Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 71 Resurrection of Corpses

Chapter 71 Resurrection of Corpses

Li Qingshan said: "This boat is pretty good, Xiaoan also likes it very much!" Xiaoan was lying on the side of the boat, concentrating on watching the small wing-like rudder swinging the water.

Zhang Lanqing said with a smile: "I made this myself. This child is called Xiaoan. Will she be in danger if she is with us?"

Li Qingshan touched Xiaoan's head and said: "She can take care of herself, why doesn't she use a propeller?"

"What's a propeller?"

After Li Qingshan explained for a while, Zhang Lanqing understood, and immediately fell into thinking: "This structure is so unique, it seems to be better than ordinary oars..."

Li Qingshan said: "Be careful!"

Zhang Lanqing was distracted, and the boat ran directly towards the rock wall. He came back to his senses, turned the bow of the boat, and patted his chest: "It's dangerous."

Hao Pingyang said: "Keep your head clear, don't get confused when you think about tricks!"

Zhang Lanqing said: "I will definitely experiment when I go back, Qingshan, you will definitely do something when you come to the Mo family."

Li Qingshan said: "Perhaps!" This can be regarded as a stone from another mountain, it can be used to attack jade!

Where the boat just passed, on both sides of the cave, the light could not reach the dark depression, a pair of bright green eyes lit up, it turned out to be a mummy, its whole body was almost integrated with the rock wall, covered with moss. I don't know how many years have passed, even the smell of corpses is gone, and there is no breath, even Li Qingshan has never noticed it.

As if it had received some order, it struggled to get away from the rock wall, but its movements stopped suddenly, and it saw a white rosary floating not far away.

Even after being refined, it only has the consciousness of obeying orders and the desire for flesh and blood, and it still feels a burst of instinctive fear. The skull rosary penetrates into its head, and red light shines out from his body, killing him. His flesh turned into fire, his bones into water, and melted into this little rosary.

Somewhere deep in the cave, a skinny old Taoist opened his eyes, and a corpse that had just been awakened by him lost his senses. And that feeling is very strange, the slightest fluctuation seems to mean fear.

This is of course extremely absurd. How could a corpse know fear? Although the soul is still bound in the body, it has already lost the ability to fear. It is just an illusion.

Then he inexplicably remembered the experience beside the huge tiankeng outside Gufeng City.

He is a practitioner who chases corpses,

Although he has a strong reputation and ranks at the top of the black list, he does not dare to kill and refine corpses everywhere. Once a certain limit is crossed, the Eagle Wolf Guard will send stronger guards to kill him. This cave cannot stop the truly powerful practitioners.

So most of the time, he is a gravedigger and a corpse stealer. As soon as he hears about Gufeng City, he immediately dispatches. There are a thousand corpses, and there are even many qi refiners. He will definitely find the best corpses. Material. But when he arrived, he only saw the empty tiankeng, and he felt only shock and fear in his heart, thankful that he didn't come in time.

Fear was an emotion he hadn't felt for many years.

Thinking about it, he remembered that in the Yizhuang, the body of the body refiner is quite tempting, but he has never trusted Zhuo Zhibo, so he is very careful, the trap of the Mohist disciples is childish to him ridiculous. Although he was careless for a while, his Shadow Sword was destroyed, and he was chased and fled. He was furious, but he was not afraid. In his long life he had suffered many more serious failures and crises than this one.

But when the false body successfully deceived the opponent, and the real body successfully escaped from Yizhuang, he saw a strange scene. An extremely beautiful child sat on the roof under the moonlight, looking at him quietly, as if he had completely seen through his invisibility. There wasn't any powerful aura coming out, but those dark eyes without waves made him feel a trembling from the depths of his soul, as if he had encountered a natural enemy.

But he quickly escaped from that gaze, and the trembling feeling became like an illusion, but that scene was deeply imprinted in his mind and could not dissipate for a long time.

He always felt that there was some kind of connection between these pictures, but he couldn't figure it out.

He shook his head, it was just throwing away an insignificant corpse, why did he have so many thoughts, let go of distracting thoughts, and smiled grinningly, those intruders would soon die and become part of his zombie army.

He supported a sarcophagus beside him. The sarcophagus was engraved with runes and spread all the way to the ground, locked by heavy chains.

With this treasure, no one can kill him, not even Zhuo Zhibo!

Xiao An lay on the side of the boat, moved the water gently, and quietly picked up the skeleton rosary, but when she turned around, she saw Li Qingshan staring at her, and she stuck out her tongue.

The skull rosary is not an ordinary spiritual tool, but more like a separated part of her body, so it can fly a long distance, and even watch and listen instead of her.

Frankly speaking, she doesn't really like the taste of zombies, it's a little dry, like some time ago he took her to eat, a special food of a certain place, a kind of dry and hard cake. But the advantage is that it is easier to burn, and it is not so noisy.

Hao Pingyang suddenly said: "Something is coming!"

Several people looked forward together, Zhang Lanqing patted the penetrating lamp, and the lights merged into one beam, piercing the darkness like a searchlight. Indistinctly, there were something floating on the surface of the water, densely crowded together, all white. Instead of floating down the current, it just floated on the water, as if waiting for the arrival of the boat.

"It's a corpse!" He Yishi exclaimed.

