Volume II: Incarnation of Demons] Chapter 69: Spreading Money and Gathering Justice


Chapter 69: Spreading Wealth and Gathering Righteousness

Li Qingshan raised his head and said: "Okay, I agree!"

He could have killed the Zombie Taoist with Xiaoan, but killing Qian Yannian at the fifth level of Qi Refining can be said to be a coincidence, and killing the sixth level of Qi Refining, a fool would know that he has hidden means, and I don't know how many searches it will attract gaze. And he has a secret that cannot withstand exploration.

And his eyes are not only focused on the things in the treasure bag of the zombie Taoist, the reward offered by the Yinglangwei for the zombie Taoist is as high as more than 10,000 points of merit, and five points of merit can be exchanged for a condensing pill. More than two thousand condensate pills, this is the real big head, and the cooperation with these Mohist disciples will allow him to obtain these merits in a reasonable manner without arousing any suspicion.

Zhang Lanqing and the others showed expressions of surprise, and Hao Pingyang also smiled.

Then Li Qingshan said: "However, I am not satisfied with this share."

Zhang Lanqing and the others looked at each other, Hao Pingyang frowned even more, he was not satisfied with monopolizing 70%, it was too greedy. To make matters worse, if Li Qingshan opened his mouth, he still had to agree.

Li Qingshan smiled slightly: "I only account for 30% of the achievement, just like you, Senior Brother Hao, because I am confident that I can play a role no less than yours to ensure everyone's safety. As for the remaining 40%, please distribute it yourself!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was taken aback. They didn't expect that Li Qingshan would give up the benefits he got. Forty percent of the wealth of a sixth-level qi refiner, any qi refiner who is not tempted can give it up lightly.

Zhang Lanqing felt a little ashamed for his villainous heart just now: "Qingshan, this... this is not good!"

"There's nothing wrong with it. If you want me to join, you can do it according to this method! If you want to repay your kindness, how many lives can you pay for?" Li Qingshan was not stingy in the first place. People, if you look at the behavior of these Mohist disciples, you will not let them fail. This is his way of dealing with the world.

The ancients said that spreading wealth and gathering righteousness. The kind of people who care about every detail and only look at the small gains in front of them will never achieve great things. A generous and confident person, no matter where he goes, he doesn't have to worry about not having friends.

Hao Pingyang laughed boldly, and slapped Li Qingshan on the shoulder: "Okay, you have a temper with me!"

He Yishi was also aroused by his words,

Ao Ran: "Our life is precious, not to mention these layers of property, even ten zombie Taoists combined can't compare to it." Breaking through the sixth level of Qi refining is not an unattainable goal for them, and their future development is definitely above that of zombie Taoists.

And as a disciple of the Mohist school, although he is not good at fighting, the mechanism puppets he created are precious treasures that all qi refiners flock to, and their value is even higher than ordinary spiritual weapons. A respected existence, his status is definitely not comparable to that of a zombie Taoist who hides underground and refines corpses.

The two brothers Jin Yuan and Jin Bao also showed excitement. Jin Yuandao: "We work together, what is there to be afraid of the zombie Taoist, we will not let down what we have earned!"

Jin Bao said: "The face that I lost, I have to get it back by myself, we can't let people look down on us Mohist disciples."

The dark and gloomy Yizhuang is illuminated by the surging blood of young people. Originally, killing zombie Taoist priests was just a scary task. Now, this is a cause that requires joint efforts to complete, and the fear has long since disappeared. trace.

Hao Pingyang stretched out his hand: "Then let's join hands and do him a good job!" Several hands overlapped together, several people looked at each other and smiled, they all felt a lot closer, and there was no estrangement for Li Qingshan, as if We have not just met, but have known each other for a long time.

Xiao An held her cheeks and sat on the roof of Yizhuang. When Li Qingshan rushed down, he left her on it to watch the wind, and told her not to use her strength casually. She just watched the zombie Taoist escape from Yizhuang. Her eyes are not particularly particular, but they can see through reality and illusion. Invisibility can be regarded as a kind of illusion, and it has no effect on her at all. She wanted to go down to remind Li Qingshan, but in a blink of an eye, the zombie Taoist disappeared, so she had to give up.

If he caught up just now, he probably has a great chance to taste fresh flesh and blood! But as long as it is Li Qingshan's explanation, she will obey it obediently.

The cold moonlight fell on her expressionless face, listening to the words below, she seemed a little indifferent.

With the deepening of her practice in "The Way of the Scarlet Yan and White Bones", her mind seems to have gradually returned to the state of being a ghost, but that was the tormented numbness of losing self-awareness, but now it is a deep indifference.

When she manipulated the flames and devoured each living being, she didn't simply absorb the essence of flesh and blood. Unlike ordinary evil sect demon cultivators who forged human blood sacrifices into magic weapons, at most they could bear some condemnation of conscience.

Both the blood flame and the Cang Yan are part of her body. When she melts the flesh and blood, especially the flesh and blood of the living and the dead, she can clearly feel their resentment, anger, pain, fear...

The impact of countless negative emotions is enough to cause an ordinary person to collapse in an instant. Even a strong-willed practitioner will have doubts about his behavior and even existence because of the influence, and live in the shadow of these undead for life. This is the most difficult test of xinxing in "The Road of Zhu Yan and White Bones".

But she didn't feel the slightest bit of trouble, like reading a Buddhist scripture, reading the pain and laments of the dead without any mercy. Like gods and Buddhas sitting high on the lotus throne, watching all living beings suffering, their hearts are pure and indifferent. It's not about suppressing emotions on purpose, it's about not being able to generate them.

He is neither moved by righteousness and blood, nor troubled by resentment and curses. There is no difference between red ants and black ants. All living beings are equal and can be punished, except for him.

In Yizhuang, several people discussed specific countermeasures, and the eastern sky gradually lit up.

Suddenly, Xiao An stood up, looked far and wide, across the field, and saw a group of figures approaching rapidly. Jumped down from the roof and came to Li Qingshan's side.

It was just an exchange of eyes, and Li Qingshan understood that Zhuo Zhibo finally came, and he said to the Mohist disciples: "Please take a step first, I have some private matters to deal with, and I will catch up later."

Hao Pingyang said: "What is more important than chasing and killing zombie Taoists?"

Li Qingshan smiled and said nothing, Hao Pingyang didn't feel comfortable asking more, seeing that he was so determined: "Well, then we will go ahead and wait for you at the entrance of the zombie cave."

Yizhuang was empty, Li Qingshan waited with his knife on his hand, after a while, he suddenly said loudly: "Commander Zhuo, since you are here, please show yourself!"


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