Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 162 Observer

"Tao" suddenly froze, Li Qingshan had already grasped the location of Tu Wancheng, thousands of knives turned into one knife, and inserted straight into "Tao".


The giant blade broke through the heavy army, and the blade pierced straight into Tu Wancheng.

Tu Wancheng's eyes turned white, his expression twisted, and his whole body trembled. At the moment when the blade was about to touch his body, he suddenly split from the middle. Two halves of his body, two one eye, and two mouths, slowly spit out a sentence, "A bunch of... rubbish!"

The sound was like a piece of hard wood, inserted into the brain from the ear, all the eleven demon emperors had a splitting headache, their expressions changed greatly, and they repeatedly kowtowed on the totem pole.

The corner of Yingzhe's mouth twitched, the sacrifice has been accepted!

Li Qingshan pierced through the "梼杌" with a knife, but there was no joy on his face. When he tried to pull out the knife, he had an unusual force and firmly grasped the mad flower knife at the end.

Kuang Hua Dao Soul warned "Qingshan, there is something weird!"

The "梼杌" became smaller at a speed visible to the naked eye, but the military air was not collapsing, but condensing.

With a bang, the earth shook, and the remaining millions of demons suddenly fell to the ground at the same time, their bodies shrunk, as if they had been evacuated, and strands of demonic energy gathered towards the "梼杌".

This is not just the military spirit, but all of their spiritual energy and spirit, all of which have become sacrifices, leaving only a very small number of demon emperors and demon kings, trembling for a while.

The shouting to the sky stopped abruptly. The soldiers who fought hard suddenly lost all their opponents, and the battlefield fell silent. This strong contrast made the chest tight, and the sadness almost vomited blood.

Ke Xin Hua Rong paled, covering her mouth, retching for a while, and the color of terror covered her beautiful face.

The true disciples, who had been relaxed and chatted, were all pale, and vaguely understood what was going on. They were closer to gods than mortals. Also understand its horror more.

Lotte thought it was incredible, "How is this possible, how can such a war attract the consciousness of the devil to come."

There is a black cloud city in the district, although the emperors look at it very seriously. But when it was time to give up, he gave up, and never thought of asking Renxian for help. Not to mention letting the real immortals come to the rescue, because it's not worth it at all.

From the overall point of view, this is just a local war, and the outcome has nothing to do with the overall situation; in the long run, the back and forth of the front is also a common thing.

Time goes by, no matter how many people die in battle, they will be "born" again soon anyway.

Even the death of a few emperors is nothing. Are you still worried that there are no talented practitioners in the world?

If you are above the nine heavens, it may be a game of chess. The six reincarnations and the three thousand worlds have experienced countless lives and deaths.

How could a chess player jump on the chessboard to save a pawn?

Besides, maybe this move was made by him? The principle of "I would rather lose a word, don't lose a first" couldn't be more simple. It is the overall situation that is taken care of, as for whether the chess piece is willing to sacrifice. Actually it doesn't matter at all.

Any chess player would rather win without sacrificing any piece, but there is also a chess player sitting on the opposite side, and the whole chess game is beyond their control. What's more, what about the pawns who cross the river?

But once the chess player goes off the court in person, even if he just drops a finger, the situation will change dramatically, and he can even take the opponent's "general" directly.

The original blurred figure of "梼杌" suddenly became clear. The skin was wrinkled and wrinkled, like dry iron wood.

A huge one-eyed full of energy. Rotate in a circle in the eye socket to see everything. Finally, he returned to Li Qingshan, "Who are you?"

If Li Qingshan was struck by lightning, he felt that he had no choice but to answer. Don't dare not answer "I...I am..."

At this time, the figure of "Yu Tu" has shrunk to the same level as him, but the sense of oppression has not decreased but increased.

Kuanghua Daohun shouted "Qingshan, retreat!" This fearless and proud divine soldier also felt a deep fear.

This is not an illusory totem, but a real god. Unlike the monster that just accumulated power, even if there is only a trace of thought, its essence is above all the existences present.

The scorpion came, proud and strong.

"I'm... your uncle!" Li Qingshan stepped on Yingtu's chest with one foot, trying to pull out the mad flower knife.

"Heh!" With his big, dead wood-like hand, Yutu slowly grabbed the blade.

Click! The cracks spread, and this indestructible divine weapon was as fragile as ice in his hands.

With a bang, it was broken and broken, and it was destroyed by a knife!

The other hand was inserted into Li Qingshan's body, and the five fingers grew like a big tree, then branched, then grew, and branched again... The black branches were densely interspersed and penetrated through Li Qingshan's body.

Li Qingshan opened his eyes wide, coughed out a mouthful of blood, and sprayed it on Tingyao's chest, unable to recover.

Yasuto pulled his broken body closer and mocked, "Asura doesn't die?"

In an instant, Li Qingshan suffered huge damage, even more than all the damage he had suffered since the start of the war.

"Asura's immortality" also has its limits, and Yutao easily broke this limitation and caused serious injuries that could not be healed.

And with the end of the ground war, the bloody vortex in the sky shrank rapidly. And no matter how many demons Xiao An "degrees", he can no longer shake his existence.

Yingzhe smiled distortedly, "This is the Demon God!" This is no longer a difference in strength, but a difference in realm.

Yusu asked again "Who are you?" It seemed that he was very concerned about this question.

He didn't come to win the war, but to "Dark Sun's Heart". But in fact, he didn't want to get that "dark sun demon heart", but to seize the opportunity and change, he needed to enter the chessboard to observe in person.

This opportunity for observation was obtained only after he overwhelmed other demon gods, and the situation did not disappoint him. The existence of the White Bone Bodhisattva's successor is already a shocking news. But compared to the man in his hand, it was nothing.

Through the shattered Asura immortality, the intertwining of fate has become so complicated that he can't see it clearly. There was a faint thread in it that made him feel awe too.

So he asked "Who are you?"

Li Qingshan's lips twitched, and Yutao approached a little, "What did you say?"


"Then answer quickly." Yuzu was impatient.

"...Quick!" Li Qingshan abruptly stabbed the broken knife into Yingtao's one eye.

Yutuo's eyes narrowed, and thousands of black giant trees grew and interspersed from Li Qingshan's arms, completely locking his movements. It is very unusual for a mere human emperor to dare to attack him.

One-eyed seemed to see through the trajectory of fate again, "Are you a legendary person? No, no need to answer, I will personally verify that a legendary person will not be easily killed."

If other demon gods were here, he might still have to observe and not dare to kill easily, but he was not that kind of coward.

Suddenly I understood why the demon gods would accept him to observe, and the strange smile on Qiong Qi's face.

"That group of despicable guys, sinking into the Demon Realm, even abandoned their last pride! Hmph, even if you are a legendary person, I can still make you fall, die!" To be continued.

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