Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 73 I Got You

Chapter 73 I Got You

Li Qingshan and others are indeed facing this problem, the boat is moored on the water. e^Seeing that the cave in front of me is no longer a road, but divided into three, each road looks similar, the same dark and deep, I don't know where it leads. Of course, it is impossible to divide the troops, and there are still many forks in the road, which are definitely greater than their numbers.

"What should I do?" Li Qingshan understood more and more why the Eagle Wolf Guard failed to kill the zombie Taoist. He even doubted whether he could do it. The most difficult thing is not to fight, but to find.

Hao Pingyang smiled proudly: "Will I come down without preparation? I knew these guys were unreliable, so I considered the worst plan." While speaking, he took out a football-like wooden sphere from his treasure bag, and then Turn the mechanism at the top, there is a light click, and many small holes are opened on the sphere, which becomes like a honeycomb.

With a buzzing sound, a group of small insects flew out of the beehive, but they were not bees, but small insects that glowed fluorescently like fireflies.

Xiao An's eyes lit up again, and he stretched out his hand to grab one, only to see that it was not a real insect, but an extremely delicate mechanical insect with unknown green gemstones on its tail, each of which looked like an exquisite handicraft .

Li Qingshan asked: "What is this?"

Hao Pingyang said: "You can see it just by looking at it." Under manipulation, the insect swarm divided into three groups and flew into the three caves.

Hao Pingyang turned the top of the honeycomb again, and the top tip projected a piece of green light, which was in the shape of a ball in the air.

There is a huge light spot and countless small light spots in the light sphere. The small bright spot is divided into three parts, all of which start with a huge light spot, leaving three zigzag tracks in the light sphere. Looking closely, they are three caverns with different shapes, which actually formed in the light sphere. A three-dimensional map.

Li Qingshan immediately understood its function, and once again admired the magic of the Mohist technique. Then the light spots began to differentiate, leaving more tracks and drawing a more detailed map.

Hao Pingyang said: "I found it from the warehouse. It is a puppet specially used for finding objects and drawing. Everyone, take a good rest and recover your breath. We will set off when we find the zombie Taoist's lair."

"Brother is indeed wise!" Jin Bao praised. Everyone sat down and took pills to harmonize their breath.

Hao Pingyang concentrated on manipulating the puppet worms. After a while, a mechanism worm poked out a cave with traces of human carving, and then the mechanism worm was wiped out by something and lost its sense.

"Nasty bug!" A withered hand crushed the bug,

The zombie Taoist caressed the sarcophagus beside him, as if touching his lover's face, and said, "Don't worry, there will be fresh blood soon, and it's all the blood of Qi refiners."

Li Qingshan clicked on the light sphere: "It looks like this is here!"

Zhang Lanqing and the others also showed excited expressions, the goal of this trip was right in front of them.

Hao Pingyang said: "We will set off when the organ worm is called back!" When the last organ worm returned to the honeycomb-like wooden ball, Hao Pingyang got up and was about to give the order to go, but suddenly frowned and looked behind him The cave.

Li Qingshan said: "It seems that we can only send you here!" His own affairs need to be resolved by himself. Two times of confrontation with Zhuo Zhibo, there is a saying that it should be done again and again, but it should be done.

Zhang Lanqing said: "What!" Then he also felt the powerful aura coming from the cave, as well as the fierce murderous aura, and his heart skipped a beat. The three of He Yishi felt the determination to kill, and their faces changed, and they couldn't help looking at Li Qingshan.

Although they have been studying mechanism skills in a hundred schools of thought for many years, they are not naive young people, and they know very well what it means to harm the fish in the pond. If the commander of Xuanying really made up his mind to do something, he might not take them into consideration at all, and would instead kill them.

Hao Pingyang immediately said: "We're leaving now! Lan Qing, let's sail!"

Li Qingshan shook his head slightly: "No, the speed of this boat can't get rid of them, this matter has nothing to do with you, you go ahead, when I get rid of them, I will catch up with you soon."

"Qingshan is right. One person's goal is still small. This cave is so complicated that we may not be able to find it. If we escape together, we may be flanked by both sides. Senior brother, make up your mind quickly!" He Yishi couldn't help but said, he didn't want to become an enemy of the leader of the black wolf for a boy he just met, not only would it be useless, but it would be a life-and-death crisis.

The Zombie Taoist lost the Phantom Sword, and the ambush he set up was also cracked. They are already extremely weak. Even without Li Qingshan, they are confident that they can take it. As for the darker thoughts in his heart, he didn't even think about it carefully. If Li Qingshan wasn't there, the 30% wouldn't be divided.

Hao Pingyang said: "Then fight!" But except for Zhang Lanqing who stood up nervously, no one responded.

