Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 161 Immortality

? "Ding!"

The bell sounded, and the soul was in chaos.

The already crazy demons became even more frenzied, and began to kill each other, slashing at all living things in front of them with their knives.

The abbot of Yangon left the Sangha and rushed into the battlefield, following the direction of the bell sound, desperately searching, and it seemed like a madman.


The monks in the Kyushu world have never heard of the name White Bone Bodhisattva, but they instinctively felt blasphemy, so they regarded her as the enemy of Buddha.

However, the abbot of Yangon, who is an Arhat of Erguo, is not thinking of these two words, but to seek an answer.

"Bodhisattva, oh bodhisattva! Why, why are you betraying my Buddha!"

His heart was extremely miserable, and his face became old. He neither dared nor regarded that one as an enemy.

"Didn't you make a big vow to turn the world into a pure land of bliss?"

The first person in the Pure Land sect inherited the Mahayana Buddhism, the first person to obtain the status of Arhat with the identity card of a bhikshuni, and the "No-Words True Sutra" passed on by the Buddha himself.

After another eight calamities, if he succeeds, he will be the first mortal to attain Bodhisattva status since the Four Great Bodhisattvas.

Above the nine heavens, the six realms of reincarnation, the Buddhist doors up and down, all eyes are on, but a white bone is waiting, and he swears the four poisonous vows: boundless sentient beings vow to kill, endless troubles vow to destroy, immeasurable Buddhism vows to perish, the supreme Buddha way vows absolutely.

The Buddha was mourned, Buddhism was shaken, and the foundation of Pure Land Buddhism was shaken, and it has not recovered until today. Many eminent monks of the Pure Land sect were confused, and their cultivation has stagnated since then.

Even if his flesh and blood were burnt out by fire, and he would never be able to live forever, he must ask, what is this for?

However, when he finally found the source of the bell sound, he only found a small skeleton demon, holding the bell, gagging and jumping on the heads with a strange smile.

Turning his head for half a circle, he also found the abbot of Yangon, squatting on the head of the mad king. With two pale flames in the eye sockets, he stared at him with his head tilted, as if asking: "What are you looking for?"

"you are not……"

The abbot of Yangon regained his senses and noticed something strange. That samadhi white bone fire is carefully controlled, but it only burns the demons and not the human beings. This is really strange.

Even the skeletons are too strange. If the legendary Way of the Bone is so "distinguishing between good and evil", what else is there to blame.

in the chaos of the battlefield. In the soul-inspiring bell, he folded his hands and fell to the ground: "If you are a descendant of bones, please explain the reason, and the poor monk will die without regret."

"Monk?" The only sanity of the Demon King Beast was overwhelmed by anger, and it rushed towards the abbot of Yangon, full of sharp teeth, and the wind was blowing.

King Ming descended from the sky, slashed the huge head of the Demon King Beast with a sword, and rolled in front of the abbot of Yangon. The Skeleton Demon stepped on it like a roller, and he didn't care to laugh strangely. He finally stopped, raised his head and sprayed a samadhi white bone fire at the Yangon Abbot.

The abbot of Yangon waved back King Ming, not hiding or blocking, and his eyes were firm. The pale flame rushed in front of him, and when it was about to burn his eyebrows, sixteen words were formed in the air:

"Form is not different from emptiness, and emptiness is not different from form. Form is emptiness, and emptiness is form."

"Heart Sutra!?" Abbot Yangon was stunned. But I saw that the skeleton demon had already jumped away, the bell sound was gone, and the chaos spread.

Abbot Yangon frowned and thought hard. King Ming protects the law for him. Keep killing demons.

In the half-dry river, the bones are half buried in the sand.

Xiao An thought in her heart: "First frighten this monk, so as not to cause trouble. If those mortals are burned, Qingshan will definitely be unhappy." Although it is not easy to determine the difference between mortals and demons, but if it is not a last resort, she is Don't want to make him sad.

With the eyes of a group of skeleton demons. She carefully controlled the samadhi white bone fire, sometimes converging, sometimes spreading. Sometimes rising, sometimes falling.

Gathering is like a blooming white lotus, engulfing demons and commanders and other relatively strong beings; scattered like a rain of flowers, sprinkled on countless demons.

When ascending, it rushes into the sky, like pale hands, grabbing the beasts flying in the air; when descending, it penetrates deep into the soil and penetrates like flowing water, and even the bones buried deep in the battlefield burn up.

She also keeps an eye on Li Qingshan's movements.

With a bang, the brain burst. "掼杌" did his best to pinch Li Qingshan's head.

Tu Wancheng said fiercely: "Look at you still not dead!"

"掼杌" laughed wildly in the sky, and the sound shook the world.

"Qingshan!" Xiao An sat up.

The true disciples all changed their colors, and even though he came back strong, he was still unable to withstand the weak "Tao".

The headless Li Qingshan slammed a punch on the face of "Yu Tuo", shattering its smile.

Li Qingshan is not dead, a trace of flesh and blood, pieces of broken bones, and the broken head re-congealed, not even a drop of blood was lost, not a single hair.

Tu Wancheng's laughter froze.

Kuang Hua Dao Soul laughed: "This idiot, don't you know what 'Asura doesn't die'?"

Under the care of the blood-colored vortex, Li Qingshan is almost the real Asura emperor. The so-called "Asura Immortal Body" is not only resurrected after death, but also the real immortal body, not to mention the head burst, even if the whole body explodes , can be reunited in an instant.

