bang bang bang

One by one, the Black Wolf Guards wearing black black wolf uniforms, went straight through the wall and entered Yizhuang Qiwu without a pop-up window.

Smoke and dust were everywhere, but their bodies were not stained with any dust, their skirts fluttered with the true energy, and they looked at Li Qingshan coldly

A wave of fierce murderous aura intertwined, tightly entangled Li Qingshan, although the strongest was Xie Nande at the fifth level of Qi Refining, but the aura was by no means comparable to that of Zhang Lanqing and others

They are professional intruders, a pack of wolves who hunt their prey, and each of them has survived countless life-and-death battles. If Zhang Lanqing and Shenande confront each other, they will be beheaded on the spot in a confrontation

At this moment, Li Qingshan sat down instead, leaning on Liaofeng Dao in one hand, without looking at the Philosopher Black Wolf Guard, the billowing smoke and dust approached Li Qingshan five steps in front of him, and he couldn't move forward an inch Xiao An stood beside him like a black pearl There is a little longing in the eyes

All the exits are blocked, only the dark and empty gate of the Yizhuang is left. A cold wind blows in. A black boot crosses the threshold, and an iron eagle comes with the wind. , the eagle's wings were raised high, the eagle's eyes were wide open, the eagle's beak was like a hook, staring at Li Qingshan, as if it would turn into a living thing at any time, and kill Li Qingshan on the spot

The aura he exudes when he enters the camp is stronger than all other Black Wolf Guards combined

Li Qingshan finally raised his head: "Commander Zhuo, what a great battle!"

Zhuo Zhibo glanced at the dead corpses on the ground in the Yizhuang, and asked in surprise: "These are all yours? You repelled the zombie Daoru?"

"As you can see" Li Qingshan stretched out his left hand

Zhuo Zhibo sneered: "That's just a piece of trash."

If Zombie Daoru was trapped in the siege of eagles and wolves, he would never be able to retreat as easily as he faced the disciples of the Mohist school, and even retreat, only to be killed and torn to pieces

Li Qingshan agreed: "It is indeed a waste."

Anyway, his face was torn apart, and Zhuo Zhibo no longer concealed his desire to kill: "Before you die, do you have anything to say?"

Li Qingshan smiled and shook his head, "I won't die"

Zhuo Zhibo said: "Yes, you won't die soon, here are the most skilled torturers, we will cut you open bit by bit, so as not to let you die"

He really wanted to appreciate Li Qingshan's expression of fear and despair, but he was disappointed,

Li Qingshan just smiled, revealing the snow-white fangs at the corners of his mouth, which were longer than normal, even the children beside him were expressionless

When Li Qingshan was talking to Zhuo Zhibo, none of the surrounding Xuanlang guards interrupted, or even changed their expressions. Even Ge Jian, the weakest, had piercing eyes, locked tightly on Li Qingshan's aura, never relax a little vigilance

Even though it was against the enemy, Li Qingshan couldn't help but praise in his heart, this is a real warrior, as one of the most powerful violent institutions of the Great Xia Dynasty, even the lowest Xuanlang Guards have such the quality of

He has the certainty of winning, the only problem now is that the people here must not let go

Li Qingshan stood up, with a loud clang, he pulled out a jagged wind knife that was full of gaps, reached into the talisman belt with his left hand, and pinched a lightning-inducing talisman Xiaoan held a sword in one hand and a skull rosary in the other

They didn't make eye contact, but they had already decided on a strategy, which was exactly the same as the strategy of Zombie Taoist just now, that is, to burst out all the power at once to kill the strongest Zhuo Zhibo in an instant, and the rest of them can do whatever they want, even if they want It is also easier to escape and hunt down

Zhuo Zhibo nodded slightly, and the seven Lingfeng knives were unsheathed

The battle was about to start, but there was a loud shout from outside the door: "Li Qingshan, are you lame? So slow"

Li Qingshan was slightly taken aback: "Why are you coming back?"

Zhuo Zhibo suddenly turned his head, and saw a strong man with beard standing tens of feet away, his pupils constricted suddenly due to the aura emanating from his body and the brass gun barrel in his hand

Hao Pingyang said: "I can come back if I want, can you control me?" Beside him, Zhang Lanqing walked around, holding the Qianji crossbow with a good arrow box in his hand, all of them were frowning

Zhang Lanqing said: "Have you not finished your business yet? Come here as soon as you finish."

Zhuo Zhibo said coldly: "I said, why are you so confident, it turns out that with foreign aid, it's no wonder you survived."

Li Qingshan ignored him at all, and said loudly to Hao Pingyang: "I won't go there now, you go first, don't wait for me"

Hao Pingyang shouted: "If you are told to come here, you will come here. Let me see who dares to stop you? I will bombard him!"

Li Qingshan was a little helpless, but also a little moved, put the knife back into its sheath, and said to Zhuo Zhibo: "Commander Zhuo, it seems that there is not much time today." He took Xiaoan and walked towards the gate of Yizhuang

At the moment Zhuo Zhibo passed by, both of them could feel the murderous intent erupting from each other, but neither of them made a move.

