Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 115 Difficulty

The wind is rustling and the sky is gloomy. Morning bells and evening drums, the ancient temple is deep.

The ubiquitous Buddha statues listened silently, as if waiting for his answer.

Li Qingshan's expression changed, and he opened his hands, which seemed to be covered with blood, entangled with innocent souls.

Since leaving the mountain village, entering the rivers and lakes, and fighting in Kyushu. In the world of five continents, there has been a hundred years of war, and there is no point in killing people.

I have been hacked into pieces, I have been smashed to pieces, but there was a day when there was no disaster, no fear, like walking on thin ice, like facing an abyss, a careless move, the soul flew away. Even today, life hangs by a thread


For mortals, they would rather be a rich man for fear of being shocked.

Abbot Yangon is full of self-confidence. Even if these words cannot completely convince Li Qingshan, they can still make him reflect. In the future, as long as you guide them slowly, you will be able to convert them to my Buddha.

At this moment, a strange smile appeared on the corner of Li Qingshan's mouth. The smile expanded and became a loud laugh. The sound shook the ancient temple and startled the jackdaws.

"Why are fellow daoists laughing?"

"Too weak."


"I laugh at you for being too weak, almost like those guys who regard all living beings as ants."

"Fellow Daoist, why did you say that?" Abbot Yang Guang frowned.

Li Qingshan said: "Because I can't bear the pain in my heart, I have to abandon my good thoughts, I have to put down the butcher's knife, the same is twisting my heart, how much difference is there."

"If one does evil and the other does good, is there no difference?"

"For me, there is no difference!"

Li Qingshan clenched his hands, raised his head and raised his eyebrows, his expression changed: stubborn, fierce, stupid; like a cow, like a tiger, like an ape. After many trials and tribulations, he is no longer that ignorant and confused mountain village boy.

The abbot of Yangon suddenly realized how difficult his task was: "This son's heart is as firm as iron. I'm afraid words can't move him!" But he added a level of appreciation. Being able to see the nature clearly and stick to the heart has already been achieved in Zen Buddhism. It is a very remarkable comprehension ability, but it is a pity that he does not understand Mahayana Buddhism.

"Amitabha, fellow Taoist is wrong! It seems that you are the emperor of the world and rich in the world, but you want to live a life of wandering and beggars. This is not powerful, but stupid. With your wisdom and understanding,

As long as you let go of your attachments, you will be able to eliminate all suffering, and you will be reborn in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss in the future. "

Li Qingshan smiled and said: "With compassion in my heart, I frighten evil thoughts inside. I carry a butcher knife in my hand. I punish powerful enemies outside. It's not so pleasant, why go to the Paradise of Ultimate Bliss!"

"If you act like this, you will never be tolerated by the world!" Abbot Yang Guang frowned, and a trace of anger flashed in his eyes.

"Hey, it's not tolerated by Buddhism!"

Li Qingshan had a vague feeling. Compared with Vinaya, Zen, and Esoteric Buddhism, Pure Land Buddhism seems to be the most gentle and open, advocating the equality of all beings, and everyone can become a Buddha, but it is also the harshest and most radical.

Rhythm Buddhism is strict internally, Zen Buddhism is too cold, and Tantric Buddhism is just as the name suggests, let alone talk about it. The Pure Land sect aims to achieve the salvation of all living beings. All dissidents are enemies of the great goal of establishing a Buddhist kingdom on earth. If you can't scale it, you have to *. It's the same as his "convincing people with virtue". If you don't accept it, I will beat you until you accept it.

Appearing on this demonic battlefield is by no means accidental. And the Bone Bodhisattva who created "The Way of Zhuyan and White Bones" is probably also from the Pure Land sect. If Xiao'an is discovered, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Amitabha!" Abbot Yangon clasped his hands together. He also did not deny that: "My Buddha Tathagata roars like a lion, even if all the evil spirits are proud for a while, they will not escape the fire of karma."

Li Qingshan has never been threatened: "The murderer is always killed. Since I kill, I am ready to be killed. I don't seek bliss. I don't seek eternal life. How can the monk save it?"

The abbot of Yangon was silent, Li Qingshan cupped his hands and turned to leave.

After a long time, Abbot Yangon sighed: "Difficulty, difficulty!

! "

Li Qingshan walked out of the monastery, his mind was clear, and he cursed: "This bald donkey is slandering me again!"

Before he knew it, his mind was affected. If it wasn't for his determination, he might have been really shaken.

This is not surprising, not to mention the ancient temples like the Jingtu Temple with Erguo Arhats in charge, even ordinary temples will deliberately create an atmosphere to influence ordinary people.

In theory, this is definitely a method of magic. But even if he goes back and questioned Abbot Yangon now, it is useless, that is the purpose of Mahayana Buddhism.

In the Lotus Sutra, there is an analogy of three chariots, which refers to a house on fire and children playing in it. In order to save them, the Buddha told them that there was a sheep cart outside. The children ran out to have a look, but there was no sheep cart, but a big white ox cart, so they were very happy.

The burning house is the "House of Fire", the children are the "living beings", and the big white ox cart is the "Mahayana Dharma". The following monks have to follow suit, as long as it helps to spread the Dharma, "monks don't tell lies" is all nonsense.

Of course, the person who has been saved must be grateful and don't feel that this is deceiving him.

However, if a child sees the door at a glance, jumps up and curses: "The donkey is lying, and the agreed sheep cart is here!" Most likely, he will be slapped in the face, "You're the one who talks too much!"

Li Qingshan touched his cheek: "Let's stay away from these guys in the future!"

He made a big fuss with the whole army, but no one came to trouble him.

"I don't have anything to do when I go back now. They think I've gone far away, so I want to kill a carbine!"

However, he had just swept the school grounds, and it was meaningless to go back, so he decided to break it up into pieces.

Turning into an alley, he took out a set of armor from the Sumeru Ring. This was a plan before he came to "separate into formation", and he specially bought it from the Military Supplies Department. They were all standard equipment in the army.

Soon, one after another, Li Qingshan came out of the alleys and scattered into the Black Cloud City to find out who else would dare to speak ill of him.

In the tavern, a few sergeants were spitting and discussing the scene of "General Li Qingshan" making a scene in the school grounds. When he was talking about rising, a small soldier rushed out shouting "Long live Li Qingshan", punched and kicked him, and by the way They drank all their wine.

As Li Qingshan's cultivation level gradually recovered, the number of thought clones also increased, and there were quite a few people who spoke ill of him. There were hundreds of such incidents happening every day, and the city called it "Li Qingshan trouble".

Chao Tianjiao was completely speechless to him, all the generals demanded to be severely punished, because it was too bad, and it made them lose face.

However, the mouth of the people is better than that of Fangchuan. Li Qingshan's shameless behavior was quickly counterattacked by the soldiers. Many people went to the street to yell and scold him. They wanted to fight his clone and cooperate with various ambush attacks.

Sometimes as soon as they rushed out, they were surrounded by dozens of heavily armed sergeants in a neat array, and a scuffle ensued. But as long as there is no intervention by the captain and brigade commander, his real body will not make a move. After all, the number of avatars is limited, and sometimes it is too late to support, and unfortunately, some avatars will be killed, leaving behind a suit of armor.

Li Qingshan didn't care about this small loss, he didn't feel ashamed when he was defeated by the sergeants, on the contrary, he enjoyed it very much.

Unknowingly, the ape demon began to change faintly. (to be continued)

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