Only the consumption of power is still a problem, and it will still die after exhaustion. However, there is the endless earth under his feet, as well as the magical power of the bull demon—the divine power of the earth.

Combining the two, they achieve true immortality.

It seems that Asura Road is showing his favor to him, come on, try it before you buy it, Ashura Road is your destination.

Li Qingshan said with a smile: "You can't kill me, go to hell!" A headbutt slammed into "Yao" with a bang, the heavenly spirit shattered, and he didn't take it seriously.

He was used to this trick, "The Bull Demon's Top Horn", and only "Tiger Demon Digging the Heart" can compare with it. Even without the horns, I am not afraid, the Tianling Gai can be used to hit people, and it can also inject more shock power!

"Tao" staggered, and the furious Tu Wancheng attacked Li Qingshan frantically: "I want to kill you! Kill you!"

In this stormy offensive, Li Qingshan's head was blown up again, his body collapsed and cracked, and he was almost crushed into flesh and mud. "Tiaozhu" shot a magic light from one eye, cutting him in half from the middle.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Li Qingshan laughed out loud at the same time, and simply abandoned all defenses, attacked frantically, danced wildly with knives, and slashed at "Yongtu" in a thousand ways.

The blade wind flies wildly, red hair flying like fire. Most of the time, he is a monster without a complete human form, and the maniacal laughter in his mouth is not like a human being, but it seems to come from the blood-colored vortex in the sky, constantly shaking the "梼杌" Ao Rengang hard spirit.

Xiao An lay back in peace.

Everyone was stunned, Wan Jianfeng thought to himself, "I'm afraid my sword can't kill such a person." He asked Dai Mengfan, "Senior sister, should we help?"

Dai Mengfan sighed: "This is not something we can intervene anymore, let's stay away!" Looking at this scene, it is only a matter of time before Li Qingshan overwhelms "Tiaoyu". If they catch up to help, not only will they not be able to help much, maybe It's not worth it to be pulled back.

The ground battlefield is also in full swing, and the morale of the soldiers is getting higher and higher, and they continue to march, and the steel torrent is unstoppable. They no longer need their help.

He let out a big sigh of relief and showed a relieved smile. Sure enough, Guihai Lingzun had a long-term vision. Thanks to this son, if half of the people fell here, they might not be able to win, no, they would definitely lose.

"God's Will, God's Will!" Rakuten's face was radiant, his white hair turned black, and all the wrinkles on his face disappeared: "Several brothers, but they are still convinced that they have lost, and they don't have to wait for thirty years. After this battle is over, he is the true biography. Disciple, maybe it’s still a big brother!”

Ke Xin couldn't help admiring: "Sister Yaozhu really has good eyesight!" Such a character is not only limited by the mere emperor, even the previous senior brother Lin Xuan is not enough. If she can form a Taoist partner, she is also willing to go down. married.

The war has come to an end, and the shadow of terror seems to be dissipating.

However, at the same time, the Demon Sovereigns who heard Yingzhe's words were all shocked.

The "Twelve Capitals of Heaven and Demons" can create the incarnation of the devil through totem poles, which contains the spiritual will of the devil, but it has no self-consciousness, and it is controlled by the master of the devil.

With Tu Wancheng's strength, it is actually extremely reluctant to control such a huge force. The troops commanded by each Demon Emperor or Human Emperor are basically around 500,000. This is the limit.

Therefore, "梼杌" has enormous and unparalleled power, but so far it has only been able to use three moves of "one shot, one step and one stare", which is simpler and mindless than ordinary people's fights, but not even one-third of its combat effectiveness. come out.

What Yingzhe called to invite the real devil to come, of course, was not the presence of the devil himself, but the idea of ​​summoning the devil and pouring it into the incarnation of the devil. In an instant, twelve points of combat power can be erupted, or even higher, because the means of the true gods are unimaginable by these "mortal demons".

However, even the demon emperors do not want to see such a situation. First of all, the demon gods may not respond to the call. They are not cats and dogs on call. There are countless important things that they need to think about and deal with. Such a "local war" may be fundamental. Not worth their distraction. A win in one corner of the game may cost you a global loss.

Secondly, even if the demon god responded to the call, the sacrifice was a must, that is, a demon emperor, that is, Tu Wancheng in the body of "Yao" today. And the twelve devil gods are all moody, and they may not be able to bear the consequences of disturbing them casually.

The demon emperors exchanged colors, thinking in their hearts: "This old guy planned to summon the consciousness of the demon god from the very beginning, and offered "Tu Wancheng" as a sacrifice, isn't he afraid that the demon god will take anger on him, as expected of the Chaos lineage! No matter how far-sighted he is, he is still a lunatic at heart."

"Fellow Daoist Yingzhe is right!" "Tu Wancheng is a piece of trash, and he should have been sacrificed long ago."

Yingzhe said: "In that case, let's start! The outcome is here!"

"Win and lose here."

The core of the formation of the "Twelve Capitals of Heavenly Demons" is flickering,

Tu Wancheng froze in his heart, as if catastrophe was imminent, and suddenly looked back: "Yingzhe, you old dog can't..."

A beam of consciousness descended from the sky and penetrated the sea of ​​consciousness, destroying all his will. (To be continued.)

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