Legend of the Great Sage

Chapter 74: Beheading Zhuo Zhibo (Part 1)

Chapter 74 Killing Zhuo Zhibo

In the deep underground, the sound of waterfalls gushes endlessly, and the underground river soars down. In the huge karst cave, an underground lake converges, and a small island protrudes from the center of the lake.

Zhuo Zhibo and the seven Xuanlang guards surrounded Li Qingshan in the center of the island, with mocking smiles on everyone's faces, Ge Jian said: "This kid is not scared out of his mind!"

"Don't talk nonsense with him, kill him quickly!" a Xuanlang guard said impatiently.

Xie Nande said: "Yes, Commander, we have to hurry after those Mohist disciples."

"I have my own calculations!"

Zhuo Zhibo seemed to be enjoying the feeling of the moment, he raised his hand to signal the Xuanlang guards to silence, and said to Li Qingshan: "Do you regret being my enemy now? If you come to Jiaping, you will be more human and polite. I don't have to kill you? If you are willing to kneel down and beg me now, maybe I will let you go." That kind of absolute psychological advantage when facing a weak enemy always made him feel very comfortable.

Li Qingshan looked down at the dark pattern on his Xuanlang uniform and said: "This painting is a wolf, not a dog!" Seeing the seven Xuanlang guards furious, he raised his hand: "Don't be angry, even a strong dog Nothing, but I just don't like it."

A cold light flashed in Zhuo Zhibo's eyes, and he made a move casually, and the sharp knife was held in his palm again: "Before I kill you, I have a few things to ask you, if you are willing to answer honestly If you don't, I will let you die a little easier..."

"Don't worry, you don't need to say anything, I will let you die quickly." Li Qingshan interrupted with a sinister smile, the fangs in his mouth were particularly long.

Zhuo Zhibo suddenly felt a powerful and terrifying monster energy erupting from Li Qingshan's body, setting off a howling wind in the cave. The Black Wolf Guards raised their hands in horror and looked at Li Qingshan in disbelief.

Li Qingshan pulled off the black wolf suit on his body, exposing his strong chest, his bronze skin gradually became darker, with a hint of steel luster, two red lights glowed in his eyes, his black hair turned crimson, and fell down , keep growing downwards, three feet, five feet, seven feet... but they can't touch the ground anyway, and the aura of the body is also constantly rising until it reaches the peak.

Li Qingshan looked down and said to himself: "It seems to be growing taller again!" The pills these days are not in vain, his height is about two feet and seven feet, and he is about to break through the three-foot mark. Standing there, he is taller than a two-story building. The small building is much taller, like a body made of black iron, exuding immovable power like a mountain.

Zhuo Zhibo's eyes widened, and he said incredulously: "You are a monster, that's impossible!" Li Qingshan joined the Eagle Wolf Guard only after Wang Pushi and even Gu Yanying had seen him.

How could it be impossible to discover Li Qingshan's real body.

But suddenly remembered that the giant of Ruyi County had the blood of a demon, but because of her blood, it was too sacred in Daxia, nobler than many royal families, so that many people often forget this point. Is there a conspiracy by that person?

To a certain extent, his guess was not wrong, but it was not a conspiracy, but a misunderstanding, which was sighed for a while and rose up for a while. If Gu Yanying wants to set up any conspiracy, even the current Li Qingshan is not qualified to be part of the plan.

"Commander, what should we do!?" Ge Jian panicked. He clearly felt that Li Qingshan could crush him to death as long as he stretched out his hand. Thinking that he had been provoking such a terrifying thing all this time, he felt a wave of fear.

"I see. That's how you killed Zhao Liangqing and Qian Yannian." Zhuo Zhibo said, calming down. Li Qingshan is not the monster he thought at first. The strength of the sixth and seventh layers of Qi Refining is not completely invincible.

Li Qingshan suddenly understood why the big villains in the story always had to say a few nonsense, including Zhuo Zhibo just now, because the sense of power in controlling the situation in his hands really made people feel comfortable and clear-headed.

But there are so many counterexamples in front of him, so he still has to suppress this emotion, he said in a low voice like metal trembling: "You guessed right..." He raised his left foot, or left hoof inadvertently , and then stepped down with incomparably violent force.

The supernatural powers of life, trampled by the bull demon!

"Jump!" Zhuo Zhibo was the first to feel that something was wrong, and jumped into the air. Most of the other Black Wolf Guards were also experienced in battles, and their reactions were not slow. Sky.

Only the Black Wolf Guard at the third level of Qi Refining was slower to react. Just as he was about to jump up, the shock wave had already reached his feet and spread all over his body. Hundreds of bones were all shattered in an instant, and cracks appeared on his skin. Bang It burst open with a loud sound.

Zhuo Zhibo and the group of Black Wolf Guards looked down in horror, but they were not looking at the dead Black Wolf Guard, but at the whole island. Amidst the loud bang, the island was torn apart and cut into countless pieces by countless cracks. block, and the center is on the sole of Li Qingshan's right foot.

The lake violently churned, engulfing pieces of earth and rocks, and the small island in the center of the lake was crushed by Li Qingshan's foot and sank. Hundreds of large and small whirlpools were formed, Li Qingshan stood on top of the waves, and between the whirlpools, he looked towards them with his fiery red eyes.

