The leader of the ghost messenger asked cautiously, "Where are you going, my lord?"

"Judge Lu" ignored it, and went straight to the evil mirror stage to take a picture.

This photo doesn't matter, I can see that the mirror is dark and foggy, and the thick is almost overflowing from the mirror, and there is no trace of light, and the end is full of evil.

The ghosts looked at each other in dismay, what is this called?

Li Qingshan thought to himself: "A person like you is also worthy of being a judge?"

Judge Lu begged: "Fellow Daoist, righteous person, lord! It's really not my fault. The rules in this underworld are like this, and I'm just following the crowd."

"Ha, what's the use of this mirror then?"

"Judge Lu" suddenly punched Nie Jing.

There was a loud "bang", the mirror surface trembled, and there was a humming sound, leaving no trace, but it alarmed the other halls and divisions.

A black-faced judge came out of the Yin Law Division and shouted, "What are you doing?!"

When Li Qingshan seized the house, he also snooped on a lot of memories. The eighteenth floor of hell is decidedly different from the other seventeenth floors. The guards are extremely strict. Even as a judge, it is impossible to approach it easily.

Unless he was infiltrated as an evil spirit, if a mere ghost immortal wanted to force his way in, regardless of the presence or absence of Yama in the Ten Halls, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's dojo was set up in this underworld.

He thought to himself: "If I knew this earlier, I shouldn't be fighting for a moment, but it's fine, I'll make a scene!"

Seeing that Judge Lu didn't answer, the black-faced judge came to the evil mirror stage and grabbed Judge Lu by the shoulder: "Don't go down!?"

"Judge Lu" turned around, a terrifying smile raised on the corner of his mouth, and softly spit out four words: "The disintegration of the demon."


"Judgment Lu"'s muscles were knotted all over his body, his official robe was torn open, his body soared to several meters, and his mana was like an erupting volcano. The terrifying aura shot straight into the sky, forming a black cloud above his head.

Yuanshen almost burst, on the verge of collapse. But it was restrained by a strange force.

The black-faced judge suddenly opened his eyes wide, and a fist the size of a sandbag slammed towards him. It was as fast as electricity, violent as fire, and it was completely too late to react.


The beatings were torn apart and split into several rays of divine light to escape.

"Judgment Lu" opened his mouth and took a deep breath, swallowing it completely, his stomach bulging high and fluctuating. Left and right rushed, but soon disappeared.

"Uh!" He burped and licked his lips: "It tastes great!"

The other two judges walked out of the Division of Rewarding the Good and Punishing the Evil. Seeing this scene, a cold air rushed towards the top door.

"Judge Lu"'s body grew even more violent, and his breath became more violent. He didn't look like a ghost at all, but a human fairy, even close to a real fairy.

Looking at the other two judges, he grinned and said, "Come and take a picture of you too!"

The arms suddenly skyrocketed. He stretched out a hundred feet, grabbed the two judges separately, and stuffed them into the cracked mouth.

Big mouth swallowed hard. There was a gust of wind in the Yama Hall, and the ghosts flew up one after another, and were sucked into the big mouth of the blood basin. Even those giant ghosts as tall as mountains are no exception. Some tried to grab the pillar, but they couldn't hold it for a while, and they flew up and fell to the abyss-like mouth.

This is the supreme secret method of the way of great freedom - the disintegration of the demons!

Carry out the ultimate destruction and destruction, and instantly burst out all the essence, once it is displayed. There is absolutely no chance of surviving. If you want to destroy your enemy, you must first destroy yourself.

It was a trick that ended up being the same. No matter how powerful it is, it is of little value, after all, it can only be used once in a lifetime.

But if you first come to a trick, "Devil Possession". If you successfully catch a "sacrifice", you won't even lose a hair. Hey, other people's children can't die anyway.

Judge Lu felt that disaster was imminent and struggled desperately: "What have you done, let me go!"

"It's too late!"

Li Qingshan took a lot of effort to take down the other two judges and put them into the violent furnace in his body, which became the fuel for "the disintegration of the demons".

Suddenly he put his hand into his big mouth and pulled the indigo ghost out of his throat: "Run for your life! I told you to spare your life!"

The big indigo ghost fell to the ground: "I would like to follow you to fight!"

"This is an order!"


"By the way, tell others that Judge Lu has gone crazy and gone crazy!"

"No!" The big indigo ghost shouted loudly, "Judge Lu has rebelled!" He ran away.

The front of Yama Hall was empty, and only "Judge Lu" stood alone on the evil mirror stage, and the black clouds above his head became more and more dense, almost overwhelming the sky. The breath is surging like a tide, and it is completely impossible to restrain, let alone control, it can only be used in the most extensive way, but this is enough.

