interesting, really interesting!" (To be continued)

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