Those white things were floating corpses swollen from blankets, like fat men floating on the water surface, covering the surface of the water, I don't know how many corpses there are.

Hao Pingyang said: "Don't let them approach!"

Several people took out the thousand machine crossbows, aimed at the floating corpses and shot the fire crow arrows. With the sound of swishing through the air, the floating corpses exploded one by one.

Li Qingshan pulled out the Wind Knife, injected his true energy, and wanted to swing a wind blade, but the Wind Knife didn't respond at all, so he knocked on the blade to confirm that the knife was completely broken. A low-grade spiritual weapon, in his hands, really couldn't stand the toss. Although the same effect can be achieved with zhenqi, it consumes too much zhenqi, and the gain outweighs the loss.

Zhang Lanqing handed Li Qingshan a Thousand Machine Crossbow and several boxes of Fire Crow Arrows: "I want to drive a boat, you use it!"

"Okay!" Li Qingshan took the thousand machine crossbow, aimed at the water and shot angrily, blasting seven or eight floating corpses. He has learned archery, and his accuracy is better than gold ingots and gold treasures, which attracted several praises.

Li Qingshan suddenly felt a gaze staring at him, and when he turned his head, he saw Xiao An raised his head and looked at Qianji Nu expectantly, he no longer looked at the oars.

"You try it!" Li Qingshan handed the Thousand Machine Crossbow to her, and Xiao An happily took the Thousand Machine Crossbow.

Hao Pingyang hurriedly stopped him and said: "Don't mess around!" He complained that Li Qingshan didn't know the severity, how could such a dangerous weapon be given to a child. The Thousand Machine Crossbow is extremely powerful, if Xiao An can't control it and fires it randomly from the boat, it will be terrible.

He stretched out his hand to grab the Qianji crossbow in Xiao An's hand, but he caught a few times, showing a look of astonishment, turning around, he saw Xiao An had come to the bow and shot at the floating corpse. And the aim is very good, almost a floating corpse with one arrow.

Li Qingshan patted Hao Pingyang on the shoulder: "I said that she can take care of herself, and she can also take care of you!"

Hao Pingyang stared, this kid is mysterious, even the children around him are so weird.

Xiao An shot, and the others put down the Thousand Machine Crossbow, saving some Fire Crow Arrows. Watching her performance from the sidelines, she praised from time to time: "Good job!"

Jin Bao showed a smug smile: "This zombie Taoist, does he want to use this kind of trick to deal with us? It doesn't seem to be a big deal." But before he finished speaking, he smelled a stench, which is so strong Violent, almost smoked people's heads dizzy.

Hao Pingyang said: "Hold your breath, the smell is poisonous!"

The boat just arrived at the place where the floating corpses were first shot and exploded. Li Qingshan could clearly see that although the floating corpses were smashed and cleaned up, the gas in their bodies was released and turned into a turbid light green poisonous gas that ran across the cave. In the middle, the further you go, the thicker the poisonous gas will be, and the penetrating lamp will not be able to shine through.

Several people hurriedly held their breaths. As Qi refiners, a stream of true qi circulated in their bodies, which could completely replace breathing. But as the poisonous mist became thicker, their eyes began to sting and weep, and even their skin felt anxious. Without Hao Pingyang's reminder, he instinctively released his true energy to protect his body.

Just when everyone was busy resisting the poisonous gas and couldn't see clearly, there was an undercurrent under the water. Li Qingshan was the first to notice: "There is something under the water!"

Hush, huh, huh, waves surged, cyan rotten hands with bones visible, poked out from the water, grabbed the oars, then grabbed the side of the boat, and climbed towards the boat, revealing eyes and noseless hands. The head let out a terrifying whimper.

Just as He Yishi aimed the Thousand Machine Crossbow at the ship's side, a strong wind hit his head. He raised his head in panic, and saw a mummy rushing towards him from the dark cave roof through the poisonous fog.

"Noodles too!" Hao Pingyang yelled loudly, waved the Huanglong Swallowing Cannon, and knocked a mummy flying.

Li Qingshan raised his head, and on the top of the cave, the stalagmites with criss-crossed teeth were clinging to the mummified corpses, and they rushed down one after another.

And on both sides of the cave, the bright green spots, one after another corpses broke free from the shackles of the rock wall, opened their dry mouths, and rushed towards the boat. The silent cave seemed to come to life in an instant, turning into a terrifying hell, with hideous and terrifying corpses everywhere.

He Yishi and the others, holding the thousand machine crossbow, almost didn't know where to aim.

Although it was said that one should be ashamed, but such a thing as combat awareness does not exist, one needs to go through countless combat experiences, or have a combat talent like Li Qingshan.

Obviously, they had neither of these two things, and Jin Bao hurriedly pulled the trigger, almost shooting his companions, but missing a zombie.

Liaofeng Dao drew an arc of light in the air, and the heads of the two mummified corpses were in different places. Li Qingshan said: "I will deal with it in front of you. You squat down and concentrate on dealing with the water." They squatted down quickly, without further ado, Hao Pingyang Raise the cannon, and smash all the zombies on both sides into the air.

Before they could stabilize their position, shrill screams sounded from the bow of the ship, and they approached quickly.

Zhang Lanqing's face changed in shock.


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