Ge Jiandao: "Commander"

Zhuo Zhibo raised his hand, signaling to stop

Li Qingshan came to Hao Pingyang's side, Hao Pingyang lowered his voice and said: "What's going on?"

Li Qingshan smiled: "Everyone has a little conflict."

"Small contradiction?" Hao Pingyang shouted, the small contradiction can be surrounded by a group of black wolf guards, showing murderous intentions, and the leader is a six-level Qi Refining Xuanying leader

Jin Bao said with lingering fear: "That man, from such a long distance, with his back to me, feels terrible o"

...Dongkou Town got its name because there is a huge karst cave near the town

A tributary of the Qinghe River flows into the cave, and it is the same with boats and people who never return. Even if curious villagers try to enter it and explore it, none of them can return, and it has become a forbidden place where people talk about it.

But on the mission site marked by the Eagle Wolf Guard, this cave is called the Zombie Cave, and it is the hiding place of the most wanted criminal, Zombie Daojin. In the Eagle Wolf Guard in Jiaping City, it is also a terrifying existence

Zhuo Zhibo personally led a team to complete this task, but lost four Xuanlang guards, but failed to find the hiding place of the zombie Taoist, and only doubled the merit of the task, setting a record for Jiaping Chengying Records of the Wolf Guard

Li Qingshan is now standing at the entrance of the zombie cave, which is more than ten feet high, extremely wide, like a huge beast's mouth, exhaling a cold breath, Li Qingshan keenly smelled the faint stench in the breath, which is the stench of corpses stretching into the cave. Looking in the middle, the line of sight finally disappeared in the darkness. The rock pillars hanging from the top of the cave are like fangs in the mouth of a giant beast.

Even the newborn sun in the east can't weaken the gloomy atmosphere here

Zhang Lanqing took out a small boat and threw it into the water. The small boat quickly became bigger, just enough to sit on, with millipede-like oars stretched out on both sides

"You should take a step first, those people will not let me go, they will definitely catch up." Li Qingshan has already explained the whole story to them, and they are very angry, but after being angry, they are all anxious The notoriety of the eagle wolf guard is extremely resounding among the Qi refiners

Jin Yuan Jinbao lowered his head and didn't say anything. They just met each other, and they understood the difference in strength between themselves and Eagle Wolf Guards

He Yishi's eyes flickered, and he murmured, "That's fine, it's easier to escape alone."

Hao Pingyang said angrily: "If it is beneficial, we will cherish each other and congenial, and if there is danger, we will part ways and go our separate ways. Is this considered good?"

The gold, ingots and gold treasures all showed shame, He Yishi said: "I only" but he was muttering in his heart, I don't know if Li Qingshan deliberately used them to prevent disaster

Zhang Lanqing said: "That's right, Qing Shan, it's better for you to stay with us, we'll go back to Qinghe Mansion together after the mission is over, and you can appeal to the Eagle Wolf Guard of Qinghe Mansion, and we can all testify for you."

Hao Pingyang said: "That's a good idea. If it doesn't work, you simply resign from the Eagle Wolf Guard. In the spring of next year, the Hundred Schools of Economics will open. If you come to our Mohist family, I will teach you mechanism skills."

Li Qingshan has a panoramic view of the performance of several people. Hao Pingyang is a real bold man. Although he has a big temper and a bad mouth, he can't hide his flaws. Zhang Lanqing is also a loyal person, and he is thoughtful and thoughtful. Qi and blood, but not lasting

But Li Qingshan didn't feel any resentment for it, it's just a natural feeling, not all the love will be rewarded, even if the five people refuse to go with Li Qingshan, Li Qingshan doesn't think it's strange Now, it is very rare to have two people who are really willing to help each other. This is the real friend worth making, and those three are just acquaintances.

Li Qingshan said: "Okay, I will accompany you for another journey"

Hao Pingyang said: "This is the best time!" Seven people boarded the boat, and under Zhang Lanqing's control, the paddles on both sides, like small wings, immediately swung, and the boat entered the cave along the current

Not long after they left, Zhuo Zhibo and his party also came to the entrance of the cave.

Ge Jian said: "Commander, what should we do?"

Zhuo Zhibo said: "Let them explore the road ahead, clear the roadblocks, and when they are exhausted, kill them all, push them on the zombie Daoru, and then kill the zombie Daoru." One sentence sealed the fate of all people, Full of ruthless and iron-blooded demeanor

"Yes" the Xuanlang guard suddenly agreed, but he followed suit

Zhuo Zhibo made a joke: "I'm a little lucky that I didn't kill him at the beginning, but added a lot of benefits."

The boss told a joke, how could his subordinates not give face, the Xuanlang guards responded with a smile: "It seems that there are a lot of good things in those Mohist disciples."

The boat drifted with the current, traveling very fast, and soon went deep into the cave. The cave gradually became narrower, and it was dark all around. At this time, a small light was lit on the bow of the boat.

Although all Qi refiners can see at night, in the dark, their vision will still be affected and they will not be affected at all. It is Xiaoan who feels that in the dark, he can see more clearly than in the daytime. It is Li Qingshan

to be continued

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