The breath got closer, Jin Bao said: "Qingshan, you can leave Xiao An here first, we will take good care of her." Xiao An holds two thousand machine crossbows, which are extremely powerful combat power, and they don't need to be divided, of course , He would never admit that he had these thoughts.

"How can this be? Didn't we agree to help each other in the same boat? If it wasn't for Qingshan, we would have died in Yizhuang." Zhang Lanqing couldn't help but said, Li Qingshan was his life-saving benefactor, how could he be ungrateful?

He Yishi muttered, "I have never been saved, but I am a noble disciple of Momen, and I will have great achievements in the future, how can I work hard!

"You!" Zhang Lanqing pointed at He Yishi and was speechless. No matter how you look at it, after Li Qingshan killed him, He Yishi and the others would also die.

Jin Yuan lowered his head and complained a little: "Brother Zhang, you are at the fifth level of Qi Refining! We are not that strong. If we stay, it will only be a disservice." You are strong, of course you have confidence, we are weak, but very easy to kill.

"Three idiots!" Hao Pingyang was extremely disappointed with these three juniors. This kind of behavior is not only unrighteous, but also foolish. After the Eagle Wolf Guard killed Li Qingshan, wouldn't they come to chase them down and kill them? , it is simply foolish not to combine all the forces to fight now, and to take chances and covet a moment of comfort.

Raise your hands high, this is no longer a play of the seniors, but a heavy hand that hates iron and steel, trying to wake them up, but was caught by Li Qingshan.

The so-called people's hearts are neither dark nor bright. Calculation of interests always exists in everyone's heart, but everyone's choice is different. In the real crisis of life and death, how many people can live and die with you?

Although Li Qingshan felt his teeth were cold, he still smiled: "What they said makes sense, you can't help me much, you have seen my body training skills, and it is easier to escape alone, but Xiaoan, yes You must stay by my side."

After saying that, without waiting for Hao Pingyang to persuade, Li Qingshan took Xiaoan and jumped back slightly, jumped out of the boat, and said: "Be careful all the way, there will be a time later!" Turning around and disappearing into the black cave.

Zhang Lanqing was still in a daze, He Yishi rushed up and manipulated the mechanism boat, headed towards the cave on the other side, the lair of the zombie Taoist, and they parted ways.

In fact, Li Qingshan is not very optimistic about them. Although he has never met, he knows how cautious and cunning this enemy is from the two fights with the zombie Taoist. If he does not have the confidence to win, he will definitely disappear here. In the cobweb-like cave, if he was willing to stay, it would be quite a terrifying thing.

Only with hidden strength like Li Qingshan can he ignore this danger, and the fighting power of this group of Mohist disciples can be clearly seen on the road.

Of course, he wouldn't take pleasure in other people's misfortune because of this, hoping that they would die in bad luck. His heart wasn't that narrow, and Hao Pingyang and Zhang Lanqing were also very loyal, so he sincerely wished them a safe journey.

But he is neither a nanny nor a virgin, and he believes that he has a clear conscience and is benevolent and righteous. For the rest, let the fate and the people's hearts make decisions!

Zhuo Zhibo came with a group of mysterious wolf guards, feeling the two auras in the two caves, Li Qingshan did not hide his aura.

Ge Jian said: "Commander, which side should you pursue first?"

Zhuo Zhibo said: "Kill Li Qingshan first, then the group of Mohist disciples can be dealt with slowly." This was the main purpose of his trip.

As that breath approached, Li Qingshan smiled, relying on the power of the spirit turtle's inner alchemy to control water, he stepped on the water and galloped forward. The cave in front of him retreated rapidly, sometimes falling down, sometimes turning, as if it was endless, he kept encountering new forks and choosing new paths without any hesitation.

Suddenly, the sound of torrential water came from the front, and Li Qingshan seemed to have returned to the mountain. During the days of practicing under the waterfall, he heard this sound every day. The sound became louder and louder, deafening, and his vision was empty. The turbulent underground river suddenly fell down without warning, forming an underground waterfall.

Li Qingshan jumped down from a height of more than ten feet and landed on a platform in the water. Looking around, there was nothing but a huge underground cave, which was half the size of a football field, where he could freely transform into a demon and stretch his muscles.

This is not accidental, but the battlefield he chose on the path protruded by the mechanism worm is also the graveyard of this group of eagle wolf guards. On the ground, it looked more perfect than the map that the mechanism bug protruded from. He took a deep breath, and gave Xiao An a look, and Xiao An immediately disappeared into the water.

Without waiting for too long, the murderous aura rushed into the cave quickly, Li Qingshan raised his head, and saw Zhuo Zhibo and a group of Xuanlang guards leaping down from the waterfall, landing in front of Li Qingshan, and then quickly dispersed, Surround Li Qingshan in the middle.

Zhuo Zhibo said coldly, "I finally caught you!"

Li Qingshan smiled and said: "No, I caught you."


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