Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 68 Zombie Hole

Although the zombies attacked ferociously, they became disorganized. The four members of the Mo family also stabilized their positions and gathered together again. Zhang Lanqing and He Yishi manipulated the five puppets to resist for a while, and suddenly dodged away. The two Jin Yuan and Jin Bao brothers are shown behind, holding two thousand machine crossbows with replaced arrow boxes in their hands, and suddenly pulling the trigger, there is no bullet window

Sixty Fire Crow Arrows scattered a round of fans. Although the skin of the zombies was invulnerable, it could not resist the penetration of the Fire Crow Arrows. Then, the violent explosion caused inside easily tore their stiff bodies apart. shot, a large piece fell down, no more ferocious and terrifying

And the remaining seven or eight zombies can no longer pose any threat. The puppet shot forward, with a sharp blade popping out of his hand, sending out a mechanical and precise assassination

The zombie's nails were caught on the puppet, leaving only white marks, but the puppet's sharp blade could pierce through their heads. In the case of a similar number, these zombies were no match for the puppet, and they were killed one by one. fell to the ground

Several people breathed a sigh of relief in unison, sitting on the ground, in the School of the Hundred Schools of Economics, the Mohist disciples also released puppets to compete with each other, how could they ever experience such a dangerous battle

Seeing that the zombie who almost put him to death just now was wiped out so easily, Jin Bao felt a little inconceivable.

In fact, their strength is far higher than these dozens of zombies. If they are on flat ground, line up and get ready, with a thousand machine crossbows in hand, these zombies can't even touch them, so they will be shot On the spot, even the zombies of the sixth-level qi refiner dared not face the five thousand machine crossbows directly.

But once the elbow and armpit are changed, when it is necessary to adapt to the situation, it will not be able to exert its strength at all.

Hao Pingyang pointed at their noses, and yelled: "Throw it in, you really fucked it up, how dare you underestimate the fact that you are on the second level of refining Qi, not that you can survive? With your pig brains, I can’t even tell the real ones from the fake ones, so my array is wasted.”

Everyone showed embarrassment, Jin Bao said aggrievedly: "Brother, I almost died, it's fine if you don't come to comfort me, and you still scold me so badly." Especially afraid of this brother

Zhang Lanqing bowed deeply to Li Qingshan, and sincerely thanked him: "Thank you for your help just now." The danger of the sword just now made him feel terrified when he thought about it now. At this moment, only gratitude is left. As Hao Pingyang said, even without Li Qingshan, their traps will probably not be able to hurt the real zombies.

Li Qingshan patted him on the shoulder: "It's pretty good that you can hold back and not attack me."

Zhang Lanqing smiled awkwardly: "I was scared stupid"

Li Qingshan couldn't help laughing,

This blue blue is real

He ate hundreds of condensing qi pills, and it was not for nothing. Whether it was body training or qi refining, it had greatly increased compared to the previous battle with Qian Yannian. Descending from a young age is like the descending of a god of killing, and indeed has the momentum to overwhelm the enemy's will

At this time, a fair fight with Qian Yannian will not have any chance of winning like before. In short, he has the power to threaten the fifth level of Qi Refining

However, Hao Pingyang's Yellow Dragon Swallowing Light Cannon was above Li Qingshan, and was locked by these two attacks at the same time. Zhang Lanqing was frightened and stunned, unable to react, like a beast being watched by tigers and leopards.

Jin Yuan pulled Jin Bao forward and said, "Thank you for saving my younger brother" and said to the ashamed Jin Bao, "Speak up"

"That... I thank you too, but are you really the second level of Qi Refining? Why are you so powerful?" Jin Bao is the closest to Li Qingshan in age here, but he is also a few years older than Li Qingshan, but there is still a smile on his face. Childish, giving me the feeling, but smaller than Li Qingshan who is full of wind and frost. Looking at Li Qingshan at this time, there is a bit of admiration. No matter where the strong are, they will be respected.

Before Li Qingshan could answer, Hao Pingyang slapped Jinbao on the head: "This is body training o idiot, you didn't see those brainless muscles of the military family, what's going on all day long?"

Li Qingshan thought: You are ashamed to say that you are a muscular arm

Jin Bao became angry from embarrassment: "If you hit me again, I will lose my face."

Hao Pingyang raised his hand and said again: "It's against you, you can turn it over and I'll take a look."

Jin Bao jumped three feet high: "Hao Pingyang, fuck your grandma" Then he was held back by Zhang Lanqing and tried to persuade her

"Originally, Zombie Daoru wanted to assassinate your Senior Brother Hao with the Hidden Shadow Sword, but Senior Brother Hao didn't show his flaws, and Zombie Daoru didn't dare to attack rashly, so he drove the zombies to besiege you." Li Qingshan smiled. The disciples of the Mohist school are straightforward, like college students from previous lives. Although they are not young, they still have a bit of qi in them. That sense of superiority is very different from those Qi refiners that Li Qingshan usually sees

Jin Bao was taken aback, and then he understood why Hao Pingyang didn't come to the rescue immediately

Li Qingshan continued: "But just now, you were in danger, even if your brother Hao put himself in danger, he will go to save you"

"Brother..." Only then did Jin Bao realize that he was almost being used by the zombie Taoist and became a trap to kill Hao Pingyang.