"Break it to me!" With a roar, a punch hit the evil mirror!

The cracks spread, and the mirror surface was densely covered, and with a bang, it shattered and scattered.

Shaking the laws of heaven and earth, the entire hell world trembled.

In the depths of the underworld, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva slowly opened his eyes.

A big white dog sitting down pricked up its ears: "Bodhisattva, there's another trouble!"

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva folded his hands together: "My Buddha is merciful."

Li Qingshan knew in his heart that this "disintegration of the demons" was too domineering, and even if the three ghosts were used as fuel, it wouldn't last long!

When he turned his body, a black smoke shot straight into the sky, reaching the extremely distant sky, and then refracting into the depths of hell.

The alarm bells are ringing, resounding through the underworld!

Niutou Abang was startled and walked out of the cave: "What happened?"

A soap-clothed ghost came in a hurry with a command flag in hand and rode the black wind: "Master, it was Judge Lu who went into trouble, suddenly rebelled and killed other judges. Now he is killing the ghosts everywhere and releasing the evil ghosts!"

Niu Tau A's eyes widened, and he felt that there was something strange in it. Why was it Judge Lu? And how could someone surnamed Lu have the ability to kill other judges?

"Could it be that kid is causing trouble, but he has only been in hell for a few years, how could he have such means!"

However, his intuition told him that it must be Li Qingshan! It's not as planned, but the kid doesn't seem like someone who's going to go according to plan.

This is the person chosen by the eldest brother to be robbed!

"Which Yama is on duty now?"

"It's Lord Pingping Wang, who is summoning the yin commanders of the ten directions in Fengdu City."


At the same time, Li Qingshan had already entered the seventeenth layer of hell, and there were tens of thousands of evil spirits gathered around him. The weakest also had Yin-god cultivation, and the Yang-god cultivator had even more than a thousand.

With the memory fragments of the four judges, Li Qingshan managed to unlock the seal of Meng Po Tang for them. With overwhelming power, he carried them to the depths of this hell and devoured countless disobedient people.

At this time, "Judge Lu" was completely inhuman, and turned into a mass of black clouds as high as a thousand meters, surging frantically, with a turbulent flow of energy, and there were a few human figures.

A black mountain range blocks the way, traverses endlessly, and leads directly to the sky. It is the famous "Tiewei Mountain" in Hell Road. There is only a narrow rift in the middle. Millions of Yin soldiers are stationed in front of the rift, and the breath is continuous. Formed into a great formation, Taniguchi was sealed.

He waved his dark cloud arm, probably the part of his head, and suddenly opened a big mouth: "Come on for me!"

"Senior, there are eighteen levels of hell ahead!" a Yangshen cultivator exclaimed.

"I just want to go to the eighteenth hell!"

Two turbulent streams of energy shot out from the two deep eye sockets, like thunder rolling in the depths of the clouds. The sound was like a thunderous roar. It was no longer human, or any creature, but a naked monster.

"But didn't you say you want to save all the persecuted and oppressed fellow Daoists, and then take us out?"

The ghosts are in a commotion, who rebels to go to the eighteen layers of hell, is it okay to stay in their respective hells?

The army that was barely put together was about to fall apart, and Li Qingshan grinned: "A bunch of trash! If you don't want to be cannon fodder, then use it as fuel!"

He rushed towards the ghosts, and under a black cloud, every part of Qianzhang's body cracked open and swallowed thousands of evil ghosts.

In an instant, the power swelled to the point where it was completely uncontrollable, and it was about to collapse.

At this time, a ray of light swept across the seventeen layers of hell. In the ray of light, a majestic man wearing a flat crown and a black dragon robe: "Evil, don't kneel!"

The breath is like clouds over the sky, sweeping over the sky and covering the earth.

Li Qingshan froze in his heart: "True immortal! I'm afraid I can't make a move in his hands!"

With a sigh in his heart, with his last willpower, he slammed into Tiewei Mountain.

With a loud bang, all the energy burst out, swallowing up half of the millions of Yin soldiers, the great formation was completely destroyed, the indestructible Tiewei Mountain trembled, and a mushroom cloud rose.

The king of equality stopped, his face changed. He thought that the evil spirits rebelled and wanted to escape from hell, so he was a step late, and he called the Yin Commander of the Ten Directions to prepare for a chase and interception.

Unexpectedly, this "monster" of unknown origin would do the opposite and rush to the eighteenth hell with single-mindedness, which is obviously extremely unusual.

Looking up at the high sky, he seemed to be saying to himself, "Fellow Daoists in the sky, are you ready? They are coming again!" (To be continued.)

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