Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 114 Buddha Cloud

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Li Qingshan breathed a sigh of relief, cheered up, prepared for battle, and entered the Pure Land Temple.

After bypassing the Main Hall, there were winding paths and deep flowers and trees. The abbot of Yangon personally greeted him outside the Zen room. Li Qingshan was shocked, because the abbot of Yangon seemed to be more energetic than him, with a rosy face and bright eyes. His eyebrows have darkened, his white beard has disappeared, and the wrinkles on his face have become much less numerous.

He was obviously so seriously injured, this Pure Land Sect is too **! Is Buddha his father?

The abbot of Yangon smiled and said, "Fellow Taoist, please don't slander the Buddha."

Li Qingshan's heart trembled, and the joy of fighting against the army disappeared without a trace. He was no match for such an abbot of Yangon. Not only did his appearance become younger, but his whole spirit and spirit were improved to a higher level. Those eyes could simply melt people's hearts. see through.

He put his hands together, bowed, and raised his eyes to take a closer look: "Why did the abbot ask me to come?"

The abbot of Yangon looked at him and sighed: "You really haven't changed."

Hearing this, Li Qingshan's anger rose in his heart: "This bald donkey has done so much to me, and yet he dares to say such things!"

"Fellow Taoist, don't be angry. This is the only way to eliminate the demonic elephant of Great Freedom. Of course, the old monk also deliberately concealed it. Amitabha, I have committed a sin, please forgive me." The abbot of Yangon clasped his hands together and saluted to apologize.

Li Qingshan ducked out of the way and refused to receive this courtesy. This monk took the wrong medicine. Is there some big conspiracy?

"I am the one who is opportunistic and worships gods and Buddhas blindly. I have no one else to blame. Master helped me and harmed me at the same time. It is like the grudges have been eliminated!"

The abbot of Yangon smiled and said, "Do you think I want to harm you again?"

Li Qingshan was not polite: "It's nothing good anyway!"

The abbot of Yangon suddenly looked serious: "The old monk asked you to come because he wanted to ask you. Are you willing to take refuge in my Buddha?"

Suddenly! Li Qingshan took a step back and shouted: "I knew it was up to no good!" If he was asked to convert to some bullshit god or Buddha, it would be better to kill him.

The abbot of Yangon said with piercing eyes: "You haven't answered me yet."

"Thank you, if you don't want to, can I leave? I'm warning you,

Don't let me go, I am a disciple of Wanxiang Sect. "

"Haha, of course not. Taking refuge in my Buddha is a matter of your own free will. How can you force a cow to have its head pressed without drinking water?"

Li Qingshan suddenly looked suspicious. Just a few days ago, his head was almost broken.

The abbot of Yangon was slightly embarrassed. Explained: "At that time, I still regarded you as half an enemy, so..."

"What's the difference now?"

The abbot of Yangon said seriously again: "Now I know that you are destined to be my Buddha!"

Li Qingshan said: "These words sound familiar to me."

"You may not believe it, but I received enlightenment from my Buddha while I was in a coma." The abbot of Yangon raised his index finger. Point upward.

Li Qingshan was greatly shocked. This was not the doomsday prophecy made by those cultists in his previous life. It was entirely possible that it was true. If it were true, it would really be the end of the world.

He asked cautiously: "Has the Buddha descended to earth in person?"

"How could that happen?" The abbot of Yangon laughed.

"Did Buddha talk to you?"

"No." The abbot of Yangon shook his head.

"Did Buddha tell you my name?"


"What kind of revelation is this?!" Li Qingshan put his heart back in his stomach, this bald donkey is bluffing me.

The abbot of Yangon looked intoxicated: "That's why it's called 'revelation'. Otherwise, we can only glimpse the true face of the Buddha. We can bear the revelation of the true words of the Buddha."

Li Qingshan grinned. The fanatics were really disgusting: "You can't be dreaming, are you?"

"It's similar to dreaming. For example, 'dream omen'."

"The way of great freedom is completely incompatible with Mahayana Buddhism, so you can continue to dream! I'm leaving." Li Qingshan cupped his hands and was about to leave.

"Wait a minute, the revelation I received is not only in my dream, but also in your body." The abbot of Yangon pointed his finger towards the sky toward Li Qingshan.

Li Qingshan's heart trembled, he felt uncomfortable all over, and couldn't help but examine himself: "What do I have on me?"

"You have compassion."

Li Qingshan laughed loudly: "I have done countless bad things in my life, and I just beat up tens of thousands of people before I came here."

"But no one was seriously injured and died."

There were sergeants lying all over the school grounds. Military doctors shuttled back and forth to diagnose and treat them. It was found that most of the injuries were minor injuries, and in the end they were just broken bones, relying on the medical methods of practicing Taoism. It will be restored soon.

Of course, Li Qingshan had some reservations, otherwise if he punched him, he would probably beat the person alive, and the school ground would be filled with blood. However, Chao Tianjiao will definitely come to stop him, so he won't be able to have a good time, and will end up getting into trouble with military law. Li Liehuo caught the handle.

He didn't pretend to be a good person and said calmly: "I just have some concerns."

The abbot of Yangon asked: "If there were no such considerations, would fellow Taoists go on a killing spree?"

Li Qingshan was slightly startled and shook his head: "Of course not. They just said a few bad words about me behind my back, so they wouldn't want to kill me!"

The abbot of Yangon said happily: "In your eyes, they are still human beings." There was a trace of compassion in his eyes: "But in the eyes of many practitioners, they are no longer human beings. Not to mention practitioners, among many mortals In the eyes of superiors, they are no longer considered human beings."

"Oh, a compassionate heart." Li Qingshan was silent for a moment: "Then do you know how many innocent people I have killed? If necessary, I will still kill." Inexplicably, he felt a little sad and ironic. If he was considered to have a compassionate heart, then someone Isn’t the head of state the leader of thousands of families?

"My Buddha has a saying: put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha immediately."

Li Qingshan became more and more disdainful: "Is this called murderous enlightenment? Good people cannot become Buddhas, but bad people can. Oh, I understand, the person holding the butcher knife is still strong enough after all. As long as he is willing to take refuge in my Buddha, he can become a Buddha immediately. To become a high-level thug and to contribute to Buddhism is of course more useful than those good people who are weak and can be bullied. It seems that I will still have to kill more people in the future."

When he said this, he had a look of ridicule on his face, completely ignoring that he was in the Pure Land Temple, facing an Arhat who was stronger than him.

"No!" The abbot of Yangon shook his head: "The so-called 'goodness' of ordinary people is mostly due to weakness and cannot withstand the slightest test. If you give them uncontrollable power and let them do whatever they want, they will also become butcher demons. Head. Even if they don’t have the power, they will blame others and refuse to admit their faults, so it is difficult for all living beings.”

"Practitioners and superiors are originally just mortals. You must have seen many of their faces and heard many of their slogans. Some regard mortals as ants. No matter how they trample and destroy them, it is not a sin. Or you regard the common people as lambs. , I was born to be my flesh and blood. Their butcher knives not only kill people, but also destroy the compassion in their hearts, all just to make themselves feel at ease."

Suddenly he asked Li Qingshan: "Why do you have to suffer for yourself?"

Li Qingshan was silent.

"With the butcher's knife in hand, you have compassion in your heart. The more you kill, the more pain you feel in your heart. You would rather suffer this misfortune than let go of the compassion in your heart and have the idea of ​​equality with all living beings. If these people are willing to put down the butcher's knife, they will have compassion in their hearts. , nothing external can shake it. So my Buddha has this saying: Put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately.” (To be continued.)

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