Zhang Lanqing, He Yishi, and Jin Yuan looked at Hao Pingyang together. In the chaos just now, they couldn't think so much. Thinking about it now, not only did they not help, but they almost dragged Hao Pingyang down.

"Fart, I'll save him? This idiot, if he dies, I'll save some food for the Mo family." Hao Pingyang's face above the beard was faintly red

He Yishi pondered and said: "Zombie Taoist couldn't find the weakness of Senior Brother, so he went to kill Senior Brother Zhang." Several people thanked Li Qingshan again

At the critical moment, Li Qingshan used the thunder light released by the Thunder Charm to instantly find out the trajectory of the Hidden Shadow Sword, and he was able to strike that knife, which not only saved Zhang Lanqing's life, but also gave Hao Pingyang the opportunity to fire the cannon It can be said that it saved the defeat and played a greater role than the four of them.

Li Qingshan said: "It's all about helping each other in the same boat. I think you all seem to have never learned martial arts." Just now when they fought zombies in close quarters, they almost all fought with instinct and their own true energy. Their moves are not even comparable to a third-rate master so embarrassing

Zhang Lanqing said with a wry smile: "We are disciples of the Mohist school. For so many years, we have learned to make puppets and even build city buildings. Although we have attended several lectures in the martial arts hall of the military school, how can we compare with the real disciples of the military school? The next time I go back, I must improve my martial arts." Others also agreed.

It was only then that Li Qingshan realized that these few were talented in engineering, and fighting was not their major

"What are you going to do next?"

Hao Pingyang said: "Of course it's going straight to Huanglong."

Li Qingshan said: "The zombie cave is not so easy to break into. This Yizhuang is just one of his places to raise corpses. After he grows it, he will be brought into the zombie cave. Over the years, I don't know how many zombies have accumulated It's very dangerous in the cave."

Zombie Daojin's ability to be safe and sound under the hunt of Eagle Wolf Guards for so many years has a lot to do with his cave. He usually hides underground in intricate caves like a maze. No one knows the exact location of his cave. If you look for it, you have to face endless attacks from zombies. Once you miss it, you will be buried in it and become a member of the zombies.

Zhang Lanqing went through the dangerous situation just now, and when he heard that he was about to enter the dark underground cave, he backed down: "Senior brother, why don't you go back to the seminary first, invite some powerful helpers, and then come to this Trouble with Zombies"

Hao Pingyang widened his eyes: "Go back? What about the mission? We finally came out, how much time is wasted going back and forth, will the zombie Daoist hide somewhere else? You are not afraid to be looked down upon by me. I want face"

Zhang Lanqing looked at each other in dismay, before going out, the master said that all actions this time must be under the command of Hao Pingyang

"His flying sword was destroyed, his mind was hurt, and it was too late to refine another flying sword. Now is the best time to kill him." Hao Pingyang said, but his eyes were looking at Li Qingshan. There are five of them, it is not very reliable to kill zombies, and Li Qingshan's performance in the battle just now makes him very optimistic. If Li Qingshan is willing to join, the chances of winning this trip will greatly increase

Li Qingshan hesitated. He wanted to wait for Zhuo Zhibo, but he didn't know if Zhuo Zhibo would come after him. If he didn't come, he would definitely target the zombie Daojin, a sixth-level Qi refiner, There should be a lot of elixirs in his hand, which can solve his urgent needs. The question now is whether or not the disciples of the Mohists should join forces. With the strength of him and Xiao An, it should be enough to kill the zombies.

"If you are willing to join, Qingshan, my share of the gains from this trip will be yours." Seeing that Hao Pingyang's will could not be changed, Zhang Lanqing wanted to make this trip more safe, and also to thank Li Qingshan for his life-saving grace

Jin Yuan Jinbao also said: "We are the same"

He Yishi hesitated for a moment: "I'll give it to you too." As long as they can complete the task, not only will they have face when they go back, but the Hundred Schools of Economics will also give them a reward, not for nothing

Hao Pingyang said: "Your boy, the second level of Qi Refining, has more shares than me, and I don't say anything to make up for it. Zombies will enter the things on their bodies, and you will be seven and three, okay?"

Before departure, in order to avoid disputes, the distribution was made in advance. All the income was first used to compensate the consumption of each person. The remaining Hao Pingyang accounted for 30%, and the other four persons accounted for 70%. As the absolute main force of this trip, Hao Pingyang Pingyang's division method is quite loyal.

to be continued

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