Zhuo Zhibo clenched the knife tightly, what a terrifying power this is, it is not something ordinary monsters can have!

If it is similar to ordinary monsters, why does Li Qingshan practice "Bull Demon Powerful Fist", with the practice these days, he is about to break through the second level of "Bull Demon Powerful Fist", and he feels that his own strength has grown considerably. Although door supernatural powers are becoming more and more difficult to practice and require more and more resources, the power they bring is also getting stronger.

Xiao An hid in the bottom of the turbulent water, with a smile on her lips, she was not in a hurry to make a move, because she felt that Li Qingshan was in high spirits and needed to be released.

Li Qingshan said with some regret: "This trick seems to be a bit ineffective, then try this trick again!" Taking a deep breath, he roared to the sky.

The tiger demon screams and kills!

The sound waves vibrated, and the wind was like a sword, piercing through the air and sweeping across. I don't know how many times stronger than the wind blade emitted by the wind knife.

Zhuo Zhibo changed color and said, "Not good!"

Before the wind came, the sound came first, and the two Black Wolf Guards who were the first to bear the brunt held their heads in pain, their true energy was almost blown away, and they were about to fall from the sky, but in an instant, they were caught by the strong wind that followed, It was blown into a powdery blood mist, and it drifted down profusely.

The howling sound rolled and echoed in the cave, and it didn't subside for a long time. The other Black Wolf Guards barely recovered from the vibration of the sound waves. Seeing this scene, their hearts sank to the bottom of the valley.

The enemy in front of them is not comparable to any enemy they have encountered in the past. As long as they are hit by it casually, they will be smashed to pieces, and they will end in doom. It is impossible to escape from injury.

Li Qingshan said: "This move is not bad!" It should be said that it is a good combo move, the enemy is trampled by the bull demon and forced into the air, even a Qi refiner can't move, he can't avoid the roar of the tiger demon.

In front of him, Li Qingshan massacred and wounded his subordinates with an attitude that was almost a trial move. Zhuo Zhibo was shocked and angry, and even had a faint sense of fear. He did not expect that a hunt that was inevitable would turn the hunter around. The identity of the prey became Li Qingshan's unilateral massacre.

This kid is much more dangerous than the Zombie Daoist. If you don't try to save the defeat, even I will be in danger today.

Zhuo Zhibo quickly recited the mantra, parted his hands, and pulled out a ball of raging fire, which turned into a blazing fire dragon, illuminating the entire cave, and chanted. He flung his teeth and claws at Li Qingshan. He has put all his strength into this blow, it is by no means comparable to that of the Eagle Wolf Guard, even if he can't seriously injure Li Qingshan, he still has to save the situation and seize the opportunity.

Li Qingshan ignored the scorching flames rushing towards his face, and stretched out his sharp claws to grab the dragon's neck.

The sound of the dragon's roar stopped abruptly!

Zhuo Zhibo was not surprised but delighted, he practiced the "Binghuoqijue" among the five element qijue, which can ignite the whole body's true energy and turn it into a high-temperature fire. It is true energy that is very suitable for fighting. Its lethality is second only to "Gengjin Shaqijue", and its destructive power over a large area is even better.

The temperature of this flame, even steel can melt in an instant, if you dare to grab it with bare hands, just leave one hand! But his smile froze immediately.

Under Zhuo Zhibo's urging, the fire dragon struggled desperately in Li Qingshan's palm, the flames on its body became more and more fierce, almost revealing a golden color, but it was still tightly held by Li Qingshan's palm.

A red light flashed in Li Qingshan's eyes, and with a strong pinch, the fire dragon turned into countless shattered sparks, flying away. "The same trick is useless to me." But his palm didn't even leave a trace of burns.

The five elements generate and restrain each other, and his demonic aura belongs to water, which just happens to restrain the flame. And the evil spirit of the demon is far greater than the true energy of human beings, so it is not difficult to extinguish Zhuo Zhibo's flame.

And the remaining four Black Wolf Guards took this opportunity to attack with all their strength, knowing that when life and death were at stake, each of them would use all their strength to turn one by one low-grade or even middle-grade talismans into flames, wind blades, and lightning. , rushed towards Li Qingshan.

Li Qingshan said: "Spiritual Turtle Armor!" A layer of light blue light curtain protected his whole body, no attack could touch him through the Spirit Turtle Armor.

All the Black Wolf Guards were in despair, how could they defeat an enemy that they couldn't touch at all?

Zhuo Zhibo's heart is full of regrets, he and Li Qingshan have no unresolvable hatred, if he knew this, why bother to be an enemy with him just for a moment of pride?

Ge Jian shouted: "Commander, retreat!"

"The effect of this tortoise shell is also good, but I don't know if it can withstand the assassination of a middle-grade spiritual weapon." Li Qingshan muttered to himself, looked up at Zhuo Zhibo, waiting to continue to test the tricks, but Zhuo Zhibo gave the order decisively Said: "Retreat!"

The rest of the Xuanlang guards, as if they had been pardoned, mobilized all their strength, stuck one after another the accelerated talismans to their bodies, and fled in all directions.


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